1. Na togalaichean: sobhal, bàthach is mar sin, agus ainm gach pàirt dhiubh |
am bàthaich | the byre. |
mullach an taighe | the roof. |
na sgliadan | the slates. |
an crò, na cròthan | the stall, the stalls. |
an ceangal | the fastening in the stall. |
an teothair | the rope tied round the hind legs to prevent kicks, also a tether in a field. |
an dorus | the door. |
bith an doruis | the space between the hinged side of the door and the wall. |
an ursainn | the wooden frame of the doorway. |
an sabhull | the barn. |
am fiar | the hay. |
am fàradh | the ladder. |
an iodhlann | the space fenced off for hay and corn stacks. |
sguab arbhair | a corn sheaf. |
cruach arbhair | stack of corn. |
cruach fhèoir | [sic] stack of hay. |
tigh nan cearc | the hen-house. |
spiris is nid | roosts and nests. |
piob-uisge is tuba airson a chruidh | water tap and tub for the cattle. |
an dún | the midden. |
cartadh a’ bhàthaich | cleaning out the byre. |
an taigh-bhainne | the dairy. |
sgeilpean airson na mìosan-bainne | shelves to accommodate the milk-basins. |
an siolachan | the sieve. |
bainne math | sweet milk. |
bainne goirt | sour milk. |
an t-uachdar | cream. |
am muighe | the churn. |
am fuarag | cream after a short period of churning was a very desirable drink. |
am blàthach | buttermilk. |
ìm úr | fresh butter. |
ìm sàilt | salt butter. |
a’ bhinid | rennet. |
an grudh | croudy [sic]. |
an gruidheam | croudy [sic]. |
an slaman | curds. |
am méog | whey. |
am fiodhan | the cheese press. |
mulchag (f) chàise | a cheese. |
am fuaran | the well. |
an t-allt | the burn. |
an t-srúlag | the little burn. |
an geata | the gate. |
an cachila | (English ‘l’) A gate contrived by slipping a thick stick or two through loops on each side of a wall or dyke. |
2. A’ mathachadh no a’ leasachadh na talmhainn |
inneir | manure. |
3. A’ treabhadh no a’ ruamhar: an crann agus ainm gach pàirt dheth |
4. Innealan beaga leithid spaid, gràp, ràcan is mar sin |
an corran | the sickle. |
a’ ghràib | the graip. |
a’ chlach-ghiaraichidh | the whetting stone. |
an ràcan (maide) | the rake. |
am faobhar | the cutting edge of knife / (scythe?). |
5. Acfhuinn an eich airson gach seòrsa obair |
diollaid | saddle. |
6. A’ cur an t-sìl |
an talamh | the ground. |
an dail | the field. |
an achadh | the field. |
an iomaire | a field (?) in the run-rig system. |
an t-slochd | low land with high ground in the immediate vicinity. |
an comhnard | level ground. [NOTES: the last item in pencil and hardly visible; maybe it was meant to be erased like the one below it.] |
7. A’ buain agus a’ tiormachadh an arbhair no an fheòir |
am fàladair | the scythe. |
an soc | the front part of the scythe. |
an corran | the sickle. |
am fiar | the hay. |
na prabagan | very small bundles of new mown hay laid on the ground to dry. |
sguab arbhair | a sheaf of corn. |
adag | a corn stook. |
a’ chruach arbhair | corn stack. |
ultach fhèoir | [sic] a bundle of hay. |
eallach fhèoir | [sic] a load of hay. |
am fochunn | young growing corn. |
sioman fodair | a rope made of twisted straw carrying a stone as a weight and used for securing the thatch on the stack. |
8. A’ togail a’ bhuntàta |
buntàta geal | white potato. |
buntàta dubh | black potato. |
an dúc bhuntata | the potato pit. The potatoes were arranged in this form on the field insulated with straw and covered with a thick layer of soil.
galar a bhuntàta | potato disease. |
9. A’ tasgadh an arbhair agus a’ bhuntàta |
[cruach] | Rinneadh cruach chruinn de na sguaban, an siol ris an taobh asteach. Ar leam gun robh a chruach air a tughadh le luachair. |
[dúc] | Bha am buntàta air a chruinneachadh ann an dúc agus a chomhdachadh le fodar agus an déigh sin le úir los nach fhaigheadh an t-uisge no ’n rèothadh ’na charaibh.
10. A’ bualadh ’s a’ criathradh |
11. A’ bleith an t-sìl |
12. Ainmean a chleachdar ri earrainn fearainn |
dail | |
achadh | |
iomaire | |
13. Faclan sam bith eile |