Àiteach / Agriculture

Sarah Clementina Urquhart
Bràigh-Lochabar [Brae Lochaber]
[1975 – see the two letters attached to the questionnaire]
1. Na togalaichean: sobhal, bàthach is mar sin, agus ainm gach pàirt dhiubh
am bàthaichthe byre.
mullach an taighethe roof.
na sgliadanthe slates.
an crò, na cròthanthe stall, the stalls.
an ceangalthe fastening in the stall.
an teothairthe rope tied round the hind legs to prevent kicks, also a tether in a field.
an dorusthe door.
bith an doruisthe space between the hinged side of the door and the wall.
an ursainnthe wooden frame of the doorway.
an sabhullthe barn.
am fiarthe hay.
am fàradhthe ladder.
an iodhlannthe space fenced off for hay and corn stacks.
sguab arbhaira corn sheaf.
cruach arbhairstack of corn.
cruach fhèoir[sic] stack of hay.
tigh nan cearcthe hen-house.
spiris is nidroosts and nests.
piob-uisge is tuba airson a chruidhwater tap and tub for the cattle.
an dúnthe midden.
cartadh a’ bhàthaichcleaning out the byre.
an taigh-bhainnethe dairy.
sgeilpean airson na mìosan-bainneshelves to accommodate the milk-basins.
an siolachanthe sieve.
bainne mathsweet milk.
bainne goirtsour milk.
an t-uachdarcream.
am muighethe churn.
am fuaragcream after a short period of churning was a very desirable drink.
am blàthachbuttermilk.
ìm úrfresh butter.
ìm sàiltsalt butter.
a’ bhinidrennet.
an grudhcroudy [sic].
an gruidheamcroudy [sic].
an slamancurds.
am méogwhey.
am fiodhanthe cheese press.
mulchag (f) chàisea cheese.
am fuaranthe well.
an t-alltthe burn.
an t-srúlagthe little burn.
an geatathe gate.
an cachila(English ‘l’) A gate contrived by slipping a thick stick or two through loops on each side of a wall or dyke.
2. A’ mathachadh no a’ leasachadh na talmhainn
3. A’ treabhadh no a’ ruamhar: an crann agus ainm gach pàirt dheth
4. Innealan beaga leithid spaid, gràp, ràcan is mar sin
an corranthe sickle.
a’ ghràibthe graip.
a’ chlach-ghiaraichidhthe whetting stone.
an ràcan (maide)the rake.
am faobharthe cutting edge of knife / (scythe?).
5. Acfhuinn an eich airson gach seòrsa obair
6. A’ cur an t-sìl
an talamhthe ground.
an dailthe field.
an achadhthe field.
an iomairea field (?) in the run-rig system.
an t-slochdlow land with high ground in the immediate vicinity.
an comhnardlevel ground. [NOTES: the last item in pencil and hardly visible; maybe it was meant to be erased like the one below it.]
7. A’ buain agus a’ tiormachadh an arbhair no an fheòir
am fàladairthe scythe.
an socthe front part of the scythe.
an corranthe sickle.
am fiarthe hay.
na prabaganvery small bundles of new mown hay laid on the ground to dry.
sguab arbhaira sheaf of corn.
adaga corn stook.
a’ chruach arbhaircorn stack.
ultach fhèoir[sic] a bundle of hay.
eallach fhèoir[sic] a load of hay.
am fochunnyoung growing corn.
sioman fodaira rope made of twisted straw carrying a stone as a weight and used for securing the thatch on the stack.
8. A’ togail a’ bhuntàta
buntàta gealwhite potato.
buntàta dubhblack potato.
an dúc bhuntatathe potato pit. The potatoes were arranged in this form on the field insulated with straw and covered with a thick layer of soil.
galar a bhuntàtapotato disease.
9. A’ tasgadh an arbhair agus a’ bhuntàta
[cruach]Rinneadh cruach chruinn de na sguaban, an siol ris an taobh asteach. Ar leam gun robh a chruach air a tughadh le luachair.
[dúc]Bha am buntàta air a chruinneachadh ann an dúc agus a chomhdachadh le fodar agus an déigh sin le úir los nach fhaigheadh an t-uisge no ’n rèothadh ’na charaibh.
10. A’ bualadh ’s a’ criathradh
11. A’ bleith an t-sìl
12. Ainmean a chleachdar ri earrainn fearainn
13. Faclan sam bith eile

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