Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
- Informant(s)
- Name
- Sandy MacKay
- Age
- 82
- Location
- Sutherland, Embo
- Date
- 1969
- Notes
- [NOTES: in IPA transcriptions, the fieldworker uses [w] for [ɯ].]
losgaid | [ɫosɡidʹ] Notes: a toad. |
luirg | Notes: shin. |
lùm | [ɫũ̜:m] Notes: water used for cooking, e.g. water in which potatoes are cooked. |
maide-làmhaidh | [mɛ̃dʹəɫɔ̃i] Notes: walking stick. |
màs | Notes: buttock. |
masg | Notes: mesh of a net. |
meall | Quotation: meall gaoth [mjɑ̃ũ̜ɫɡw:]. Notes: a gust of wind. |
meall-amhaich | [mjɑ̃ũ̜ɫõiç] Notes: a boil on the neck. Plural [mĩ:lʹõiç]. |
meanbh-chuileag | [meɾu̜xu̜lɑɡ] Notes: midge. |
mèinich | Quotation: Tha e ri [mɛ̃:ṉɑxɑ̃ṉ]. Notes: yawn. |
meung | [mɤ̃ŋɡ] Notes: whey. |
meur | [mɛ̃:r] Quotation: pl. [mjɔ̃:ɾəṉ]. Notes: a finger. |
mìn | Quotation: bùrn mìn. Notes: drizzle. |
minidh-crom | Notes: awl with a bent tip used for soling shoes. |
miodan | [mĩd̪ɑṉ] Notes: a glove. |
moll | [mw̃:ɫ] Notes: chaff. |
ràmh | [rɑ̃:u̜] Notes: oar. |
reothadh | [rɔu̜] Notes: frost. |
reubach | [re:bɑx] Notes: ragged, untidy. |
ròcais | [rɔ:kiʃ] Notes: rook. |
roiseagan (pl) | Notes: small potatoes. |
ruaineag | [ru̜ɤnʹɑɡ] Notes: a hair. |
runnach-cruaidh | [rw̃ṉɑxkɾu̟ɤi] Notes: horse mackerel. |
runnag | [rũ̜n̪ɑɡ] Quotation: Chunnaic mi runnag a’ tuiteam. Notes: I saw a shooting star. |
siug | [ʃu̜ɡ] Notes: jug. |
innean | [ĩnʹɑ̃ṉ] Notes: ankle. |
iongna | [jũ̟:ṉə] Notes: a nail. |
iull’a’mhàgain | [joɫəvɑ̃:ɡɑṉ] Notes: a frog. |
paisdean | [pɑ:ʃdʹɑ̃ṉ] Notes: a young girl. |
peitean | [petʹɑ̃ṉ] Notes: “a knitted blue jersey”. Also “peitean gorm”. |
pìg | [pi:ɡʹ] Notes: the pike (fish). |
ploc | Quotation: am ploc. Notes: mumps. |
plòigean | [pɫɔ:ɡʹɑṉ] Notes: a small, fat person. |
poc-an-t-sàill | [pɔkən̪d̪ɑ:lʹ] Notes: spider. |
poll | Quotation: poll buntàta. Notes: potato pit. |
pollach | [poɫɑx] Notes: a cod. |
pollachan-ruadh | Notes: young cod. |
sabhs | [sɤu̜s] Notes: water in which fish is boiled. |
sachsan | [sɑxsɑṉ] Notes: sand-eel. |
soithean | [sı:ɑ̃ṉ] Notes: saithe. [NOTES: slipped under ‘saoidhean’.] |
soithean | [sı:ɑ̃ṉ] Notes: from the size of a herring until fully grown. [NOTES: slipped under ‘saoidhean’.] |
seaman | [ʃɛ̃mɑ̃ṉ] Notes: a beast’s tail. See feaman [fɛ̃mɑn] in Dw. |
sgait | [sɡɑdʹʒ] Notes: skate. |
sgaoich | [sɡw] Quotation: pl. sgaoichean. Notes: movement on the surface of water caused by squalls. |
sgarbh | [sɡɑɾo] Notes: cormorant. |
sgleutag | [sɡle:t̪ɑɡ] Notes: slater. |
sgùm | [sɡũ̜:m] Notes: foam on the sea. |
siataig | [ʃe:t̪iɡʹ] Notes: rheumatism. |
sliasd | [ʃlʹıɤsd̪] Notes: thigh. |
smig | [smĩɡʹ] Notes: chin. |
spealltag | [spjɑu̜ɫt̪ɑɡ] Notes: a fish which has been split open. |
speireag | [speɾɑɡ] Notes: sparrow-hawk. |
stólan | [st̪o:ɫɑṉ] Notes: stool. |
stùcan | Notes: stook of corn. |
sùisdean | Notes: flail. [NOTES: slipped under ‘sùistean’.] |
sùlair | [so:ɫəɾ] Notes: solan goose. |
tailb | [t̪ɑləb] Notes: rowlock. |
tàirnich | Notes: thunder. |
talman | [t̪ɑɫəmɑ̃ṉ] Notes: rudder bar. |
teanga (sic) | [tʹʃɑ̃ĩ] Notes: tongue. |
tein’-adhair | [tʹĩṉɑəɾ] Notes: lightning. |
teine | [tʹʃĩṉ] Notes: fire. |
tig | Quotation: Tig seachad! Notes: asking a person to come in and come near the fire. |
tobhta | [t̪ɔt̪] Notes: the seat in a boat. |
tom | [t̪ɤu̜m] Notes: a wave. Tom-cladaich: shore-wave. |
trainnsear | [t̪ɾɑ̃ĩʃɑɾ] |
trollag | [t̪ɾoɫɑɡ] Notes: for “greallag” – swingle tree. |
tuit | Quotation: Chunnaic mi runnag a’ tuiteam. Notes: I saw a shooting star. |
tunnag | [t̪ũn̪ɑɡ] Notes: duck. |
turbaid | [t̪u̟ɾu̟bɑdʹ] Notes: turbot. |
uiseag | [iʃɑɡ] Notes: lark. |
adha | [ɑə] Notes: liver. |
aileag | [ɛlɑɡ] Notes: hiccups. |
ainnlean | [ɑ̃ĩlʹɑ̃ṉ] Notes: a bee. |
badan | Notes: equiv. of “dosan”. |
bana-bhuids | [bɑṉɑvudʹʃ] Notes: witch. |
bàrr | Notes: cream. |
barr-gùg (sic) | [bɛɾəɡu̜:] Notes: potato blossom. |
boinneag | [bonʹɑɡ] Notes: drop. |
brìdeag | Quotation: brìdeag shneachd. Notes: snowflake. |
brudag | [bɾu̟d̪ɑɡ] Notes: caterpillar. |
buin | Quotation: Buinnidh e dhomh. Notes: He is related to me. |
bunach-dùirn | [bũ̟ṉɑxd̪u̜:ʴṉ] Notes: wrist. [NOTES: the turned r used for the symbol which is unclear in the original.] |
bùrn | Quotation: bùrn mìn. Notes: drizzle. |
cabadh | Quotation: Bha mi a’ cabadh a’ bhuntàt [kɑbu̜mw̃ṉɑ:ḏ]. Notes: cleaning potatoes with a hoe. |
caileag | Quotation: “’S e caileag a th’innt’.” Notes: a young girl or spinster. |
cainnlean | [k[ɑ̃ĩ]lʹɑ̃ṉ] Notes: nostril. |
càirdeach | Notes: friendly (not “related”). |
cairt | Notes: bark. |
calp | [kɑɫəb] Notes: calf. [NOTES: slipped under ‘calpa’.] |
cadhag | [kɑɑɡ] Notes: jackdaw. [NOTES: slipped under ‘cathag’.] |
ciabhag | [ciɤvɑɡ] Notes: used for a few hairs hanging down as well as hair growing on the side of the face. |
cogag | [kɔɡɑɡ] Quotation: Tha cogagan air a’ mhuir. Notes: lumps of foam on the sea, as seen running before the wind. |
coileach | Quotation: Tha i a’ gabhail coilich [əɡɑɑlkɑliç]. Notes: flecks of white foam appearing on the sea as the wind rises. |
crosd | Notes: cheeky. |
cruimh | Quotation: a’ chruimh [əxɾi]. Notes: toothache. |
crùnair | [kɾũ̟:ṉɑɾ] Notes: gurnard. |
cruaidh | [ɡɾu̟ɤi] Notes: for “gruaidh” – forehead. |
cuileag-each | [ku̜lɑɡjɑx] Notes: horse-fly. |
cup | [ku̜p] Notes: cup. |
curruchdag | [ku̜ɾicɑɡ] Notes: lapwing. |
damh | [d̪[ɑ̃ũ̜]] Notes: an ox. |
dannsair | Quotation: Na dannsairean. Notes: the “Merry Dancers”. |
dàrna-leumag | [d̪ɑ:ʴṉəlʹemɑɡ] Notes: field-mouse. [NOTES: the turned r used for the symbol which is unclear in the original.] |
deigh | [dʹɤi] Notes: ice. |
drabhg | [d̪ɾɤu̜ɡ] Notes: a fool. |
duilleag | Notes: blade of an oar. |
feòsag | [fjɔ:sɑɡ] Notes: beard. |
feusaidh | [fe:si] Quotation: pl. [fe:sĩnʹ]. Notes: pheasant. |
fiuchar | [fju̜xəɾ] Notes: key. |
flanainn | [flɑ̃ṉĩnʹ] Notes: a semmit made of flannel. |
foinne | [fonʹ] Notes: a wart. |
gabh | Quotation: Tha i a’ gabhail coilich [əɡɑɑlkɑliç]. Notes: flecks of white foam appearing on the sea as the wind rises. |
gairbhean | Quotation: an gairbhean. Notes: the gills of a fish. |
gaoth-carach | Notes: whirlwind or wind coming round a corner. |
glùinean | [kɫũ̜:nʹɑ̃ṉ] Notes: garter. |
gobaidh | [ɡobi] Notes: the oyster-catcher. |
gritheam (sic) | [ɡɾĩm] Notes: crowdie, ready to be eaten. Fresh milk put in it. |
gruth | [ɡɾu̜] Notes: crowdie. |
guaran | [ɡu̜ɑɾɑ̃ṉ] Notes: toe-cap of shoe or boot. |
guilbeanach | [ɡu̟lu̟bɑṉɑx] Notes: curlew. |