Taigh Gàidhealach / House and Furnishings
- Informant(s)
- Name
- John MacLean ( Iain Mac ’Illeathain )
- Age
- 48
- Origin
- Barra
- Location
- Dunoon
1. An stéidh is am balla | |
am balla muigh | outer wall. |
am balla stigh | inner wall. |
an glutadh | stuffing between wall [sic]. Chan’eil e muigh ’s chan’eil e stigh ’s cha tig an tigh as aonais. – toimhseachan. |
tobhta | bare wall. |
air an tobhtaidh | on top of the wall. |
gleurach na tobhtadh | virago, woman sitting on top of the wall laying forth. |
an starsach | the path in front of the house. |
clachaireachd | building with stone. |
2. Am mullach ’s an tughadh | |
tughadh | thatch. |
spar-feannaig | wooden spar at each end with the ropes going round it. |
clachan-acaire | stones, all round with the ropes tied to them. |
an cabar saoidh | sooty rafter. |
na cabair | the rafters. |
ceangal or maide ceangail | the rafters. |
Chaidh e broinn a cheile | the roof fell in. |
sgrathan | the flat pieces of turf under the thatch. |
sioman | rope. |
sùgan | length of rope used for thatch or carrying bundle of thatch or hay. Cf. ‘soogan’ – rope used by western cowboys. |
3. Dorsan is uinneagan | |
am dorus a muigh | outer door. |
an dorus a stigh | inner door. |
còmhla | a door not yet in position (usually). Gabh an taobh is boidche de’n chomhlaidh. – Get out. |
an ard-dorus | top cross piece or lintel. Cluinnidh luchagan an aird doruis e. – All will hear it. |
na h-ursannan | doorposts. |
bun na h-ursainn | cross piece at the bottom. Suirighe fad air falbh ’s posadh am bun na h-ursainn. – Courting miles away then marrying a next door neighbour. |
uinneag | a window. |
céis | the window case or frame. |
lòsan (soft l) | pane of glass. |
botaidh | putty. |
an glòdhan (clòdhan) | the latch. |
cùl cheallaich | hinge. |
sneic | sneck. |
snéicear | a peeping Tom or a keyhole Kate. |
4. An broinn an taighe: na sèamraichean | |
uachdar an tighe | kitchen. |
an ceann shuas | kitchen. |
iochdar an tighe | the room. |
an ceann shios | the room. |
an rùm | the room. |
a chlòsaid | the small room. |
calbha | partition or wooden wall. |
cul an doruis | passage between kitchen and the large room behind the main door. |
ùlar | [sic] floor. |
5. An t-àite-teine | |
an teine | the fire. |
an t-aite teine | fireplace. |
an tinntein | stand at each side of the fire for holding pots etc. |
slabhraidh | the pot hook attached to the chain. |
a ghriosach | the embers or the hearth. Tha e ’n comhnaidh ’sa ghriosaich. – He is aye sitting by the fire. |
a smàladh | smooring the fire. |
luath | ash. |
a chagailte | the hearth-stone. |
eibhleag | an ember. |
an teine biorach | will o’ the wisp. |
an simileir | the chimney. |
an ceann simileir | chimney head. |
tarruing | vent. Tha deagh tharruing aige (aice). – It’s a good vent (used with smoking pipe). |
saoidh | soot. |
snighe | sooty water from the roof. |
tinn fodha | water oozing from the floor. |
6. Airneis an taighe | |
bord | table. |
beinge | bench. |
leaba | bed. |
leaba dhùbailte | double bed. |
càradh na leapadh | making the bed. |
cathair | chair. |
sedhar | chair. |
an giurnaileir | meal chest. |
ciste | chest. |
seotal na cistidh | small apartment in chest. |
furam | stool. |
tarsanan na beingeadh | cross stick on bench. |
an clàr | wooden tray for potatoes or fish. |
an clàr fuinne | baking board. |
greideal | girdle [sic]. |
badag | number of strong feather [sic] or outer part of wing used to dust the griddle after each fill. |
clobha | tongs. |
bucaidean | buckets. |
paileachan | pails. |
miosan | basins. |
cupannan | cups. |
coire | kettle. |
poitean | pots. |
sasairean | saucers. |
trisearan | plates. |
sgeinnean | knives. |
spàinean | spoons. |
boula | bowl. |
mios feodair | pewter basin – cooler for milk. |
crannachan | churn. |
loinid | part of the churn. |
fiodhan | small cheese press. |
preasa | press. |
tuba | a tub. |
ballan | a tub. |
slachdan | a type of rolling pin rounded at the bottom for mashing potatoes. Slachdan an laimh òinsich – any dangerous instrument. |
sioltag | strainer for milk. |
crag (cnag) | made from a piece of tree trunk shaped like a modern pouffe but smaller and used for sitting by the fire. |
7. Sobhal, bàthach, no bothanan sam bith eile | |
bàthach | byre. |
’n tigh beag | byre. |
tigh nan cearc | henhouse. |
bothag nan cearc | henhouse. |
bothag an tairbh | the bull’s house. |
iodhlann | stackyard. |
bùthag | potatoes placed on ground in stackyard, covered with dry bracken and then turf – not in a pit. |