là | Quotation: Là Tràsgaidh. Notes: Thursday of Communions. |
là | Quotation: Là nam Bodaich. Notes: Friday of Communions. |
là | Quotation: Là na Ceist. Notes: Friday of Communions. |
là | Quotation: Là Ullachaidh. Notes: Saturday of Communions. |
là | Quotation: Là Taingealachd. Notes: Monday of Communions. |
lèitrean | [lʹɛ:t̪ɾɑ̃ṉ] Notes: area in church occupied by elders. |
lùbach | Notes: a hairpin. |
màm | Notes: a boil. |
mèireag | [mɛ̃:ɾɑɡ] Quotation: mèireag de shnàth. Notes: ball of wool. (meurag?) |
rifeag | Notes: the point of a crochet needle. |
niosgaid | Notes: boil. |
pluc | Quotation: am pluc. Notes: mumps. |
searbhadair | Notes: towel. |
searmaid | [ʃɛɾɑmɛdʹ] Notes: sermon. |
tinneas | Quotation: an tinneas caitheamh [kɑhi]. Notes: Tuberculosis. |
tinneas | Quotation: an tinneas tuiteamach. Notes: epilepsy. |
triuth-chasd | Notes: whooping-cough. |
boicneach | Quotation: Chaidh a’ bhoicneach [əvɔıçcṉɑ̃x] a chuir air. Notes: smallpox. He was vaccinated. |
breac | Quotation: a’ bhreac. Notes: chickenpox. |
cam | Notes: one-eyed. |
ceapair | Notes: a “piece” with butter and crowdie on it. |
clachd | Notes: roll of carded wool. Pl. clachdan. |
coimeasgadh | [kɤmw̃ʃɡʹu̜] Notes: mixing of different colours of wool. |
cuairteach | Quotation: a’ chuairteach sgàrlaid. Notes: a fever. |
cùbaidh | Notes: pulpit. |
griaman | [ɡɾĩɑ̃mɑṉ] Notes: lichen used to provide wool dye. |
gritheam | Notes: after the “meung” has been extracted from “gruth”. |
gruth | Notes: when it is still in the pot, before the “meung” has been extracted. (“Gritheam” – after it has been extracted.) |