rogal | Notes: a loose-fitting shapeless (knitted) garment, a knitted garment that had lost its shape. |
ròmhanaich | [sic] Quotation: Romhanaich na Samhna. Notes: applied to quiet period at the end of autumn. |
sainnseal | Quotation: Gheibh thu sainnseal. Notes: unexpected shock, something you don’t bargain for. |
snaoisean | Quotation: Gheibh thu snaoisean. Notes: a sudden accident or calamity, cf. sainnseal. |
clotcheann | Notes: (1) an untidy head of hair. (2) ’Se do chlotcheann a th’ann – it’s actually you. |
peachaireachd | Notes: teasing; horseplay. Cf. feachaireachd (Barra). |
ceann-mara | Notes: end of fence extending into the sea, to prevent access by animals. |
iarann | Notes: the amount of peats two men could cut in a day. |
noigean | Quotation: bodach beag nan noigeanan. Notes: playful term of endearment. |
sàilleagan | Quotation: Chuireadh e sàilleagan air a’ chat. Notes: phrase used in reaction to pompous or boastful talk, or someone giving himself airs. Cf. Applecross use of searbhan. |
sgamaichdidh | Quotation: Sgamaichdidh mi thu! Notes: ‘I’ll hammer you’ or (verbally) tear off a strip. |
taigh-oifis | Notes: privy. |
tarbh-shìolag | Notes: small fish that stings and causes drowsiness. |
bannas | Notes: gum, roof of mouth. Cf. Neil MacLeod, Songs (1893 edn) p. 159. |
bòil | Quotation: Bhòil e mach. Notes: used of someone suddenly vomiting. Eng. bowl? |
camairneach | Notes: a person with some deformity. (Quoting D. Boyd, Barra.) |
clabag | Quotation: (1) Tha clabag mhath oirre. (2) Phàigh e clabag mhath air. Dh’fhàg e clabag mhath. Notes: (1) Of wind causing a choppy sea. Cf. Applecross clabach. (2) Of sum of money. |
cle-sheanchainn | Quotation: Dé chle-sheanchainn a th’agad ann a sin? Notes: used of any old, ramshackle object. From cliar-sheanchainn? |
comharsba(dh) | Quotation: Na bithibh a’ comharsba riumsa idir. Notes: ? Competing, striving. Could be used by host who has finished eating, but still urges the others at the table to carry on. |
druineach | Notes: ? Outlandish person. |
gulm | Notes: raging fire, inferno. |