leumadair | Quotation: leumadair-an-fheòir. Notes: grasshopper. |
lionaraich | Notes: a green, fine kind of grass growing on sea rocks, in wells, etc. |
muirstiachd | [mu̜ʴstʹiɑxk] Notes: jellyfish. [NOTES: the turned r used for the symbol which is unclear in the original.] |
peileag | Notes: porpoise. |
seòl | Quotation: seòl stròineadh. Notes: lugsail. |
sgreafag | Notes: crust of fine shells like barnacles on rocks. |
snàinean | Quotation: snàinean-biathaidh. Notes: parallel pieces of twine, placed from top to bottom in the middle of the lobster creel, with two sliding loops on them to secure bait. |
spéiligeadh | Quotation: a’ spéiligeadh iasg. Notes: splitting fish by cutting it down the back close to the bone. |
taobh-stoc | Notes: the strip of wood along the side of the boat and on which the seats lie. |
toll | Quotation: toll an fhàsaig. Notes: bung-hole. |
ailbheag | [ɛlɛvɑɡ] Notes: the mooring ring on the stem of a boat. |
aparan | Notes: the thin leaf next to the keel, lying on top of it. |
bac | Quotation: pl. bacan. Notes: fixed rowlock. |
biadhtach | [biɤt̪ɑx] Notes: raven. |
brodragan | [bɾɔd̪ɾəɡɑṉ] Notes: robin redbreast. |
broilleach | [bɾɔlʹɑx] Quotation: am broilleach or am maide broillich. Notes: Bracket at joint between stempost and keel. |
càrnag | Notes: eel. |
clàrag | Notes: the stern in a square-sterned boat. |
cnaimh | Quotation: na cnamhan móra. Notes: the large ribs in a boat. |
creagag | Notes: perch. |
cuairt-bheòil | Quotation: an cuairt-bheòil. Notes: the top plank. |
deiseag | Notes: a type of “partan” with a greenish-grey back. Very fast-moving. |
eun-giùirne | Notes: puffin. |
faochag-airgid | Notes: silvery, whelk-like shellfish. |
fàsag | Notes: bung in a boat. |
fàsgadair | Notes: skua. |
garra-ghritheach | [ɡɑrəɣɾiɑx] Notes: heron. |
gearra-bhreac | [ɡʹɑrəvɾɛxk] Notes: guillemot. |
giùbhran | [ɡʹu̜:ɾɑṉ] Notes: gill of a fish. |
gobhlan-gaoitheadh | Notes: swallow. |
gruaigean | Notes: a flat seaweed. |
guilbearnach | [ɡwlwbwʴṉɑx] Notes: curlew. [NOTES: the turned r used for the symbol which is unclear in the original.] |