Measgaichte / Miscellaneous

  • [NOTE: the list comes with a letter addressed to the Secretary of An Comunn Gàidhealach and dated 26 May 1938: “I suggest that the enclosed papers be put before the Convener of the Publication Committee for consideration. They are a collection of Gaelic sayings and idioms collected by Dr. Atholl-Robertson, Oban. He gave them to me with the suggestion that the Committee might consider them with a view to their being published by An Comunn. I do not feel competent to give an opinion on the collection, but I think that it is worth some suitable Member of the Committee having a look at it. I should say that it would require a considerable amount of revision and correction before it could be published. Yours sincerely, [illegible signature – G. Marjoribanks?].” Underneath there is a note added by D. Mackay on 14 February 1966: “Never been used.” In this file almost all headwords in square brackets have been taken from Dwelly.]
Gnathasan Cainnte sa Ghaidhlig.
[ministear]An e ministear a tha anns an dara fear aca seo. Do you mean to say that one of these men is a minister.
[fear]Beir thusa air an dara fear is beiridh mi air an fhear eile. You catch one and I shall catch the other.
[gluasad]Cha d’fheum i riamh an dara gluasad. She never required a second urging.
[màireach]An dara mhaireach. The second morning.
[dath]Cha laidhe dath air dubh ach laidhidh dubh air gach dath. Black will not die [sic], but any colour will dye black. [NOTE in second hand: common and laidhe/laidhidh corrected to laighe/laighidh.]
[mith]Gach mith agus math. Each peasant and noble.
[moch]Anns a’ mhoch. Anns a mhoch thrath. In the early dawn.
[subhach]Bithidh subhach, sugrach, mocheiridh. Be cheerful, temperate, early rising.
[modh]Air a mhodh so. In this way.
[modh]Air mhodh araidh. In a special way.
mogan briogaisTrouser leg.
car obairA turn of work – performance.
[mothaid]Cha mhòid e sin. It is not the greater for that.
[mór]Is mor leam sin a dheanamh. I think it is too much to go that length.
[mór]Cho mor as fhein ris a mhac mhollachd. As proud as Lucifer.
[tuath]Tha e mu thuath. He is in the North.
[eubh]Dh’eubh e oirre a nunn ri thaobh. He called her to his side.
[obair]Obair is ath obair. Useless repetition of work.
[ogha]Is iad oghachan peathar is brathar. They are second cousins.
[gabh]Na gabhaibh oirbh e. Take no heed of him.
[oirdheirceas]Oirdheirceas an eolais. Excellence (beauty) of knowledge.
[òl]’Se an t-ol a chuir an dunaidh air. It was drink that played the mischief with him.
[olc]Chaidh e thun an uilc. He went to the Devil.
[olc]Seachain an t-olc agus seachnaidh an t-olc thu. Shun evil and evil will shun you.
[olc]Olc na cuise gu deireadh. Keep evil part till the end.
[olc]Is fhearr an t-olc eolach na ’n t-olc aineolach. Better the known than the unknown end.
[olc]Cha bhi olc an aon bhliadhna fada dol seachad. One year’s grievance soon passes.
[olc]Is olc a fhuaradh tu. You behaved badly.
[olc]Is olc an airidh e. It is a pity.
[olc]Is tric a fhuair “olc an airidh” car. Often “’Tis a pity” has been crossed.
[olcas]Air olcas sam bith e. Let him be ever so bad.
[òran]Cha dean sinn oran dheth. We shall not make a noise about it.
[òrdag]Air ordaig na coise (laimhe) deise. On toe (thumb) of right foot (hand).
[òrdag]An ordag an aghaidh na glaic. Make a fist.
[sanas]Thug ordag a choise sanas do bhun a chluaise. His toe gave a whisper (i.e. struck) the root of his ear. (i.e. violent fall)
[òrrais]Tha an orrais ri m’fhiacal fad an la. Waterbrash troubles me all day.
[ospag]Air an ospag dheireannach. At the last gasp.
[pìobair]Piobair an aona phuirt. An indifferent piper.
[riomball]Gearr riomball. Describe a circle.
croislinDiameter of circle.
[grian]Tha a’ ghrian a cromadh. The sun is descending.
[crom]Crom air an obair. “Wire” in.
crom nan speurVault of the sky.
crom shlinneinachRound shouldered.
crom shronachRoman nosed.
[cron]Tha a chron sin ort. The blame is at your door.
[cumadair]Is fhearr an cumadair na’n cronadair. Better a doer than a critic.
[cruaidh]Is cruaidh na dh’fheumar. “Must” is hard to do.
[là]La mo chruaidh chais. The day of my perplexity. (Emergency.)
[crùban]Anns a chrubain. In crouching position.
[ceart]Ceart, cruinn, comhla. Holus-bolus. [NOTE in second hand: Really altogether or intact.]
[crìoch]Gu criche na cruinne. To the ends of the earth.
[ruith]Cuir air ruith na cubhaige. Send on a fool’s errand.
[glan]Bheil do lamhan sa glan? Are your hands clean?
[salach]Tha mo chuidsa salach. Mine are dirty.
[cunnart]Be a bhi buaireadh an Fhreasdail cuid a chunnairt a ghabhail daleithid sin. It were tempting Providence to venture in such a place.
[fiach]Paigheadh cuid fiach na mna agam. Paying his wife’s debts. (Married man’s occupation.) [NOTE in second hand: construction.]
[àlach]A cuid alaich. Her litter.
[cuid]An da chuid – agus. Both – and.
[cuid]Aon chuid. No. Either or (Neither nor).
[dara cuid]Tha mi an dara cuid ri camanachd no ri luingearachd air a chaoil. I am either playing shinty or sailing on the strait.
[cuideachd]Bheir e e fein as gach cuideachd, le ceol is conaltradh. He would acquit himself well in any company in music or conversation. Ged tha e math ga thoirt fhein a cuid [sic] tha e motha ’s math ga churann [sic]. Though he can acquit himself well in any company, he is better at getting himself invited.
[sùil]An ni a chuir iad ri an suil. The thing they had definitely decided to do.
[meud]A mheud mhor gun chur leatha. Just boasting without anything to support it.
[tuathal]Cuir ceart na chi thu tuathal. Put right what you see wrong.
[caochladh]Tha caochladh cur air breacan Chaluim. Malcolm’s tartan has a different sett.
[cluas]Chuir e da chluais air. He was greatly astonished.
[cuireadh]Thig gun chuireadh. To intrude. [NOTE in second had: not necessarily intrude – come any time.]
[cuireadh]Cuireadh cul na coise. “Sorry you can’t stay.”
[cuireadh]Cuireadh Mhic Philip. Gabh no fàg. MacKillop’s invitation “take or leave”.
[cuireadh]Cuireadh piobaire. Last minute invitation.
[curradh]Dean curraidh. Squat. (Scots “coorrie doun”.)
[cùirtean]Cuirteinean ciatach nan speur. Beautiful curtains of the skies.
[crodh]Gabh mu chul do chruidh. Get to the rear of your cattle, i.e. stick to the point.
[cum]Am fear aig am bheil cumadh e. Possession is nine tenths of the law.
[cungaidh]Tha deagh chungaidh ann. It is good stuff.
[cungaidh]Nam bithidh a chungaidh agam. If I had the ingredients.
[cunntas]Thoir cunntas ort fhein. Give an account of yourself. [NOTE in second hand: Eng. source.]
[madainn]On og mhaduinn gu dall oidhche. From early morning till dewy eve.
[dara leth]Chaidil mi an dara leth an h-uine. I slept half the time.
[buidhinn]Is beag do bhuidhinn dheth. Your profit of it is little.
[cluas]Cluinnidh tu air a chluaise a’s buidhre e. You will hear it in your deafest ear.
[bùrn]Cho saor ri burn. As cheap as water.
nan càraidibhTwo by two.
[cagarsaich]Ciod a’ chagarsaich a th’ort? What are you whispering about?
[bàs]Bàs gun sagart. Sudden death. [NOTE in second hand: Bad wish.]
[clòimh]Cloimh cheasach. Matted wool.
[clann]Cha cheil sinn air a’ chloinn e. We shall not conceal it from the children.
[teaghlach]Ann caidreabh a theaghlaich. In the bosom of his family.
[càirdeil]Cairdeil ri daoine anns gach daimh. Friendly to men in every station in life. [NOTE in second hand: dàimh new in this sense.]
[sgeul]Caillte is fa dheoidh air sgeul. Lost and found again. [NOTE in second hand: ?]
[fuaigheal]Fuaigheal chasa feannag. Herring bone stitch. [NOTE in second hand: Eng. deriv.]
[ceann]Ceann caol. Ceann garbh. The tapering and thick ends.
[cearr]Is cearr a fhuaradh tu. You have acted improperly.
[comh-dheas]Is comh-dheas leat e. It is as easy for you to do the one thing as the other.
[mac]Cha mhac mar t’athair thu. You are a son not worthy of your sire.
[ciall]Chiall nach mise a bh’ann. I wish I had been there.
[ciod]Sin agad ciod gus an tig e. That is what it will come to.
[clàbar]Clabar na sràide. The mire of the street.
[clàmhuinn]Tha e ris a’ chlamhuinn. It is sleeting. [NOTE in second hand: new to me.]
[cleas]Cleas na cloinne bige. Manners of children.
[salann]Cha togadh e salann bharr a’ chlàir. Butter would not melt in his mouth.
[cleas]Gun chleas. Above board. [NOTES in second hand: not too good for Eng. trans.]
[cleasachd]Droch chleasachd. Dirty work.
[taobh]Dh’eirich thu bhàrr do thaobh cli. You got up on your wrong side.
[aois]Clo-chadail na h-aoise. Lethargy of old age.
[coille-bionan]Chunnaic mi mu’n cuairt dhiom na coille-bionain. I saw phosphorescence all around me.
[coimhearsnachd]Air fad na coimhearsnachd. Throughout the neighbourhood. [NOTE in second hand: easily understood.]
[coimpire]Fear a bu cho-impire dhomh fhein. A man who was my equal.
[coire]Gach gne coire. Every kind of damage.
[coire]Coire bàis. Capital crime. [NOTE in second hand: Eng. deriv.]
[coire]Cuir air an coire. Put the kettle on.
[coguis]Agartas coguis. Remorse of conscience.
[coireach]Co air bith is coireach. Whoever is to blame.
[beannachd]Bithidh beannachd ann cois do shaoithreach. Your labours will be crowned with success.
[teine]Chaisgeadh an teine. The fire was quenched.
[comhairle]Comhairle na còrach. Right advice.
[comhairle]Bheir mi comhairle ort. I will give you advice.
[taing]Taing is buidheachas. Many thanks.
[ball]Ball na comhairle diomhair. A member of the Privy Council.
[comharradh]Is olc an comharradh e. It is a bad sign.
[creach]Ag eigheach a creiche. Shouting that she was ruined.
[creach]Tha mo chreachsa deanta. I am as good as done for.
[barr]Thug sin barr air na chuala mi riamh. That exceeds everything I have heard.
[maise]Tha barr maise aige. It excells in beauty.
[bràigh]Braighe na leapa. Head of the bed.
[cuach]A chuach leis fo bharr. His cup is brimming over.
[Dia]Dia air barr. God above all.
[buntàta]Crathadh bhuntata o’n bharr. Shaking potatoes from the haulms.
[barrach]Fo sgail a’ bharraich. In the shelter of the brush wood.
[dithis]Chi dithis barrachd air an aon fhear. Two heads are better than one. [NOTE in second hand: easily understood.]
[beatha]An e mo bheatha? Am I welcome?
[leabaidh]Thig bharr na leapa. Come off the bed.
[beul-phurgaideachd]Rinn mi beul-phurgaideachd. I have gargled. [NOTE in second hand: new to me.]
[uair]Bidh uair a tighinn air fad an la. The day will gain an hour.
[breacan]Chuir na breacain sealladh briagh bharr na cuideachd. Tha tartans gave the company a grand appearance.
[tarraing]Tha an t-am agam bhi tarruing. Time to be moving.
[blàth]Thig fo bhlath. To bloom.
[bog]Gu bog blath. Snug and warm.
[bogadh]Nuair a bhogadh an dram air. When the Whisky excited him.
[bodach]Is e a chuireadh am bodach a fear a bhiodh teann. It would drive the meanness out of a miser (Whisky).
[cìoch]Thoir an leanabh bharr na ciche. Wean the child.
[bogha]Bogha na drochaide. Arch of bridge.
[bogha]Mar bhogha air gleus. Like a bow on the stretch.
[bogha]Tha bogha air a gheig. The branch has a bend.
boidean baistidhBaptismal vows.
braigh stairsnichStaircase landing. [NOTE in second hand: new.]
[breitheanas]Thig breitheanas ort airson sin. A judgment will come on you for that.
[briosgadh]Tha an leanabh a’ briosgadh. The child is quickening.
[briseadh]Troimh bhriseadh nan neul. Through an opening in the clouds.
[fraoch]Cruaidh mar an fhraoch, buan mar a’ ghiubhais. Hardy as heather, lasting as pine.
[buidheachas]Buidheachas an fhogharaidh. Harvest thanksgiving.
[buidheach]Bu choir dhuit bhi buidheach. You ought to be thankful.
[buidheach]Tha mi buidheach airson sin. I am thankful for that.
[buidheach]Chan fhaigh thu sin co dhiu bhitheas tu buidheach no diombach. You won’t get it whether you are pleased or otherwise.
[buidheachas]Fo bhuidheachas. Ann am buidheachas??? In abeyance. [NOTE in second hand: new.]
[nèamh]Uair eiridh iad gu neamh, uair theid iad gu doimhne sios. One moment in the heavens and the rest in the depths.
[uibhir]De’n uibhir a th’ann? What quantity is there?
[uibhir]Uibhir ’s a th’ann. As much as there is of it.
[uibhir]Tha mi fhein faotainn na h-uibhir de dhragh. I am likewise getting as much trouble.
[uidheam]Dheanainn sin nam bitheadh an uidheam agam. I would do that if I had the material.
uidheam ghreusachdShoemakers’ tools.
uidheam saoirsneachdJoiners’ tools.
[caochladh]Tha sin uile air chaochladh. That is all changed.
[ùir]Thogadh an uir tharta. They are interred. [NOTE in second hand: or Chuireadh.]
[uiread]Cha n’eil uiread sin agam. I haven’t as much as that.
[ullamh]Ullamh ealamh. Ready, aye ready.
[ullamh]Is ullamh le neach sin a dheanamh. One should be ready to do that.
[ùmhal]Cho umhal ri luch fo spoig a’ chait. It’s submissive as a mouse beneath a cat’s paw.
[ùmhlachd]Rinn e umhlachd cheart dha. He gave him a proper salute.
[urram]Bheir mi ant-urram [sic] dhuit air na chunnaic mi riamh. I will give you first place over all I ever saw.
[àbhaist]A’ leanachd na h-abhaist. Following custom.
[freagairt]Am bi thu cho math agus mo fhreagairt? Will you kindly answer me?
[fios]Thoir leat e a dh’fhios nach bi feum agad air. Take it in case of need.
[faoileag]Faoileagan a’ chladaich againn fhein. Our own folk.
[inntinn]Tha m’ inntinn saor o fhein agartas. My mind is free from compunction.
[aghaidh]Cuir an aghaidh as fhearr a dh’fhaodas tu air. Put the best face possible on it.
[aghaidh]’S ann agad tha’n aghaidh ’ga iarraidh. What a face you have to ask for it.
[àicheadh]Dh’aicheadh e chreideamh. He renounced his religion.
[àicheadh]’Se an t-aicheadh math an dara pong as fhearr ’san lagh. A stout denial is the second best point in law. [NOTE in second hand: and also without the “dara” restriction.]
[aideachadh]Tha mi ag aideachadh mo chionta. I admit my fault.
[aidmheil]De’n aidhmheil [sic] a tha e leantuinn? What persuasion does he follow?
[aighear]Tha aighear a’ bruchdadh na shuil. His eye is filled with joy.
[aidmheil]A reir ur n-aidmheil na firium [sic]. According to your profession of the truth.
[aighear]Tha aighear ri cois na h-oige. Joy is part of youth.
[àill]Dean aille de’n eiginn. Make a virtue of necessity.
[deòin]Co dhiu is deoin leat no’s aindheoin. Whether you be willing or not.
[aindeoin]Rinn mi sin gad aindheoin. I did that in spite of you.
[eallach]Is trom an t-eallach an t-aineolas. Ignorance is a heavy burden.
[aiteamh]Aiteamh na gaoithe tuath air an t-sneachda, tuille a chur na cheann. North wind’s way of thawing – to add more snow.
[aithneach]Tha i gle aithneach. She is very considerate.
[amhairc]Amhairc thairis e. Overlook it. [NOTE in second hand: e corrected to air.]
[aithris]Aithrisibhse [sic] agus aithrisidh sinne. You repeat and so shall we.
[àm]Ann am is ann an-am. In and out of season.
air aimhleachadhGalled, vexed, piqued. [NOTE in second hand: aimhleachadh corrected to aimheallachadh.]
[aindeonach]Chaidh e dhachaidh gu h-aindeonach. He went home unwillingly.
[dé]Air a bho’n de. Day before yesterday.
[raoir]Air bho’n raoir. Night before last.
[deas]Air chionn dhaibh a bhi deas. By the time they were ready.
[airgead]Se gaol an airgiod freumh gach uilc. Money is the root of all evil.
[comain]Tha mi nad chomain mar a gabh thu ri na thubhairt mi. I am obliged by your attention to my remarks.
[làthair]Thoir a lathair a cheil iad. Bring them face to face.
[càs]Tha e an cas air. He is very desirous of it.
[iochd]Le an h-iochd. With vigour.
[fad]Tha fad math a tighinn san la. The day is getting pretty long.
[sgur]B’annsa leo sgur. They were glad to desist.
[aomadh]Tha am balla ag aomadh. The wall is bulging.
[làn]Lan uabhair is ardain. Full of pride and ignorance.
[dad]Gun dad athais. Without any leisure.
[ath-leasaich]Athleasaich do chomhradh is bheusan. Amend your speech and manners.
[sgeul]Is tric nach tig ath-sgeul air droch sgeul. Bad news is seldom refuted.
[bacach]Bacach air aon choise. Lame of a leg.
bad fuiltA tuft of hair.
bad chaorachFlock of sheep.
[bagairt]A’ bagairt sgainidh. Threatening to burst.
[badanach]An sobhrach a chinneas badanach. The primrose which grows in tufts.
[baintighearnas]Tha e fo bhaintighearnas. He is henpecked.
[ball-bhreac]A’ bheatha bhall-bhreac. Chequered career. [NOTE in second hand: non-Gaelic idea.]
[banntrach]Is banntrach e. Is banntrach i. Widower and widow.
barantas glacaidhWarrant of apprehension.
[smalan]Bathamaid gach smalan. Let us drown care.
[beadradh]Beadradh gu leoir. Sufficient flirting.
[beadradh]Chuireadh sin na bodaich gu beadradh. It would make even the old flirt.
[beannaichte]Tha thu fas beannaichte. You are getting holy (in derision).
[beathaich]Beathaich thusa mise an diugh is beathaichaidh mi am maireach tu. [NOTE in second hand: beathaichaidh mise thusa am maireach.]
[sùgradh]Cha n’eil an sugradh a chuir ris. It is no joke to manage him. [NOTE in second hand: Cha n’e an sugradh a cur ris.]
[taitneach]Is taitneach leam t’fhaicinn. I am happy to see you.
[taitneach]Ma se’s taitniche leat. If it is more agreeable to you.
[peacach]Ma thalaidheas peacaich thu. If sinnners entice you.
[tàmailteach]Grath fhacal tamailteach. A taunting proverb. [NOTE in second hand: not good.]
[tarraing]Cuir tarruing air. Put an extracting plaster on it.
[teach]Cha d’thainig e teach. It did not come to pass. [NOTE in second hand: ?]
[teach]Tighinn gu teach. Happening.
[teach]Thainig e mu’n teach. It came to pass.
[teachd]Is iomadh rud a thachaireas an teachd mu’n cuairt na bliadhna. Much may happen before the expiry of a year.
[teachdaireachd]B’e sin teachdaireachd a chuir moran gu truaighe. That news caused many to sorrow.
[gabh]Na gabhamaid oirnn e. Let us take no notice of him.
[paidir]Tha tuillidh sa phaidir aig. He knows more than his beads.
[pailt]Tha e pailt cho ard ruimsa [sic]. He is fully as tall as I.
[iomrall]Chaidh laithean na seachduin iomrall orra. They were confused with the days of the week.
[lideag]Am fear a theid lideag am mearachd. The man who goes the least bit wrong.
[teagamh]Fear reitich gach teagaimh. The solver of all difficulties.
[teann]Thainig a chuis teann-ri teann. The affair assumed a serious aspect.
[tlachd]Cha n’fhaigh thu le tlachd e. You won’t get it with pleasure.
[tlàth]Thig tlath nan speur is blaths fhathast. Balmy air and warmth will come yet.
[tuath]Neach de’n tuath. One of the common people.
[tubaist]Is trom na tubaistean air na sliobaistean. Frequent the accidents to the clumsy.
[tubaist]Thig tubaist air. Mischief will befall him.
[muineal]Tha mo mhuineal air a thuchadh. My throat has become hoarse.
[seachrain]Co a thuigeas uile sheachrain fhein. Who understands all his own errors. [NOTE in second hand: Psalm.]
[tuit]Thuit dhuinn tachairt. We met by chance.
[tuit]Thuit dhaibh tighinn a steach. They happened to come in.
[cuimhne]Bhrùchd cuimhne mar thuil. Memory burst forth like a flood.
[cridhe]Thuit a chridhe. He grew faint hearted.
[tuiteam]Fhuair e tuiteam. He got a fall.
[tuiteamachd]Thig tuiteamachd air an darach. Oaks cast their leaves.
[tulach]Tha iad uile nan tulaichean. They are all in their graves.
[turus]Turus math is soirbheasadh leat. Good and prosperous trip to you.
[tùs]Air a thus is air a thoiseach. First and foremost.
[aimsir]Air tus m’ aimsir. In my early days.
[eagal]S’e tus a ghliocais eagal Dhe. Fear of God is the beginning of wisdom. [NOTE in second hand: Bib.]
[uabhar]Airson an uabhair. For their pride.
[uaibhreachas]Lan uaibhreachais nad Shaothair. Full of pride in their work.
[uaigneas]Thug e air uaigneas e. He took him aside to a private place.
[uaill]Na dean uaill as an la maireach. Boast not of tomorrow.
[ceartas]Cha n’eil uainn ach an ceartas. We only want justice.
[rudha]Cuiridh so rudha seachad. This will serve for turn.
[cladach]Thoir ruith chladaich i. Run the boat aground. [NOTE in second hand: i corrected to dhi.]
[ruith]Thoir an aon ruith dhaibh. Give them the same treatment.
[ruith]Is iomadh uair a thug mi ruith air. Many a time I made him run. [NOTE in second hand: had a turn at it.]
[sàbhaladh]Is mor an sabhaladh sin. That is a great retrenchment.
[sàrachail]Bha sin sarachail air. That was burdensome on him. [NOTE in second hand: tiresome.]
[sàsachadh]A’ sasachadh na feola. Satisfying the flesh.
[sealladh]Tha sealladh gobhlach aige. He has a squint. [NOTE in second hand: sealladh fiar.]
[seumadh]Tha mi ’gam sheumadh. I cross myself.
[sgiabadh]Thoir tuille sgiabaidh do’n’fharadh. Give more slant to the ladder.
[buntàta]Sgiolcaidh am buntata Sgiathanach as an rusg gu barr a chroinn. The Skye potato will jump out of its skin to the mast head. (being so wet)
[cearc]Gheibh cearc an sgriobain rudeiginn. The scratching hen will get something.
[sgrios]Bheir thu sgrios oirnn. You will annihilate us.
[slighe]Dh’fhalbh e air slighe na firinn. Said of one who is dead.
[sloinntearachd]Sloinntearachd neo-chriochnaich. Endless genealogies.
[soc]Claidhean soc ri soc. Swords point to point.
[socair]Se an t-socair a thug orm a dheanamh. Sheer simplicity made me do it. [NOTE in second hand: socair corrected to sochair.]
[solar]Bu choir solair-itheannaich sa Ghaidhlig a bhi againn. We should have a Gaelic menu.
[solaraich]Sholaraich i aite dhi fhein. She provided a house for herself.
[solar]Co bhitheas a’ solar loin. Who will be purveying.
[stròn]Braighe na stroine. Bridge of nose. [NOTE in second hand: stroine corrected to sroine.]
[tràth]Ann an deagh thrath. In good time.
[strìochdadh]Cha striochdainn do dhuine. I could yield to no one.
[strìochdadh ?]B’fheudar dhaibh striochadh [sic]. They were compelled to yield.
[toiseach]Faigh air thoiseach air. Get the start of him.
[fuireachd]Is fhad an fhuireachd a rinn thu. You made a long stay.
[fuireachadh]Thainig e gun fhuireachadh. He came without delay.
[fuireach]Gu fuireach car oidhche. To stay one night. [NOTE in second hand: To stay for one night or so.]
[marcaich]Marcaich cas ghobhlach. Ride astride.
[beachd]Tha e os cionn mo bheachdsa. It surpasses my comprehension.
[seadh]Gabh ann an droch sheadh. Take in a bad sense. [NOTE in second hand: sheadh corrected to sheagh.]
[docharach]Thog thu mi gu docharrach. You took mi up wrongly.
[moch]Is moch fhuair e bas. He died untimely. [NOTE in second hand: moch not good – og better.]
[dìth]Failnichidh rud sam bith le dith cleachda. Anything fails for lack of use. [NOTE in second hand: cleachda corrected to cleachdaidh.]
[cleachd]Tha mi air mo dheagh chleachd ris. I am well accustomed to it. [NOTE in second hand: chleachd corrected to chleachdadh.]
[subhachas]Is mairg a dheanadh subhachas ri dubhachas fir eile. Woe to him who mocks at another’s grief.
[abaichead]Air abaichead ’s gum bi e. However ripe it may be. [NOTE in second hand: ’gum corrected to ’gam.]
[abaichead]Tha e dol an abaichead. It is getting more and more ripe.
[luach]Cha deanainn air mhor luach e. I wouldn’t do it at any price.
[guth]Mhothaich sinn a ghuth ga threigsinn. We noted his voice going.
[airgiod]Tha airgiod agam mu choinneamh a mhail. Tha [sic] have the money to meet the rent.
[seasmhach]Neo sheasmhach mar uisge. Unstable as water. [NOTE in second hand: Reuben – Bible.]
[cat]Cha d’fhuair mi a chuireadh neul bharr cait. I didn’t get what would relieve a cat’s faintness. [NOTE in second hand: Cha d’fhuair mi na…]
[neul]Muthadh nan neul. Change colour of complexion.
[neul]Thanig [sic] neul ’nam cheann. I turned faintish.
[air]Tha e ort a dheanamh. You are obliged to do it.
[foghnadh]Foghnaidh so: is leoir so. This will serve.
[ceo]Chaidh mi ’nam cheo ’s ’nam bhreislich. I was mystified and puzzled.
[obair]Chaidh mi bho obair, bho fheum. I was past work and useless.
[sgeul]Chaidh mi thar mo sgeoil (mo shiubhail). I lost the thread of my story.
[gabhail]Chaidh mo thoirt as mo ghabhail. I have been disappointed in my original intention.
[rach]Cha deach sin gu math dhaibh. That upset them.
[reothart]Rabhairt an diugh is conntraigh am maireach. Up today and down tomorrow. [NOTE in second hand: Spring tide to-day, neap-tide to-morrow.]
[caomh]Bu ro chaomh leam tighinn. I should like very much to come.
[milleadh]Bheil romhad thu fhein a mhilleadh. Do you intend to ruin yourself. [NOTE in second hand: ruin or damage.]
solus reidhA steady light.
imeachd shocrachSteady motion.
dorus ruidhleanachTurnstile.
ceum bealaichStile.
[briathar]Ann am bheag bhriathan. To sum up all.
[luath]Na’s luaithe na shaoileas tu. Sooner than you think.
[samhradh]La geal samhraidh. A fine summer’s day.
[cùis]Abair gur ann mar so a thu chuis. Suppose the case to be thus.
[càramh]Droch agus deagh charamh. Good and bad usage.
[moladh]Cha mholadh do mholadh. Your praise is dispraise. [NOTE in second hand: Your praise is worthless.]
[tarbhach]Tha iad uile mi tharbhach. They are all unprofitable.
[tuath]Tha e mu thuath. He has gone North.
[cridhe]Chaidh iad gu bron is briseadh cridhe. They gave way to grief and sorrow.
[smuain]Chaidh mi rithist gu mo smuaintean. I reconsidered matters.
[roinn]Roinn mhic is athar. Share and share alike.
[abair]Abair romhad. Say on.
[roimh]Bithidh mise romhad fhathast. I shall be upsides with you yet. [NOTE in second hand: I shall be ahead of you yet.]
[ruadhan]Tha an t-iasg ’na ruadhan. The fish is overcooked.
[ruadhan]Burn glan gun ruadhan. Water without sediment.
[tuille]Tha so ann thuille na corach (an deigh laimhe). That remains over and above.
[meas]Cha tug mi meas freagairt air. I did not think him worthy of a reply. [NOTE in second hand: Cha d’thug…]
[geur]Chronaich esan e gu geur. Dheagh throid e ris. He reprimanded him sharply.
[cliù]Choisinn e droch chliu (iomradh). He gained a bad reputation.
iarrtasAir m’ iarrtas. At my request.
iarrtasCha toill iarrtas achmhasan. A request does not deserve blame.
[sgrios]Shaor e iad a sgrios. He saved them from destruction. [NOTE in second hand: …bho sgrios.]
[dubhailc]Tha cuid dhubhailcean ann aig am bheil aogas subhailc. Some vices have the appearance of virtues.
[corruich]Mach do chorruich. Stifle your resentment. [NOTE in second hand: Mach corrected to Much.]
[làn]Tha mi lan sonruichte air. I am fairly resolved on it. [NOTE in second hand: not good id. lan shuidhichte is the phrase.]
[muthadh]Cha toir mi air inntinn a mhuth. Nothing can make him alter his resolution. [NOTE in second hand: Cha toir nì air inntinn a mhuthadh.]
[beachd]Anns a’ bheachd so. (Air an doigh so.) In this respect.
[freagarrach]Bithidh mise freagarrach airson sin. I will be responsible for that. [NOTE in second hand: seasmhach. Freagarrach is suitable.]
[dearbhadh]Cuir gu dearbhadh. Put to the proof.
riaraichteServed up at table.
[cuid]Ni mi a’ chuid eile leam fhein. I will manage the rest myself.
[càch]Theid mi ann cho math ri cach. I shall go as well as the others.
[aisig]La aisig Righ Tearlach a dha. Restoration day.
[deireadh]Se sin as deireadh dha. That will be the result of it.
[brath]Ciod gus an tig e, ’sann aig Dia a tha brath. What will be the result God alone knows.
[caochladh]Is e a cheart chaochladh a th’ann. It is the very reverse.
[carachadh]Cha n’eil comas carachaidh agam. I haven’t room to move.
[grod]Laidhe an sin gus an grod tu. Lie there till you rot. [NOTE in second hand: Laidhe corrected to Laigh.]
[cuairt]Gheibh sibh e car mu’n cuairt. You shall have it in rotation.
[sgeul]Sgeul phongail gun snas. Plain unvarnished tale. [NOTE in second hand: Not a happy combination. Not good Gaelic idea. Anything pongail must be snasmhor. Sgeul fhada gun snas.]
[pongail]Air innseadh gu pongail. Snappily related.
[aithreachas]Gabhaidh tu an t-aithreachas dheth. You will rue it.
[caillte]Mar is aille leat a bhi caillte. Unless you wish to be ruined. [NOTE in second hand: Mar corrected to Mur.]
[seadh]Ciod an seadh anns an do ghabh thu e. In what sense did you take it. [NOTE in second hand: seadh corrected to seagh.]
[coisinn]Chuir e mach g’a choisinn e. He put him out to service. [NOTE in second hand: choisinn corrected to chosnadh.]
[fiacaill]Chas e fhiaclan rium. He gnashed his teeth at me.
[dol]Nach eil doigh air bith dol as againn. Have we no escape. [NOTE in second hand: … gu dol as againn.]
[craiceann]Ge b’oil le do chraicionn e. In spite of your [?] skin.
[leisg]Is leisg le leisgein dol laidhe is seachd leisg leis eiridh. Slow is the sluggard at bedtime but seven times slower to rise. [NOTE in second hand: … dol a laighe … eirigh.]
[toinisg]Cha neil mi air cho bheag toinisg. I am not so void of sense.
[breitheamh]Cho suidhichte ri breitheamh. As sober as a judge.
[uiread]Cha d’rinn e na h-uiread is gluaiseadh. He did not as much as move. [NOTE in second hand: … is gluasad.]
[bog]Tha e gu bog blath na leapaidh. He is warm and snug in bed. [NOTE in second hand: … ’na leabaidh.]
[toil]Cha toil le cuid e. Some there are who don’t like it. [NOTE in second hand: toil corrected toigh.]
[sluagh]Cuid shluagh, cuid dh’fheadhainn. Some folk.
[tilgeadh]Tha mi thun tilgeadh. I am ready to spew.
[fiacaill]Ge b’oil le d fhiaclan. In spite of your teeth.
reluctantlyGu h-aindeonach, an aghaidh toile, gu neo thoileach.
[caol]Caol ri caol is leathann ri leathann – leughar is sgriobhar gach fhacal san t-saoghail. Gaelic spelling rule.
[earbsa]Tha mi cur earbsa asad, earbam asad. I rely on you.
[fainear]Thug e fainear. He remarked.
[cùl]Cuir cuil ri (treig) do chompanaich. Renounce your companions.
[ceartas]Le ceartas. By rights.
[cuireadh]Cha mi air chuireadh. I am invited. [NOTE in second hand: Tha mi air mo chuireadh.]
[toradh]Ceud thoradh. First fruits.
[miann]Sasuich do mhiann. Satisfy your ambition.
[creideas]Diol fear creideis. Satisfy creditors.
[ri]Cha do thaitinn e rium. Cha tainig e rium. It failed to satisfy me.
[seachad]Na cuir seachad ormsa e. Give me the option (i.e. of refusing) it.
[suim]Cuir air bheag suim. Consider of little account.
[diùbhras]Chan fhaic mi sion a dhiubhrais eatorra. I cannot see a particle of difference in them.
[mionnan]Cuir air a mhionnan e. Put him on oath.
[cas]Cuir air chois. Set on foot.
[comhairle]Cuir comhairle. Confer, consult, ask advice.
[comhairle]Chuir e comhairle ris na gillean oga. He consulted with the young men.
[seisean]Cuir air an t-seisein. Summon before the church session.
[ràimh]Cuir sna raimh. Row hard.
[dolaidh]Cuir glan a dholaidh. Spoil completely.
[iarraidh]Cuir a dh’ iarraidh. Send for.
[gul]Cuir a’ gul. Set acrying.
[eathair]Cuir an t-eathair air. Beach the boat.
[cuir]Is beag a tha cuir orm. I am all right. [NOTE in second hand: cuir corrected to cur.]
[adhart]Cuir air adhart. Promote.
[seòl]Cuir air sheol. Put in good trim.
[aithne]Cuir aithne air. Renew acquaintance.
[car]Cuir car dhiot. Bestir yourself.
[car]Gu de an ath char a chuir thu dhiot. What was your next move?
[farmad]Gabh farmad. Covet.
[miannaich]Miannaich cuid duine eile. Covet.
[leisg]Is leisg leam a chuir a mach air. I am reluctant to quarrel with him. [NOTE in second hand: chuir corrected to chur.]
[mìnich]Minich e. Explain it.
[cath]Chuir e deagh chath. He put up a good fight.
[druigheachd]Cuir druigheachd air. Bewitch him.
[socair]Cha socair s am bith sin dhomh. That is no advantage to me.
[sochair]Sochairean chlann Dhe. The privileges of God’s children.
[socharach]Carson a tha thu cho socharach? Why are you so compliant?
[cneadach]Is tric a chinn an cneadach sa dh fhalbh an sodach. Often does the puny one grow and the stout decay. [NOTE in second hand: Is tric a chinn an cneadaiche sa dh’ fhalbh an sodaiche.]
[soilleireachadh]A’ soilleireachadh a’ ghnothaic [sic] so dhomh. Making the affair intelligible to me.
[saoghal]Saoghal fada is soirbheas. Long life and prosperity. [NOTE in second hand: soirbheas corrected to soirbheachadh.]
[soirbheas]La an t-soirbhias [sic]. The day of prosperity.
[soirbheas]Soirbheas math leat. Good luck to you.
[soirbheas]Chan eirich soirbheas leis. He will not prosper.
[gaoth]Gaoth shoirbheasach. A favourable wind.
[gaoth]Tha a’ ghaoth a’ togail. Tha a’ ghaoth ag aotromachadh. The wind is abating.
[son]Air na h-uile son. For every reason.
[son]Air son sin dheth. For that matter of it.
[soirbhich]Soirbhichidh leis gach ni a ni e. Everything he touches prospers.
[soitheach]Soitheach fuaraidh. Refrigerator. [NOTE in second hand: Soitheach fuarachaidh. Fuaraidh is going to windward.]
[clùd]Clud nan soithichean. Dishcloth.
[eanchainn]Eanachainn [sic] shoilleir. A clear head.
[gaoth]Ceann gaoithe. An addled head. [NOTE in second hand: This is an obscure and apparently meaningless [sic].]
[each]Thoir comas cinn do’n each. Give the horse its head.
[bliadhna]Eadar so is ceann bliadhna. Before the expiry of a year.
[uidh]Ceann ar n-uidhe. Our journey’s end.
[solasach]Gu sonas solasach. Happy and contented. [NOTE in second hand: sonas corrected to sona.]
[solas]Solas no donas. Success or misfortune.
[sonas]Sonas an lorg an caitheimh. Luck follows liberality. [NOTE in second hand: an caitheimh corrected to na caitheimh.]
[oisinneach]Oibreach oisinneach. Bevelled gearing.
[brochan]Ag ol brochain. Supping porridge.
[sreath]An da shreath. In two ranks.
[sreath]Sreath aghaidh. Sreath chuil. Van and rear (of army).
[fuaim]Mar fhuaim uird. Like the noise of a hammer.
[spàirn]Spairn a bhais. Death agony.
aite spaidearaichePromenade.
[sannt]Sannt gun sonas eiridh an donas dhuit. Hopeless greed will not succeed.
[spailp]Cha ruig thu leas cur spailp ort ruimsa [sic]. Don’t bother to assume such airs in my presence.
[ceum]Tha mi dol a ghabhail ceum spaidearaiche. I am going for an airing.
[sparr]Am mac air an sparr an t-athair gun bhreith. Counting chickness [sic] before they are hatched. [NOTE in second hand: Is this not a riddle? See Nic.]
[comhair]An comhair a chuil. Backwards. An comhair a bheoil. Forwards.
[sparradh]Thug e teann sparradh dhaibh. He gave them a strict injunction.
[àrdachadh]Ardachadh tuarasdail. Increase of salary.
[àirde]O gach airde. From every point of the compass.
[àirde]Airde nam beann. Height of the hill.
[àrdachadh]Tha ardachadh air. He is maniacal.
[ceum]Ceum fas. A false stop.
[ceum]Cheun [sic] e gu mor mun cuairt. He stepped round majestically. [NOTE in second hand: Eng der.]
[ceum]Tha e ceum nas fhaide a mach. He is a degree further removed in relationship.
[leth]An leith as mo. The majority.
taghadh air leithA bye election.
taghadh coitchinnA general election.
[buille]Buille airson buille. Stroke for stroke.
[blasta]Blasda [sic] le salann. Seasoned with salt.
[blasad]Gun am blasad. Without tasting them.
[blasmhoiread]A’ dol am blasmhoiread. Getting more savoury.
[sealbh]Thoir dhomh sealbh. Give me possession.
[snichd]Gach snichd a th’agam. Every stitch I possess.
[toradh]Toradh do ghniomharran. Fruits of your conduct.
[bharr]Bharr na leapa. Off the bed.
biadh siubhailRations.
[siubhal]Tha e siubhal gu dian. He drives furiously.
[car]A’ cur nan car dheth. Dreadfully busy.
[leth-char]Leth-char ur. Somewhat new.
[car]Car an aghaidh cuir. Diamond cut diamond.
car tuathailA wrong turn. [NOTE in second hand: A wrong or left turn.]
[caraibh]An caraibh a cheile. In contact or in grips.
[cailce]Thar na cailce gu buileach. Quite over the score.
cro snathaidEye of needle.
[thugad]Gath [sic] thugad. Realise.
[car]Gabh car air. Take advantage of it.
[ais]Cùm air t’ ais. Keep back.
[cuir]Cuir ort. Restrain yourself.
[còdhail]Cum codhail. Keep an appointment.
[làmh]Tha iad ag iomairt á lamhan a cheile. There is collusion between them.
[làmh]Rug e air laimhe oirre. He shook hands with her. [NOTE in second hand: laimhe corrected to laimh.]
[làmh]Gabh an laimh. Undertake.
[làmh]Tha e an laimh. He is in custody.
[làmh]Laimh air laimhe. Hand in hand or hand in glove. [NOTE in second hand: Laimh air laimh.]
[uaigh]Chairich iad ’s an uaigh e. They laid him in the grave.
[càirich]Na cairich am peacadh oirnne. Don’t lay their sins to our charge.
[càirich]Cairich air falbh e. Cajole him away.
[oir]Oir an ardaich. Hem of the cloth.
[oir]Gun oir. Without a border.
[oir]Oir an t-sruthain. The edge of the stream. [NOTE in second hand: not sure of correctness of this.]
[bil]Bil a h-ada. Brim of the hand.
[nàdur]A thaobh naduir. By nature.
[sràid]Sraid leth taoibh. A side street.
[giùlan]Chan urrain [sic] dhomh ga ghiulain. I cannot endure it any longer.
[falach]Tha e am falach. He is in hiding.
[deanamh]A deanamh oraide, leabhair, sgeoil. Composing a speech, book or story.
[riar]Dean mo riar-sa. Pleasure me.
[crath]Crath ris. Wave to him.
[crath]Crath do cheann. Shake your head.
[crath]Chrath e a bhata. He brandished his stick.
[teann]Teann as an rathad. Out of the way.
[teann]Teann air mios. Close upon a month.
[teann]Duine teann. A severe person.
[àiteach]Tha e ri aiteach. He is farming.
[teann]Teannaibh ri cheile. Sit close.
[teann]Theann iad ri treobhadh. They began ploughing. [NOTE in second hand: treobhadh corrected to treabhadh.]
[dorus]A’ crannadh ’s a sparradh an doruis. Bolting and barring the door.
[tastan]Tha tasdan aige orm. I owe him a shilling.
[tastan]Tha tasdan agam air. He owes me a shilling.
[riarachadh]Riarachadh orra e. Distribute it amongst them. [NOTE in second hand: riaraich.]
riarachadh inntinnIntense mental pleasure and satisfaction.
[cead]Cead dol. Cead fuireach. Permission to go or stay.
[cead]Iarr cead. Ask leave.
[cead]Gun do chead a ghabhail. Without asking your permission.
[cead]Faigh cead dhomh. Get me leave.
[cead]Thoir dhomh cead. Grant me leave.
[cianalas]A’ cur dhinn an cianalas. Banishing melancholy. [NOTE in second hand: an cianalas corrected to a’ chianalas.]
[còir]Air choir. Right or well.
[còir]Cha d’fhuair e oibreachadh air choir. He did not get a proper chance of working.
[uair]Air an uair. Presently.
air athaisSlowly.
[feobhas]Chan fhaic mi fheobhas. I can’t see its superiority.
[dòchas]An dòchas do theachd. In expectation of your arrival.
[dòigh]Gun doigh. Out of order. Absurd.
[bròn]Eideadh broin. Mournings.
air barrAtop.
[dàil]Dail sia miosan. Credit for six months.
[faochadh]Gun fhaochadh fad an la. Without alleviation all day.
[toigh]Is toigh leam thusa ach is docha leam esan. I like you but prefer him.
[dòcha]Se so as dòcha. This is more likely.
[obair]Rinn e a dh’aon obair e. He did it on purpose.
[airidh]Chan airidh mi. I am not worthy.
[lorg]Lorgan chorrag. Finger prints. [NOTE in second hand: not correct; lorg is mark of foot or hoof – only.]
[beud]Chan ’eil beud air. There is nothing wrong with him.
[beud]Cha d eirich beud dha. No harm has befallen him.
[séid]Nach ann air a tha an t-seid. The fellow is puffed up with good living.
[séid]Fhuair e sheid. He got his bellyful.
[leisg]Is leisg leam. I am reluctant.
[air]Tha e oirbh a dheanamh. You are obliged to do it.
[beò-shlàinte]Gabh do bheo-shlainte dheth. Take your living of it.
[cridhe]Tha eagal a chridhe air. The extreme of terror is upon him.
[uilear]Cha b’uilear dhuit bhi so. You would require to be here.
[uilear]Cha b’uilear uibhir eile. As much again is necessary.
[cùis]Rinn e cuis bhuirt (ball fanaid, ball spors) dheth fhein. He made a fool of himself.
[aiseid]Dh’asaideadh air mac i. She was delivered of a son.
[sgàth]Air sgath sgoinne. For decency’s sake.
[sgàth]Tha sgath orm. I am afraid.
[sgàth]Fo sgath do sgeith. Under your protection.
[innis]An innis tu mi fhein dhomh. Will you tell me my character.
[seasmhach]Duine seasmhach. A man of his word.
ma dh’fhaodas eIt may well be.
[seasmhach]Aite comhnuidh seasmhach. Fixed abode or address.
[blàr]On bhlar gu bharr. From top to bottom. [NOTE in second hand: From bottom to top.]
[taobh]A thaobh athair. By father’s side.
[seinn]Air a sheinn feadh na duthcha. Reported through the country.
[seis]Cha d’fhuair Fionn a sheis riamh. Fionn never met his match.
[seis]Barrachd sa sheis. More than his match. [NOTE in second hand: sheis corrected to sheise.]
[saorsadh]Saorsadh is co-ionnanach. Liberty and equality. [NOTE in second hand: saorsadh corrected to saorsa.]
[seargadh]Tha an duine a’ seargadh air falbh. Tha man is fading away.
oide aidmheilFather confessor.
[fadal]Tha fadal orm. I am bored stiff. [NOTE in second hand: I am longing for.]
[fiosrachadh]M’fhiosrachadh fhein. My own experience.
[fiosrachadh]Eolach troimh fhiosrachadh. [NOTE in second hand: Experienta [sic] docet.]
[cleas]Cha b’e sin cleas d’athair. That is not your father’s way.
[tuasaid]Nuair a bhitheas an tuasaid so thairis. When the hurly burly is over.
[ioma-cheist]Dh’fhag e mi fo’n iomacheist. He left me in the lurch. [NOTE in second hand: imcheist.]
[blàth]Tha i am blath a h’aimsir. She is in her prime.
[dòchas]Tha dòchas mor agam as an òganach. I think him a youth of promise.
[fiach]Is fiach air duine na gheallas e. A promise is a debt of honour. [NOTE in second hand: fiachan.]
[gad]Cha chuirear gad air gealladh. A promise is not a handcuff.
[gealladh]Tha iad air an gealladh (gealltuinn). They are promised.
[gealladh]Gealladh gun cho-ghealladh. Promise without performance.
[toiseach]Toiseach teachd is deireadh falbh. First to come and last to go.
[fairtlich]Dh’fhairtlich e orm. I failed.
[facal]Facal na thrath. A word in season.
[neoni]Thainig e gu neoni. It came to nothing.
[barail]Cha bu dona a’ bharail a thug thu air. You guessed well.
[coisinn]Cha mhor a choisinn thu air. You have not gained much by it.
[peighinn]Is cho math peighinn a chaoimhnadh is peighinn a choisinn. A penny saved is a penny gained. [NOTE in second hand: choisinn corrected to chosnadh.]
[làmh]Chan aithne dha a lamh dheas seach a lamh chli. He doesn’t know his right from his left.
[cabhag]Mar is motha chabhag s ann is lugha an t-astar. More hurry – less speed.
[crochadh]Gabh gad chrochadh. (Gabh thun na croiche.) Be hanged to you.
[dàn]Am fear do’n dàn a’ chroich cha teid a bhàthadh. Those born to hang won’t be drowned.
[dleasnas]Dleasnasan a’ bhuird. Honours of the table.
[sannt]Chan ’eil sannt bidh orm idir. I am not in the humour of eating.
[sannt]Chan ’eil sannt gniomha orm. I am not inclined to work.
[fàbharach]Dh’éisdeadh ris gu fabharach. He received a favourable hearing.
[teas]Teas (no airde) an latha. The heat of the day.
[mearachd]Rugadh ann am mearachd i. She was an illegitimate child.
[fois]Am fois: an tàmh. At ease.
[briosg]Am briosg. In a trice.
[seòl]Air sheol: air mhodh. In a way.
[sealladh]Anns an t-sealladh. In sight.
[làthair]Ann lathair nan uile. In sight of all.
[drùidh]Dhrùigh e air. It made an impression on him. [NOTE in second hand: dhrùigh corrected to dhrùidh.]
[toil]Tha e gabhail a thoil (ga thoileachadh fhein). He indulges himself.
[lasadh]Air lasadh le feirg. Inflamed with anger.
[àille]B’aille leam thu fhoighneachd. I would have you enquire.
[beul]Cum beul briagh ri. Keep fair with.
[teine]Bheil an teine beothachadh (gabhail). An do bheothaich (air do ghabh) an teine? Has the fire kindled?
[faicinn]Is aithne dhomh e a thaobh fhaicinn. I know him by sight.
[sàr]Mar a tha sar fhios agat. As you know very well.
[aimsir]Aom (no struth) na h-aimsir. With the lapse of time.
[teann]Tha e teann ri fannachadh (no toirt thairis). He begins to flag.
[comas]Air falbh gun chomas. Absent without leave. [NOTE in second hand: Eng id.]
[gàire]Gaire dh’aindheoin. Forced laughter.
[aobhar]Is aobhar gaire e. It is quite laughable.
[ceart]Bu cheart cho math leam. I would just as soon.
[anam]Air d’anam na dean e. Don’t do it for your life.
[rach]Rachadh e far an togar e. Let him go where he likes.
[fortan]Mar a bha ’m fortan. As good luck would have it.
[spionnadh]Le uile spionnadh. With might and main.
[seachnadh]Fuiling an rud nach gabh seachnadh. Make a virtue of necessity.
[strì]Rinn e moran stri. He made great exertions.
[duine]B’e sin a rinn duine dheth. That made a man of him.
[pòsadh]Posadh air eiginn (a dh’ aindheoin). Forced marriage.
[inntinn]Leig d’inntinn air. Set your mind on.
[clach]Bheireadh e snidheadh air cridhe na cloiche. It would melt a heart of stone.
[uibhir]A cheart uibhear [sic] ri so. Just as much as that.
[meud]A mheud so: na h-uibhear so. This much.
[uiread]Da uiread. Double the amount.
[uibhir]Na h-uibhear [sic] eile. Twice as much.
[oil]Ge b’oil le d’amhaich e. In spite of your neck.
[each]Tha an t-each a bhuailear sa cheann sgathach. Once bitten twice shy.
[sgàthan]Sgathan balgach (comhnard). Convex or plain mirror.
[sgàthan]Sgathan tolgach. A concave mirror.
[sgillinn]Gun uiread is sgillinn. Without as much as a penny.
[sgìos]Cia mar an sgios e. What a weariness of the flesh it is. [NOTE in second hand: not proper Gaelic (and mar corrected to mór).]
[cruaidh]Cruaidh a’ sgreadadh air cruaidh. Steel grating on steel.
[sìnteag]Cha ghabh mi na sinteagan. I will not try the stepping stones. (Also a stroke in swimming.)
[sìoladh]A’ sioladh a bhainne. Straining the milk.
[sgoladh]An t-uisge a sgoladh. Water filtering.
[sìoladh]A’ sioladh as. Passing quietly away.
[sìoladh]Leig leis sioladh. Let it subside.
[salachar]Tha thu air cur thairis le salachar. You are covered with dirt.
[coimeas]Cuir thu fein an coimeas ris. Put yourself on a level with him.
[sgaoilteach]Cainnt sgaoilteach. Unguarded language.
[tulgadh]Tulgadh a chreathall. Rocking the cradle. [NOTE in second hand: a chreathall corrected to na creathall.]
sios agus suas“But and ben” of house. In Perthshire (Eastwards and Westwards).
[seòmar]Falbh suas do’n t-seomar. Go “ben” the house.
[mullach]Sithean mullach a chinn. The very crown of the head where the hair parts. [NOTE in second hand: appears good.]
[smid]Gun smid tha ceann an eolais. Silence is the foundation of knowledge. [NOTE in second hand: Silent is the head which has knowledge.]
[smioralas]Duine gun smioralas. Man with no guts.
[smùdan]Tha smudan fein á ceann gach foid. “Ilka blade of grass has its ain drop of dew.” [NOTE in second hand: Dug. Buchanan.]
[smugaid]Tilgeil smugaide. Expectorating.
[lùbag]Lubag cas laoigh. Half hitch.
[snaim]Snaim a’ bhuailtein. Clove hitch.
[lùb]Lub ruith. Running knot.
[snaim]Snaim a’ bhanna, a bhreabadair, an fhigheadair, an t-seoladair. Reef knot.
[snaim]Snaim chruaidh. Hard knot.
[snaim]Snaim do sheanamhar. ‘Granny’ knot.
[snaim]Snaim casa caorach. Sheepshank knot.
[snaim]Snaim calpa an dul. Half hitch or loop. (Bowline or light.)
[snaidheadh]Snaidheadh fiodha. Carving (whittling) wood.
[snaidheadh]Snaidheadh chlacha. Hewing stone. [NOTE in second hand: cloiche (s), chlach (p).]
[snaig]Cuir an t-snaig air an dorus. Sneck the door.
[snàth]Snath fuaighle. Sewing thread. [NOTE in second hand: fuaigheil.]
[sradanta]Duine sradanta. Quick tempered man.
[snàth]Snath cloimhe. Worsted.
[snàth]Snath riaghailt. Basting thread.
[dùbhlan]Cuir gu dhubhlan. Touch him to the quick.
[dùbhlan]Nuar theid duine gu dhubhlan. When one is touched to the quick.
[snas]Dean le snas e. Do it decently.
[snas]Gnothuch gun snas. Shabby trick.
[dùil]Chaill sinn ar dùil dheth. We lost our expectation of him.
[comas]Fhad sa bha e ’nam chomas. As much as lay in me.
[alt]Ni sin alt eile air. We shall use another method.
[alt]Air na h-uile alt. At all events.
[co-ionann]Co-ionann air gach doigh. Equal in every respect.
[cath]Chuir iad cath ris. They struggled against him.
[luaidh]Tha luaidh air uisge beatha. There is virtue in whiskey.
[fuasgladh]Fuasgladh na ceiste. The answer to the question.
[bochdainn]De a’ bhochdainn a rug ort. What the mischief befell you?
[snìomh]Shniomh na mnathan. The women spun.
[snìomh]Shniomh e o’m laimh e. He wrenched it from my hand.
[snìomh]Shniomh e an ceann dheth. He twisted the head off it.
ban shniomhaicheSpinster.
[falt]Falt sniomhainach. Plaited hair.
[pàirt]Pairt dheth. Some of it.
[pàirt]Ghabh e phairt. He took his part.
[cuid]Cha bhi cuid no pairt agam dheth. I shall take no part in the enterprise.
[astar]Astar thri làithean. Three days journey.
[astar]Bata fo astar. Boat under weigh.
[siteag]Cuir thun na siteige e. Turn him out.
saighdear siteig“Chocolate Soldier”.
[smior]Smior an t-sil. Best of seed.
[smior]Duine gun smior. Spineless creature.
[manadh]Tha i cur air a’ mhanadh dhomh. She prophesies for me.
[car]Cuir car dhiot. (Tarruing a’ chas a th’air deireadh.) Stir your stumps.
[mearachd]Thog mi am mearachd thu. I mistook your meaning.
[tog]Togamaid oirnn. Let us bestir ourselves.
[òrdugh]Gun ordugh. Disordered. Deranged.
[uchd]Ri uchd cruadail. Braving difficulties.
[uchd]Uchd ri uchd. Abreast.
[tàmailt]Tamailt fhollaiseach. Public disgrace.
[tàmailt]Tamailt pearsa. Personal insult.
[uchd]A’ togail an uchd. Ascending the face of the hill.
[slabhraidh]Stioman dh’obair shlabhraidh. Wreaths of chain work.
[uisge]Cha tig e an uisge na stiureadh dha. He couldn’t hold a candle to him. [NOTE in second hand: stiùrach.]
[aol]Aol tathaidh gun suathadh. Unslaked cement.
[seach]Seach innseadh air. Rather than inform against him.
[suidheachadh]Air a’ cheart shuidheachadh. In the same predicament. (pattern of cloth)
[suidhichte]Air an la shuidhichte. On the appointed day.
[suidhichte]Tha mi suidhichte sin a dheanamh. I am determined to do that.
[faire]Shuidhich iad faire. They set a watch.
[slàn]Gu ma slan gu’n till thu. May you be well until you return.
[sùgh]Eodar an t-sugh is an t-slat. Between the devil and the deep sea. [NOTE in second hand: Eodar corrected to Eadar.]
lag na sleisdeHollow of the thigh.
teine biorach“Marsh” fire.
[slinnean]Fear slinnean leathan. Large broad shouldered man.
[sloinneadh]Co bhuaidhe a shloinneadh. From whom his descent?
[stàth]Cha stath dhomh. I have no good reason.
taois ghoirtLeaven.
taois cailcPutty.
sluagh iulPolitics.
sluagh iul AghartaichLiberals.
Ais cheumachReactionary.
sluagh iul runPolicy of party.
run coimheachForeign policy.
sluagh iul run na duthchaNationalists.
sluagh iul na h-impireachdImperial politics.
sluagh thaitneachdPopularity.
[uasal]Tha e tuille is uasal uime. He is too fastidious about it.
[clach]Os cionn chlach uasail. Above precious stones.
[irioslachd]Is ann uasal a tha an irioslachd. Noble is humility.
uathrais air tharaisHelter skelter.
eun tearcRara avis.
[ceann]Chuir mi ’nam cheann a dhol ann. I resolved to go.
[ceann]Chuir mi ’na cheann a dhol ann. I suggested to him to go.
[beul]Beul an lain. High water mark.
[beul]Cha burrain dhomh beul a thoirt dha. I couldn’t mouth the food.
[Dia]A bhuilich Dia ort. Which God bestowed on you.
tairbhe eucorachUnjust gains.
[taisead]A’ dol an taisead. Getting softer and more delicate.
[tamhasg]B’e do thamhasg a bh’ann. It was your very double.
[tamull]Car tamuill bhig. For a short time.
[tamull]Tamull as. A short distance away. [NOTE in second hand: Tamull is time not distance.]
[cliù]Fo dheagh chliu. A good character.
[caogadh]Caogadh suil. In a twinkling of an eye.
[caogadh]Caogaidh e le shuil. He winks with his eye.
[buil]Bithidh a’ bhuil dhuit. The result is obvious in your case.
[buil]Tha a’ bhuil sin air. The result is obvious on him.
[buil]An rud a nithear gu ceart chitear a bhuil. Properly done the result must tell.
[facal]A thoirt gu buil fhacal. To fulfill his words.
[buil]Dean deagh bhuil dheth. Make a good use of it.
[buil]Buil cheart a dheanamh dheth. To make proper use of it.
[toirbheartas]Toirbheartas a laimhe. The superabundance of his goodness.
[tàiread]A’ dol an tairead. Becoming more and more contemptible.
[cainnt]A chainnt taireil. His contemptible words.
[tasgadh]Ga thasgadh seachad. Hoarding up.
[taisg]Ni sam bith a th’n taisg. Anything hoarded up. [NOTE in second hand: th’n corrected to tha an.]
[claidheamh]Taisgear gach claidheamh ’na thruaill. Every sword shall be sheathed.
[cridhe]Cridhe nach taisich roimh fhuathas. A heart which won’t quail.
[taingeil]Is taingeil is coir dhuit a bhi. You ought to be jolly thankful.
[taing]A’ nochdadh do thaing. Showing your sense of gratitude.
[tàintean]Is mor na taintean a bhuilich Dia ort. God has granted you much. [NOTE in second hand: ?]
[tàintean]Bithidh do sgoil na taintean dhuit ri d’bheo. Your education will prove an accomplishment all your life.
[uilear]Chan uilear dhuit a bhi cinnteach. You require to be sure.
[uilear]Cha mhor nach b’uilear dhomh e. I am entirely dependent on it.
[uilear]Chan uilear dha punnd eile. He would require another pound.
[uilear]Chan uilear dhuit a bhi so. You would need to be here.
[uilear]Cha b’uilear dhaibh tighinn aig aon uair. They would require to come at one o’clock.
[uilear]Cha b’uilear dhuinn cogadh no failreachadh. We had to fight or yield. [NOTE in second hand: not a good construction.]
[uilear]Cha b’uilear uiread eile. As much again is necessary.
[uilear]Cha n’uilear is rendered affirmatively. Is uilear: negatively.
[uilear]Chan uilear dha tasdan air an tunnaig. He requires a shilling for the duck.
[uilear]Is uilear dha tasdan air an tunnaig. He does not require two shillings for the duck.
[faochadh]An d’fhuair e faochadh. Has he got relief (or passed the crisis of disease)?
[cùl]Cul buidhe dualach. Yellow curly head.
[cùl]Air do chul. Behind you.
[cùl]Gu cul. Thoroughly: completely.
[cùl]Bithidh mise air do chul. I shall support you.
[cùl]Is tu an cu gu d’ chul. You are a cur every inch of you.
[cùl]Cuir cul ris. Reject.
[cùl]Cul ri cul. Back to back.
[cùlaobh]Air culaobh chaich. Behind the others.
[taic]Cuir taic ri so. Prop this up.
[cùl]Leig leo dol air cul a’ gnothuic. Let them take a back seat on that point. [NOTE in second hand: cul a’ gnothuic corrected to chul an gnothaich.]
[fiù]Chan fhiu e dad. Duine gun fhiu. He is worthless.
[fiù]Cha n’fhiu e mise. He is not worthy of me. [NOTE in second hand: not good construction.]
[fiù]Mar is fhiu is mar is fhiosrach mi. To the best of my knowledge and belief.
[clach]Leag e a’ chlach steidh. He laid the foundation stone.
[leig]Leig dha falbh. Let him go.
[druim]Gun druim ach athar. Without shelter but the sky.
[druim]Druim uachdar a’ chairein. The palate.
[fèath]Tha an oidhche ’na feith. The night is calm.
[tòn]Thuit a chridhe ’na thòin. His heart sank to his boots.
[cridhe]Le m’uile chridhe. With all my heart.
[cridhe]Nach ann aige a tha an cridhe. Isn’t he the hardened sinner?
[bonn]Chan ’eil mi bonn ’nad eisimeil. I don’t care a straw for you.
[bonn]Fo bhonnaibh ur cas. Beneath the soles of your feet.
[bonn]Thoir na buinn ort. Hook it. [NOTE in second hand: ort corrected to dhi.]
[geamhlag]Cuir taic ris a gheamhlaig. Put a support in for the lever.
[taic]An taic a cheile. In contact. In collision.
[taic]An taic ri bliadhna. Approximately a year.
[taic]Na leig do thaic ris. Don’t depend too much on that.
[taic]Cha ruig mi leas mo thaic a leigeil riutsa. It would be foolish on my part to depend on you.
[oil]Mas oil leat e na dean a rithist e. If you don’t like it don’t do it again.
[oil]Chan oil leamsa ged robh thu air do chrochadh. I wouldn’t mind if you were hung.
[aimhreiteach]Duine aimhreiteach. A contentious person.
air larOn the ground floor.
[togairt]A’ togairt dol dhachaidh. Keenly desirous of going home. [NOTE in second hand: not keen – considering.]
[àird]De’n aird a dh’fhag thu air. What state did you leave him in?
faimeadh aodaichHemming cloth. [NOTE in second hand: faimeadh corrected to faitheamadh.]
[fàim]Cuir faim air do theanga. Be circumspect. [NOTE in second hand: faim corrected to faitheam.]
[tochradh]A reir tochraidh nam maighdean. According to the maidens dowry.
[ullag]A tilgeil ullagan. Throwing snowballs.
[beir]Rug mi air. I overtook him.
[ùraich]Dh’uraich an deoch e. The drink invigorated (refreshed) him.
[urras]Oifig urras teine. Fire Insurance office.
[tobha]Bitheadh gach fear a’ deanamh tobha dha fhein. Let them all make a rope to hang themselves.
[toch]Thoch iad an crodh. They have stringed the cattle. [NOTE in second hand: ?]
[uileann]Uileann na beinne. The shoulder of the hill.
[uileann]Air uileann nan leac. On the corner of the flag stones.
[iongar]Tharruing e an t-iongar. It drew pus.
[tarruing]Tarruing chailleach. Pulling in a slovenly fashion.
[tarruing]Tarruing air t’ais. Withdraw.
[tarruing]Tarruing suas ris. Speak to him.
[uireas]A’ dol airson uireasan. Going for necessities. [NOTE in second hand: uireasbhuidhean.]
[uireas]De iad na h-uireasan a tha a dhith ort. What necessities do you lack?
[toimhseagan]Fuasgail an toimhseagan. Guess the riddle.
[éiginn]Beo air eiginn. Just alive.
[bàs-bhuille]Fhuair e a bhas-bhuille. He received his death blow.
[uair]Gach uair. At all times.
[uair]Rinn se e uair is uaire. He did it repeatedly.
[taobh]Taobh an fhuaraidh. Weather side.
[taobh]Air an taobh leis. On the lee side.
barr na teangaPoint of tongue.
bun na teangaRoot of the tongue.
[beannachd]Mo bheannachd ’na chuid is ’na chuideachd. Good luck to him.
[rath]Chaidh e bho rath. He has gone to pigs and whistles.
[rath]Is beag rath a bhitheas ort. You will have but poor luck.
[spìon]Spion as a bhun e. Root it out.
[bun]Dean bun a Dia. Place your confidence in God.
[bun]Chan fhag e bun no barr. He will not leave root or branch.
[tilgte]Tha ceann tilgte air a bhata. The stick has an artificial head.
[tighearnas]Deagh (droch) thighearnas. Good and bad rule.
[tighinn]Is math a thig an cota ruit [sic]. The coat fits you well. [NOTE in second hand: ruit corrected to dhuit.]
[tighinn]Ciamar tha e tighinn dhomh. How does it become me?
[tighinn]Ciamar a thig sin riut? How will that suit you?
[tighinn]Cha tig sin gu math ris. That will not please him.
[tighinn]B’ann air gaol a bha i tighinn. It was of love she spoke.
[stàth]Cha n’eil stath tighinn air sin. There is no use (or sense) in discussing that.
[seanachas]Thainig iad am briathran seanachais air a cheile. They spoke of old times to each other.
[tighinn]Thainig againn air labhairt uime. He chanced to speak of him.
[tighinn]De tha tighinn ris. What ails him?
[tighinn]Thainig orm falbh. I was obliged to leave.
[snàth]Cha tig snath do mhna-sa ri snath mo mhna-sa. Your wife spinning will not compare with mine.
[tighinn]Thig orm. I must.
[tighinn]Cha tigear air gabhadh thric. One would not come safely through frequent dangers.
[cluas]Chailleadh tu do chluasan mur a biodh iad ceangailte riut. You would lose your head if it weren’t tied on.
[làn]Lan mhath. Quite well. Lan cheart. Quite right.
[làn]Rug an lan oirnn. The tide overtook us.
[làn]Lan fhiosrach. A certainty.
[làn]Lan dhearbhadh. Absolute proof.
[làn]Lan damh. Full grown stag.
[làn]Lan chothrom. Ample opportunity.
[làn]Lan chumhachd. Full authority or discretionary powers.
[meud]A mheud san lathair. As many as were present.
[meud]Dol am meud. Increasing in size or extent.
[meud]Mun mheud sud. About that size.
[meudachd]Is ioghnadh leam fein a mheudachd. I am surprised at its bulk.
[luach]Meudachaidh tu a luach. You will increase its value. [NOTE in second hand: meudaicidh [?].]
[theab]Theab iad. They had almost.
[theab]Chaidh “theab” le creig ’s “theab” nach deachaidh. “Almost” fell over a rock but it almost didn’t.
[saoil]Bhathadh “shaoil leam” gednach [sic] do “shaoil” cuid e. “I thought” was drowned though some thought not.
[fearr]Ach nam biodh “b’fhearr leam” beo cha bhiodh ceann air coleurin (?). But “if I had rather” were still alive no one else could then survive. [NOTE in second hand: coluinn? written above coleurin.]
[tairgse]Tairgse stuama. A moderate offer.
[tairg]Tairg air so. Auction this.
[reic]Reic follaiseach co-thairgseach. Public auction.
[sgrìob]Sgriob an t-saibh mhoir. A stroke of the big saw.
[sgrìob]Sgriob leat e. Sweep it away with you.
[ceàird]De ’s ceaird dhuit. What is your occupation.
[meomhair]Faigh air do mheomhair e. Get it off by heart.
[meomhair]Gleus do mheomhair. Rake your memory.
[càs]Anns gach cas. In every emergency.
[càs]Chan e sin an cas. That is not the difficulty.
[càs]’S e n cas a th’ann nach dean iad sin. The trouble is that they won’t do that.
[càs]Is ann dhuit is leir mo chas. Thou seest my distress.
thar ceannOn the average, taken together.
thar a cheileAt variance. Confused.
[thar a chéile]Chuir tha [sic] thar a cheile iad. You set them by the ears.
thar na corachBeyond what is right and proper.
[reub]Reubadh an luingeas bharr an aeraichean. The fleet was torn from its anchors.
[teagasg]Tha ’n teagasg, thar cheann chum math an t-sluaigh. The teaching, speaking broadly is for the public good.
[thairis]Chaidh e thairis air sin. He went beyond that.
[thairis]Chaidh e thairis. He went abroad.
dol thairisTo cross a channel or ferry.
[thairis]Cupan a cuir thairis. Cup filled and brimming over. [NOTE in second hand: ag cur added above a cuir.]
[thairis]Thairis air moran. Beyond many.
[thairis]Thug e thairis. He fatigued himself.
thoir thairisGive up.
[thairis]Chuir iad thairis i. They capsized her.
[thairis]Gach ni a bhitheas thairis. Everything that remains.
[thairis]Chaidh mi thairis orra uile. I excelled them all.
[eadar]Eadar mise agus thusa. Between you and me.
[eadar]Eadar bheag is mhor. Both great and small.
[eadar]Eadar mhaith is olc. Both good and evil.
[eadar]Eadar fheala dha is da rireadh. Between jest and earnest.
[eatarras]Tha mi an eatorras [sic]. I am but in middling health.
[thar]Thar leis (ar leis). He thought.
[lòn]Air bheag loin. On low diet.
[rùn]An aghaidh mo ruin. Against my own inclination.
[deòin]Do m’dheoin. Agreeable to my inclination.
[binn]Bi sin a’ bhinn a thug e mach. What was his verdict.
[aghaidh]Aghaidh ri aghaidh. Face to face.
[aghaidh]Am aghaidh. Against me.
[aghaidh]Cuir na h-aghaidh. Oppose her.
[aghaidh]Thug e an aghaidh air. He reproached him.
[athais]Gun dad athais. Without any leisure.
[ath-leasaich]Athleasaich do chomhradh is do bheusan. Amend your speech and manners.
[sgeul]Is tric nach tig ath-sgeul air droch sgeul. Bad news is seldom refuted.
[bacach]Bacach air aon chois. Lame of a leg.
bad fuiltA tuft of hair.
bad chaorachFlock of sheep.
[bagairt]A’ bagairt sgainidh. Threatening to burst.
[badanach]An sobhrach a chinneas badanach. The primrose grows in tufts. [NOTE in second hand: see elsewhere.]
[baintighearnas]Tha e fo bhaintighearnas. He is henpecked.
[ball-bhreac]A’ bheatha bhall-bhreac. Chequered career.
[banntrach]Is banntrach e. Widower. Is banntrach i. Widow.
[barantas]Barantas glacaidh. Warrant of apprehension.
[smalan]Bathamaid gach smalan. Let us drown care.
[beadradh]Beadradh gu leoir. Sufficient flirting.
[beadradh]Cheureadh [sic] sin na bodaich gu beadradh. It would make even the old flirt.
[beannaichte]Tha thu fas beannaichte. You are getting holy. (in derision)
[beathaich]Beathaich thusa meas [sic] an diugh is beathaichaidh mi am maireach tu. Feed me today and I shall do the same for you tomorrow.
[sùgradh]Chan e an sugradh a chuir ris. It is no joke to manage him. [NOTE in second hand: a chuir corrected to cur.]
[thoir]Thoir air so a dheanamh. Make him do that.
[thoir]Thoir thu fein as. Be off.
[thoir]Thoir as e. Gulp it down.
[thoir]Thoir a stigh ort. Get inside.
[thoir]Thoir breith. Judge.
[géill]Na toir geill dha. Don’t yield to him.
[leapa]Thoir do leapa ort. Get off to bed. [NOTE in second hand: leapa corrected to leaba.]
[buil]Thoir gu buil. Bring to successful conclusion.
[sùil]Geal na suile. White of eye. [NOTE in second hand: suile corrected to sula.]
[ubh]Gealagan, buidheagan, na h-uibhe. White and yolk of egg. [NOTE in second hand: na h-uibhe corrected to an uighe.]
[fiach]G’an n’amhach ann am fiachan. Up to our ears in debt. [NOTE in second hand: G’an n’amhach corrected to Gu ar n-amhaichean.]
[amhach]Tha ruideiginn nam amhaich. Something has lodged in my throat.
[amhach]Sheas sin ’nam amhach. That stuck in my gizzard.
[amharas]Thoir t’amharus [sic] as. Banish your suspicions.
[caolas]A’ toirt ann caolas. Misleading. [NOTE in second hand: ?]
[seachad]Cur seachad na h-uine. Passing the time.
[seachad]Cur seachad airgiod. Hoarding money.
seachadSeachad. Away with you.
[seachad]Is math seachad e. It is good to have it past.
[seachad]Labhairt ’san dol seachad. Speaking in the passing.
[rùn]De’n run am bheil e dhuit. How is he disposed towards you?
[tuagh]Tha e an run nan tuagh dhomh. He could kill me (i.e. with the Lochaber Axe).
[rùn]Na innis do run. Don’t disclose your purpose.
[ma seach]Gach aon ma seach. Alternately.
[seach]Seach leigeil dha dol seachad. Rather than allow him to pass by.
[seach]Seach aon eile. Rather than anyone else.
seach a chéileOne from another.
[seach]Do dh’aon seach aon. To one more than another.
[seach]Seach e fein a mhilleadh. Rather than (in preference to) spoiling himself.
[seach]Chaidh e ma seach orm. I missed it. It did not occur to me. [NOTE in second hand: No. It became an excessive quantity.]
[siubhal]Siubhal a ghabh mi do’n Ghalldachd. Once I went to the Lowlands.
[siubhal]Air gach siubhal. On every trip.
[siubhal]Siubhal eile. Another time.
[siubhal]Air an t-siubhal so. On this trip.
[siubhal]Mo shiubhal-sa a nis. My turn now.
[siubhail]Shiubhail an t-saighead. The arrow flew.
[siubhail]Siubhlaidh sinn gu leir. We shall all die.
[siùdain]A’ siudain a null ’s a nall. Oscillating sideways.
slat shiudainPendulum.
[siùdan]Cuir ri siudan. Set vibrating.
[slàinte]Air do shlainte. Good health.
[slàinte]Slaint’ agad. The same to you.
[slàinte]Thig mi taobh mo shlainte. I shall come if my health permits. [NOTE in second hand: not good construction.]
[motha]Is esan is mo. He is the greatest.
[motha]Cha mho orm thu’s an cu. I prefer the dog to you.
[motha]De ’s mo orm thu? What do I care for you?
[motha]Cha mho a ni mi e. Neither will I do it.
[motha]Is mo e na sin. It is greater than that.
[lugha]O’n aon as lugha gus an aon as mo. From the least to the greatest.
[motha]Gu ma mo a ni sibh. May you do more.
[motha]Na’s mo agus na’s mo. Greater and greater.
[motha]Is mo e na gach aon. It is greater than any.
[beag]An ni a chi na big ’se ni na big. As the old cock crows etc. [NOTE in second hand: prov.]
[beag]Chan fheairrd duine bhi cho beag sud. It ill becomes a man to be so niggardly as that.
[beag]Tha e fior bheag ’na nadur. He is miserly in disposition.
[fuil]A’ dortadh fola. Shedding blood.
[beag]Am beag is am mor. Both great and small.
[beag]Air bheag de laithean. In a few days.
[cuimhne]A reir cuimhne dhomhsa. To the best of my recollection.
[coltas]A reir coltais. Judging by appearances.
[aithnich]Dh’aithnich mi e. I recognised him.
[sìon]Chan’eil sion agam. I haven’t a particle.
[sìon]Gach sion a th’agam. All I possess.
[sìon]Chan’ eil sion maith ann. It is worth nothing.
[sìon]A’ dol an aghaidh an t-sion. On the teeth of the blast.
[sìon]An sion ’na chulthaobh. The blast behind me.
[sìon]Tha na siontan air atharrachadh. The climate has changed.
[sìon]Fo mo shiontan duthchasach. My native climate or sphere.
[deuchainn]Dean deuchainn. Make trial.
[seanachas]Cliath sheanachais. Genealogical table.
[seanair]Senair [sic], sinn sheanair, sinn sinn sheanair, sinn seachad sinn sheanair. Grandfather and four previous generations.
[mac]Mac brathair. Mac peathar. Nephew on male and female side.
[mac]Mac brathair (piothar) [sic] athair. Mac brathair (piuthar) mathair. First cousins. [NOTE in second hand: piothar corrected to peathar.]
[mac]Mac brathair (piuthar) seanair. Mac brathair (piuthar) seanmhair. Second cousins.
[seanair]Seanair an t-seanair. Great great grandfather.
[bràthair]Dearbh bhrathair. Full brother.
[car]Thug e an car glan asam. Thug e mo char is mo leth char asam. He completely bewildered me.
[seas]Co a sheasan tu? Who will support you?
[seas]Seas an coir. Maintain their right.
[seas]A dh’aindheoin co sheasas tu. In defiance of your supporters.
[seas]Seasaidh mi thu an coir san eucoir. I shall support you right or wrong.
[boile]Chaidh i car ’na boile. She got a trifle excited.
[car]Tha an car agad air. You have the knack of it.
[cuairt]Cainnt gun chuairt. Straight talk.
[cuairt]Cuairt na fola. Circulation of blood.
[cuairt]Cuairt a ghabh sinn. An excursion we took.
[cuairt]Cuairt air an fhidhle. A tune on the fiddle. [NOTE in second hand: fhidhle corrected to fhidhill.]
[cuairt]A’ chead chuairt. The first round.
[sàile]Sàile is burn. Salt and fresh water.
[tuarasdal]Cum uaithe a thuarasdal. Don’t pay his wages.
[tuarasdal]Ainmich do thuarasdal. State wages.
[còir]Tuille na corach. More than their due.
[aithghearr]Ann an aithghearr. In a “jiffy”.
[aithghearr]So an t-aithghearr. The is the short cut.
[lùb]’Na luib. In its fold. In contact.
[lùb]An luib an Domhnaich. In preparation for the Sabbath.
[tagartas]Tha tagartas aig ann Ineraora. He has a law plea in Inveraray.
[éirich]Is math an ni do’n eirich gu math. All’s well that ends well.
[taobh]An taobh cuil (beoil). Back (front).
[uasal]Uaislean is islean. High and low.
[taobh]Cum taobh ris. Favour him.
[taobh]Chan fhios dhomh de’n taobh a chaidh e. Chan fhios dhomh de’s taobh dha. I am unaware of the direction he took.
[taobh]Cha do thaobh e am baile. He did not come near the town.
[taobh]Taobh bhreith. Partiality.
[feith]Feith air. Attend to him.
[maitheas]Air suchd a’ mhaitheis. For Goodness sake. [NOTE in second hand: not right: as uchd etc.]
[feart]Na toir feairt air. Pay no heed to him.
[misde]Mar is mo a dh’olas tu ’s ann is misde a bhitheas tu. The more you drink the worse you are.
[motha]Mar is motha bhitheas againn sam is mo a dh’iarras sinn. The more we have the more we want.
[mór]Tha e mor leat ga dheanamh. It is a trouble to you to do.
[mór]Bha e cho mor as fhein is ged a gheibheadh e mart air adhairc. He was as proud as a dog with two tails.
[fàs]Chan’eil fas ann. There is no growth.
[fàs]Tigh fas. Empty house.
[ceum]Thug e ceum fas. He took a false step.
[fealla-dhà]Theid an fhealla dha gu fealla tri. Fun may turn to deadly earnest.
[feairrdeachd]Cha’n fhaic mi fhein feairrdeachd sam bith air. I see no signs of improvement or convalescence.
[tìm]Is tim teicheadh. It is time to go.
[rathad]’Se so an rathad is fhaisge gu mor. This is the nearest way by far.
[le]Co leis an teid thu? With whom will you come?
[le]Co leis a tha thu? On whose side are you?
[smachd]Cuir smachd air. Discipline him.
[raineach]An raineach ri turrain ’sa ghaoith. The fern rustling in the wind.
[dol]Chaidh i an nochd gearraidh. She changed to a hare. [NOTE in second hand: riochd gearr?]
[uachdarachd]On uachdarachd gus an iochdarachd. From top to bottom.
[uachdarachd]Bithidh uachdarachd agat air. Thou shalt have dominion over it.
[uaibhreachas]Lan uaibhreachais nad shaothair. Full of pride in thy work.
[uaigneas]Thug e air uaigneas e. He retired to a private place.
[uaigneas]Tha an t-aran a dh’ithear ann uaigneas taitneach. Stolen fruit is sweetest.
[greim]Greim arain. A crumb of bread.
[greim]Greim ’san aodach. A stitch in cloth.
[greim]Greim ’sa chliabh. A stitch in the side in running.
[greim]Tha e an greim. He is in custody.
[greim]Chan’eil greim agat air. You have no hold on him.
[fuasgladh]Thug e fuasgladh dha. He gave him relief.
[feabhas]Airson fheabhas. For its superiority.
[gnothuch]Na gabh gnothuch. Don’t meddle.
[naidheachd]Gabh naidheachd. Enquire news. [NOTE in second hand: or accept.]
[cead]Gabh do chead dheth. Bid it farewell.
[gabh]Gabh neorachas. Be impressed. [NOTE in second hand: ?]
[gabh]Ghabh e rium. He received me kindly.
[gabh]Gabh agam. Engage with me.
[gabh]Gabh am mach air an dorus. Get out of doors.
[dorus]O dhorus gu dorus. From door to door.
[dorus]Dorus beoil is cuil. Front and back doors.
[a dh’aindheoin]A dh’aindheoin ort. In spite of you.
[riochd]A gabhail orra a bhi gluasad an riochd na Gaidhlige. Posing as champion of the Gaelic cause.
[cùram]Air mo churamsa. Under my charge.
[cùram]Na biodh curam ort. Never you mind.
[cùram]Is beag mo churam air sin. I feel no uneasiness on that score.
[cùram]Bithidh iad fo churam. They will be all anxiety.
[càil]Tha a chail air falbh. His pith has left him.
[càil]Gun chail. Without strength, energy or appetite.
[spàirn]Cha spairn sin orm. Ni mi sin gun spairn. I can do that easily.
[urra]Co is urra dhuit? Who is your authority?
[urra]Cha n’eil mo sgeul gun urra idir. I have it on good authority.
[comain]Comain do laimhe fhein. Tit for tat.
[bas]Sgailc air bois. Shaking hands on a bargain.
[làmh]Cha n’eil e ach mu laimh. His health is in a sorry way.
[beannachd]Beannachd Chaluim gobha- mo thogar ged nach till e. Good riddance of bad rubbish.
[dàn]Is duilich cur an aghaidh dain. Kismet.
[meas]Thoir gu meas. Bring to notice.
[meas]Mu chall a mheas. About the loss of his reputation.
[meas]Meas na tighean. Value the property.
[meas]Is beag meas a bh’agat air. You had no respect for it.
[meas]Tha mi gad mheas mar charaid mor. I reckon you as a friend.
[aislinn]De’s ’nochd do m’aislinn. What is the interpretation of my dream? [NOTE in second hand: ? ciall.]
[beachd]As a bheachd. Out of his senses.
[beachd]Ma’s math mo bheachdsa. To the best of my recollection.
[beachd]Mor ’na bheachd. Having big ideas.
[beachd]Gabh beachd air so. Pay particular attention to this.
[beachdail]Nach beachdail an t-suil aige? Isn’t he observant?
[cneasda]Chan’eil thu cneasda. You’re nae canny’.
[beachd]Tharruing i an t-sreang le rogha bheachd. She drew the string with the best of aim.
[a-staigh]Tha iad a stigh air a cheile nis. They are now reconciled.
[staoileadh]Se gleann Urchaidh do staoileadh. Glen Orchy is your title.
[saothair]Meallaidh mi nis tailleabh mo shaoithreach. I shall now enjoy the fruits of my labour. [NOTE in second hand: tailleabh not the best word – toradh.]
[fàrdach]Fardach na h-oidhche. A night’s lodging.
[dòirt]Dhoirt e m’a cheann e. He proved it in his head.
[meata]Cha bhuadhaich am meata gu brath. The chicken hearted never prosper.
[meataich]Thug sin meatachadh mor as. Mheataich sin gu mor e. That daunted him greatly.
[làmh]Air laimh m’athar is mo Sheanar. Depend on my word.
[rian]Thar rian is riaghailt. Beyond rhyme and reason.
[crann]Cuir crann air an dorus. Bolt the doors.
[crann]Thainig an crann air. The ballot fell on him.
[crann]Gabh cuid do chroinn. Take your chance.
[cor]De’s cor dha? What has happened to him?
[cor]Air na h-uile cor. By all means.
[cor]Cha dean mi air chor sam bith e. I will not do it on any account.
[cor]Air chor is gun d’thig thu. On condition that you came. [NOTE in second hand: So thay you may come.]
[cor]Air chor air bith. Anywise. By no means.
[tuaiream]Bruidhinn air thuaiream. Speaking at random.
[rogha]Rogha is tagha. Pick and choice.
[ion]Is ion dhuit teicheadh. You have good reason to flee.
[ion]Cha n’ion dhomh ach a bhi gad mholadh. It is fitting indeed that I should praise you.
[ion]Cha n’ion mi sam bith a dhiultadh. Nothing is right to be refused.
[càch]Ard ro chach. High above the others. [NOTE in second hand: not good; better os cionn chàich but fada roimh chach (before).]
[càch]Cach a cheile. Each other.
[càch]Thoir do chach e. Give it to the rest.
[càch]A measg chaich. Amongst the remainder.
[beul]Air a bhil uachdaraich. On his upper lip.
trasd chainnteAntithesis.
treas tarruingSpirits of wine. [NOTE in second hand: thrice distilled.]
neo inbheachA minor.
[còir]Rinn thu choir. You have acted properly.
[còir]Cumail na corach rium. Doing me justice.
[blàth]’Sann air tha blath na bochdainn. He has the appearance of extreme poverty.
[blàth]Fo lan bhlath. In full bloom.
[bochdainn]De a’ bhochdainn a rug ort? What the mischief befell you?
[dàn]Mar a bha bhochdainn an dan dhomh. As bad luck would have it.
[piseach]Buaidh is piseach ort. Good luck to you.
[piseach]Am bi piseach orra? Shall they prosper?
[uisge]Ri uisge is ri gaoth. Exposed to wind and rain.
[grian]Ri grein. Exposed to sun.
[bruthach]Ri bruthach, ri leathad. Downhill and uphill.
[cogadh]Cogadh ri gaisgeach. Fighting in opposition to a hero.
[linn]Ri linn Thearlaich. In Charles time.
[clach]Ri cloich. Against a stone.
[saorsainneachd]Ri saorsainneachd. Employed as a carpenter.
[fianuis]Mar fhianuis air so. As evidence of that.
[fianaiseach]Is fianuiseach thu air sin. You are an eye witness on that point.
[ris]Tha e ris. It is exposed to view.
[ris]Na bi ris. Do not molest him.
[tombaca]Ris an tombaca. In the habit of using Tobacco.
[fras]Ris an fhrois. During the shower.
[clachaireachd]Ris a’ chlachaireachd. Engaged in the building trade.
[ris]Cuir ris. Master or add to it.
[ris]Thig mi ris. I will do for him.
[ris]Thig e ris. It will please him.
[dealbh]Gnothuch gun dealbh. An absurd thing.
[neul]Tha e air neul an aoig. He has the colour of death.
[nì]A dheoin Ni Math. Deo volente.
[nì]Air ghaol Ni Math. For the love of Goodness.
[coimeas]Ciod ris an coimeas mi tu. With what can I compare you?
[struth]Le struth agus soirbheas. Wind and tide favourable.
[teanga]Leum mo theanga. I put my foot in it. [NOTE in second hand: novel – good.]
[ceangal]Fo cheangal nam mionn. Under vows.
[làmh]Gabh air laimhe. Lay by the heels.
[tàmh]Tha e ’na thamh. He is unemployed.
[guth]Dean guth ris. Speak a syllable to him.
[leabaidh]Leapaidh a’ mhuill. A chaff bed. [NOTE in second hand: leaba mhuill.]
[aineolach]Aineolach beumach. Ignorant and sarcastic.
triall gealaichMoon’s orbit.
[solus]An solus so chaidh. Last moon.
cruinne na gealaichDisc of moon.
[solus]Atharrachadh (muthadh) an t-soluis. Phase of the moon.
[caochladh]Caochladh na beatha is na bliadhna. Changes of life and time.
[grad]Bu ghrad a chaochladh. He expired suddenly.
[Bran]Thuit tri le Bran air a h-aon. Bran, for one, killed three.
[aon]Is aon ni e. It is all the same.
[aon]Se fhein an t-aon duine. He is head cook and bottle washer.
[cù]Ruith coin an da fheidh. Divided aims. [NOTE in second hand: Ruith a’ choin air an da fhiadh.]
[triuirean]Aig iomairt air triuiarean [sic]. Playing at marbles.
[trod]Fhuair e a throd. He got a scolding.
[breith]Cha b’fhada a bha sinn a’ breith orra. We soon overtook them.
[breith]A’ breith air a cheile. Seizing each other.
[breith]Air breith buidheachais. After thanksgiving.
[bas]Buailaibh ur basaibh. Clap hands.
caraid co-bhreithTwins.
[saoghal]Feadh an t-saoghal. Throughout the world.
[saoghal]Fad do shaoghail. During your lifetime.
[saoghal]Ma gheibh mi saoghal. If I live.
[saoghal]Gu saoghal nan saoghal. For all time.
[saoghal]Foghluim saoghail. Worldly wisdom.
[breith]O bhreith gu bas. From birth to death.
[breith]Breith luath lochdach. A rash unfair opinion. [NOTE in second hand: unconsidered added above unfair.]
[breith]De’s breith air mo bhruadar. Interpret my dream.
[feuchainn]A dh’fheuchainn a cheile. To compete with each other.
[feuch]Feuchaidh so riut fhein. This will test even your powers.
[cùrsa]Seol do chursa. Steer your course.
[cùrsa]Cursa ma seach. Alternate layers.
[beò]Ri do bheo. During your lifetime.
[beò]Am beò is am marbh. The quick and the dead.
[glas]Ghlas a’ mhaduinn. Day dawned.
[fàgail]Tha fhagail fhein air gach duine. Everyone has his own destiny. [NOTE in second hand: failing added above destiny.]
[fàg]Dh’fhag am bata air te eile. The boat outstripped the other.
[fàg]Dh’fhag iad sin air. They fathered that on him.
air fadWholly.
air fhadLengthwise.
[fada]A dol air fad. Getting longer.
[math]Air do mhath fhein. For your own good.
[math]De’m math a tha ort? What is the use of you?
[math]Am math leat sin? Do you consider that a good thing?
[math]Am math is an t-olc. The good and the bad.
[gaoth]A’ ruith na gaoithe. Vain pursuit.
itean iasgFins of fish.
coileach gaoitheWeather vane.
[ruadh]Gaoth ruadh. Tuil ruadh. Devastating wind and rain.
[éirigh]Am eirigh. Time of rising.
[éirich]Dh’eirich e air an obair. He started the work. [NOTE in second hand: (in earnest).]
[éirich]Eirich air. Set to.
[éirich]Dh’eirich leis. He succeeded. Bha gach ni ag eiridh [sic] leis.
[ruith]Leig ruith leis an uisge. Open the tap. [NOTE in second hand: or remove any obstruction.]
[leig]Leigidh mi sin leat. I shall concede you that.
[lagh]Lagh a leigeil leis na h-eoin. Close time for game.
[leigeadh]Gur leigeadh Dia. God grant.
[leigeadh]Mar leigeadh Dia. God forbid.
[leig]Leig eadar mise is sin. Leave the matter to me.
[leig]Leig seachad. Postpone.
[dreuchd]Leig mi dhiom mo dhreuchd. I resigned office.
[fios]Leigidh mi fios thugad. I shall inform you.
[luaidh]Na luaidh a leithid ruimsa [sic]. Do not lay such a thing to my charge.
[leig]Cha do leig sinn dad oirnn riutha. We did not “let on” to them.
[leig]Leig as na siuil. Unfurl the sails.
[leig]Leig an gunna. Fire the gun.
[leig]Leig air an lionnachadh. Open the abscess.
[leig]Leig na coin ann. Set the dogs on him.
[leig]Duine ris an leiginn ris mo bhriathran. One to whom I could unbosom myself.
[mach]Mach o h-aon. Except one.
[mach]Mach ’s a mach. Wholly altogether.
[àl]An t-al a tha ri teachd. The generation to come.
[eirmseach]Eirmiseach [sic] air a theangaidh. Quick in repartee.
[maoth]Bhi am maoth na h-oige. Immature.
[searbh]Tha mi searbh dheth. I am disgusted with him. [NOTE in second hand: Not just disgusted: tired with patience exhausted. Disgusted: Tha mi air mo sgreatadh leis.]
[searbh]Nuair bu shearbh leam eisdeachd ris. When I found it intolerable to listen to him.
[saothair]Gabh saothair. Take trouble.
[saothair]Dean saothair. Labour.
[saothair]Luach saothrach. Worth one’s while.
[teanntachd]Ann am teanntachd. In time of trouble.
teine eiginnFire by friction.
ionad naomhSanctuary.
[saothair]Le moran saothair. With much trouble.
[saothair]Air bheagan saothair. With little trouble.
[saothair]A dh’aindheoin do shaothrach. In spite of your labour.
inbhe duineMan’s estate.
[dèanta]Duine deas deanta. Full grown man.
duine cloinneMan child. [NOTE in second hand: also used as one single child i.e. A bheil (chan ’eil) duine cloinne aca.]
[teircead]Dol an teircead. Getting scarcer.
[teircead]A reir teircead nam bliadhna aige. According to the fewness of his years.
[tearc]Cha tearc iad nach dearc air sin. Many will gaze on that.
[tèarnadh]Is ioghnadh do thearnadh. Thy deliverance is wonderful.
[tèarnadh]Cha b’urrain [sic] dhuit tearnadh. You couldn’t escape.
[teallach]Leac an teallaich. Hearth stone.
[teallach]Air cruaidh theallaich. On a hard anvil.
[teallach]De luaith theallaich. Of the ashes of a furnace.
[teann]Thainig a chuir teann ri teann. Affairs assumed a serious aspect. [NOTE in second hand: ?]
[buin]Na buin da sin. Don’t touch that.
[fóghnadh]Fhuair e fhoghnadh. He got what did for him. [NOTE in second hand: Fhuair e na dh’fhoghainn dha.]
[teirig]Theirig orm. All mine is spent.
[teirig]Theirig an sgeul. The story finished.
[teirig]Gus an teirig an la. Until the day ends.
[teud chleasachd]The e teom air teud chleasachd. He is an expert on the tight rope.
[salann]An fhairge shalainn. The salt sea.
[soirbheas]Soirbheas leat. Fortune with you.
[fortan]Mar bha’ m fortan. As good fortune would have it.
[bochduinn]Mar bha a’ bhochduinn. As bad luck would have it.
[triall]Bi triall, is soirbheasach, is lion na ceanglaichean. Furth fortune and fill the fetters. (Atholl Motto.)
[aire]’Se sin a bha air m’ aire. That is what I intended.
[solus]Cha robh leus soluis ann. There wasn’t a blink of light.
[math]Cha n’eil math dhomh a bhi leughadh sin dhuitsa. It is no use my explaining that to you.
[feum]’Se am feum a thug orm. Dire necessity made me.
[feum]Ann am fheum. In my distress.
[feum]De feum dha? What is the use of it?
[feum]Cha n’eil feum ’sa chruinne agam air. I have no earthly use for it.
[traoighte]Tha a bhotul traoighte. The bottle is drained to the last drop.
[dìol]Dhiol thu sin. You have recompensed that.
[dìol]Is buidheach a dhiol. He is in fine fettle.
[dìol]Tha mo dhiolsa agam. I have abundance for myself.
[duilichinn]Is beag diulichinn [sic] a th’ort. You are not in the least sorry.
[duilichinn]Tha e fo mhoran duilichinn. He is much grieved.
[bi]Mur ann mar sin a thà ’s ann mar so a bhitheas. The past has gone but this for the future.
[sagart]Cha d’ol an sagart ach na bha aige. The priest drank no more than he had.
[airidh]Is math an airidh e. He richly deserves.
[oidhche]An oidhche an nochd. This very night.
[mithich]Chan uair roimh a mhithich e. It is not an hour before time.
[mithich]Air mhithich dol dhachaich. On the point of going home.
[mithich]Rug i leanabh roimh a mhithich. She gave birth to a premature child.
[fathamas]Gun fhathamas do dhuine seach duine. Without partiality to one more than another.
La luainNevermas.
mealladh dochaisDisappointment.
mealladh sulaAn ocular illusion.
[calg]An aghaidh a’ chuilg. Against the grain.
[gnàth]Eolach air gach gnath. Versed in every custom.
[lorg]Ciod a thainig air lorg air sin? What ensued?
[bliadhna]Bliadhna a leanas. Ensuing year.
[fulang]Fulang an rud nach gabh seachnadh. Making a virtue of necessity.
[gabh]Cha gabh i aon chuid thusa no esan. She will take neither you nor him.
[àicheadh]Na aicheidh am feasd i. Never deny it.
[lughad]Air a lughad is gum bi e. Be it ever so little.
[olc]Olc air mhath leat e. Whither [sic] you be willing or not.
[gin]Chan’eil gin nach aithne. It is common gossip.
[coire]Chan’eil a h-aon gun choire. None is perfect.
[aobhar]Bheireadh e aobhar guil dhuit. It makes you weep.
[tuiteamas]Thachair droch thuiteinas [sic]. A bad business has occurred.
[motha]Ni mo thusa no mise. Neither you nor I.
[labhairt]Cia uime an robh sinn a’ labhairt? Of whom were we speaking?
[maor]Ard mhaoir na rioghachd. The great officers of state.
[tricead]Air a thricead. Ever so often.
[suidh]Shuidh e a mach mi. He outs at me.
[coireach]Is tusa is coireach airson an uilc so. You are responsible for the mischief.
[calg]Calg dhireach nam aghaidh. Directly against me.
[neart]Chan’eil neart an aghaidh na h-eiginn. Necessity knows no law.
[leth]Dean da leth dheth. Part it in two.
[riaraich]Riaraich iad eatorra e. They shared it amongst them.
[inbhe]Bheil thu air teachd chum na h-inbhe sin. Have you come to that pass.
[glac]Glac beagan foighdinn. Have a little patience.
a foighidinnOut of patience.
[buaidh]Buinigear buaidh le foighdinn. Victory is the reward of taking pains.
[teòmachd]Ni cleachdadh teomachd. Practice makes perfection.
[làn]Gu lan mhath. Perfectly well.
barail chumantaPrevailing opinion.
[cead]Le cead araidh gach pearsa. With the personal assent of each one.
[eòlas]Eolas pearsaidh. Personal acquaintance. [NOTE in second hand: pearsanta added above pearsaidh.]
[fìrinn]Innis a’ cheart fhirinn dha. Tell him the plain truth.
[barail]Tha droch bharail agam dheth. I have a prejudice against him. [NOTE in second hand: air added above dheth.]
[dochair]Gun dochair dhomhsa. Without prejudice to me.
[barail]Tha deagh bharail agam dheth. I am prepossessed in its favour. [NOTE in second hand: air added above dheth.]
[rùn]Droch rùn roimh laimh. Malise prepense.
[lighiche]Ciod a dh’orduich an lighiche? What did the Doctor prescribe?
tapachd inntinnPresence of mind.
[seòmar]Seomar na h-eisdeachd (na lathaireachd). Presence chamber.
[staid]Ann an stait [sic] gu lan tearuinte. In excellent preservation.
[là]Cuir dheth o la gu la. Prolong from day to day.
[dàil]Chuir e dail ’na imeachd. He prolonged his departure.
[brosnuich]Bhrosnuich esan e chum a dheanamh. He prompted him to do it.
[tionndaidh]Thionndaidh e na chrochair. He proved a rascal.
[rùn]Run do chridhe air do chuisle. May you attain your earnest will.
[raineach]Tha an raineach uaine air teachd thairis oirre. Green ferns have grown over her.
[brath]Bha mi brath do choinneachadh. I proposed meeting you.
[miann]Bha mhiann orm do choinnichadh [sic]. I proposed meeting you.
[teachd]An teachd mi ann. Can it contain me?
[teachd]An teachd e ’san leapaidh? Has he room in the bed?
[tarcais]Luchd tarcuis [sic]. Spiteful folk.
[tarrang]Tarrang na leth cheann. A nail in his temple.
[cruaidh]Lean e iad gu cruaidh. He pursued them hotly.
[buail]Buail air adhart. Push on.
[àird]As gach airde. From all quarters.
[deuchainn]Bheir mi aon deuchainn eile dha. I will have another push for it.
[ràith]Raidhe a gheamhraidh, an earraich, an t-samhraidh, an fhoghraidh. The four quarters of the year.
[smid]Tha smid no dha agam. I have a smattering.
[claoidhte]Claoidhte le piantan. Rocked and exhausted with pain.
[boile]Tha e air a bhoile. He is in a rage.
[togar]An togar airson airgid. The urge for money.
[creachadh]Chaidh a tigh a chreachadh. Her house was ransacked.
[ana-cainnt]Thug e ana cainnt dha. He railed at him.
[prìs]Is aithne dhomh do phris. I know your rate.
[measadh]Tha e gu mheasadh tuille is daor. He rates it too highly.
[dòigh]Air an doigh sin. At that rate.
[seòl]Air an t-seol sin. At that rate.
[co-dhiù]Dean sin co dhiu. Do that at any rate.
[tachair]Tachairidh mi ris airson so. I shall be at him for this.
[ruigheachd]Chan urrain [sic] mi ruigheachd air. Tha e mar fhad ruigheachd orm. It is out of my reach.
[rannsachadh]Co th’ann is urrain [sic] boirionnach a rannsachadh? Who can read a woman?
[làmh]Aig laimh. At hand. In readiness.
[mùth]Muth do bharail. Recant your opinion.
[facal]Cha toir mi air ais m’fhacal. I shall not recant my word.
[diùltadh]Chan fhaigh thu ’n diultadh. You will receive no refusal.
[mór]Is mor leam e. I am honoured.
[tairbhe]Measam sin mar thairbhe. I shall reckon that a gain.
[meas]Tha e air a mheas ’na dhuine coir. He is considered an honest man.
[dìoladh]Chan urrain [sic] mi do lan dhioladh. I cannot recompense you fully.
[calldachd]Ni mi suas do challdachd. I will recompense your loss.
[dad]Gun dad idir. Without any recompense.
[réidh]Tha e reidh rium. He is reconciled to me.
[cobhair]Thainig e g’ar n-ionnsuidh airson cobhair. He had recourse to us for aid.
[coisinn]Choisinn e na chaill e. He recovered what he lost.
[réidh]Tha mi reidh dheth. I am free (exempt) of it.
[réidh]Tha iad reidh a nis. They are at peace now.
[réir]Nam bithinn ’nad reir. If I were of your opinion.
[cuimhne]A reir cuimhne dhomhsa. To the best of my recollection.
[réir]Tha sinn a reir a cheile. We are on the best of terms.
[réitich]Reitich an tigh. Put the house in order.
[réitich]Reitichear a’ cheist. The question shall be determined.
[réitich]Reitich an snath. Disentangle the thread.
[réitich]Reitich an rathad. “Gangway”.
[reothart]Reothairt an diugh, conntraigh am maireach. Up today, down tomorrow.
[roghnach]An roghnaiche leat so? Do you prefer this?
[roghnach]’S e so as roghnaiche leam. I think I prefer this.
[roghnach]Co is roghnaiche leat. Whenever you may choose.
[romhad]Bithidh mise romhad fhathast. I shall pay you back yet.
[romhad]Bheil romhad thu fhein e mhilleadh. Do you mean to ruin yourself?
[ruig]Cha ruig thu leas a bhi air do dhragh. You needn’t trouble yourself. [NOTE in second hand: aig added above air.]
[ruig]Gach ni air an ruigeadh iad. Everything they could seize.
[gu ruig]Gu ruig an tigh. As far as the house.
[gàirdean]Ruisg e ghairdean. He varied his aims. [NOTE in second hand: Surely this is not right! He bared his arm – “girded his loins” idea.]
[ruith]Air an ruith cheudna (air a cheart ruith). At precisely the same rate.
[fiach]Ciod is fhiach sagart gun chleireach? What use a priest without a clerk?
[samhanach]Chuireadh sin eagal air na samhannaich? That would frighten savages?
[samhlaich]Na samhlaich an leithid riumsa. Don’t lay that to my charge.
[Samhuinn]O Bhealtuinn gu Samhuinn. From May Day to Hogmanay. [NOTE in second hand: Hogmanay corrected to Halloween.]
[cas]Bheir e sanas le chois. He will give a beat with his foot.
[sanas]Mar shanas do gach tir. As a warning to all countries.
[suim]Is mor an t-suim air an do cheannaich mi an t-saorsa so. I paid a great price for this freedom.
[sàs]Chaidh e ’n sas. He stuck fast. Tha chasan an sas.
[sàs]Chaidh an t-snathad an sas ’nam chois. The needle pierced my foot.
[sàth]Shath e ann e. He thrust it into him.
[ceann]Eadar seo is ceann seachduin. In a weeks time.
[seadh]De is seadh dha? What is the purport of it? [NOTE in second hand: seadh corrected to seagh.]
[sealbh]Sealbh chaorach. A stock of sheep.
[sealbh]Gach sealbh a th’ agam. Every living thing I possess.
[sealladh]Le sealladh taoibh bu mhor an aire. With side looks they watched closely.
[sealladh]Fad mo sheallaidh. The extent of my view.
[laogh]Chuireadh e an laogh bho dheoghail. It would “scunner” a toad.
[sluagh]Fhuair e air ais deagh run an t-sluaigh. He regained his popularity.
[tinn]Tha e gu tinn ach thig e uaithe. He is sick but will recover.
[dheth]Tha e dheth. He is past recovery.
[caillte]Tha e caillte. He is past recovery.
[slàinte]Tha e faotainn air ais a shlainte. He is recovering his strength.
[claon]Thig gath claon a sgathan. Claonaidh sgathan gath soluis. A mirror will reflect rays.
[taobh]A thaobh nan nithe sin. With regard to those matters.
[duilichinn]Chuir e moran duilichinn orm. It caused me great regret.
[dòigh]Air a chuir gu doigh. Regulated.
[dàimh]Tha e dluth an daimh dhomh. He is nearly related.
[lasachadh]Fhuair e beagan lasachaidh. He got a little relief.
[toileach]Toileach air do phosadh. Willing to marry you.
[pràmh]A’ gabhail praimh. Taking a nap. [NOTE in second hand: ? getting pensive.]
[lideag]Am fear a theid lideag am mearachd. He who goes a syllable wrong.
[aire]Tha e gu mor bho aire fhein. He is distraught.
[bròg]Chaidh e [sic] bhrog oirre mu a cois. The shoe just slipped on to her foot (fitted).
[éideadh]An nighean as deise theid fo’n eideadh. She who dresses most neatly.
[clò]An la theid clo ur air faiche. The day new clothes are sported.
[céilidh]Theid iad air cheile chuige [sic]. They will visit him.
[reachd]Thainig reachd ’nam mhuineal. A lump came into my throat.