Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
- Informant(s)
- Name
- Notes
- [NOTE: the list comes with a letter addressed to the Secretary of An Comunn Gàidhealach and dated 26 May 1938: “I suggest that the enclosed papers be put before the Convener of the Publication Committee for consideration. They are a collection of Gaelic sayings and idioms collected by Dr. Atholl-Robertson, Oban. He gave them to me with the suggestion that the Committee might consider them with a view to their being published by An Comunn. I do not feel competent to give an opinion on the collection, but I think that it is worth some suitable Member of the Committee having a look at it. I should say that it would require a considerable amount of revision and correction before it could be published. Yours sincerely, [illegible signature – G. Marjoribanks?].” Underneath there is a note added by D. Mackay on 14 February 1966: “Never been used.” In this file almost all headwords in square brackets have been taken from Dwelly.]
Gnathasan Cainnte sa Ghaidhlig. | |
[ministear] | An e ministear a tha anns an dara fear aca seo. Do you mean to say that one of these men is a minister. |
[fear] | Beir thusa air an dara fear is beiridh mi air an fhear eile. You catch one and I shall catch the other. |
[gluasad] | Cha d’fheum i riamh an dara gluasad. She never required a second urging. |
[màireach] | An dara mhaireach. The second morning. |
[dath] | Cha laidhe dath air dubh ach laidhidh dubh air gach dath. Black will not die [sic], but any colour will dye black. [NOTE in second hand: common and laidhe/laidhidh corrected to laighe/laighidh.] |
[mith] | Gach mith agus math. Each peasant and noble. |
[moch] | Anns a’ mhoch. Anns a mhoch thrath. In the early dawn. |
[subhach] | Bithidh subhach, sugrach, mocheiridh. Be cheerful, temperate, early rising. |
[modh] | Air a mhodh so. In this way. |
[modh] | Air mhodh araidh. In a special way. |
mogan briogais | Trouser leg. |
car obair | A turn of work – performance. |
[mothaid] | Cha mhòid e sin. It is not the greater for that. |
[mór] | Is mor leam sin a dheanamh. I think it is too much to go that length. |
[mór] | Cho mor as fhein ris a mhac mhollachd. As proud as Lucifer. |
[tuath] | Tha e mu thuath. He is in the North. |
[eubh] | Dh’eubh e oirre a nunn ri thaobh. He called her to his side. |
[obair] | Obair is ath obair. Useless repetition of work. |
[ogha] | Is iad oghachan peathar is brathar. They are second cousins. |
[gabh] | Na gabhaibh oirbh e. Take no heed of him. |
[oirdheirceas] | Oirdheirceas an eolais. Excellence (beauty) of knowledge. |
[òl] | ’Se an t-ol a chuir an dunaidh air. It was drink that played the mischief with him. |
[olc] | Chaidh e thun an uilc. He went to the Devil. |
[olc] | Seachain an t-olc agus seachnaidh an t-olc thu. Shun evil and evil will shun you. |
[olc] | Olc na cuise gu deireadh. Keep evil part till the end. |
[olc] | Is fhearr an t-olc eolach na ’n t-olc aineolach. Better the known than the unknown end. |
[olc] | Cha bhi olc an aon bhliadhna fada dol seachad. One year’s grievance soon passes. |
[olc] | Is olc a fhuaradh tu. You behaved badly. |
[olc] | Is olc an airidh e. It is a pity. |
[olc] | Is tric a fhuair “olc an airidh” car. Often “’Tis a pity” has been crossed. |
[olcas] | Air olcas sam bith e. Let him be ever so bad. |
[òran] | Cha dean sinn oran dheth. We shall not make a noise about it. |
[òrdag] | Air ordaig na coise (laimhe) deise. On toe (thumb) of right foot (hand). |
[òrdag] | An ordag an aghaidh na glaic. Make a fist. |
[sanas] | Thug ordag a choise sanas do bhun a chluaise. His toe gave a whisper (i.e. struck) the root of his ear. (i.e. violent fall) |
[òrrais] | Tha an orrais ri m’fhiacal fad an la. Waterbrash troubles me all day. |
[ospag] | Air an ospag dheireannach. At the last gasp. |
[pìobair] | Piobair an aona phuirt. An indifferent piper. |
[riomball] | Gearr riomball. Describe a circle. |
croislin | Diameter of circle. |
[grian] | Tha a’ ghrian a cromadh. The sun is descending. |
[crom] | Crom air an obair. “Wire” in. |
crom nan speur | Vault of the sky. |
crom shlinneinach | Round shouldered. |
crom shronach | Roman nosed. |
[cron] | Tha a chron sin ort. The blame is at your door. |
[cumadair] | Is fhearr an cumadair na’n cronadair. Better a doer than a critic. |
[cruaidh] | Is cruaidh na dh’fheumar. “Must” is hard to do. |
[là] | La mo chruaidh chais. The day of my perplexity. (Emergency.) |
[crùban] | Anns a chrubain. In crouching position. |
[ceart] | Ceart, cruinn, comhla. Holus-bolus. [NOTE in second hand: Really altogether or intact.] |
[crìoch] | Gu criche na cruinne. To the ends of the earth. |
[ruith] | Cuir air ruith na cubhaige. Send on a fool’s errand. |
[glan] | Bheil do lamhan sa glan? Are your hands clean? |
[salach] | Tha mo chuidsa salach. Mine are dirty. |
[cunnart] | Be a bhi buaireadh an Fhreasdail cuid a chunnairt a ghabhail daleithid sin. It were tempting Providence to venture in such a place. |
[fiach] | Paigheadh cuid fiach na mna agam. Paying his wife’s debts. (Married man’s occupation.) [NOTE in second hand: construction.] |
[àlach] | A cuid alaich. Her litter. |
[cuid] | An da chuid – agus. Both – and. |
[cuid] | Aon chuid. No. Either or (Neither nor). |
[dara cuid] | Tha mi an dara cuid ri camanachd no ri luingearachd air a chaoil. I am either playing shinty or sailing on the strait. |
[cuideachd] | Bheir e e fein as gach cuideachd, le ceol is conaltradh. He would acquit himself well in any company in music or conversation. Ged tha e math ga thoirt fhein a cuid [sic] tha e motha ’s math ga churann [sic]. Though he can acquit himself well in any company, he is better at getting himself invited. |
[sùil] | An ni a chuir iad ri an suil. The thing they had definitely decided to do. |
[meud] | A mheud mhor gun chur leatha. Just boasting without anything to support it. |
[tuathal] | Cuir ceart na chi thu tuathal. Put right what you see wrong. |
[caochladh] | Tha caochladh cur air breacan Chaluim. Malcolm’s tartan has a different sett. |
[cluas] | Chuir e da chluais air. He was greatly astonished. |
[cuireadh] | Thig gun chuireadh. To intrude. [NOTE in second had: not necessarily intrude – come any time.] |
[cuireadh] | Cuireadh cul na coise. “Sorry you can’t stay.” |
[cuireadh] | Cuireadh Mhic Philip. Gabh no fàg. MacKillop’s invitation “take or leave”. |
[cuireadh] | Cuireadh piobaire. Last minute invitation. |
[curradh] | Dean curraidh. Squat. (Scots “coorrie doun”.) |
[cùirtean] | Cuirteinean ciatach nan speur. Beautiful curtains of the skies. |
[crodh] | Gabh mu chul do chruidh. Get to the rear of your cattle, i.e. stick to the point. |
[cum] | Am fear aig am bheil cumadh e. Possession is nine tenths of the law. |
[cungaidh] | Tha deagh chungaidh ann. It is good stuff. |
[cungaidh] | Nam bithidh a chungaidh agam. If I had the ingredients. |
[cunntas] | Thoir cunntas ort fhein. Give an account of yourself. [NOTE in second hand: Eng. source.] |
[madainn] | On og mhaduinn gu dall oidhche. From early morning till dewy eve. |
[dara leth] | Chaidil mi an dara leth an h-uine. I slept half the time. |
[buidhinn] | Is beag do bhuidhinn dheth. Your profit of it is little. |
[cluas] | Cluinnidh tu air a chluaise a’s buidhre e. You will hear it in your deafest ear. |
[bùrn] | Cho saor ri burn. As cheap as water. |
nan càraidibh | Two by two. |
[cagarsaich] | Ciod a’ chagarsaich a th’ort? What are you whispering about? |
[bàs] | Bàs gun sagart. Sudden death. [NOTE in second hand: Bad wish.] |
[clòimh] | Cloimh cheasach. Matted wool. |
[clann] | Cha cheil sinn air a’ chloinn e. We shall not conceal it from the children. |
[teaghlach] | Ann caidreabh a theaghlaich. In the bosom of his family. |
[càirdeil] | Cairdeil ri daoine anns gach daimh. Friendly to men in every station in life. [NOTE in second hand: dàimh new in this sense.] |
[sgeul] | Caillte is fa dheoidh air sgeul. Lost and found again. [NOTE in second hand: ?] |
[fuaigheal] | Fuaigheal chasa feannag. Herring bone stitch. [NOTE in second hand: Eng. deriv.] |
[ceann] | Ceann caol. Ceann garbh. The tapering and thick ends. |
[cearr] | Is cearr a fhuaradh tu. You have acted improperly. |
[comh-dheas] | Is comh-dheas leat e. It is as easy for you to do the one thing as the other. |
[mac] | Cha mhac mar t’athair thu. You are a son not worthy of your sire. |
[ciall] | Chiall nach mise a bh’ann. I wish I had been there. |
[ciod] | Sin agad ciod gus an tig e. That is what it will come to. |
[clàbar] | Clabar na sràide. The mire of the street. |
[clàmhuinn] | Tha e ris a’ chlamhuinn. It is sleeting. [NOTE in second hand: new to me.] |
[cleas] | Cleas na cloinne bige. Manners of children. |
[salann] | Cha togadh e salann bharr a’ chlàir. Butter would not melt in his mouth. |
[cleas] | Gun chleas. Above board. [NOTES in second hand: not too good for Eng. trans.] |
[cleasachd] | Droch chleasachd. Dirty work. |
[taobh] | Dh’eirich thu bhàrr do thaobh cli. You got up on your wrong side. |
[aois] | Clo-chadail na h-aoise. Lethargy of old age. |
[coille-bionan] | Chunnaic mi mu’n cuairt dhiom na coille-bionain. I saw phosphorescence all around me. |
[coimhearsnachd] | Air fad na coimhearsnachd. Throughout the neighbourhood. [NOTE in second hand: easily understood.] |
[coimpire] | Fear a bu cho-impire dhomh fhein. A man who was my equal. |
[coire] | Gach gne coire. Every kind of damage. |
[coire] | Coire bàis. Capital crime. [NOTE in second hand: Eng. deriv.] |
[coire] | Cuir air an coire. Put the kettle on. |
[coguis] | Agartas coguis. Remorse of conscience. |
[coireach] | Co air bith is coireach. Whoever is to blame. |
[beannachd] | Bithidh beannachd ann cois do shaoithreach. Your labours will be crowned with success. |
[teine] | Chaisgeadh an teine. The fire was quenched. |
[comhairle] | Comhairle na còrach. Right advice. |
[comhairle] | Bheir mi comhairle ort. I will give you advice. |
[taing] | Taing is buidheachas. Many thanks. |
[ball] | Ball na comhairle diomhair. A member of the Privy Council. |
[comharradh] | Is olc an comharradh e. It is a bad sign. |
[creach] | Ag eigheach a creiche. Shouting that she was ruined. |
[creach] | Tha mo chreachsa deanta. I am as good as done for. |
[barr] | Thug sin barr air na chuala mi riamh. That exceeds everything I have heard. |
[maise] | Tha barr maise aige. It excells in beauty. |
[bràigh] | Braighe na leapa. Head of the bed. |
[cuach] | A chuach leis fo bharr. His cup is brimming over. |
[Dia] | Dia air barr. God above all. |
[buntàta] | Crathadh bhuntata o’n bharr. Shaking potatoes from the haulms. |
[barrach] | Fo sgail a’ bharraich. In the shelter of the brush wood. |
[dithis] | Chi dithis barrachd air an aon fhear. Two heads are better than one. [NOTE in second hand: easily understood.] |
[beatha] | An e mo bheatha? Am I welcome? |
[leabaidh] | Thig bharr na leapa. Come off the bed. |
[beul-phurgaideachd] | Rinn mi beul-phurgaideachd. I have gargled. [NOTE in second hand: new to me.] |
[uair] | Bidh uair a tighinn air fad an la. The day will gain an hour. |
[breacan] | Chuir na breacain sealladh briagh bharr na cuideachd. Tha tartans gave the company a grand appearance. |
[tarraing] | Tha an t-am agam bhi tarruing. Time to be moving. |
[blàth] | Thig fo bhlath. To bloom. |
[bog] | Gu bog blath. Snug and warm. |
[bogadh] | Nuair a bhogadh an dram air. When the Whisky excited him. |
[bodach] | Is e a chuireadh am bodach a fear a bhiodh teann. It would drive the meanness out of a miser (Whisky). |
[cìoch] | Thoir an leanabh bharr na ciche. Wean the child. |
[bogha] | Bogha na drochaide. Arch of bridge. |
[bogha] | Mar bhogha air gleus. Like a bow on the stretch. |
[bogha] | Tha bogha air a gheig. The branch has a bend. |
boidean baistidh | Baptismal vows. |
braigh stairsnich | Staircase landing. [NOTE in second hand: new.] |
[breitheanas] | Thig breitheanas ort airson sin. A judgment will come on you for that. |
[briosgadh] | Tha an leanabh a’ briosgadh. The child is quickening. |
[briseadh] | Troimh bhriseadh nan neul. Through an opening in the clouds. |
[fraoch] | Cruaidh mar an fhraoch, buan mar a’ ghiubhais. Hardy as heather, lasting as pine. |
[buidheachas] | Buidheachas an fhogharaidh. Harvest thanksgiving. |
[buidheach] | Bu choir dhuit bhi buidheach. You ought to be thankful. |
[buidheach] | Tha mi buidheach airson sin. I am thankful for that. |
[buidheach] | Chan fhaigh thu sin co dhiu bhitheas tu buidheach no diombach. You won’t get it whether you are pleased or otherwise. |
[buidheachas] | Fo bhuidheachas. Ann am buidheachas??? In abeyance. [NOTE in second hand: new.] |
[nèamh] | Uair eiridh iad gu neamh, uair theid iad gu doimhne sios. One moment in the heavens and the rest in the depths. |
[uibhir] | De’n uibhir a th’ann? What quantity is there? |
[uibhir] | Uibhir ’s a th’ann. As much as there is of it. |
[uibhir] | Tha mi fhein faotainn na h-uibhir de dhragh. I am likewise getting as much trouble. |
[uidheam] | Dheanainn sin nam bitheadh an uidheam agam. I would do that if I had the material. |
uidheam ghreusachd | Shoemakers’ tools. |
uidheam saoirsneachd | Joiners’ tools. |
[caochladh] | Tha sin uile air chaochladh. That is all changed. |
[ùir] | Thogadh an uir tharta. They are interred. [NOTE in second hand: or Chuireadh.] |
[uiread] | Cha n’eil uiread sin agam. I haven’t as much as that. |
[ullamh] | Ullamh ealamh. Ready, aye ready. |
[ullamh] | Is ullamh le neach sin a dheanamh. One should be ready to do that. |
[ùmhal] | Cho umhal ri luch fo spoig a’ chait. It’s submissive as a mouse beneath a cat’s paw. |
[ùmhlachd] | Rinn e umhlachd cheart dha. He gave him a proper salute. |
[urram] | Bheir mi ant-urram [sic] dhuit air na chunnaic mi riamh. I will give you first place over all I ever saw. |
[àbhaist] | A’ leanachd na h-abhaist. Following custom. |
[freagairt] | Am bi thu cho math agus mo fhreagairt? Will you kindly answer me? |
[fios] | Thoir leat e a dh’fhios nach bi feum agad air. Take it in case of need. |
[faoileag] | Faoileagan a’ chladaich againn fhein. Our own folk. |
[inntinn] | Tha m’ inntinn saor o fhein agartas. My mind is free from compunction. |
[aghaidh] | Cuir an aghaidh as fhearr a dh’fhaodas tu air. Put the best face possible on it. |
[aghaidh] | ’S ann agad tha’n aghaidh ’ga iarraidh. What a face you have to ask for it. |
[àicheadh] | Dh’aicheadh e chreideamh. He renounced his religion. |
[àicheadh] | ’Se an t-aicheadh math an dara pong as fhearr ’san lagh. A stout denial is the second best point in law. [NOTE in second hand: and also without the “dara” restriction.] |
[aideachadh] | Tha mi ag aideachadh mo chionta. I admit my fault. |
[aidmheil] | De’n aidhmheil [sic] a tha e leantuinn? What persuasion does he follow? |
[aighear] | Tha aighear a’ bruchdadh na shuil. His eye is filled with joy. |
[aidmheil] | A reir ur n-aidmheil na firium [sic]. According to your profession of the truth. |
[aighear] | Tha aighear ri cois na h-oige. Joy is part of youth. |
[àill] | Dean aille de’n eiginn. Make a virtue of necessity. |
[deòin] | Co dhiu is deoin leat no’s aindheoin. Whether you be willing or not. |
[aindeoin] | Rinn mi sin gad aindheoin. I did that in spite of you. |
[eallach] | Is trom an t-eallach an t-aineolas. Ignorance is a heavy burden. |
[aiteamh] | Aiteamh na gaoithe tuath air an t-sneachda, tuille a chur na cheann. North wind’s way of thawing – to add more snow. |
[aithneach] | Tha i gle aithneach. She is very considerate. |
[amhairc] | Amhairc thairis e. Overlook it. [NOTE in second hand: e corrected to air.] |
[aithris] | Aithrisibhse [sic] agus aithrisidh sinne. You repeat and so shall we. |
[àm] | Ann am is ann an-am. In and out of season. |
air aimhleachadh | Galled, vexed, piqued. [NOTE in second hand: aimhleachadh corrected to aimheallachadh.] |
[aindeonach] | Chaidh e dhachaidh gu h-aindeonach. He went home unwillingly. |
[dé] | Air a bho’n de. Day before yesterday. |
[raoir] | Air bho’n raoir. Night before last. |
[deas] | Air chionn dhaibh a bhi deas. By the time they were ready. |
[airgead] | Se gaol an airgiod freumh gach uilc. Money is the root of all evil. |
[comain] | Tha mi nad chomain mar a gabh thu ri na thubhairt mi. I am obliged by your attention to my remarks. |
[làthair] | Thoir a lathair a cheil iad. Bring them face to face. |
[càs] | Tha e an cas air. He is very desirous of it. |
[iochd] | Le an h-iochd. With vigour. |
[fad] | Tha fad math a tighinn san la. The day is getting pretty long. |
[sgur] | B’annsa leo sgur. They were glad to desist. |
[aomadh] | Tha am balla ag aomadh. The wall is bulging. |
[làn] | Lan uabhair is ardain. Full of pride and ignorance. |
[dad] | Gun dad athais. Without any leisure. |
[ath-leasaich] | Athleasaich do chomhradh is bheusan. Amend your speech and manners. |
[sgeul] | Is tric nach tig ath-sgeul air droch sgeul. Bad news is seldom refuted. |
[bacach] | Bacach air aon choise. Lame of a leg. |
bad fuilt | A tuft of hair. |
bad chaorach | Flock of sheep. |
[bagairt] | A’ bagairt sgainidh. Threatening to burst. |
[badanach] | An sobhrach a chinneas badanach. The primrose which grows in tufts. |
[baintighearnas] | Tha e fo bhaintighearnas. He is henpecked. |
[ball-bhreac] | A’ bheatha bhall-bhreac. Chequered career. [NOTE in second hand: non-Gaelic idea.] |
[banntrach] | Is banntrach e. Is banntrach i. Widower and widow. |
barantas glacaidh | Warrant of apprehension. |
[smalan] | Bathamaid gach smalan. Let us drown care. |
[beadradh] | Beadradh gu leoir. Sufficient flirting. |
[beadradh] | Chuireadh sin na bodaich gu beadradh. It would make even the old flirt. |
[beannaichte] | Tha thu fas beannaichte. You are getting holy (in derision). |
[beathaich] | Beathaich thusa mise an diugh is beathaichaidh mi am maireach tu. [NOTE in second hand: beathaichaidh mise thusa am maireach.] |
[sùgradh] | Cha n’eil an sugradh a chuir ris. It is no joke to manage him. [NOTE in second hand: Cha n’e an sugradh a cur ris.] |
[taitneach] | Is taitneach leam t’fhaicinn. I am happy to see you. |
[taitneach] | Ma se’s taitniche leat. If it is more agreeable to you. |
[peacach] | Ma thalaidheas peacaich thu. If sinnners entice you. |
[tàmailteach] | Grath fhacal tamailteach. A taunting proverb. [NOTE in second hand: not good.] |
[tarraing] | Cuir tarruing air. Put an extracting plaster on it. |
[teach] | Cha d’thainig e teach. It did not come to pass. [NOTE in second hand: ?] |
[teach] | Tighinn gu teach. Happening. |
[teach] | Thainig e mu’n teach. It came to pass. |
[teachd] | Is iomadh rud a thachaireas an teachd mu’n cuairt na bliadhna. Much may happen before the expiry of a year. |
[teachdaireachd] | B’e sin teachdaireachd a chuir moran gu truaighe. That news caused many to sorrow. |
[gabh] | Na gabhamaid oirnn e. Let us take no notice of him. |
[paidir] | Tha tuillidh sa phaidir aig. He knows more than his beads. |
[pailt] | Tha e pailt cho ard ruimsa [sic]. He is fully as tall as I. |
[iomrall] | Chaidh laithean na seachduin iomrall orra. They were confused with the days of the week. |
[lideag] | Am fear a theid lideag am mearachd. The man who goes the least bit wrong. |
[teagamh] | Fear reitich gach teagaimh. The solver of all difficulties. |
[teann] | Thainig a chuis teann-ri teann. The affair assumed a serious aspect. |
[tlachd] | Cha n’fhaigh thu le tlachd e. You won’t get it with pleasure. |
[tlàth] | Thig tlath nan speur is blaths fhathast. Balmy air and warmth will come yet. |
[tuath] | Neach de’n tuath. One of the common people. |
[tubaist] | Is trom na tubaistean air na sliobaistean. Frequent the accidents to the clumsy. |
[tubaist] | Thig tubaist air. Mischief will befall him. |
[muineal] | Tha mo mhuineal air a thuchadh. My throat has become hoarse. |
[seachrain] | Co a thuigeas uile sheachrain fhein. Who understands all his own errors. [NOTE in second hand: Psalm.] |
[tuit] | Thuit dhuinn tachairt. We met by chance. |
[tuit] | Thuit dhaibh tighinn a steach. They happened to come in. |
[cuimhne] | Bhrùchd cuimhne mar thuil. Memory burst forth like a flood. |
[cridhe] | Thuit a chridhe. He grew faint hearted. |
[tuiteam] | Fhuair e tuiteam. He got a fall. |
[tuiteamachd] | Thig tuiteamachd air an darach. Oaks cast their leaves. |
[tulach] | Tha iad uile nan tulaichean. They are all in their graves. |
[turus] | Turus math is soirbheasadh leat. Good and prosperous trip to you. |
[tùs] | Air a thus is air a thoiseach. First and foremost. |
[aimsir] | Air tus m’ aimsir. In my early days. |
[eagal] | S’e tus a ghliocais eagal Dhe. Fear of God is the beginning of wisdom. [NOTE in second hand: Bib.] |
[uabhar] | Airson an uabhair. For their pride. |
[uaibhreachas] | Lan uaibhreachais nad Shaothair. Full of pride in their work. |
[uaigneas] | Thug e air uaigneas e. He took him aside to a private place. |
[uaill] | Na dean uaill as an la maireach. Boast not of tomorrow. |
[ceartas] | Cha n’eil uainn ach an ceartas. We only want justice. |
[rudha] | Cuiridh so rudha seachad. This will serve for turn. |
[cladach] | Thoir ruith chladaich i. Run the boat aground. [NOTE in second hand: i corrected to dhi.] |
[ruith] | Thoir an aon ruith dhaibh. Give them the same treatment. |
[ruith] | Is iomadh uair a thug mi ruith air. Many a time I made him run. [NOTE in second hand: had a turn at it.] |
[sàbhaladh] | Is mor an sabhaladh sin. That is a great retrenchment. |
[sàrachail] | Bha sin sarachail air. That was burdensome on him. [NOTE in second hand: tiresome.] |
[sàsachadh] | A’ sasachadh na feola. Satisfying the flesh. |
[sealladh] | Tha sealladh gobhlach aige. He has a squint. [NOTE in second hand: sealladh fiar.] |
[seumadh] | Tha mi ’gam sheumadh. I cross myself. |
[sgiabadh] | Thoir tuille sgiabaidh do’n’fharadh. Give more slant to the ladder. |
[buntàta] | Sgiolcaidh am buntata Sgiathanach as an rusg gu barr a chroinn. The Skye potato will jump out of its skin to the mast head. (being so wet) |
[cearc] | Gheibh cearc an sgriobain rudeiginn. The scratching hen will get something. |
[sgrios] | Bheir thu sgrios oirnn. You will annihilate us. |
[slighe] | Dh’fhalbh e air slighe na firinn. Said of one who is dead. |
[sloinntearachd] | Sloinntearachd neo-chriochnaich. Endless genealogies. |
[soc] | Claidhean soc ri soc. Swords point to point. |
[socair] | Se an t-socair a thug orm a dheanamh. Sheer simplicity made me do it. [NOTE in second hand: socair corrected to sochair.] |
[solar] | Bu choir solair-itheannaich sa Ghaidhlig a bhi againn. We should have a Gaelic menu. |
[solaraich] | Sholaraich i aite dhi fhein. She provided a house for herself. |
[solar] | Co bhitheas a’ solar loin. Who will be purveying. |
[stròn] | Braighe na stroine. Bridge of nose. [NOTE in second hand: stroine corrected to sroine.] |
[tràth] | Ann an deagh thrath. In good time. |
[strìochdadh] | Cha striochdainn do dhuine. I could yield to no one. |
[strìochdadh ?] | B’fheudar dhaibh striochadh [sic]. They were compelled to yield. |
[toiseach] | Faigh air thoiseach air. Get the start of him. |
[fuireachd] | Is fhad an fhuireachd a rinn thu. You made a long stay. |
[fuireachadh] | Thainig e gun fhuireachadh. He came without delay. |
[fuireach] | Gu fuireach car oidhche. To stay one night. [NOTE in second hand: To stay for one night or so.] |
[marcaich] | Marcaich cas ghobhlach. Ride astride. |
[beachd] | Tha e os cionn mo bheachdsa. It surpasses my comprehension. |
[seadh] | Gabh ann an droch sheadh. Take in a bad sense. [NOTE in second hand: sheadh corrected to sheagh.] |
[docharach] | Thog thu mi gu docharrach. You took mi up wrongly. |
[moch] | Is moch fhuair e bas. He died untimely. [NOTE in second hand: moch not good – og better.] |
[dìth] | Failnichidh rud sam bith le dith cleachda. Anything fails for lack of use. [NOTE in second hand: cleachda corrected to cleachdaidh.] |
[cleachd] | Tha mi air mo dheagh chleachd ris. I am well accustomed to it. [NOTE in second hand: chleachd corrected to chleachdadh.] |
[subhachas] | Is mairg a dheanadh subhachas ri dubhachas fir eile. Woe to him who mocks at another’s grief. |
[abaichead] | Air abaichead ’s gum bi e. However ripe it may be. [NOTE in second hand: ’gum corrected to ’gam.] |
[abaichead] | Tha e dol an abaichead. It is getting more and more ripe. |
[luach] | Cha deanainn air mhor luach e. I wouldn’t do it at any price. |
[guth] | Mhothaich sinn a ghuth ga threigsinn. We noted his voice going. |
[airgiod] | Tha airgiod agam mu choinneamh a mhail. Tha [sic] have the money to meet the rent. |
[seasmhach] | Neo sheasmhach mar uisge. Unstable as water. [NOTE in second hand: Reuben – Bible.] |
[cat] | Cha d’fhuair mi a chuireadh neul bharr cait. I didn’t get what would relieve a cat’s faintness. [NOTE in second hand: Cha d’fhuair mi na…] |
[neul] | Muthadh nan neul. Change colour of complexion. |
[neul] | Thanig [sic] neul ’nam cheann. I turned faintish. |
[air] | Tha e ort a dheanamh. You are obliged to do it. |
[foghnadh] | Foghnaidh so: is leoir so. This will serve. |
[ceo] | Chaidh mi ’nam cheo ’s ’nam bhreislich. I was mystified and puzzled. |
[obair] | Chaidh mi bho obair, bho fheum. I was past work and useless. |
[sgeul] | Chaidh mi thar mo sgeoil (mo shiubhail). I lost the thread of my story. |
[gabhail] | Chaidh mo thoirt as mo ghabhail. I have been disappointed in my original intention. |
[rach] | Cha deach sin gu math dhaibh. That upset them. |
[reothart] | Rabhairt an diugh is conntraigh am maireach. Up today and down tomorrow. [NOTE in second hand: Spring tide to-day, neap-tide to-morrow.] |
[caomh] | Bu ro chaomh leam tighinn. I should like very much to come. |
[milleadh] | Bheil romhad thu fhein a mhilleadh. Do you intend to ruin yourself. [NOTE in second hand: ruin or damage.] |
solus reidh | A steady light. |
imeachd shocrach | Steady motion. |
dorus ruidhleanach | Turnstile. |
ceum bealaich | Stile. |
[briathar] | Ann am bheag bhriathan. To sum up all. |
[luath] | Na’s luaithe na shaoileas tu. Sooner than you think. |
[samhradh] | La geal samhraidh. A fine summer’s day. |
[cùis] | Abair gur ann mar so a thu chuis. Suppose the case to be thus. |
[càramh] | Droch agus deagh charamh. Good and bad usage. |
[moladh] | Cha mholadh do mholadh. Your praise is dispraise. [NOTE in second hand: Your praise is worthless.] |
[tarbhach] | Tha iad uile mi tharbhach. They are all unprofitable. |
[tuath] | Tha e mu thuath. He has gone North. |
[cridhe] | Chaidh iad gu bron is briseadh cridhe. They gave way to grief and sorrow. |
[smuain] | Chaidh mi rithist gu mo smuaintean. I reconsidered matters. |
[roinn] | Roinn mhic is athar. Share and share alike. |
[abair] | Abair romhad. Say on. |
[roimh] | Bithidh mise romhad fhathast. I shall be upsides with you yet. [NOTE in second hand: I shall be ahead of you yet.] |
[ruadhan] | Tha an t-iasg ’na ruadhan. The fish is overcooked. |
[ruadhan] | Burn glan gun ruadhan. Water without sediment. |
[tuille] | Tha so ann thuille na corach (an deigh laimhe). That remains over and above. |
[meas] | Cha tug mi meas freagairt air. I did not think him worthy of a reply. [NOTE in second hand: Cha d’thug…] |
[geur] | Chronaich esan e gu geur. Dheagh throid e ris. He reprimanded him sharply. |
[cliù] | Choisinn e droch chliu (iomradh). He gained a bad reputation. |
iarrtas | Air m’ iarrtas. At my request. |
iarrtas | Cha toill iarrtas achmhasan. A request does not deserve blame. |
[sgrios] | Shaor e iad a sgrios. He saved them from destruction. [NOTE in second hand: …bho sgrios.] |
[dubhailc] | Tha cuid dhubhailcean ann aig am bheil aogas subhailc. Some vices have the appearance of virtues. |
[corruich] | Mach do chorruich. Stifle your resentment. [NOTE in second hand: Mach corrected to Much.] |
[làn] | Tha mi lan sonruichte air. I am fairly resolved on it. [NOTE in second hand: not good id. lan shuidhichte is the phrase.] |
[muthadh] | Cha toir mi air inntinn a mhuth. Nothing can make him alter his resolution. [NOTE in second hand: Cha toir nì air inntinn a mhuthadh.] |
[beachd] | Anns a’ bheachd so. (Air an doigh so.) In this respect. |
[freagarrach] | Bithidh mise freagarrach airson sin. I will be responsible for that. [NOTE in second hand: seasmhach. Freagarrach is suitable.] |
[dearbhadh] | Cuir gu dearbhadh. Put to the proof. |
riaraichte | Served up at table. |
[cuid] | Ni mi a’ chuid eile leam fhein. I will manage the rest myself. |
[càch] | Theid mi ann cho math ri cach. I shall go as well as the others. |
[aisig] | La aisig Righ Tearlach a dha. Restoration day. |
[deireadh] | Se sin as deireadh dha. That will be the result of it. |
[brath] | Ciod gus an tig e, ’sann aig Dia a tha brath. What will be the result God alone knows. |
[caochladh] | Is e a cheart chaochladh a th’ann. It is the very reverse. |
[carachadh] | Cha n’eil comas carachaidh agam. I haven’t room to move. |
[grod] | Laidhe an sin gus an grod tu. Lie there till you rot. [NOTE in second hand: Laidhe corrected to Laigh.] |
[cuairt] | Gheibh sibh e car mu’n cuairt. You shall have it in rotation. |
[sgeul] | Sgeul phongail gun snas. Plain unvarnished tale. [NOTE in second hand: Not a happy combination. Not good Gaelic idea. Anything pongail must be snasmhor. Sgeul fhada gun snas.] |
[pongail] | Air innseadh gu pongail. Snappily related. |
[aithreachas] | Gabhaidh tu an t-aithreachas dheth. You will rue it. |
[caillte] | Mar is aille leat a bhi caillte. Unless you wish to be ruined. [NOTE in second hand: Mar corrected to Mur.] |
[seadh] | Ciod an seadh anns an do ghabh thu e. In what sense did you take it. [NOTE in second hand: seadh corrected to seagh.] |
[coisinn] | Chuir e mach g’a choisinn e. He put him out to service. [NOTE in second hand: choisinn corrected to chosnadh.] |
[fiacaill] | Chas e fhiaclan rium. He gnashed his teeth at me. |
[dol] | Nach eil doigh air bith dol as againn. Have we no escape. [NOTE in second hand: … gu dol as againn.] |
[craiceann] | Ge b’oil le do chraicionn e. In spite of your [?] skin. |
[leisg] | Is leisg le leisgein dol laidhe is seachd leisg leis eiridh. Slow is the sluggard at bedtime but seven times slower to rise. [NOTE in second hand: … dol a laighe … eirigh.] |
[toinisg] | Cha neil mi air cho bheag toinisg. I am not so void of sense. |
[breitheamh] | Cho suidhichte ri breitheamh. As sober as a judge. |
[uiread] | Cha d’rinn e na h-uiread is gluaiseadh. He did not as much as move. [NOTE in second hand: … is gluasad.] |
[bog] | Tha e gu bog blath na leapaidh. He is warm and snug in bed. [NOTE in second hand: … ’na leabaidh.] |
[toil] | Cha toil le cuid e. Some there are who don’t like it. [NOTE in second hand: toil corrected toigh.] |
[sluagh] | Cuid shluagh, cuid dh’fheadhainn. Some folk. |
[tilgeadh] | Tha mi thun tilgeadh. I am ready to spew. |
[fiacaill] | Ge b’oil le d fhiaclan. In spite of your teeth. |
reluctantly | Gu h-aindeonach, an aghaidh toile, gu neo thoileach. |
[caol] | Caol ri caol is leathann ri leathann – leughar is sgriobhar gach fhacal san t-saoghail. Gaelic spelling rule. |
[earbsa] | Tha mi cur earbsa asad, earbam asad. I rely on you. |
[fainear] | Thug e fainear. He remarked. |
[cùl] | Cuir cuil ri (treig) do chompanaich. Renounce your companions. |
[ceartas] | Le ceartas. By rights. |
[cuireadh] | Cha mi air chuireadh. I am invited. [NOTE in second hand: Tha mi air mo chuireadh.] |
[toradh] | Ceud thoradh. First fruits. |
[miann] | Sasuich do mhiann. Satisfy your ambition. |
[creideas] | Diol fear creideis. Satisfy creditors. |
[ri] | Cha do thaitinn e rium. Cha tainig e rium. It failed to satisfy me. |
[seachad] | Na cuir seachad ormsa e. Give me the option (i.e. of refusing) it. |
[suim] | Cuir air bheag suim. Consider of little account. |
[diùbhras] | Chan fhaic mi sion a dhiubhrais eatorra. I cannot see a particle of difference in them. |
[mionnan] | Cuir air a mhionnan e. Put him on oath. |
[cas] | Cuir air chois. Set on foot. |
[comhairle] | Cuir comhairle. Confer, consult, ask advice. |
[comhairle] | Chuir e comhairle ris na gillean oga. He consulted with the young men. |
[seisean] | Cuir air an t-seisein. Summon before the church session. |
[ràimh] | Cuir sna raimh. Row hard. |
[dolaidh] | Cuir glan a dholaidh. Spoil completely. |
[iarraidh] | Cuir a dh’ iarraidh. Send for. |
[gul] | Cuir a’ gul. Set acrying. |
[eathair] | Cuir an t-eathair air. Beach the boat. |
[cuir] | Is beag a tha cuir orm. I am all right. [NOTE in second hand: cuir corrected to cur.] |
[adhart] | Cuir air adhart. Promote. |
[seòl] | Cuir air sheol. Put in good trim. |
[aithne] | Cuir aithne air. Renew acquaintance. |
[car] | Cuir car dhiot. Bestir yourself. |
[car] | Gu de an ath char a chuir thu dhiot. What was your next move? |
[farmad] | Gabh farmad. Covet. |
[miannaich] | Miannaich cuid duine eile. Covet. |
[leisg] | Is leisg leam a chuir a mach air. I am reluctant to quarrel with him. [NOTE in second hand: chuir corrected to chur.] |
[mìnich] | Minich e. Explain it. |
miniche | Interpreter. |
[cath] | Chuir e deagh chath. He put up a good fight. |
[druigheachd] | Cuir druigheachd air. Bewitch him. |
[socair] | Cha socair s am bith sin dhomh. That is no advantage to me. |
[sochair] | Sochairean chlann Dhe. The privileges of God’s children. |
[socharach] | Carson a tha thu cho socharach? Why are you so compliant? |
[cneadach] | Is tric a chinn an cneadach sa dh fhalbh an sodach. Often does the puny one grow and the stout decay. [NOTE in second hand: Is tric a chinn an cneadaiche sa dh’ fhalbh an sodaiche.] |
[soilleireachadh] | A’ soilleireachadh a’ ghnothaic [sic] so dhomh. Making the affair intelligible to me. |
[saoghal] | Saoghal fada is soirbheas. Long life and prosperity. [NOTE in second hand: soirbheas corrected to soirbheachadh.] |
[soirbheas] | La an t-soirbhias [sic]. The day of prosperity. |
[soirbheas] | Soirbheas math leat. Good luck to you. |
[soirbheas] | Chan eirich soirbheas leis. He will not prosper. |
[gaoth] | Gaoth shoirbheasach. A favourable wind. |
[gaoth] | Tha a’ ghaoth a’ togail. Tha a’ ghaoth ag aotromachadh. The wind is abating. |
[son] | Air na h-uile son. For every reason. |
[son] | Air son sin dheth. For that matter of it. |
[soirbhich] | Soirbhichidh leis gach ni a ni e. Everything he touches prospers. |
[soitheach] | Soitheach fuaraidh. Refrigerator. [NOTE in second hand: Soitheach fuarachaidh. Fuaraidh is going to windward.] |
[clùd] | Clud nan soithichean. Dishcloth. |
[eanchainn] | Eanachainn [sic] shoilleir. A clear head. |
[gaoth] | Ceann gaoithe. An addled head. [NOTE in second hand: This is an obscure and apparently meaningless [sic].] |
[each] | Thoir comas cinn do’n each. Give the horse its head. |
[bliadhna] | Eadar so is ceann bliadhna. Before the expiry of a year. |
[uidh] | Ceann ar n-uidhe. Our journey’s end. |
[solasach] | Gu sonas solasach. Happy and contented. [NOTE in second hand: sonas corrected to sona.] |
[solas] | Solas no donas. Success or misfortune. |
[sonas] | Sonas an lorg an caitheimh. Luck follows liberality. [NOTE in second hand: an caitheimh corrected to na caitheimh.] |
[oisinneach] | Oibreach oisinneach. Bevelled gearing. |
[brochan] | Ag ol brochain. Supping porridge. |
[sreath] | An da shreath. In two ranks. |
[sreath] | Sreath aghaidh. Sreath chuil. Van and rear (of army). |
[fuaim] | Mar fhuaim uird. Like the noise of a hammer. |
[spàirn] | Spairn a bhais. Death agony. |
aite spaidearaiche | Promenade. |
[sannt] | Sannt gun sonas eiridh an donas dhuit. Hopeless greed will not succeed. |
[spailp] | Cha ruig thu leas cur spailp ort ruimsa [sic]. Don’t bother to assume such airs in my presence. |
[ceum] | Tha mi dol a ghabhail ceum spaidearaiche. I am going for an airing. |
[sparr] | Am mac air an sparr an t-athair gun bhreith. Counting chickness [sic] before they are hatched. [NOTE in second hand: Is this not a riddle? See Nic.] |
[comhair] | An comhair a chuil. Backwards. An comhair a bheoil. Forwards. |
[sparradh] | Thug e teann sparradh dhaibh. He gave them a strict injunction. |
[àrdachadh] | Ardachadh tuarasdail. Increase of salary. |
[àirde] | O gach airde. From every point of the compass. |
[àirde] | Airde nam beann. Height of the hill. |
[àrdachadh] | Tha ardachadh air. He is maniacal. |
[ceum] | Ceum fas. A false stop. |
[ceum] | Cheun [sic] e gu mor mun cuairt. He stepped round majestically. [NOTE in second hand: Eng der.] |
[ceum] | Tha e ceum nas fhaide a mach. He is a degree further removed in relationship. |
[leth] | An leith as mo. The majority. |
taghadh air leith | A bye election. |
taghadh coitchinn | A general election. |
[buille] | Buille airson buille. Stroke for stroke. |
[blasta] | Blasda [sic] le salann. Seasoned with salt. |
[blasad] | Gun am blasad. Without tasting them. |
[blasmhoiread] | A’ dol am blasmhoiread. Getting more savoury. |
[sealbh] | Thoir dhomh sealbh. Give me possession. |
[snichd] | Gach snichd a th’agam. Every stitch I possess. |
[toradh] | Toradh do ghniomharran. Fruits of your conduct. |
[bharr] | Bharr na leapa. Off the bed. |
biadh siubhail | Rations. |
[siubhal] | Tha e siubhal gu dian. He drives furiously. |
[car] | A’ cur nan car dheth. Dreadfully busy. |
car-a-mhuiltein | Somersault. |
[leth-char] | Leth-char ur. Somewhat new. |
[car] | Car an aghaidh cuir. Diamond cut diamond. |
car tuathail | A wrong turn. [NOTE in second hand: A wrong or left turn.] |
[caraibh] | An caraibh a cheile. In contact or in grips. |
[cailce] | Thar na cailce gu buileach. Quite over the score. |
cro snathaid | Eye of needle. |
[thugad] | Gath [sic] thugad. Realise. |
[car] | Gabh car air. Take advantage of it. |
[ais] | Cùm air t’ ais. Keep back. |
[cuir] | Cuir ort. Restrain yourself. |
[còdhail] | Cum codhail. Keep an appointment. |
[làmh] | Tha iad ag iomairt á lamhan a cheile. There is collusion between them. |
[làmh] | Rug e air laimhe oirre. He shook hands with her. [NOTE in second hand: laimhe corrected to laimh.] |
[làmh] | Gabh an laimh. Undertake. |
[làmh] | Tha e an laimh. He is in custody. |
[làmh] | Laimh air laimhe. Hand in hand or hand in glove. [NOTE in second hand: Laimh air laimh.] |
[uaigh] | Chairich iad ’s an uaigh e. They laid him in the grave. |
[càirich] | Na cairich am peacadh oirnne. Don’t lay their sins to our charge. |
[càirich] | Cairich air falbh e. Cajole him away. |
[oir] | Oir an ardaich. Hem of the cloth. |
[oir] | Gun oir. Without a border. |
[oir] | Oir an t-sruthain. The edge of the stream. [NOTE in second hand: not sure of correctness of this.] |
[bil] | Bil a h-ada. Brim of the hand. |
[nàdur] | A thaobh naduir. By nature. |
[sràid] | Sraid leth taoibh. A side street. |
[giùlan] | Chan urrain [sic] dhomh ga ghiulain. I cannot endure it any longer. |
[falach] | Tha e am falach. He is in hiding. |
[deanamh] | A deanamh oraide, leabhair, sgeoil. Composing a speech, book or story. |
[riar] | Dean mo riar-sa. Pleasure me. |
[crath] | Crath ris. Wave to him. |
[crath] | Crath do cheann. Shake your head. |
[crath] | Chrath e a bhata. He brandished his stick. |
[teann] | Teann as an rathad. Out of the way. |
[teann] | Teann air mios. Close upon a month. |
[teann] | Duine teann. A severe person. |
[àiteach] | Tha e ri aiteach. He is farming. |
[teann] | Teannaibh ri cheile. Sit close. |
[teann] | Theann iad ri treobhadh. They began ploughing. [NOTE in second hand: treobhadh corrected to treabhadh.] |
[dorus] | A’ crannadh ’s a sparradh an doruis. Bolting and barring the door. |
[tastan] | Tha tasdan aige orm. I owe him a shilling. |
[tastan] | Tha tasdan agam air. He owes me a shilling. |
[riarachadh] | Riarachadh orra e. Distribute it amongst them. [NOTE in second hand: riaraich.] |
riarachadh inntinn | Intense mental pleasure and satisfaction. |
[cead] | Cead dol. Cead fuireach. Permission to go or stay. |
[cead] | Iarr cead. Ask leave. |
[cead] | Gun do chead a ghabhail. Without asking your permission. |
[cead] | Faigh cead dhomh. Get me leave. |
[cead] | Thoir dhomh cead. Grant me leave. |
[cianalas] | A’ cur dhinn an cianalas. Banishing melancholy. [NOTE in second hand: an cianalas corrected to a’ chianalas.] |
[còir] | Air choir. Right or well. |
[còir] | Cha d’fhuair e oibreachadh air choir. He did not get a proper chance of working. |
[uair] | Air an uair. Presently. |
air athais | Slowly. |
[feobhas] | Chan fhaic mi fheobhas. I can’t see its superiority. |
[dòchas] | An dòchas do theachd. In expectation of your arrival. |
[dòigh] | Gun doigh. Out of order. Absurd. |
dòigheil | Systematic. |
[bròn] | Eideadh broin. Mournings. |
air barr | Atop. |
[dàil] | Dail sia miosan. Credit for six months. |
[faochadh] | Gun fhaochadh fad an la. Without alleviation all day. |
[toigh] | Is toigh leam thusa ach is docha leam esan. I like you but prefer him. |
[dòcha] | Se so as dòcha. This is more likely. |
[obair] | Rinn e a dh’aon obair e. He did it on purpose. |
[airidh] | Chan airidh mi. I am not worthy. |
[lorg] | Lorgan chorrag. Finger prints. [NOTE in second hand: not correct; lorg is mark of foot or hoof – only.] |
[beud] | Chan ’eil beud air. There is nothing wrong with him. |
[beud] | Cha d eirich beud dha. No harm has befallen him. |
[séid] | Nach ann air a tha an t-seid. The fellow is puffed up with good living. |
[séid] | Fhuair e sheid. He got his bellyful. |
[leisg] | Is leisg leam. I am reluctant. |
[air] | Tha e oirbh a dheanamh. You are obliged to do it. |
[beò-shlàinte] | Gabh do bheo-shlainte dheth. Take your living of it. |
[cridhe] | Tha eagal a chridhe air. The extreme of terror is upon him. |
[uilear] | Cha b’uilear dhuit bhi so. You would require to be here. |
[uilear] | Cha b’uilear uibhir eile. As much again is necessary. |
[cùis] | Rinn e cuis bhuirt (ball fanaid, ball spors) dheth fhein. He made a fool of himself. |
[aiseid] | Dh’asaideadh air mac i. She was delivered of a son. |
[sgàth] | Air sgath sgoinne. For decency’s sake. |
[sgàth] | Tha sgath orm. I am afraid. |
[sgàth] | Fo sgath do sgeith. Under your protection. |
[innis] | An innis tu mi fhein dhomh. Will you tell me my character. |
[seasmhach] | Duine seasmhach. A man of his word. |
ma dh’fhaodas e | It may well be. |
[seasmhach] | Aite comhnuidh seasmhach. Fixed abode or address. |
[blàr] | On bhlar gu bharr. From top to bottom. [NOTE in second hand: From bottom to top.] |
[taobh] | A thaobh athair. By father’s side. |
[seinn] | Air a sheinn feadh na duthcha. Reported through the country. |
[seis] | Cha d’fhuair Fionn a sheis riamh. Fionn never met his match. |
[seis] | Barrachd sa sheis. More than his match. [NOTE in second hand: sheis corrected to sheise.] |
[saorsadh] | Saorsadh is co-ionnanach. Liberty and equality. [NOTE in second hand: saorsadh corrected to saorsa.] |
[seargadh] | Tha an duine a’ seargadh air falbh. Tha man is fading away. |
oide aidmheil | Father confessor. |
[fadal] | Tha fadal orm. I am bored stiff. [NOTE in second hand: I am longing for.] |
[fiosrachadh] | M’fhiosrachadh fhein. My own experience. |
[fiosrachadh] | Eolach troimh fhiosrachadh. [NOTE in second hand: Experienta [sic] docet.] |
[cleas] | Cha b’e sin cleas d’athair. That is not your father’s way. |
[tuasaid] | Nuair a bhitheas an tuasaid so thairis. When the hurly burly is over. |
[ioma-cheist] | Dh’fhag e mi fo’n iomacheist. He left me in the lurch. [NOTE in second hand: imcheist.] |
[blàth] | Tha i am blath a h’aimsir. She is in her prime. |
[dòchas] | Tha dòchas mor agam as an òganach. I think him a youth of promise. |
[fiach] | Is fiach air duine na gheallas e. A promise is a debt of honour. [NOTE in second hand: fiachan.] |
[gad] | Cha chuirear gad air gealladh. A promise is not a handcuff. |
[gealladh] | Tha iad air an gealladh (gealltuinn). They are promised. |
[gealladh] | Gealladh gun cho-ghealladh. Promise without performance. |
[toiseach] | Toiseach teachd is deireadh falbh. First to come and last to go. |
[fairtlich] | Dh’fhairtlich e orm. I failed. |
[facal] | Facal na thrath. A word in season. |
[neoni] | Thainig e gu neoni. It came to nothing. |
[barail] | Cha bu dona a’ bharail a thug thu air. You guessed well. |
[coisinn] | Cha mhor a choisinn thu air. You have not gained much by it. |
[peighinn] | Is cho math peighinn a chaoimhnadh is peighinn a choisinn. A penny saved is a penny gained. [NOTE in second hand: choisinn corrected to chosnadh.] |
[làmh] | Chan aithne dha a lamh dheas seach a lamh chli. He doesn’t know his right from his left. |
[cabhag] | Mar is motha chabhag s ann is lugha an t-astar. More hurry – less speed. |
[crochadh] | Gabh gad chrochadh. (Gabh thun na croiche.) Be hanged to you. |
[dàn] | Am fear do’n dàn a’ chroich cha teid a bhàthadh. Those born to hang won’t be drowned. |
[dleasnas] | Dleasnasan a’ bhuird. Honours of the table. |
[sannt] | Chan ’eil sannt bidh orm idir. I am not in the humour of eating. |
[sannt] | Chan ’eil sannt gniomha orm. I am not inclined to work. |
[fàbharach] | Dh’éisdeadh ris gu fabharach. He received a favourable hearing. |
[teas] | Teas (no airde) an latha. The heat of the day. |
[mearachd] | Rugadh ann am mearachd i. She was an illegitimate child. |
[fois] | Am fois: an tàmh. At ease. |
[briosg] | Am briosg. In a trice. |
[seòl] | Air sheol: air mhodh. In a way. |
[sealladh] | Anns an t-sealladh. In sight. |
[làthair] | Ann lathair nan uile. In sight of all. |
[drùidh] | Dhrùigh e air. It made an impression on him. [NOTE in second hand: dhrùigh corrected to dhrùidh.] |
[toil] | Tha e gabhail a thoil (ga thoileachadh fhein). He indulges himself. |
[lasadh] | Air lasadh le feirg. Inflamed with anger. |
[àille] | B’aille leam thu fhoighneachd. I would have you enquire. |
[beul] | Cum beul briagh ri. Keep fair with. |
[teine] | Bheil an teine beothachadh (gabhail). An do bheothaich (air do ghabh) an teine? Has the fire kindled? |
[faicinn] | Is aithne dhomh e a thaobh fhaicinn. I know him by sight. |
[sàr] | Mar a tha sar fhios agat. As you know very well. |
[aimsir] | Aom (no struth) na h-aimsir. With the lapse of time. |
[teann] | Tha e teann ri fannachadh (no toirt thairis). He begins to flag. |
[comas] | Air falbh gun chomas. Absent without leave. [NOTE in second hand: Eng id.] |
[gàire] | Gaire dh’aindheoin. Forced laughter. |
[aobhar] | Is aobhar gaire e. It is quite laughable. |
[ceart] | Bu cheart cho math leam. I would just as soon. |
[anam] | Air d’anam na dean e. Don’t do it for your life. |
[rach] | Rachadh e far an togar e. Let him go where he likes. |
[fortan] | Mar a bha ’m fortan. As good luck would have it. |
[spionnadh] | Le uile spionnadh. With might and main. |
[seachnadh] | Fuiling an rud nach gabh seachnadh. Make a virtue of necessity. |
[strì] | Rinn e moran stri. He made great exertions. |
[duine] | B’e sin a rinn duine dheth. That made a man of him. |
[pòsadh] | Posadh air eiginn (a dh’ aindheoin). Forced marriage. |
[inntinn] | Leig d’inntinn air. Set your mind on. |
[clach] | Bheireadh e snidheadh air cridhe na cloiche. It would melt a heart of stone. |
[uibhir] | A cheart uibhear [sic] ri so. Just as much as that. |
[meud] | A mheud so: na h-uibhear so. This much. |
[uiread] | Da uiread. Double the amount. |
[uibhir] | Na h-uibhear [sic] eile. Twice as much. |
[oil] | Ge b’oil le d’amhaich e. In spite of your neck. |
[each] | Tha an t-each a bhuailear sa cheann sgathach. Once bitten twice shy. |
[sgàthan] | Sgathan balgach (comhnard). Convex or plain mirror. |
[sgàthan] | Sgathan tolgach. A concave mirror. |
[sgillinn] | Gun uiread is sgillinn. Without as much as a penny. |
[sgìos] | Cia mar an sgios e. What a weariness of the flesh it is. [NOTE in second hand: not proper Gaelic (and mar corrected to mór).] |
[cruaidh] | Cruaidh a’ sgreadadh air cruaidh. Steel grating on steel. |
[sìnteag] | Cha ghabh mi na sinteagan. I will not try the stepping stones. (Also a stroke in swimming.) |
[sìoladh] | A’ sioladh a bhainne. Straining the milk. |
[sgoladh] | An t-uisge a sgoladh. Water filtering. |
[sìoladh] | A’ sioladh as. Passing quietly away. |
[sìoladh] | Leig leis sioladh. Let it subside. |
[salachar] | Tha thu air cur thairis le salachar. You are covered with dirt. |
[coimeas] | Cuir thu fein an coimeas ris. Put yourself on a level with him. |
[sgaoilteach] | Cainnt sgaoilteach. Unguarded language. |
[tulgadh] | Tulgadh a chreathall. Rocking the cradle. [NOTE in second hand: a chreathall corrected to na creathall.] |
sios agus suas | “But and ben” of house. In Perthshire (Eastwards and Westwards). |
[seòmar] | Falbh suas do’n t-seomar. Go “ben” the house. |
[mullach] | Sithean mullach a chinn. The very crown of the head where the hair parts. [NOTE in second hand: appears good.] |
[smid] | Gun smid tha ceann an eolais. Silence is the foundation of knowledge. [NOTE in second hand: Silent is the head which has knowledge.] |
[smioralas] | Duine gun smioralas. Man with no guts. |
[smùdan] | Tha smudan fein á ceann gach foid. “Ilka blade of grass has its ain drop of dew.” [NOTE in second hand: Dug. Buchanan.] |
[smugaid] | Tilgeil smugaide. Expectorating. |
[lùbag] | Lubag cas laoigh. Half hitch. |
[snaim] | Snaim a’ bhuailtein. Clove hitch. |
[lùb] | Lub ruith. Running knot. |
[snaim] | Snaim a’ bhanna, a bhreabadair, an fhigheadair, an t-seoladair. Reef knot. |
[snaim] | Snaim chruaidh. Hard knot. |
[snaim] | Snaim do sheanamhar. ‘Granny’ knot. |
[snaim] | Snaim casa caorach. Sheepshank knot. |
[snaim] | Snaim calpa an dul. Half hitch or loop. (Bowline or light.) |
[snaidheadh] | Snaidheadh fiodha. Carving (whittling) wood. |
[snaidheadh] | Snaidheadh chlacha. Hewing stone. [NOTE in second hand: cloiche (s), chlach (p).] |
[snaig] | Cuir an t-snaig air an dorus. Sneck the door. |
[snàth] | Snath fuaighle. Sewing thread. [NOTE in second hand: fuaigheil.] |
[sradanta] | Duine sradanta. Quick tempered man. |
[snàth] | Snath cloimhe. Worsted. |
[snàth] | Snath riaghailt. Basting thread. |
[dùbhlan] | Cuir gu dhubhlan. Touch him to the quick. |
[dùbhlan] | Nuar theid duine gu dhubhlan. When one is touched to the quick. |
[snas] | Dean le snas e. Do it decently. |
[snas] | Gnothuch gun snas. Shabby trick. |
[dùil] | Chaill sinn ar dùil dheth. We lost our expectation of him. |
[comas] | Fhad sa bha e ’nam chomas. As much as lay in me. |
[alt] | Ni sin alt eile air. We shall use another method. |
[alt] | Air na h-uile alt. At all events. |
[co-ionann] | Co-ionann air gach doigh. Equal in every respect. |
[cath] | Chuir iad cath ris. They struggled against him. |
[luaidh] | Tha luaidh air uisge beatha. There is virtue in whiskey. |
[fuasgladh] | Fuasgladh na ceiste. The answer to the question. |
[bochdainn] | De a’ bhochdainn a rug ort. What the mischief befell you? |
[snìomh] | Shniomh na mnathan. The women spun. |
[snìomh] | Shniomh e o’m laimh e. He wrenched it from my hand. |
[snìomh] | Shniomh e an ceann dheth. He twisted the head off it. |
ban shniomhaiche | Spinster. |
[falt] | Falt sniomhainach. Plaited hair. |
[pàirt] | Pairt dheth. Some of it. |
[pàirt] | Ghabh e phairt. He took his part. |
[cuid] | Cha bhi cuid no pairt agam dheth. I shall take no part in the enterprise. |
[astar] | Astar thri làithean. Three days journey. |
[astar] | Bata fo astar. Boat under weigh. |
[siteag] | Cuir thun na siteige e. Turn him out. |
saighdear siteig | “Chocolate Soldier”. |
[smior] | Smior an t-sil. Best of seed. |
[smior] | Duine gun smior. Spineless creature. |
[manadh] | Tha i cur air a’ mhanadh dhomh. She prophesies for me. |
[car] | Cuir car dhiot. (Tarruing a’ chas a th’air deireadh.) Stir your stumps. |
[mearachd] | Thog mi am mearachd thu. I mistook your meaning. |
[tog] | Togamaid oirnn. Let us bestir ourselves. |
[òrdugh] | Gun ordugh. Disordered. Deranged. |
[uchd] | Ri uchd cruadail. Braving difficulties. |
[uchd] | Uchd ri uchd. Abreast. |
[tàmailt] | Tamailt fhollaiseach. Public disgrace. |
[tàmailt] | Tamailt pearsa. Personal insult. |
[uchd] | A’ togail an uchd. Ascending the face of the hill. |
[slabhraidh] | Stioman dh’obair shlabhraidh. Wreaths of chain work. |
[uisge] | Cha tig e an uisge na stiureadh dha. He couldn’t hold a candle to him. [NOTE in second hand: stiùrach.] |
[aol] | Aol tathaidh gun suathadh. Unslaked cement. |
[seach] | Seach innseadh air. Rather than inform against him. |
[suidheachadh] | Air a’ cheart shuidheachadh. In the same predicament. (pattern of cloth) |
[suidhichte] | Air an la shuidhichte. On the appointed day. |
[suidhichte] | Tha mi suidhichte sin a dheanamh. I am determined to do that. |
[faire] | Shuidhich iad faire. They set a watch. |
[slàn] | Gu ma slan gu’n till thu. May you be well until you return. |
[sùgh] | Eodar an t-sugh is an t-slat. Between the devil and the deep sea. [NOTE in second hand: Eodar corrected to Eadar.] |
lag na sleisde | Hollow of the thigh. |
teine biorach | “Marsh” fire. |
[slinnean] | Fear slinnean leathan. Large broad shouldered man. |
[sloinneadh] | Co bhuaidhe a shloinneadh. From whom his descent? |
[stàth] | Cha stath dhomh. I have no good reason. |
taois ghoirt | Leaven. |
taois cailc | Putty. |
sluagh iul | Politics. |
sluagh iul Aghartaich | Liberals. |
Athaiseach | Conservatives. |
Aonachdach | Unionists. |
Pairteach | Socialists. |
Coitchiontas | Communist. |
Ais cheumach | Reactionary. |
sluagh iul run | Policy of party. |
run coimheach | Foreign policy. |
sluagh iul run na duthcha | Nationalists. |
sluagh iul na h-impireachd | Imperial politics. |
sluagh thaitneachd | Popularity. |
[uasal] | Tha e tuille is uasal uime. He is too fastidious about it. |
[clach] | Os cionn chlach uasail. Above precious stones. |
[irioslachd] | Is ann uasal a tha an irioslachd. Noble is humility. |
uathrais air tharais | Helter skelter. |
eun tearc | Rara avis. |
[ceann] | Chuir mi ’nam cheann a dhol ann. I resolved to go. |
[ceann] | Chuir mi ’na cheann a dhol ann. I suggested to him to go. |
[beul] | Beul an lain. High water mark. |
[beul] | Cha burrain dhomh beul a thoirt dha. I couldn’t mouth the food. |
[Dia] | A bhuilich Dia ort. Which God bestowed on you. |
tairbhe eucorach | Unjust gains. |
[taisead] | A’ dol an taisead. Getting softer and more delicate. |
[tamhasg] | B’e do thamhasg a bh’ann. It was your very double. |
[tamull] | Car tamuill bhig. For a short time. |
[tamull] | Tamull as. A short distance away. [NOTE in second hand: Tamull is time not distance.] |
[cliù] | Fo dheagh chliu. A good character. |
[caogadh] | Caogadh suil. In a twinkling of an eye. |
[caogadh] | Caogaidh e le shuil. He winks with his eye. |
[buil] | Bithidh a’ bhuil dhuit. The result is obvious in your case. |
[buil] | Tha a’ bhuil sin air. The result is obvious on him. |
[buil] | An rud a nithear gu ceart chitear a bhuil. Properly done the result must tell. |
[facal] | A thoirt gu buil fhacal. To fulfill his words. |
[buil] | Dean deagh bhuil dheth. Make a good use of it. |
[buil] | Buil cheart a dheanamh dheth. To make proper use of it. |
[toirbheartas] | Toirbheartas a laimhe. The superabundance of his goodness. |
[tàiread] | A’ dol an tairead. Becoming more and more contemptible. |
[cainnt] | A chainnt taireil. His contemptible words. |
[tasgadh] | Ga thasgadh seachad. Hoarding up. |
[taisg] | Ni sam bith a th’n taisg. Anything hoarded up. [NOTE in second hand: th’n corrected to tha an.] |
[claidheamh] | Taisgear gach claidheamh ’na thruaill. Every sword shall be sheathed. |
[cridhe] | Cridhe nach taisich roimh fhuathas. A heart which won’t quail. |
[taingeil] | Is taingeil is coir dhuit a bhi. You ought to be jolly thankful. |
[taing] | A’ nochdadh do thaing. Showing your sense of gratitude. |
[tàintean] | Is mor na taintean a bhuilich Dia ort. God has granted you much. [NOTE in second hand: ?] |
[tàintean] | Bithidh do sgoil na taintean dhuit ri d’bheo. Your education will prove an accomplishment all your life. |
[uilear] | Chan uilear dhuit a bhi cinnteach. You require to be sure. |
[uilear] | Cha mhor nach b’uilear dhomh e. I am entirely dependent on it. |
[uilear] | Chan uilear dha punnd eile. He would require another pound. |
[uilear] | Chan uilear dhuit a bhi so. You would need to be here. |
[uilear] | Cha b’uilear dhaibh tighinn aig aon uair. They would require to come at one o’clock. |
[uilear] | Cha b’uilear dhuinn cogadh no failreachadh. We had to fight or yield. [NOTE in second hand: not a good construction.] |
[uilear] | Cha b’uilear uiread eile. As much again is necessary. |
[uilear] | Cha n’uilear is rendered affirmatively. Is uilear: negatively. |
[uilear] | Chan uilear dha tasdan air an tunnaig. He requires a shilling for the duck. |
[uilear] | Is uilear dha tasdan air an tunnaig. He does not require two shillings for the duck. |
[faochadh] | An d’fhuair e faochadh. Has he got relief (or passed the crisis of disease)? |
[cùl] | Cul buidhe dualach. Yellow curly head. |
[cùl] | Air do chul. Behind you. |
[cùl] | Gu cul. Thoroughly: completely. |
[cùl] | Bithidh mise air do chul. I shall support you. |
[cùl] | Is tu an cu gu d’ chul. You are a cur every inch of you. |
[cùl] | Cuir cul ris. Reject. |
[cùl] | Cul ri cul. Back to back. |
[cùlaobh] | Air culaobh chaich. Behind the others. |
[taic] | Cuir taic ri so. Prop this up. |
[cùl] | Leig leo dol air cul a’ gnothuic. Let them take a back seat on that point. [NOTE in second hand: cul a’ gnothuic corrected to chul an gnothaich.] |
[fiù] | Chan fhiu e dad. Duine gun fhiu. He is worthless. |
[fiù] | Cha n’fhiu e mise. He is not worthy of me. [NOTE in second hand: not good construction.] |
[fiù] | Mar is fhiu is mar is fhiosrach mi. To the best of my knowledge and belief. |
[clach] | Leag e a’ chlach steidh. He laid the foundation stone. |
[leig] | Leig dha falbh. Let him go. |
[druim] | Gun druim ach athar. Without shelter but the sky. |
[druim] | Druim uachdar a’ chairein. The palate. |
[fèath] | Tha an oidhche ’na feith. The night is calm. |
[tòn] | Thuit a chridhe ’na thòin. His heart sank to his boots. |
[cridhe] | Le m’uile chridhe. With all my heart. |
[cridhe] | Nach ann aige a tha an cridhe. Isn’t he the hardened sinner? |
[bonn] | Chan ’eil mi bonn ’nad eisimeil. I don’t care a straw for you. |
[bonn] | Fo bhonnaibh ur cas. Beneath the soles of your feet. |
[bonn] | Thoir na buinn ort. Hook it. [NOTE in second hand: ort corrected to dhi.] |
[geamhlag] | Cuir taic ris a gheamhlaig. Put a support in for the lever. |
[taic] | An taic a cheile. In contact. In collision. |
[taic] | An taic ri bliadhna. Approximately a year. |
[taic] | Na leig do thaic ris. Don’t depend too much on that. |
[taic] | Cha ruig mi leas mo thaic a leigeil riutsa. It would be foolish on my part to depend on you. |
[oil] | Mas oil leat e na dean a rithist e. If you don’t like it don’t do it again. |
[oil] | Chan oil leamsa ged robh thu air do chrochadh. I wouldn’t mind if you were hung. |
[aimhreiteach] | Duine aimhreiteach. A contentious person. |
air lar | On the ground floor. |
[togairt] | A’ togairt dol dhachaidh. Keenly desirous of going home. [NOTE in second hand: not keen – considering.] |
[àird] | De’n aird a dh’fhag thu air. What state did you leave him in? |
faimeadh aodaich | Hemming cloth. [NOTE in second hand: faimeadh corrected to faitheamadh.] |
[fàim] | Cuir faim air do theanga. Be circumspect. [NOTE in second hand: faim corrected to faitheam.] |
[tochradh] | A reir tochraidh nam maighdean. According to the maidens dowry. |
[ullag] | A tilgeil ullagan. Throwing snowballs. |
[beir] | Rug mi air. I overtook him. |
[ùraich] | Dh’uraich an deoch e. The drink invigorated (refreshed) him. |
[urras] | Oifig urras teine. Fire Insurance office. |
[tobha] | Bitheadh gach fear a’ deanamh tobha dha fhein. Let them all make a rope to hang themselves. |
[toch] | Thoch iad an crodh. They have stringed the cattle. [NOTE in second hand: ?] |
[uileann] | Uileann na beinne. The shoulder of the hill. |
[uileann] | Air uileann nan leac. On the corner of the flag stones. |
[iongar] | Tharruing e an t-iongar. It drew pus. |
[tarruing] | Tarruing chailleach. Pulling in a slovenly fashion. |
[tarruing] | Tarruing air t’ais. Withdraw. |
[tarruing] | Tarruing suas ris. Speak to him. |
[uireas] | A’ dol airson uireasan. Going for necessities. [NOTE in second hand: uireasbhuidhean.] |
[uireas] | De iad na h-uireasan a tha a dhith ort. What necessities do you lack? |
[toimhseagan] | Fuasgail an toimhseagan. Guess the riddle. |
[éiginn] | Beo air eiginn. Just alive. |
[bàs-bhuille] | Fhuair e a bhas-bhuille. He received his death blow. |
[uair] | Gach uair. At all times. |
[uair] | Rinn se e uair is uaire. He did it repeatedly. |
[taobh] | Taobh an fhuaraidh. Weather side. |
[taobh] | Air an taobh leis. On the lee side. |
barr na teanga | Point of tongue. |
bun na teanga | Root of the tongue. |
[beannachd] | Mo bheannachd ’na chuid is ’na chuideachd. Good luck to him. |
[rath] | Chaidh e bho rath. He has gone to pigs and whistles. |
[rath] | Is beag rath a bhitheas ort. You will have but poor luck. |
[spìon] | Spion as a bhun e. Root it out. |
[bun] | Dean bun a Dia. Place your confidence in God. |
[bun] | Chan fhag e bun no barr. He will not leave root or branch. |
[tilgte] | Tha ceann tilgte air a bhata. The stick has an artificial head. |
[tighearnas] | Deagh (droch) thighearnas. Good and bad rule. |
[tighinn] | Is math a thig an cota ruit [sic]. The coat fits you well. [NOTE in second hand: ruit corrected to dhuit.] |
[tighinn] | Ciamar tha e tighinn dhomh. How does it become me? |
[tighinn] | Ciamar a thig sin riut? How will that suit you? |
[tighinn] | Cha tig sin gu math ris. That will not please him. |
[tighinn] | B’ann air gaol a bha i tighinn. It was of love she spoke. |
[stàth] | Cha n’eil stath tighinn air sin. There is no use (or sense) in discussing that. |
[seanachas] | Thainig iad am briathran seanachais air a cheile. They spoke of old times to each other. |
[tighinn] | Thainig againn air labhairt uime. He chanced to speak of him. |
[tighinn] | De tha tighinn ris. What ails him? |
[tighinn] | Thainig orm falbh. I was obliged to leave. |
[snàth] | Cha tig snath do mhna-sa ri snath mo mhna-sa. Your wife spinning will not compare with mine. |
[tighinn] | Thig orm. I must. |
[tighinn] | Cha tigear air gabhadh thric. One would not come safely through frequent dangers. |
[cluas] | Chailleadh tu do chluasan mur a biodh iad ceangailte riut. You would lose your head if it weren’t tied on. |
[làn] | Lan mhath. Quite well. Lan cheart. Quite right. |
[làn] | Rug an lan oirnn. The tide overtook us. |
[làn] | Lan fhiosrach. A certainty. |
[làn] | Lan dhearbhadh. Absolute proof. |
[làn] | Lan damh. Full grown stag. |
[làn] | Lan chothrom. Ample opportunity. |
[làn] | Lan chumhachd. Full authority or discretionary powers. |
[meud] | A mheud san lathair. As many as were present. |
[meud] | Dol am meud. Increasing in size or extent. |
[meud] | Mun mheud sud. About that size. |
[meudachd] | Is ioghnadh leam fein a mheudachd. I am surprised at its bulk. |
[luach] | Meudachaidh tu a luach. You will increase its value. [NOTE in second hand: meudaicidh [?].] |
[theab] | Theab iad. They had almost. |
[theab] | Chaidh “theab” le creig ’s “theab” nach deachaidh. “Almost” fell over a rock but it almost didn’t. |
[saoil] | Bhathadh “shaoil leam” gednach [sic] do “shaoil” cuid e. “I thought” was drowned though some thought not. |
[fearr] | Ach nam biodh “b’fhearr leam” beo cha bhiodh ceann air coleurin (?). But “if I had rather” were still alive no one else could then survive. [NOTE in second hand: coluinn? written above coleurin.] |
[tairgse] | Tairgse stuama. A moderate offer. |
[tairg] | Tairg air so. Auction this. |
[reic] | Reic follaiseach co-thairgseach. Public auction. |
[sgrìob] | Sgriob an t-saibh mhoir. A stroke of the big saw. |
[sgrìob] | Sgriob leat e. Sweep it away with you. |
[ceàird] | De ’s ceaird dhuit. What is your occupation. |
[meomhair] | Faigh air do mheomhair e. Get it off by heart. |
[meomhair] | Gleus do mheomhair. Rake your memory. |
[càs] | Anns gach cas. In every emergency. |
[càs] | Chan e sin an cas. That is not the difficulty. |
[càs] | ’S e n cas a th’ann nach dean iad sin. The trouble is that they won’t do that. |
[càs] | Is ann dhuit is leir mo chas. Thou seest my distress. |
thar ceann | On the average, taken together. |
thar a cheile | At variance. Confused. |
[thar a chéile] | Chuir tha [sic] thar a cheile iad. You set them by the ears. |
thar na corach | Beyond what is right and proper. |
[reub] | Reubadh an luingeas bharr an aeraichean. The fleet was torn from its anchors. |
[teagasg] | Tha ’n teagasg, thar cheann chum math an t-sluaigh. The teaching, speaking broadly is for the public good. |
[thairis] | Chaidh e thairis air sin. He went beyond that. |
[thairis] | Chaidh e thairis. He went abroad. |
dol thairis | To cross a channel or ferry. |
[thairis] | Cupan a cuir thairis. Cup filled and brimming over. [NOTE in second hand: ag cur added above a cuir.] |
[thairis] | Thairis air moran. Beyond many. |
[thairis] | Thug e thairis. He fatigued himself. |
thoir thairis | Give up. |
[thairis] | Chuir iad thairis i. They capsized her. |
[thairis] | Gach ni a bhitheas thairis. Everything that remains. |
[thairis] | Chaidh mi thairis orra uile. I excelled them all. |
[eadar] | Eadar mise agus thusa. Between you and me. |
[eadar] | Eadar bheag is mhor. Both great and small. |
[eadar] | Eadar mhaith is olc. Both good and evil. |
[eadar] | Eadar fheala dha is da rireadh. Between jest and earnest. |
[eatarras] | Tha mi an eatorras [sic]. I am but in middling health. |
[thar] | Thar leis (ar leis). He thought. |
[lòn] | Air bheag loin. On low diet. |
[rùn] | An aghaidh mo ruin. Against my own inclination. |
[deòin] | Do m’dheoin. Agreeable to my inclination. |
[binn] | Bi sin a’ bhinn a thug e mach. What was his verdict. |
[aghaidh] | Aghaidh ri aghaidh. Face to face. |
[aghaidh] | Am aghaidh. Against me. |
[aghaidh] | Cuir na h-aghaidh. Oppose her. |
[aghaidh] | Thug e an aghaidh air. He reproached him. |
[athais] | Gun dad athais. Without any leisure. |
[ath-leasaich] | Athleasaich do chomhradh is do bheusan. Amend your speech and manners. |
[sgeul] | Is tric nach tig ath-sgeul air droch sgeul. Bad news is seldom refuted. |
[bacach] | Bacach air aon chois. Lame of a leg. |
bad fuilt | A tuft of hair. |
bad chaorach | Flock of sheep. |
[bagairt] | A’ bagairt sgainidh. Threatening to burst. |
[badanach] | An sobhrach a chinneas badanach. The primrose grows in tufts. [NOTE in second hand: see elsewhere.] |
[baintighearnas] | Tha e fo bhaintighearnas. He is henpecked. |
[ball-bhreac] | A’ bheatha bhall-bhreac. Chequered career. |
[banntrach] | Is banntrach e. Widower. Is banntrach i. Widow. |
[barantas] | Barantas glacaidh. Warrant of apprehension. |
[smalan] | Bathamaid gach smalan. Let us drown care. |
[beadradh] | Beadradh gu leoir. Sufficient flirting. |
[beadradh] | Cheureadh [sic] sin na bodaich gu beadradh. It would make even the old flirt. |
[beannaichte] | Tha thu fas beannaichte. You are getting holy. (in derision) |
[beathaich] | Beathaich thusa meas [sic] an diugh is beathaichaidh mi am maireach tu. Feed me today and I shall do the same for you tomorrow. |
[sùgradh] | Chan e an sugradh a chuir ris. It is no joke to manage him. [NOTE in second hand: a chuir corrected to cur.] |
[thoir] | Thoir air so a dheanamh. Make him do that. |
[thoir] | Thoir thu fein as. Be off. |
[thoir] | Thoir as e. Gulp it down. |
[thoir] | Thoir a stigh ort. Get inside. |
[thoir] | Thoir breith. Judge. |
[géill] | Na toir geill dha. Don’t yield to him. |
[leapa] | Thoir do leapa ort. Get off to bed. [NOTE in second hand: leapa corrected to leaba.] |
[buil] | Thoir gu buil. Bring to successful conclusion. |
[sùil] | Geal na suile. White of eye. [NOTE in second hand: suile corrected to sula.] |
[ubh] | Gealagan, buidheagan, na h-uibhe. White and yolk of egg. [NOTE in second hand: na h-uibhe corrected to an uighe.] |
[fiach] | G’an n’amhach ann am fiachan. Up to our ears in debt. [NOTE in second hand: G’an n’amhach corrected to Gu ar n-amhaichean.] |
[amhach] | Tha ruideiginn nam amhaich. Something has lodged in my throat. |
[amhach] | Sheas sin ’nam amhach. That stuck in my gizzard. |
[amharas] | Thoir t’amharus [sic] as. Banish your suspicions. |
[caolas] | A’ toirt ann caolas. Misleading. [NOTE in second hand: ?] |
[seachad] | Cur seachad na h-uine. Passing the time. |
[seachad] | Cur seachad airgiod. Hoarding money. |
seachad | Seachad. Away with you. |
[seachad] | Is math seachad e. It is good to have it past. |
[seachad] | Labhairt ’san dol seachad. Speaking in the passing. |
[rùn] | De’n run am bheil e dhuit. How is he disposed towards you? |
[tuagh] | Tha e an run nan tuagh dhomh. He could kill me (i.e. with the Lochaber Axe). |
[rùn] | Na innis do run. Don’t disclose your purpose. |
[ma seach] | Gach aon ma seach. Alternately. |
[seach] | Seach leigeil dha dol seachad. Rather than allow him to pass by. |
[seach] | Seach aon eile. Rather than anyone else. |
seach a chéile | One from another. |
[seach] | Do dh’aon seach aon. To one more than another. |
[seach] | Seach e fein a mhilleadh. Rather than (in preference to) spoiling himself. |
[seach] | Chaidh e ma seach orm. I missed it. It did not occur to me. [NOTE in second hand: No. It became an excessive quantity.] |
[siubhal] | Siubhal a ghabh mi do’n Ghalldachd. Once I went to the Lowlands. |
[siubhal] | Air gach siubhal. On every trip. |
[siubhal] | Siubhal eile. Another time. |
[siubhal] | Air an t-siubhal so. On this trip. |
[siubhal] | Mo shiubhal-sa a nis. My turn now. |
[siubhail] | Shiubhail an t-saighead. The arrow flew. |
[siubhail] | Siubhlaidh sinn gu leir. We shall all die. |
[siùdain] | A’ siudain a null ’s a nall. Oscillating sideways. |
slat shiudain | Pendulum. |
[siùdan] | Cuir ri siudan. Set vibrating. |
[slàinte] | Air do shlainte. Good health. |
[slàinte] | Slaint’ agad. The same to you. |
[slàinte] | Thig mi taobh mo shlainte. I shall come if my health permits. [NOTE in second hand: not good construction.] |
[motha] | Is esan is mo. He is the greatest. |
[motha] | Cha mho orm thu’s an cu. I prefer the dog to you. |
[motha] | De ’s mo orm thu? What do I care for you? |
[motha] | Cha mho a ni mi e. Neither will I do it. |
[motha] | Is mo e na sin. It is greater than that. |
[lugha] | O’n aon as lugha gus an aon as mo. From the least to the greatest. |
[motha] | Gu ma mo a ni sibh. May you do more. |
[motha] | Na’s mo agus na’s mo. Greater and greater. |
[motha] | Is mo e na gach aon. It is greater than any. |
[beag] | An ni a chi na big ’se ni na big. As the old cock crows etc. [NOTE in second hand: prov.] |
[beag] | Chan fheairrd duine bhi cho beag sud. It ill becomes a man to be so niggardly as that. |
[beag] | Tha e fior bheag ’na nadur. He is miserly in disposition. |
[fuil] | A’ dortadh fola. Shedding blood. |
[beag] | Am beag is am mor. Both great and small. |
[beag] | Air bheag de laithean. In a few days. |
[cuimhne] | A reir cuimhne dhomhsa. To the best of my recollection. |
[coltas] | A reir coltais. Judging by appearances. |
[aithnich] | Dh’aithnich mi e. I recognised him. |
[sìon] | Chan’eil sion agam. I haven’t a particle. |
[sìon] | Gach sion a th’agam. All I possess. |
[sìon] | Chan’ eil sion maith ann. It is worth nothing. |
[sìon] | A’ dol an aghaidh an t-sion. On the teeth of the blast. |
[sìon] | An sion ’na chulthaobh. The blast behind me. |
[sìon] | Tha na siontan air atharrachadh. The climate has changed. |
[sìon] | Fo mo shiontan duthchasach. My native climate or sphere. |
[deuchainn] | Dean deuchainn. Make trial. |
[seanachas] | Cliath sheanachais. Genealogical table. |
[seanair] | Senair [sic], sinn sheanair, sinn sinn sheanair, sinn seachad sinn sheanair. Grandfather and four previous generations. |
[mac] | Mac brathair. Mac peathar. Nephew on male and female side. |
[mac] | Mac brathair (piothar) [sic] athair. Mac brathair (piuthar) mathair. First cousins. [NOTE in second hand: piothar corrected to peathar.] |
[mac] | Mac brathair (piuthar) seanair. Mac brathair (piuthar) seanmhair. Second cousins. |
[seanair] | Seanair an t-seanair. Great great grandfather. |
[bràthair] | Dearbh bhrathair. Full brother. |
[car] | Thug e an car glan asam. Thug e mo char is mo leth char asam. He completely bewildered me. |
[seas] | Co a sheasan tu? Who will support you? |
[seas] | Seas an coir. Maintain their right. |
[seas] | A dh’aindheoin co sheasas tu. In defiance of your supporters. |
[seas] | Seasaidh mi thu an coir san eucoir. I shall support you right or wrong. |
[boile] | Chaidh i car ’na boile. She got a trifle excited. |
[car] | Tha an car agad air. You have the knack of it. |
[cuairt] | Cainnt gun chuairt. Straight talk. |
[cuairt] | Cuairt na fola. Circulation of blood. |
[cuairt] | Cuairt a ghabh sinn. An excursion we took. |
[cuairt] | Cuairt air an fhidhle. A tune on the fiddle. [NOTE in second hand: fhidhle corrected to fhidhill.] |
[cuairt] | A’ chead chuairt. The first round. |
[sàile] | Sàile is burn. Salt and fresh water. |
[tuarasdal] | Cum uaithe a thuarasdal. Don’t pay his wages. |
[tuarasdal] | Ainmich do thuarasdal. State wages. |
[còir] | Tuille na corach. More than their due. |
[aithghearr] | Ann an aithghearr. In a “jiffy”. |
[aithghearr] | So an t-aithghearr. The is the short cut. |
[lùb] | ’Na luib. In its fold. In contact. |
[lùb] | An luib an Domhnaich. In preparation for the Sabbath. |
[tagartas] | Tha tagartas aig ann Ineraora. He has a law plea in Inveraray. |
[éirich] | Is math an ni do’n eirich gu math. All’s well that ends well. |
[taobh] | An taobh cuil (beoil). Back (front). |
[uasal] | Uaislean is islean. High and low. |
[taobh] | Cum taobh ris. Favour him. |
[taobh] | Chan fhios dhomh de’n taobh a chaidh e. Chan fhios dhomh de’s taobh dha. I am unaware of the direction he took. |
[taobh] | Cha do thaobh e am baile. He did not come near the town. |
[taobh] | Taobh bhreith. Partiality. |
[feith] | Feith air. Attend to him. |
[maitheas] | Air suchd a’ mhaitheis. For Goodness sake. [NOTE in second hand: not right: as uchd etc.] |
[feart] | Na toir feairt air. Pay no heed to him. |
[misde] | Mar is mo a dh’olas tu ’s ann is misde a bhitheas tu. The more you drink the worse you are. |
[motha] | Mar is motha bhitheas againn sam is mo a dh’iarras sinn. The more we have the more we want. |
[mór] | Tha e mor leat ga dheanamh. It is a trouble to you to do. |
[mór] | Bha e cho mor as fhein is ged a gheibheadh e mart air adhairc. He was as proud as a dog with two tails. |
[fàs] | Chan’eil fas ann. There is no growth. |
[fàs] | Tigh fas. Empty house. |
[ceum] | Thug e ceum fas. He took a false step. |
[fealla-dhà] | Theid an fhealla dha gu fealla tri. Fun may turn to deadly earnest. |
[feairrdeachd] | Cha’n fhaic mi fhein feairrdeachd sam bith air. I see no signs of improvement or convalescence. |
[tìm] | Is tim teicheadh. It is time to go. |
[rathad] | ’Se so an rathad is fhaisge gu mor. This is the nearest way by far. |
[le] | Co leis an teid thu? With whom will you come? |
[le] | Co leis a tha thu? On whose side are you? |
[smachd] | Cuir smachd air. Discipline him. |
[raineach] | An raineach ri turrain ’sa ghaoith. The fern rustling in the wind. |
[dol] | Chaidh i an nochd gearraidh. She changed to a hare. [NOTE in second hand: riochd gearr?] |
[uachdarachd] | On uachdarachd gus an iochdarachd. From top to bottom. |
[uachdarachd] | Bithidh uachdarachd agat air. Thou shalt have dominion over it. |
[uaibhreachas] | Lan uaibhreachais nad shaothair. Full of pride in thy work. |
[uaigneas] | Thug e air uaigneas e. He retired to a private place. |
[uaigneas] | Tha an t-aran a dh’ithear ann uaigneas taitneach. Stolen fruit is sweetest. |
[greim] | Greim arain. A crumb of bread. |
[greim] | Greim ’san aodach. A stitch in cloth. |
[greim] | Greim ’sa chliabh. A stitch in the side in running. |
[greim] | Tha e an greim. He is in custody. |
[greim] | Chan’eil greim agat air. You have no hold on him. |
[fuasgladh] | Thug e fuasgladh dha. He gave him relief. |
[feabhas] | Airson fheabhas. For its superiority. |
[gnothuch] | Na gabh gnothuch. Don’t meddle. |
[naidheachd] | Gabh naidheachd. Enquire news. [NOTE in second hand: or accept.] |
[cead] | Gabh do chead dheth. Bid it farewell. |
[gabh] | Gabh neorachas. Be impressed. [NOTE in second hand: ?] |
[gabh] | Ghabh e rium. He received me kindly. |
[gabh] | Gabh agam. Engage with me. |
[gabh] | Gabh am mach air an dorus. Get out of doors. |
[dorus] | O dhorus gu dorus. From door to door. |
[dorus] | Dorus beoil is cuil. Front and back doors. |
[a dh’aindheoin] | A dh’aindheoin ort. In spite of you. |
[riochd] | A gabhail orra a bhi gluasad an riochd na Gaidhlige. Posing as champion of the Gaelic cause. |
[cùram] | Air mo churamsa. Under my charge. |
[cùram] | Na biodh curam ort. Never you mind. |
[cùram] | Is beag mo churam air sin. I feel no uneasiness on that score. |
[cùram] | Bithidh iad fo churam. They will be all anxiety. |
[càil] | Tha a chail air falbh. His pith has left him. |
[càil] | Gun chail. Without strength, energy or appetite. |
[spàirn] | Cha spairn sin orm. Ni mi sin gun spairn. I can do that easily. |
[urra] | Co is urra dhuit? Who is your authority? |
[urra] | Cha n’eil mo sgeul gun urra idir. I have it on good authority. |
[comain] | Comain do laimhe fhein. Tit for tat. |
[bas] | Sgailc air bois. Shaking hands on a bargain. |
[làmh] | Cha n’eil e ach mu laimh. His health is in a sorry way. |
[beannachd] | Beannachd Chaluim gobha- mo thogar ged nach till e. Good riddance of bad rubbish. |
[dàn] | Is duilich cur an aghaidh dain. Kismet. |
[meas] | Thoir gu meas. Bring to notice. |
[meas] | Mu chall a mheas. About the loss of his reputation. |
[meas] | Meas na tighean. Value the property. |
[meas] | Is beag meas a bh’agat air. You had no respect for it. |
[meas] | Tha mi gad mheas mar charaid mor. I reckon you as a friend. |
[aislinn] | De’s ’nochd do m’aislinn. What is the interpretation of my dream? [NOTE in second hand: ? ciall.] |
[beachd] | As a bheachd. Out of his senses. |
[beachd] | Ma’s math mo bheachdsa. To the best of my recollection. |
[beachd] | Mor ’na bheachd. Having big ideas. |
[beachd] | Gabh beachd air so. Pay particular attention to this. |
[beachdail] | Nach beachdail an t-suil aige? Isn’t he observant? |
[cneasda] | Chan’eil thu cneasda. You’re nae canny’. |
[beachd] | Tharruing i an t-sreang le rogha bheachd. She drew the string with the best of aim. |
[a-staigh] | Tha iad a stigh air a cheile nis. They are now reconciled. |
[staoileadh] | Se gleann Urchaidh do staoileadh. Glen Orchy is your title. |
[saothair] | Meallaidh mi nis tailleabh mo shaoithreach. I shall now enjoy the fruits of my labour. [NOTE in second hand: tailleabh not the best word – toradh.] |
[fàrdach] | Fardach na h-oidhche. A night’s lodging. |
[dòirt] | Dhoirt e m’a cheann e. He proved it in his head. |
[meata] | Cha bhuadhaich am meata gu brath. The chicken hearted never prosper. |
[meataich] | Thug sin meatachadh mor as. Mheataich sin gu mor e. That daunted him greatly. |
[làmh] | Air laimh m’athar is mo Sheanar. Depend on my word. |
[rian] | Thar rian is riaghailt. Beyond rhyme and reason. |
[crann] | Cuir crann air an dorus. Bolt the doors. |
[crann] | Thainig an crann air. The ballot fell on him. |
[crann] | Gabh cuid do chroinn. Take your chance. |
[cor] | De’s cor dha? What has happened to him? |
[cor] | Air na h-uile cor. By all means. |
[cor] | Cha dean mi air chor sam bith e. I will not do it on any account. |
[cor] | Air chor is gun d’thig thu. On condition that you came. [NOTE in second hand: So thay you may come.] |
[cor] | Air chor air bith. Anywise. By no means. |
[tuaiream] | Bruidhinn air thuaiream. Speaking at random. |
[rogha] | Rogha is tagha. Pick and choice. |
[ion] | Is ion dhuit teicheadh. You have good reason to flee. |
[ion] | Cha n’ion dhomh ach a bhi gad mholadh. It is fitting indeed that I should praise you. |
[ion] | Cha n’ion mi sam bith a dhiultadh. Nothing is right to be refused. |
[càch] | Ard ro chach. High above the others. [NOTE in second hand: not good; better os cionn chàich but fada roimh chach (before).] |
[càch] | Cach a cheile. Each other. |
[càch] | Thoir do chach e. Give it to the rest. |
[càch] | A measg chaich. Amongst the remainder. |
[beul] | Air a bhil uachdaraich. On his upper lip. |
trasd chainnte | Antithesis. |
treas tarruing | Spirits of wine. [NOTE in second hand: thrice distilled.] |
neo inbheach | A minor. |
[còir] | Rinn thu choir. You have acted properly. |
[còir] | Cumail na corach rium. Doing me justice. |
[blàth] | ’Sann air tha blath na bochdainn. He has the appearance of extreme poverty. |
[blàth] | Fo lan bhlath. In full bloom. |
[bochdainn] | De a’ bhochdainn a rug ort? What the mischief befell you? |
[dàn] | Mar a bha bhochdainn an dan dhomh. As bad luck would have it. |
[piseach] | Buaidh is piseach ort. Good luck to you. |
[piseach] | Am bi piseach orra? Shall they prosper? |
[uisge] | Ri uisge is ri gaoth. Exposed to wind and rain. |
[grian] | Ri grein. Exposed to sun. |
[bruthach] | Ri bruthach, ri leathad. Downhill and uphill. |
[cogadh] | Cogadh ri gaisgeach. Fighting in opposition to a hero. |
[linn] | Ri linn Thearlaich. In Charles time. |
[clach] | Ri cloich. Against a stone. |
[saorsainneachd] | Ri saorsainneachd. Employed as a carpenter. |
[fianuis] | Mar fhianuis air so. As evidence of that. |
[fianaiseach] | Is fianuiseach thu air sin. You are an eye witness on that point. |
[ris] | Tha e ris. It is exposed to view. |
[ris] | Na bi ris. Do not molest him. |
[tombaca] | Ris an tombaca. In the habit of using Tobacco. |
[fras] | Ris an fhrois. During the shower. |
[clachaireachd] | Ris a’ chlachaireachd. Engaged in the building trade. |
[ris] | Cuir ris. Master or add to it. |
[ris] | Thig mi ris. I will do for him. |
[ris] | Thig e ris. It will please him. |
[dealbh] | Gnothuch gun dealbh. An absurd thing. |
[neul] | Tha e air neul an aoig. He has the colour of death. |
[nì] | A dheoin Ni Math. Deo volente. |
[nì] | Air ghaol Ni Math. For the love of Goodness. |
[coimeas] | Ciod ris an coimeas mi tu. With what can I compare you? |
[struth] | Le struth agus soirbheas. Wind and tide favourable. |
[teanga] | Leum mo theanga. I put my foot in it. [NOTE in second hand: novel – good.] |
[ceangal] | Fo cheangal nam mionn. Under vows. |
[làmh] | Gabh air laimhe. Lay by the heels. |
[tàmh] | Tha e ’na thamh. He is unemployed. |
[guth] | Dean guth ris. Speak a syllable to him. |
[leabaidh] | Leapaidh a’ mhuill. A chaff bed. [NOTE in second hand: leaba mhuill.] |
[aineolach] | Aineolach beumach. Ignorant and sarcastic. |
triall gealaich | Moon’s orbit. |
[solus] | An solus so chaidh. Last moon. |
cruinne na gealaich | Disc of moon. |
[solus] | Atharrachadh (muthadh) an t-soluis. Phase of the moon. |
[caochladh] | Caochladh na beatha is na bliadhna. Changes of life and time. |
[grad] | Bu ghrad a chaochladh. He expired suddenly. |
[Bran] | Thuit tri le Bran air a h-aon. Bran, for one, killed three. |
[aon] | Is aon ni e. It is all the same. |
[aon] | Se fhein an t-aon duine. He is head cook and bottle washer. |
[cù] | Ruith coin an da fheidh. Divided aims. [NOTE in second hand: Ruith a’ choin air an da fhiadh.] |
[triuirean] | Aig iomairt air triuiarean [sic]. Playing at marbles. |
[trod] | Fhuair e a throd. He got a scolding. |
[breith] | Cha b’fhada a bha sinn a’ breith orra. We soon overtook them. |
[breith] | A’ breith air a cheile. Seizing each other. |
[breith] | Air breith buidheachais. After thanksgiving. |
[bas] | Buailaibh ur basaibh. Clap hands. |
caraid co-bhreith | Twins. |
[saoghal] | Feadh an t-saoghal. Throughout the world. |
[saoghal] | Fad do shaoghail. During your lifetime. |
[saoghal] | Ma gheibh mi saoghal. If I live. |
[saoghal] | Gu saoghal nan saoghal. For all time. |
[saoghal] | Foghluim saoghail. Worldly wisdom. |
[breith] | O bhreith gu bas. From birth to death. |
[breith] | Breith luath lochdach. A rash unfair opinion. [NOTE in second hand: unconsidered added above unfair.] |
[breith] | De’s breith air mo bhruadar. Interpret my dream. |
[feuchainn] | A dh’fheuchainn a cheile. To compete with each other. |
[feuch] | Feuchaidh so riut fhein. This will test even your powers. |
[cùrsa] | Seol do chursa. Steer your course. |
[cùrsa] | Cursa ma seach. Alternate layers. |
[beò] | Ri do bheo. During your lifetime. |
[beò] | Am beò is am marbh. The quick and the dead. |
[glas] | Ghlas a’ mhaduinn. Day dawned. |
[fàgail] | Tha fhagail fhein air gach duine. Everyone has his own destiny. [NOTE in second hand: failing added above destiny.] |
[fàg] | Dh’fhag am bata air te eile. The boat outstripped the other. |
[fàg] | Dh’fhag iad sin air. They fathered that on him. |
air fad | Wholly. |
air fhad | Lengthwise. |
[fada] | A dol air fad. Getting longer. |
[math] | Air do mhath fhein. For your own good. |
[math] | De’m math a tha ort? What is the use of you? |
[math] | Am math leat sin? Do you consider that a good thing? |
[math] | Am math is an t-olc. The good and the bad. |
[gaoth] | A’ ruith na gaoithe. Vain pursuit. |
itean iasg | Fins of fish. |
coileach gaoithe | Weather vane. |
[ruadh] | Gaoth ruadh. Tuil ruadh. Devastating wind and rain. |
[éirigh] | Am eirigh. Time of rising. |
[éirich] | Dh’eirich e air an obair. He started the work. [NOTE in second hand: (in earnest).] |
[éirich] | Eirich air. Set to. |
[éirich] | Dh’eirich leis. He succeeded. Bha gach ni ag eiridh [sic] leis. |
[ruith] | Leig ruith leis an uisge. Open the tap. [NOTE in second hand: or remove any obstruction.] |
[leig] | Leigidh mi sin leat. I shall concede you that. |
[lagh] | Lagh a leigeil leis na h-eoin. Close time for game. |
[leigeadh] | Gur leigeadh Dia. God grant. |
[leigeadh] | Mar leigeadh Dia. God forbid. |
[leig] | Leig eadar mise is sin. Leave the matter to me. |
[leig] | Leig seachad. Postpone. |
[dreuchd] | Leig mi dhiom mo dhreuchd. I resigned office. |
[fios] | Leigidh mi fios thugad. I shall inform you. |
[luaidh] | Na luaidh a leithid ruimsa [sic]. Do not lay such a thing to my charge. |
[leig] | Cha do leig sinn dad oirnn riutha. We did not “let on” to them. |
[leig] | Leig as na siuil. Unfurl the sails. |
[leig] | Leig an gunna. Fire the gun. |
[leig] | Leig air an lionnachadh. Open the abscess. |
[leig] | Leig na coin ann. Set the dogs on him. |
[leig] | Duine ris an leiginn ris mo bhriathran. One to whom I could unbosom myself. |
[mach] | Mach o h-aon. Except one. |
[mach] | Mach ’s a mach. Wholly altogether. |
[àl] | An t-al a tha ri teachd. The generation to come. |
[eirmseach] | Eirmiseach [sic] air a theangaidh. Quick in repartee. |
[maoth] | Bhi am maoth na h-oige. Immature. |
[searbh] | Tha mi searbh dheth. I am disgusted with him. [NOTE in second hand: Not just disgusted: tired with patience exhausted. Disgusted: Tha mi air mo sgreatadh leis.] |
[searbh] | Nuair bu shearbh leam eisdeachd ris. When I found it intolerable to listen to him. |
[saothair] | Gabh saothair. Take trouble. |
[saothair] | Dean saothair. Labour. |
[saothair] | Luach saothrach. Worth one’s while. |
[teanntachd] | Ann am teanntachd. In time of trouble. |
teine eiginn | Fire by friction. |
ionad naomh | Sanctuary. |
[saothair] | Le moran saothair. With much trouble. |
[saothair] | Air bheagan saothair. With little trouble. |
[saothair] | A dh’aindheoin do shaothrach. In spite of your labour. |
inbhe duine | Man’s estate. |
[dèanta] | Duine deas deanta. Full grown man. |
duine cloinne | Man child. [NOTE in second hand: also used as one single child i.e. A bheil (chan ’eil) duine cloinne aca.] |
[teircead] | Dol an teircead. Getting scarcer. |
[teircead] | A reir teircead nam bliadhna aige. According to the fewness of his years. |
[tearc] | Cha tearc iad nach dearc air sin. Many will gaze on that. |
[tèarnadh] | Is ioghnadh do thearnadh. Thy deliverance is wonderful. |
[tèarnadh] | Cha b’urrain [sic] dhuit tearnadh. You couldn’t escape. |
[teallach] | Leac an teallaich. Hearth stone. |
[teallach] | Air cruaidh theallaich. On a hard anvil. |
[teallach] | De luaith theallaich. Of the ashes of a furnace. |
[teann] | Thainig a chuir teann ri teann. Affairs assumed a serious aspect. [NOTE in second hand: ?] |
[buin] | Na buin da sin. Don’t touch that. |
[fóghnadh] | Fhuair e fhoghnadh. He got what did for him. [NOTE in second hand: Fhuair e na dh’fhoghainn dha.] |
[teirig] | Theirig orm. All mine is spent. |
[teirig] | Theirig an sgeul. The story finished. |
[teirig] | Gus an teirig an la. Until the day ends. |
[teud chleasachd] | The e teom air teud chleasachd. He is an expert on the tight rope. |
[salann] | An fhairge shalainn. The salt sea. |
[soirbheas] | Soirbheas leat. Fortune with you. |
[fortan] | Mar bha’ m fortan. As good fortune would have it. |
[bochduinn] | Mar bha a’ bhochduinn. As bad luck would have it. |
[triall] | Bi triall, is soirbheasach, is lion na ceanglaichean. Furth fortune and fill the fetters. (Atholl Motto.) |
[aire] | ’Se sin a bha air m’ aire. That is what I intended. |
[solus] | Cha robh leus soluis ann. There wasn’t a blink of light. |
[math] | Cha n’eil math dhomh a bhi leughadh sin dhuitsa. It is no use my explaining that to you. |
[feum] | ’Se am feum a thug orm. Dire necessity made me. |
[feum] | Ann am fheum. In my distress. |
[feum] | De feum dha? What is the use of it? |
[feum] | Cha n’eil feum ’sa chruinne agam air. I have no earthly use for it. |
[traoighte] | Tha a bhotul traoighte. The bottle is drained to the last drop. |
[dìol] | Dhiol thu sin. You have recompensed that. |
[dìol] | Is buidheach a dhiol. He is in fine fettle. |
[dìol] | Tha mo dhiolsa agam. I have abundance for myself. |
[duilichinn] | Is beag diulichinn [sic] a th’ort. You are not in the least sorry. |
[duilichinn] | Tha e fo mhoran duilichinn. He is much grieved. |
[bi] | Mur ann mar sin a thà ’s ann mar so a bhitheas. The past has gone but this for the future. |
[sagart] | Cha d’ol an sagart ach na bha aige. The priest drank no more than he had. |
[airidh] | Is math an airidh e. He richly deserves. |
[oidhche] | An oidhche an nochd. This very night. |
[mithich] | Chan uair roimh a mhithich e. It is not an hour before time. |
[mithich] | Air mhithich dol dhachaich. On the point of going home. |
[mithich] | Rug i leanabh roimh a mhithich. She gave birth to a premature child. |
[fathamas] | Gun fhathamas do dhuine seach duine. Without partiality to one more than another. |
La luain | Nevermas. |
mealladh dochais | Disappointment. |
mealladh sula | An ocular illusion. |
[calg] | An aghaidh a’ chuilg. Against the grain. |
[gnàth] | Eolach air gach gnath. Versed in every custom. |
[lorg] | Ciod a thainig air lorg air sin? What ensued? |
[bliadhna] | Bliadhna a leanas. Ensuing year. |
[fulang] | Fulang an rud nach gabh seachnadh. Making a virtue of necessity. |
[gabh] | Cha gabh i aon chuid thusa no esan. She will take neither you nor him. |
[àicheadh] | Na aicheidh am feasd i. Never deny it. |
[lughad] | Air a lughad is gum bi e. Be it ever so little. |
[olc] | Olc air mhath leat e. Whither [sic] you be willing or not. |
[gin] | Chan’eil gin nach aithne. It is common gossip. |
[coire] | Chan’eil a h-aon gun choire. None is perfect. |
[aobhar] | Bheireadh e aobhar guil dhuit. It makes you weep. |
[tuiteamas] | Thachair droch thuiteinas [sic]. A bad business has occurred. |
[motha] | Ni mo thusa no mise. Neither you nor I. |
[labhairt] | Cia uime an robh sinn a’ labhairt? Of whom were we speaking? |
[maor] | Ard mhaoir na rioghachd. The great officers of state. |
[tricead] | Air a thricead. Ever so often. |
[suidh] | Shuidh e a mach mi. He outs at me. |
[coireach] | Is tusa is coireach airson an uilc so. You are responsible for the mischief. |
[calg] | Calg dhireach nam aghaidh. Directly against me. |
[neart] | Chan’eil neart an aghaidh na h-eiginn. Necessity knows no law. |
[leth] | Dean da leth dheth. Part it in two. |
[riaraich] | Riaraich iad eatorra e. They shared it amongst them. |
[inbhe] | Bheil thu air teachd chum na h-inbhe sin. Have you come to that pass. |
[glac] | Glac beagan foighdinn. Have a little patience. |
a foighidinn | Out of patience. |
[buaidh] | Buinigear buaidh le foighdinn. Victory is the reward of taking pains. |
[teòmachd] | Ni cleachdadh teomachd. Practice makes perfection. |
[làn] | Gu lan mhath. Perfectly well. |
barail chumanta | Prevailing opinion. |
[cead] | Le cead araidh gach pearsa. With the personal assent of each one. |
[eòlas] | Eolas pearsaidh. Personal acquaintance. [NOTE in second hand: pearsanta added above pearsaidh.] |
[fìrinn] | Innis a’ cheart fhirinn dha. Tell him the plain truth. |
[barail] | Tha droch bharail agam dheth. I have a prejudice against him. [NOTE in second hand: air added above dheth.] |
[dochair] | Gun dochair dhomhsa. Without prejudice to me. |
[barail] | Tha deagh bharail agam dheth. I am prepossessed in its favour. [NOTE in second hand: air added above dheth.] |
[rùn] | Droch rùn roimh laimh. Malise prepense. |
[lighiche] | Ciod a dh’orduich an lighiche? What did the Doctor prescribe? |
tapachd inntinn | Presence of mind. |
[seòmar] | Seomar na h-eisdeachd (na lathaireachd). Presence chamber. |
[staid] | Ann an stait [sic] gu lan tearuinte. In excellent preservation. |
[là] | Cuir dheth o la gu la. Prolong from day to day. |
[dàil] | Chuir e dail ’na imeachd. He prolonged his departure. |
[brosnuich] | Bhrosnuich esan e chum a dheanamh. He prompted him to do it. |
[tionndaidh] | Thionndaidh e na chrochair. He proved a rascal. |
[rùn] | Run do chridhe air do chuisle. May you attain your earnest will. |
[raineach] | Tha an raineach uaine air teachd thairis oirre. Green ferns have grown over her. |
[brath] | Bha mi brath do choinneachadh. I proposed meeting you. |
[miann] | Bha mhiann orm do choinnichadh [sic]. I proposed meeting you. |
[teachd] | An teachd mi ann. Can it contain me? |
[teachd] | An teachd e ’san leapaidh? Has he room in the bed? |
[tarcais] | Luchd tarcuis [sic]. Spiteful folk. |
[tarrang] | Tarrang na leth cheann. A nail in his temple. |
[cruaidh] | Lean e iad gu cruaidh. He pursued them hotly. |
[buail] | Buail air adhart. Push on. |
[àird] | As gach airde. From all quarters. |
[deuchainn] | Bheir mi aon deuchainn eile dha. I will have another push for it. |
[ràith] | Raidhe a gheamhraidh, an earraich, an t-samhraidh, an fhoghraidh. The four quarters of the year. |
[smid] | Tha smid no dha agam. I have a smattering. |
[claoidhte] | Claoidhte le piantan. Rocked and exhausted with pain. |
[boile] | Tha e air a bhoile. He is in a rage. |
[togar] | An togar airson airgid. The urge for money. |
[creachadh] | Chaidh a tigh a chreachadh. Her house was ransacked. |
[ana-cainnt] | Thug e ana cainnt dha. He railed at him. |
[prìs] | Is aithne dhomh do phris. I know your rate. |
[measadh] | Tha e gu mheasadh tuille is daor. He rates it too highly. |
[dòigh] | Air an doigh sin. At that rate. |
[seòl] | Air an t-seol sin. At that rate. |
[co-dhiù] | Dean sin co dhiu. Do that at any rate. |
[tachair] | Tachairidh mi ris airson so. I shall be at him for this. |
[ruigheachd] | Chan urrain [sic] mi ruigheachd air. Tha e mar fhad ruigheachd orm. It is out of my reach. |
[rannsachadh] | Co th’ann is urrain [sic] boirionnach a rannsachadh? Who can read a woman? |
[làmh] | Aig laimh. At hand. In readiness. |
[mùth] | Muth do bharail. Recant your opinion. |
[facal] | Cha toir mi air ais m’fhacal. I shall not recant my word. |
[diùltadh] | Chan fhaigh thu ’n diultadh. You will receive no refusal. |
[mór] | Is mor leam e. I am honoured. |
[tairbhe] | Measam sin mar thairbhe. I shall reckon that a gain. |
[meas] | Tha e air a mheas ’na dhuine coir. He is considered an honest man. |
[dìoladh] | Chan urrain [sic] mi do lan dhioladh. I cannot recompense you fully. |
[calldachd] | Ni mi suas do challdachd. I will recompense your loss. |
[dad] | Gun dad idir. Without any recompense. |
[réidh] | Tha e reidh rium. He is reconciled to me. |
[cobhair] | Thainig e g’ar n-ionnsuidh airson cobhair. He had recourse to us for aid. |
[coisinn] | Choisinn e na chaill e. He recovered what he lost. |
[réidh] | Tha mi reidh dheth. I am free (exempt) of it. |
[réidh] | Tha iad reidh a nis. They are at peace now. |
[réir] | Nam bithinn ’nad reir. If I were of your opinion. |
[cuimhne] | A reir cuimhne dhomhsa. To the best of my recollection. |
[réir] | Tha sinn a reir a cheile. We are on the best of terms. |
[réitich] | Reitich an tigh. Put the house in order. |
[réitich] | Reitichear a’ cheist. The question shall be determined. |
[réitich] | Reitich an snath. Disentangle the thread. |
[réitich] | Reitich an rathad. “Gangway”. |
[reothart] | Reothairt an diugh, conntraigh am maireach. Up today, down tomorrow. |
[roghnach] | An roghnaiche leat so? Do you prefer this? |
[roghnach] | ’S e so as roghnaiche leam. I think I prefer this. |
[roghnach] | Co is roghnaiche leat. Whenever you may choose. |
[romhad] | Bithidh mise romhad fhathast. I shall pay you back yet. |
[romhad] | Bheil romhad thu fhein e mhilleadh. Do you mean to ruin yourself? |
[ruig] | Cha ruig thu leas a bhi air do dhragh. You needn’t trouble yourself. [NOTE in second hand: aig added above air.] |
[ruig] | Gach ni air an ruigeadh iad. Everything they could seize. |
[gu ruig] | Gu ruig an tigh. As far as the house. |
[gàirdean] | Ruisg e ghairdean. He varied his aims. [NOTE in second hand: Surely this is not right! He bared his arm – “girded his loins” idea.] |
[ruith] | Air an ruith cheudna (air a cheart ruith). At precisely the same rate. |
[fiach] | Ciod is fhiach sagart gun chleireach? What use a priest without a clerk? |
[samhanach] | Chuireadh sin eagal air na samhannaich? That would frighten savages? |
[samhlaich] | Na samhlaich an leithid riumsa. Don’t lay that to my charge. |
[Samhuinn] | O Bhealtuinn gu Samhuinn. From May Day to Hogmanay. [NOTE in second hand: Hogmanay corrected to Halloween.] |
[cas] | Bheir e sanas le chois. He will give a beat with his foot. |
[sanas] | Mar shanas do gach tir. As a warning to all countries. |
[suim] | Is mor an t-suim air an do cheannaich mi an t-saorsa so. I paid a great price for this freedom. |
[sàs] | Chaidh e ’n sas. He stuck fast. Tha chasan an sas. |
[sàs] | Chaidh an t-snathad an sas ’nam chois. The needle pierced my foot. |
[sàth] | Shath e ann e. He thrust it into him. |
[ceann] | Eadar seo is ceann seachduin. In a weeks time. |
[seadh] | De is seadh dha? What is the purport of it? [NOTE in second hand: seadh corrected to seagh.] |
[sealbh] | Sealbh chaorach. A stock of sheep. |
[sealbh] | Gach sealbh a th’ agam. Every living thing I possess. |
[sealladh] | Le sealladh taoibh bu mhor an aire. With side looks they watched closely. |
[sealladh] | Fad mo sheallaidh. The extent of my view. |
[laogh] | Chuireadh e an laogh bho dheoghail. It would “scunner” a toad. |
[sluagh] | Fhuair e air ais deagh run an t-sluaigh. He regained his popularity. |
[tinn] | Tha e gu tinn ach thig e uaithe. He is sick but will recover. |
[dheth] | Tha e dheth. He is past recovery. |
[caillte] | Tha e caillte. He is past recovery. |
[slàinte] | Tha e faotainn air ais a shlainte. He is recovering his strength. |
[claon] | Thig gath claon a sgathan. Claonaidh sgathan gath soluis. A mirror will reflect rays. |
[taobh] | A thaobh nan nithe sin. With regard to those matters. |
[duilichinn] | Chuir e moran duilichinn orm. It caused me great regret. |
[dòigh] | Air a chuir gu doigh. Regulated. |
[dàimh] | Tha e dluth an daimh dhomh. He is nearly related. |
[lasachadh] | Fhuair e beagan lasachaidh. He got a little relief. |
[toileach] | Toileach air do phosadh. Willing to marry you. |
[pràmh] | A’ gabhail praimh. Taking a nap. [NOTE in second hand: ? getting pensive.] |
[lideag] | Am fear a theid lideag am mearachd. He who goes a syllable wrong. |
[aire] | Tha e gu mor bho aire fhein. He is distraught. |
[bròg] | Chaidh e [sic] bhrog oirre mu a cois. The shoe just slipped on to her foot (fitted). |
[éideadh] | An nighean as deise theid fo’n eideadh. She who dresses most neatly. |
[clò] | An la theid clo ur air faiche. The day new clothes are sported. |
[céilidh] | Theid iad air cheile chuige [sic]. They will visit him. |
[reachd] | Thainig reachd ’nam mhuineal. A lump came into my throat. |