làmh | Quotation: Cha làmhadh [ɫɑ̃:əɣ] e air a dheanamh. Notes: equivalent of “Chan fhaigheadh e air a dheanamh”. |
las | [ɫɑs] Quotation: Tha na cnàmhan aice a’ fàs las. Notes: said of a cow when her hip-bones become wider apart soon before calving. |
a’ lasachdainn | Quotation: Tha [kɾɛ̃:əṉ] a’ bhò air [ɫɑsɑxkĩnʹ] ’s cha bhi tiotadh [ɡɔmi] laogh aice. |
lasaich | [ɫɑsiç] Quotation: Lasaichidh na cnàmhan [kɾɛ̃:əṉ] aice. Notes: the hip bones of a cow become wider apart just before calving. Pr. pt. a’ lasachdainn. See las. |
leig | Quotation: Tha a’ phoit a’ leigeil as. Notes: the pot is leaking. |
leig | Quotation: Tha a’ bhó a’ leigeil. Notes: said before a cow calves. Is [?] it the udder being let down, or the milk being let down into the udder. Barvas: “Tha i leigeil fòidhpe.” |
leth-bhruach | [lʹɛvɾu̟ɑx] Notes: slope. |
lìobhrachdainn | Quotation: Tha e a’ lìobhrachdainn [lʹi:ɾɔxkĩnʹ] na litrichean. Notes: he is delivering the letters. Lìobhraig. |
losgadh bràghad | Notes: indigestion. |
rathad | Notes: way, method. |
ri | Quotation: beul ri tigh Alasdair, beul ri fichead bliadhna. Notes: near, almost. |
atharrachdainn | Quotation: Rinn iad atharrachdainn air. Notes: They changed it. |
atharrachdainn | Notes: a difference. |
sir | [ʃiɾ] Quotation: ’S mi nach eil ga [ʃiɾəɡ] am màireach. |
as | Quotation: Tha a’ phoit a’ leigeil as. Notes: the pot is leaking. |
air | Quotation: Chaidh an t-each air a cholainn. Notes: the horse overturned. |
neónad | [nʹõ:ṉəd̪] Notes: for “leamhnad”, a stye. |
niosgaid | [nʹw̃sɡɑdʹ] Notes: boil. |
péile | [pe:lə] Notes: pail. |
planndraigeadh | Notes: used by AC for a clump of trees. |
ploc | Quotation: am ploc. Notes: liver fluke. Said to be sometimes caused by a plant which grows in water, its leaves spread out on the surface, called [ən̪t̪o:b]. |
poit-fhuail | Notes: chamber pot. |
ponach | [pɔ̃ṉɑx] Notes: a boy. |
sealladh | [ʃu̜ɫəɡ] Notes: sight. |
searmaid | [ʃɛɾɑmɑdʹ] Notes: sermon. |
sgriach | [sɡɾiə] Notes: scream. |
sgùlan | [sɡu̜:ɫɑṉ] Notes: basket with a handle, often used to carry potatoes. |
siataig | Quotation: an t-siataig. Notes: rheumatism. |
sliseag | Notes: a slice, sliver. |
snaithean | [sṉɛ̃:ɛ̃ṉ] Notes: thread. |
snàthadag | Notes: the bird in whose nest the cuckoo lays its eggs. (acc. to A.C.) |
snèip | Quotation: toll shnèip. Notes: turnip pit. |
sodal | [sɔd̪əɫ] Quotation: Rinn an cù sodal rium nuair a thàinig mi. Notes: It showed pleasure by making a fuss. |
soic | [s[ɔı]çc] Notes: snout as on a pig or a mole. |
speubhaidh | [spe:vi] Notes: lameness in horses whereby it couldn’t bend one of its legs. |
spiagach | [spiɑɡɔx] Notes: spread out. |
srad | Quotation: Cho tioram ris an t-srad. |
sùgh | [su̜:] Quotation: Chaneil mi a’ deanamh sùgh leis. Notes: used generally for “thing” such as “càil” and “nì” are used. |
sùgh | Quotation: Cha robh sùgh clì mun cuairt oirre. Notes: There was nothing that was wrong round about her (lit). Health, character, etc. |
suim | Quotation: Cha do ghabh iad suim dheth. Notes: They took no notice of it. |
strian | [st̪ɾ[ĩɑ̃]ṉ] Notes: muzzle of plough (for adjustment). |
taitinn | Quotation: Thaitinn [hɑtʹĩnʹ] e rium. Notes: I liked it. |
tàmh | Quotation: Thàmh e an àirde fad na h-oidhche. Notes: where others would use “dh’fhuirich” or “dh’fhan”. General in his conversation, for “stay”, “wait”. |
teireachdainn | [tʹeɾɑxkĩnʹ] Quotation: a’ teireachdainn. Notes: coming to an end. |
theagamh | [heɡu̟] Notes: “Right enough, …” Used at the beginning of statements. |
thuiread | [hu̜ɾəd̪] Quotation: [hu̜ɾəd̪] an sin. Notes: up there. See “urrad” and “uthard” in Dw. |
thuireas | [hu̜ɾɑs] Quotation: [hu̜ɾɑs] an sin. Notes: “Down there”. Cf. with “thuiread” and in Dw. “urrad” and “uthard”. Dw. see ioras adv. ‘down, below’. |
tinn | Quotation: Tha e gu tinn. Notes: He is ill. |
tioram | Quotation: Cho tioram ris an t-srad. |
toll | Quotation: toll shnèip. Notes: turnip pit. |
trama | Notes: na tramachan (pl). The shaft of the cart. |
triuthach | [t̪ɾu̜x] Notes: whooping cough. |
tuairnich | [t̪ũɑ̃ʴnʹiç] Quotation: “Tuairnich an t-each as a chàrr.” Notes: Take the horse out of the cart. Pr. pt. a’ [t̪u̜ɤʴṉɑxkĩnʹ]. [NOTES: the turned r used for the symbol which is unclear in the original.] |
tuanal | [t̪ũ̜ɑ̃ṉɑɫ] Notes: “sturdy”. Water on the brain – a disease found in sheep. |
ùmhag | [ũ̜:ɑɡ] Notes: a sheep louse. |
umhail | [ɔ̃əl] Quotation: Chaneil moran umhail [ɔ̃əl] agam dhaibh. Notes: I am not very partial to them. |
ailt | [ɑlʹtʹ] Quotation: Thug e [ɑlʹtʹ] as an teine. Notes: a burning stick, a piece of burning wood. |
ainneamh (?) | [ɑ̃nʹi] Quotation: “Bha e [ɑ̃nʹi] math airson …” Notes: It was singularly good for … |
àlach | [ɑ:ɫɑx] Quotation: A’ bheil àlach na do bhrògan? Notes: Are there nails in your boots? |
amall | Notes: main swingle-tree. |
amhain | [ɑhĩnʹ] Quotation: Chaidh a’ bhó ann an [ɑhĩnʹ]. Notes: Amhain – sp. in Dwelly (from MacAlpine). An awkward position into which a beast gets itself and cannot extricate itself from it. [ɑfɔ̃nʹ] – Lewis. |
beul | [bıɑɫ] Quotation: Beul ri tigh Alasdair. Beul ri fichead bliadhna. Notes: near, almost. |
bòrd | Quotation: Cha d’thainig e riamh fos cinn bùird [fosc[ɤ̃ĩ]nʹbu̜:ʴḏ]. Notes: It never came to light, e.g. information. [NOTES: the turned r used for the symbol which is unclear in the original.] |
bràghad | Quotation: losgadh bràghad. Notes: indigestion. |
breac | [bɾɛxk] Quotation: a’ bhreac. Notes: smallpox. “Chaidh a’ bhreac a chuir orra” – They were vaccinated (presumably against smallpox). |
breac a’ mhuiltean | [bɾɛxk əvũ̜lʹtʹɑṉ] Notes: cirro-cumulus (Dw.). “Tha tuinn na mara air a speur agus bi ’n uisg ann am màireach.” |
buidheach | [bu̜iɔx] Quotation: a’ bhuidheach. Notes: jaundice. |
buidheach | Quotation: a’ bhuidheach dhubh. Notes: a type of jaundice which often proved fatal. |
biorach | [biɾɔx] Notes: spiked muzzle put on calf to prevent it suckling its mother. |
càise | Quotation: [kɑ:ʃtʹɛ̃ṉɑɫ]. Notes: cheese made in hot weather. It was left for a while and became yellowish and tangy but not mouldy. Wouldn’t slice very well. |
caitheamh | Quotation: a’ chaitheamh [ə xɑhi]. Notes: tuberculosis. |
càrn-slaod | Notes: horse-drawn sledge. |
ceann | Quotation: Cha d’thainig e riamh fos cinn bùird [fosc[ɤ̃ĩ]nʹbu̜:ʴḏ]. Notes: It never came to the surface, e.g. information. [NOTES: the turned r used for the symbol which is unclear in the original.] |
ciùrr | Notes: hurt. |
clì | Quotation: Cha robh sùgh clì mun cuairt oirre. Notes: lit., there was nothing that was wrong round about her. Could be health, character, etc. |
clòineag | [kɫɔ:nʹɑɡ] Notes: snowflake. |
colainn | [kɔɫĩnʹ] Quotation: Chaidh an t-each air a cholainn. Notes: The horse overturned. |
comas | Quotation: Chaill e a comas. Notes: She lost the power to do things, e.g. through some illness. |
crataich | Quotation: crataichean a’ chàirn. ’S ann le crataich a shùil a tha e a’ faicinn. Notes: the side of anything. Dw. – see cratach. |
criomag | [kɾɛ̃mɑɡ] Quotation: Bha criomag aca ri dhol. Notes: They had a short distance to cover. |
crith | Quotation: a’ chrith. Notes: The “staggers” in sheep. |
crot | [kɾõt̪] Notes: lump, lump or boil on the back of one’s neck. |
dachaidh | Quotation: Bha a’ bhràthair dhachaidh a India. Notes: His brother was home from India. |
diathad | [dʹıɤəd̪] Notes: dinner. |
diongalt | [dʹw̃ŋɑɫt̪] Quotation: Boireannach diongalt. Notes: a capable woman. |
domaileis | [d̪oməleʃ] Notes: back-chain over a horse’s saddle. |
drochaid | Notes: the groove on top of the saddle where the back-chain rests. |
dubhagan (s) | [d̪u̜ɑɡɑ̃ṉ] Notes: pupil of the eye. |
eaman | [ɛ̃mɑ̃ṉ] Notes: tail. (Wouldn’t use “earball”.) |
es | [ɛʃ] Notes: always used by A.C. for esan. (“…, ars es.”) |
fabhrad | [fɑu̟ɾəd̪] Notes: eyelash. |
faileasgadh | [fɑlɑsɡəɣ] Notes: heather fire. |
fairig | [fɑɾiɡʹ] Quotation: “Bha i ga fairigeadh fhéin as an allt.” Notes: bitch splashing about in the burn to clean herself. See Dw. |
fath-thalamhainne | [fɑhɑɫɑ̃nʹə] Quotation: pl. [nəfɑhəṉ]. Notes: a mole. Dw. famh. |
feasd | Quotation: Cha bhi an t-sùil am feasd [əfɛsd̪] an rud a bhà i. Notes: ever. |
fiacal | [fıɤkəɫ] Notes: spike in harrows. |
foinne | Notes: wart. |
fos | Quotation: Cha d’thainig e riamh fos cinn bùird [fosc[ɤ̃ĩ]nʹbu̜:ʴḏ]. Notes: It never came to light, e.g. information. [NOTES: the turned r used for the symbol which is unclear in the original.] |
fual | [fu̜ɤɫ] Notes: urine. |
gàg | Quotation: pl. gàgan. Notes: cracks on the skin. |
gàilleas | [ɡɑ:lʹəs] Quotation: a’ ghàilleas. Notes: septic gums in cattle. Weren’t able to eat when they had this disease. |
galar-gragh | [ɡɑɫəɾɡɾɤ] Notes: “strangles” in cattle. (Could it be in horses?) Runny nose, septic throat. Like a bad cold. |
gartan | Notes: a tick. |
geamhrachdainn | [ɡʹ[ɑ̃ũ̜]:ɾɑxkĩnʹ] Notes: winter grazing. |
gnòmhan | [ɡɾɔ̃:ɑ̃ṉ] Notes: grunt, as made by a cow. |
gràin | [ɡɾɑ̃:nʹ] Quotation: Gràin dhaoine. Notes: “Quite a few people.” |
greallag | [ɡɾoɫɑɡ] Notes: small swingle tree. |
griùireach | [ɡɾu̜:ɾɔx] Quotation: a’ ghriùireach. Notes: measles. |
grod | Notes: rotten, as wood. |
gròsaid | Notes: gooseberry. |
gruitheam | [ɡɾ[u̟ı]əm] Notes: crowdie, usually made by adding rennet to day old milk from which the cream had been taken. |
gu | Quotation: Tha e gu tinn. Notes: He is ill. |