Crodh / Cattle
- Informant(s)
- Name
- Roderick MacPherson
- Age
- 81
- Origin
- [Barra]
- Location
- Barra, Bruernish
- Date
- 09/1983
1. Different stages in the growth of cattle – male and female and castrated | |
[Oidhche Shamhna] | saying: Oidhche Shamhna canar gamhna ris na laoigh. (male or female calf born at least 3 months before O. Sh. becomes stirk on O. Sh.) |
Male: | |
laogh | |
gamhainn / bliadhnach de gh. | (1 yr. old) |
dòlunach | (2 yrs. old) |
tarbh | (1 or 2 yrs. old or more) |
Female: | |
laogh | |
g de gh. | [amhainn] / bl[iadhnach] |
agh | (2 yrs. old) |
bò / mart | (after having had first calf) |
Castrated: | |
laogh | |
damh | (after 1 yr. old) |
2. Breeds of cattle | |
crodh Gàidhealach | Highland cattle. |
3. Outward appearance of cattle | |
[lòinne] | Tha lòinne [ɔ:] math oirre. – a good coat. |
4. Names for certain beasts, e.g. an animal on which the owner bestows particular attention | |
5. Parts of the body | |
ceann | |
amhach | |
adhraic (-ean) | a horn (horns). |
slabhaig (bh – ) | [w] pith in horn. |
bathais | |
lòinn / cliùiteach | |
seiche | |
gualann | |
sprogan | breast. |
croidhe | [ɔi] hoof. |
cas-thoisich | |
an druim | backbone. |
cruachann | |
sliasaid | thigh. |
cas-deiridh | |
sùil na lèiseadh | [e:] ball and socket joint. Chaidh e á sùil na lèiseadh. |
iorball | |
ùdh | udder. |
sine | teat. |
na tèthean | [ɛ:] sinews. |
cridhe | |
cuisle | vein / artery. |
fuil | |
sgamhan (sgamhainnean) | |
tìgheach | [tʹi:həx] gullet. |
gruthan | liver. |
dubhag | kidney. |
loch-bliain | spleen. |
dumulas | bladder. |
àirc | vagina. |
slat | penis. |
leaba-laoigh | womb. |
maodal mòr | part to which cud goes when first swallowed. |
broilean | part to which cud goes when swallowed second time. |
geir | fat. |
6. Calving | |
[dàir] | Tha an dàir oirre – she’s in heat. |
laogh carrach | hairless calf (usually when male mates with his mother). |
paidhls | [pɑils] afterbirth. |
7. Milking | |
a’ deoghal | suckling. |
bleoghan | [ɔʔɑn] milking. |
[leigeal] | A’ leigeal a’ chruidh – milking. Chan eil i ga leigeal idir dhomh – she isn’t giving milk. |
[seasgach] | Tha i air an t-seasgach – she’s dried up. |
bainne-nòis | first milk after calving. |
àm eadraidh | any milking-time. |
peile | [e] a pail. |
8. Feeding | |
[fodradh] | A’ fodradh a’ chruidh – feeding. |
dòrnag | a fistful (of hay, etc.). |
làn tachlais | (= d’achlais?) armful. |
a’ fiarach | grazing. |
a’ cuallach | driving home slowly, giving time to eat on way. |
a’ ciùilleadh | driving quickly. |
buachaille | a herdsman. |
ciùilleir | stick for driving hoop. |
9. Apparatus | |
ceangal (ceangailtean pl.) | [kʹɛ̃:əl] rope or chain to tie cow in byre. |
cipein | part for tying cow in field. |
udalan | swivel. |
gearraisde | rope between post and swivel. |
ladhraigneachan | rope between swivel and leg of cow. |
braighdean | halter on cow all of time. |
di-leum | rope between a horse’s forelegs. |
spearrach | rope between a horse’s forelegs. |
10. Disease | |
carstan | a tick. |
gartan | a tick. |
feusalan (pl. -ain) | worm in cattle. |
tòcadh | a swelling. |
ingar | pus. |
mùn dearg | red-water. |
spùt | diarrhoea. |
sgiùirsd | diarrhoea. |
11. Miscellaneous | |
siugan! | trobhad! (said to calf) |
buaile mhart | any herd of cattle. |
[fèithe] | Tha i ann am fèithe [e:] – stuck in a bog. |
buachar | dung. |
crò chaorach | flock of sheep. |