1. General terms |
1.1. Good weather |
[ciùin] | Tha i ciùin an-diugh. |
1.2. Bad weather |
1.3. Temperature |
[bruthainn] | Nach ann a tha a’ bhruthainn an-diugh. (sultry) |
[meilichte] | Nach tu tha meilichte! (frozen) |
1.4. Dryness, wetness |
[cnainnte] | Tha sìde gu math cnainnte. (tioram & fuar) (on ear-thuath as t-earrach) |
2. The sky and the weather |
2.1. A clear sky by day |
2.2. A clear night sky |
soilleir | |
2.3. A red sky |
2.4. An overcast sky |
gruamach | |
2.5. Unusual appearance of the moon or the sun |
2.6. The northern lights |
Fir-Chlis | |
2.7. Stars |
an t-Seachdaran | the Plough. |
crann-treabhaidh | the Plough. |
Sgrìob Chlann Uisnich | the Milky Way. |
3. Clouds |
sgùd | a black cloud. |
là sgùdach | |
[breacadh an rionnaich] | Tha breacadh an rionnaich ann. – a mackerel sky. |
3.1. Light cloud |
neòil ghlas an fhoghair | |
3.2. Cirrus cloud |
3.3. Thick cloud |
3.4. Rainbow |
bogha-frois | |
4. Wind |
4.1. Dead calm |
fiath | |
4.2. Light breeze |
[adharag] | Tha adharag ann. Tha adharag a’ tighinn à tuath, etc. |
4.3. Fresh breeze |
4.4. Gusts |
beithir | a gust. |
sgobag | a sudden gust. |
4.5. Wind of variable direction |
[seasmhach] | Chan eil a’ ghaoth seasmhach. |
4.6. Strong wind |
4.7. Gale |
geil | [ɛ] |
4.8. Hurricane |
4.9. Rising wind |
[beothachadh] | Tha i beothachadh. |
4.10. Dying wind |
[sìoladh] | Tha i sìoladh sìos. |
4.11. Winds associated with particular seasons of the year |
5. Tides |
5.1. Flowing |
[lìonadh] | Tha i lìonadh. |
5.2. Ebbing |
[tràghadh] | Tha i tràghadh. |
5.3. High tide |
[muir-làn] | Tha muir-làn ann. |
5.4. Low tide |
[muir-tràigh] | Tha muir-tràigh ann. |
5.5. Spring tide |
[reothairt] | Tha an reothairt ann. |
5.6. Neap tide |
[conntraigh] | Tha an conntraigh ann. |
5.7. Turn of the tide |
6. Weather and the sea |
6.1. A calm sea |
[fiath] | Tha fiath air a’ mhuir. |
[lom] | Tha i gu math lom. |
6.2. A light swell |
[molach] | Tha i gu math molach. |
6.3. A heavy swell |
[molach] | Tha i gu math molach. |
6.4. A choppy sea |
[molach] | Tha i gu math molach. |
6.5. A stormy sea |
[fiadhach] | Gu math fiadhach. |
6.6. Large waves |
stuaghan | |
6.7. Breakers |
stuaghan | |
6.8. Surf |
cop | |
6.9. Spindrift |
[sàile] | Tha i togail an t-sàile. |
7. Rain |
7.1. Drizzle |
[balbh] | Sileadh gu math balbh. Tha i gu math balbh. |
7.2. Light shower |
[aotrom] | Fras gu math aotrom. |
7.3. Heavy shower |
[trom] | Fras gu math trom. |
7.4. Prolonged rain |
[sìor-uisge] | Tha sìor-uisg’ ann. |
7.5. Driving rain |
7.6. Getting soaked |
[drùdhadh] | Tha e air drùdhadh orm. |
8. Mist |
8.1. Light mist |
ceò aotrom | |
8.2. Heavy mist |
ceò trom | |
8.3. Sea mist |
8.4. Other terms associated with mist |
9. Thunder and Lightning |
9.1. Thunder |
tàirneanach | |
9.2. Lightning |
tein’-adhair | |
10. Snow and hail |
10.1. Snowflakes |
sladhag (-an pl.) | any size. |
clèideag (-an) | [e:] Shaoil leis gun cluinnear am facal seo ann an Ìle. |
10.2. Sleet |
flinneadh | |
10.3. Different types of snow |
10.4. Driving snow |
[caitheamh-làir] | Tha caitheamh-làir ann. |
10.5. Heavy fall |
10.6. Snowdrifts |
10.7. A few flakes floating in the wind |
10.8. Snowman and rolled ball of snow |
bodach-sneachda | |
boll-sneachda | |
10.9. Hailstones |
clach-mheallain (clachan-meallain) | |
11. Frost |
11.1. Hoarfrost |
liath-reothadh | (air a’ làr air fad) |
11.2. Hard frost |
[reothadh] | Reothadh gu math cruaidh. Tha reothadh cruaidh ann. |
11.3. Ice |
reothadh an lodain-làir | (gu math tana) |
11.4. Thaw |
aiteamh | |
12. Signs foretelling weather |
12.1. Foretelling good weather |
[animals grazing] | a) Animals graze high up into evening. |
[Orosay] | b) Orosay (to north of Bruernish) seems to be floating above water, i.e. suspended. |
12.2. Foretelling bad weather |
[sheep grazing] | a) Sheep stop grazing in early afternoon and seek shelter, even if weather good at the time. |
[storm in Barra] | b) There’ll be a storm in Barra the next day if the mountains of Rhum [sic] seem unusually clear, and close to Barra, when viewed from hill on point above Bruernish. |
13. General sayings or proverbs connected with the weather |