Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
- Informant(s)
- Name
- Smith
- Origin
- [Barvas]
- Location
- [Lewis], Lower Barvas
- Date
- May 1972
- Notes
- [NOTES: in IPA transcriptions, the fieldworker uses [w] for [ɯ].]
sgìmeag | [sɡʹĩ:mɑɡ] Note: a very thin layer, a film. (“Sgìmeach” also used.) |
lì | [lʹı:] Note: a thin film, e.g. oil, on the surface of water. |
goirtean | [ɡɔʴsṯɑṉ] Note: used in Barvas for a very small plot on the machair where potatoes were planted. [NOTES: the turned r used for the symbol which is unclear in the original.] |
grioban | [ɡɾıbɔ̃ṉ] Quot.: “A’ ghriobain bhradaich!” Note: small pest of a boy. |
rù-rà | Quot.: Nuair a thainig mi dhachaidh bha ’n tigh ’na rù-rà. Note: in a disorderly state, untidy. |
fonagnadh | [fɔ̃ṉɑɡṉəɣ] Quot.: “Rinn na h-eich fonagnadh as a’ choirc.” Note: they spoilt it by trampling it and putting it generally in disorder. Made a mess of it. |
treallaich | [t̪ɾɑɫiç] Quot.: “Chaidh e na threallaich.” Note: used of someone who is trying to say something but who gets all muddled up. |
lasd | [ɫɑsd̪] Quot.: “Chaidh a’ bhó as a lasd.” Note: it dislocated its hip-joint. |
sìophairt | [ʃıɤfɔʴḏ] Quot.: “Bha e air a shiophairt [sic] [hıɤfɔʴḏ].” Note: he was harassed, e.g. because of the number of things he had to attend to. [NOTES: the turned r used for the symbol which is unclear in the original.] |
rasanta | [rɑsɑn̪t̪ə] Quot.: “Tha ’m balach sin gu math rasanta.” Note: aggressive in his manner. |
peilear | [pelɑð] Quot.: “Tha e ag obair aig peilear a’ bheatha.” Note: He is working at full steam. |
samhail | [sɑ̃vəl] Quot.: “Chan fhaca mi dha shamhail e.” Note: I haven’t seen him since. |
uilleagan | [u̟lʹəɡɑṉ] Quot.: “Bha e deanamh uilleagan dhith.” Note: said of a person who is treated too well, especially a child. Molly-coddled person. |
gòisneach | [ɡɔ:ʃnʹɑx] Note: very fine, downy hair. |
gurraid | [ɡu̜ridʹ] Quot.: Bha i ’na gurraid anns a chòrnair. Note: a bent, huddled figure. |
smeursaich | [sm[ĩɑ̃]ʴsiç] Quot.: “Thug e dhà na smeursaich man a bhus.” Note: a belting. [NOTES: the turned r used for the symbol which is unclear in the original.] |
teann | Quot.: “Teann nach eil!” Note: e.g. when a person hears a statement about somebody which he doesn’t think rings quite true, and then the statement is qualified in some way to make it more plausible, he might say “Teann nach eil!” or “Teann nach robh!” etc. “I thought as much!” |
rògach | Quot.: “Nach e tha coimhead rògach.” Note: mischievous, e.g. child looking mischievous. |
stanglanaich | [st̪ɑ̃ŋɡɫɑṉiç] Quot.: “a’ stanglanaich”. “A’ bhó a’ stanglanaich anns a stàla.” Note: moving about restlessly. |
huistir | [hıʃtʹəɾ] Quot.: Huistir, huistir! Note: call to a horse. |
uga | [u̟ɡə] Note: collarbone. |
ìchrith | [i:xɾi] Quot.: “Mas deidheadh am mathan dhan an ìchrith.” “Bhiodh iad ag radh gu robh na clacharain a’ dol dhan an ìchrith.” Note: going into hibernation. (spelling?) |
maodhan | [mw̃:ɣɑṉ] Note: twig. [NOTES: note added by Professor Roibeard Ó Maolalaigh (RÓM) – meangan.] |
grobadh | Quot.: “Cha toireadh am mathan grobadh air barrran a’ bhuntàta.” Note: same as “Cha chuireadh e dragh orra.” He wouldn’t touch them, interfere with them. |
suathalas | [su̜ɤhɑɫəs] Quot.: “Thug mi suathalas thuige ceart gu leòir.” Note: I made some attempt at identifying him (e.g. if you [sic] [met? saw?] someone and he either looked like somebody you knew or you had seen him before at some time although you didn’t quite remember who he was). |
cluidseach | [kɫu̜dʹʃɑx] Note: clumsy, ungainly. |
claidsear | [kɫɑdʹʃɑð] Note: big clumsy, ungainly man. |
miapadh | [m[ĩɑ̃]pəɣ] Quot.: “Chaidh e air mhiapadh.” Note: He took a fright. Sudden start. |
smobag | Note: a light cuff. |
sabhtag | [s[ɑu̟]t̪ɑɡ] Note: usually a blow of the head or horns given by one cow to another. |
bolt | [bɔlṯ] Note: a “bolt” of wallpaper. |
boltaigeadh | [bɔlṯıɡʹəɣ] Quot.: a’ boltaigeadh. Note: wallpapering. |
ruigheastaireachd | [ˈrĩəst̪ɑðɑxk] Quot.: “Dé a ruigheastaireachd a th’ort a’ sin?” Note: stretching out or reaching for something, e.g. on top of a cupboard, with which one has difficulty in grasping. |
lanaicneadh | [ɫɑ̃ṉɑcṉəɣ] Quot.: “Chuir i lanaicneadh eagalach de phowder oirre fhéin.” “Bha i air a lanaicneadh le powder.” Note: said of a young girl putting powder on her face for the fist time – a thick covering. |
speursaich | [spe:ʴsıç] Quot.: Thainig e mach leis na speursaich sin. Note: used in the plural. Swears, curses. [NOTES: the turned r used for the symbol which is unclear in the original.] |
galar-fuail | Note: same as “glasadh-uisge”. Children and animals affected by it (sheep, cattle). “Liath-lus” used as a cure for it. |
cliseach | Quot.: “Bheir mis’ air do chliseach!” Note: warning given to children. The back. MML, Uig has it for the back of a cow. Sometimes, he says, it is called “cliseach an droma” so it may be a certain part of the back. (Also used in Barvas for cattle.) |
fòidh | [f[ɔı]] Quot.: “a’ fòidh air feadh nan taighean”. Note: the poor people went round the houses at one time with a small bag collecting food, etc. |
baisteadh | Quot.: a’ baisteadh. Note: practice at one time of dipping newly-made clay vessels in milk. Milk called “boinne-baist”. |
boinne-baist | See above [i.e. baisteadh]. |
stadhralaich | [st̪ɤɾɤliç] Quot.: “Dé a’ stadhralaich a th’ort?” Note: making a din when moving things about. |
luba-dubh | Quot.: “Ceithir lùban-dubha [sic] fichead agus da ìsbean dheug.” Note: what the entrails (other than the stomachs) of a cow consisted of. |
ìsbean | [ı:ʃbɑṉ] Quot.: “Ceithir lùban-dubha fichead agus da ìsbean dheug.” Note: what the entrails (other than the stomachs) of a cow consisted of. |
tulchuis | [t̪u̜ɫxu̟ʃ] Quot.: “Chaneil móran tulchuis ann.” Note: sense, ability to do things with some degree of skill. |
deileanach | [dʹelɑṉɑx] Note: fidgety, restless. |
rath-dorch | Note: period consisting of the last few days of the moon’s wane and the first few days of its return plus the time it is not seen at all. |
cnàmhag | Quot.: “a’ deanamh cnàmhag de rud”. Note: spoiling a thing so that it is rendered useless. |
turaisg | [t̪u̜riʃɡʹ] Note: woman without much common sense. |
gille | Quot.: “gille para-man-tóin” [pɑɾəmɑ̃n̪ʰõ:nʹ] or “Tha e aige ’na ghille para-man-tóin”. Note: no idea what it means literally. Used of a person who is always hanging about and following people, keen to oblige, possibly in the hope of getting reward of some kind. |
beàrna | Note: used of narrow opening made in a stone dyke to admit a man through without letting animals through. Instead of a gate. |
loireachan | [ɫɔðɑxɑṉ] Quot.: “Gearraidh na loireachan” (pl). Note: a place on the upper Barvas moor. Meaning of “loireachan” not known but Dw. says “a wet or boggy place”. |
leób | [lʹo:b] Quot.: “Leób Fhearchair”. Note: a certain piece of ground on the croft next to us. Dw. says “leoba” – a small rig (DMy). |
irichean | [iɾıçəṉ] Quot.: “Bha e air irichean” (pl). Note: restless, uneasy, not able to relax. |
tabhall | [t̪ɑvɑɫ] Quot.: “Chaidh e feir a thabhaill [hɑvilʹ].” Note: He went off his balance, lost his balance. |
spung | [spũ̜ŋ] Note: a sling for firing stones, etc. |
cinnteach | Quot.: “Bha e cinnteach leis a’ spung [q.v.] (sling).” Note: in the sense of being a good marksman. |
baltag | Quot.: “baltag uisge”. Note: a downpour. |
siataige-caoich | [ʃiɑt̪ıɡʹəkw:ç] Note: very severe rheumatism. Some people come out in sweat during a bad bout. |
sgìos | Quot.: “Sgìos airsneulach!” Note: expression used, e.g. when a person came in from a heavy day’s work in autumn. |
turrag | [t̪u̜rɑɡ] Quot.: “Tha do [hu̜rɑɡəṉ] ma do chasan!” Note: “You’re in for it!” (Could be “surragan”.) |
gàd | [ɡɑ:d̪] Quot.: “gàd iaruinn”. Note: iron rod. |
gairdean | [ɡɔ:ʴḏɑṉ] Quot.: “gairdeanan na cuibhle”. Note: used for cart wheel spokes. [NOTES: the turned r used for the symbol which is unclear in the original.] |
currachd | [ku̜ruɡ] Note: white lace starched bonnets worn by women. Plural – curruichgean [ku̜ru̜çɡʹəṉ]. |
toinndean | [t̪[ɤ̃ĩ]dʹɑ̃ṉ] Quot.: “toinndean cloimh”. Note: as much as one could lift between the fingers. Tuft of wool, etc. |
toban | Note: a tuft of anything – usually wool or hair. |
tàislich | [t̪ɑ:ʃlʹiç] Quot.: a’ tàislich. Dé ’n tàislich a th’ort? Note: moving, walking about slowly. |
tàclach | Quot.: “Fhuair e tàclach math.” Note: He got a good haul, e.g. if a person was gathering shellfish. |
treòla | [t̪ɾɔ:ɫə] Quot.: “Fhuair e treòla.” “’S e fhuair an treòla.” Note: “He got a bad shaking”, e.g. if a person fell and hurt himself. |
cas | Quot.: “a’ cur rudan cas ma sheach” [kɑs mɑ çɛx]. Note: putting things back to front or mixed up, one being where the other should be. |
eilghidh | [elei] Quot.: ag eilghidh na talmhainn. Note: first ploughing where barley was to be sown – to ease the earth. Then ploughed again later on at sowing time. |
flosgaidh | [fɫɔsɡi] Quot.: “talamh flosgaidh”. Note: anything that is loosened up and not compressed, e.g. earth, bedding, etc. |
foirbheanaich | [fɤðɤvɑ̃ṉiç] Quot.: “Bha mi a’ foirbheanadh dha rudeigin.” Note: to sense, to hear as “fidir” – a word used in Ness. |
tud | [t̪u̟d̪] Quot.: “Bho thachair sud dhith chaill i a tud ’s a tad.” Note: she lost interest, let herself go. (Put also under tad [t̪ɑd̪].) |
sgrìd | [sɡɾı:dʹ] Quot.: “Tha e cho beag sgrìd.” Note: lacking in push, initiative. |
cuir-leis | Quot.: “Tha e cho beag cuir-leis.” Note: same as above [i.e. sgrìd]. |
mirceil | [mĩɾcɑl] Quot.: “Bi mirceil air do ghnothaich.” Note: be particular about what you are doing. |
fidealadh | [fidʹɑɫəɣ] Quot.: “Nach ann ort a tha a’ fidealadh!” “Fidealadh air tóin gun thaisealadh!” Note: fidgeting, restlessness. (Also “sioman fidealaidh” on a thatched house.) |
feothallan | Note: same as “fidealadh” [q.v.]. Adj. – feothallanach. |
dunaidh | Quot.: “Chaidh e chon na dunaidh.” Note: He went to the dogs. Also: “A’ mhic na dunaidh!” |
muanaiseach | [m[ũɑ̃]ṉɑʃɑx] Note: easy-oasy about things. |
coma | Quot.: “duine coma có dhiùbh”. Note: a “couldn’t-care-less” type of person. |
leig | Quot.: “a’ leigeil theiris (thairis)”. “Tha tòrr de leigeil-theiris ann.” Note: putting things off till another time. |
abhsaidh | Quot.: “duine abhsaidh”. Note: lively, active person. |
globhcais | [ɡɫ[ɤu̟]kiʃ] Note: a “fathead”. |
sgiurrag | [sɡʹu̜rɑɡ] Quot.: “Cha robh mi ann ach sgiurrag bheag.” “Colach ri rud a dheanadh duine ann a’ sgiurrag.” Note: a short space of time. |
greabhaich | [ɡɾɛviç] Quot.: Bha mi air mo ghreabhachadh. Note: repelled by something, e.g. a very bad smell. |
eireapais | [eðɑpiʃ] Quot.: “Nach ann ort a tha ’n eireapais!” Note: said, e.g. to a child who wouldn’t stay still, say, when his coat was being buttoned. Restlessness due to impatience. |
speideas | [spedʹɑs] Quot.: “Chaneil duine a’ toirt speideas dha.” Note: Nobody takes heed of what he says (because it’s not worth listening to). |
sian | [ʃĩɤ̃ṉ] Quot.: “Sian àigh ort!” Note: said formerly to a person who was going to face danger of some sort, e.g. going away to war. For his protection. Also: “a’ cur sian air duine”. |
sgarraich | [sɡɑriç] Quot.: “Thoisich a’ niosgaid a’ sgarrachadh.” Note: the boil coming to a point – ripening. |
sgoltadh-gnothaich | Quot.: “Chaneil sgoltadh-gnothaich ann.” Note: said of a person who wouldn’t tackle anything enthusiastically and in an effective way. |
failleigidh | [fɑlʹɛɡʹi] Quot.: (a) “Dé cho failleigidh ’s a tha thu a dol timchioll air a sin?” “Tha e cho failleigidh.” Note: (a) tackling a thing in a slow, ineffective way. |
sgarrach | [sɡɑrɑx] Note: a tough layer of tissue found in the flank of a sheep, like skin. |
laosgainn | [ɫw:sɡĩnʹ] Note: the peritoneum in a sheep. (Probably also in a cow.) |
fosgladh | Note: far off flashes of lightning unaccompanied by audible thunder. (Pl. fosglaidhean.) |
dealachadh | Quot.: Aig dealachadh an dà ràith. Note: usually marked by thunder and lightning. |
cafan | Quot.: “Dùin an dorus agus mi direach ann an cafan na deathaich!” Note: cafan – the thick of the smoke. What an old woman, sitting on the side of the fire opposite to “dorus a’ stuill”, used to say. |
uachdar | Quot.: uachdar an tighe. Note: area between “dorus a’ chùlaist” and the fire in the middle of the floor. |
cùl | Quot.: cùl an teine. Note: area between the fire in the middle of the floor and the door. |
àire | [ɑ:ɾə] Note: carbuncle-type growth on the face. |
altachadh-beatha | Quot.: “Bha e na altachadh-beatha dha.” Note: It gave him a new lease of life. |
an-abaich | Quot.: “a’ dùsgadh an-abaich”. Note: waking up in the middle of a sleep. (Put also under dùisg.) |
cadal-ceàrnach | Note: a sleep at the wrong time. |
an-àm | Quot.: ’S e cadal-ceàrnach cadal ann an an-àm. Note: at the wrong time. |
ullanaich | [u̜ɫɑṉiç] Quot.: “Dh’ullanaich mi e anns a leabaidh.” “Bha e comasach air e fhéin ullanachadh.” Note: used of altering the position of somebody who is bed-ridden in order to be more comfortable. |
mórnaich | [mo:ʴṉiç] Quot.: “Chaneil mórnaich airgiod agam.” Note: same as “móran”. [NOTES: the turned r used for the symbol which is unclear in the original.] |
leabaidh-shiùbhla | Quot.: “Tha i air a’ leabaidh-shiubhle.” Note: the rest period after the birth of a child. |
teasach-siùbhla | Note: childbed fever contracted by women after the birth of a child. |
goirte-siùbhla | [ɡɔʴsṯəʃu̜:ɫə] Quot.: “Feumaidh tu rudeigin a ghabhail mas fhàg thu an goirte-siùbhla againn!” Note: if a woman went into a house for the first time after the birth of her child, she had to accept something before she went. [NOTES: the turned r used for the symbol which is unclear in the original.] |
obair-chloinne | Quot.: “Tha i ann an obair-chloinne.” Note: in labour. |
teàrnadh | Quot.: “an teàrnadh”. Note: afterbirth (human). |
snitrich | [ʃnĩt̪ɾiç] Quot.: “Tha e ri snitrich.” Note: simperings of a child through its nose. |
fearas-mhór | Note: haughtiness. |
cruinneachadh | Quot.: “An robh a’ chaora sin as a’ chruinneachadh?” Note: gathering of sheep for the ram. |
càbal | Note: a very thick rope (cable) as for tying a ship. |
liùghag | [lʹu̟:ɑɡ] Note: a doll made from rags. |
steàrrsach | Quot.: “Fhuair e na steàrrsaich man an tóin.” Note: a severe skelp. |
seóbhraich | [ʃo:ɾiç] Quot.: “Tha do bhiadh a’ [ʃo:ɾɑxəɣ] air an teine.” Note: drying up and going to waste. |
drabhs | [d̪ɾɑu̟s] Quot.: a’ drabhsadh feoil ris an teine. Note: grilling, toasting. |
toit | [t̪[ɔı]tʹ] Quot.: Tha mi gus mo thoiteadh ris an teine. Note: stifling with heat. |
splang | [spɫɑ̃ŋɡ] Note: flank (of a beast). |
breilean | [bɾɛlɑṉ] Note: one of the stomachs of a sheep – the one with flaps inside it. |
luamhgha | [ɫũɑ̃ɣə] Note: one of the stomachs of a sheep (shaped like a duck when marag is made of it). |
marag | Quot.: “marag a’ bhuachaill”. Note: small, round, attached to the “maodal”. |
glasag | Quot.: roe in fish. |
lòineachan | Quot.: “An d’thug thu aisde geir na lòineachan?” Note: when killing a sheep. The suet round the kidneys. (loins?) |
muinne | [mũ̟nʹə] Quot.: “muinne caorach”. Note: the fat round the entrails of an animal. |
druimeag | [d̪ɾw̃mɑɡ] Note: a small load or pack carried on one’s back. |
soic | Quot.: “soic muic”. Note: a pig’s snout. |
soiceadh | Quot.: muc a’ soiceadh. Note: turning up earth with its snout. |
sil | [ʃıl] Quot.: Cha do dh’fhàg mi sil agad dheth. Note: small portion. |
truimeasanaich | [t̪ɾw̃məsɑṉiç] Quot.: a’ truimeasanaich anns an t-shéidhir. Note: nodding off. |
uspardaich | Quot.: ag uspardaich. Note: sighing heavily. |
buail | Quot.: Feumaidh mi a’ bhi bualadh. Note: I’ll have to be going. (Ness) |
bun | Quot.: ’S e bun a bha seo gu robh… Note: the outcome of this was that… |
bonncharach | [bon̪əxɑɾɑx] Note: stable (man, object). “Duine bonncharach” – a solid, stable man. |
gobhlag | [ɡɔɫɑɡ] Note: space between two peats in a fire. |
sgog | Quot.: Tha e gu sgogadh orm. Note: It has almost gone against me – i.e. I can’t take much more of it. |
leam-leat | Quot.: “duine leam-leat”. Note: a yes-man. |
clobhd | [kɫ[ɤu̟]d̪] Note: a clumsy person. |
clobhdach | [kɫ[ɤu̟]d̪ɑx] Note: clumsy. |
osanan | Note: stockings without soles worn alone. |
strùlachan | [st̪ɾu̜:ɫɑxɑṉ] Note: the thread attached to the “osanan” [q.v.] at the front and round the toes to keep the “osanan” in position. Down between big toe and first smaller toe and between the smallest toe and the next one. |
goigean | [ɡɔɡʹɑṉ] Note: a sort of head-scarf with both ends pointed and tasselled and hanging down the front. |
còta | Note: còta bàn – petticoat. Còta gorm – outer skirt, not necessarily coloured blue. |
flèide | [flɛ:ḏə] Note: shawl. Fleide [sic] bheag agus fleide [sic] mhór. |
aincheardach | [ɑ̃ṉçɤʴḏɑx] Quot.: duine aincheardach. Note: a [sic] witty, humorous. [NOTES: the turned r used for the symbol which is unclear in the original.] |
àilleanach | [ɑ:lʹɑ̃ṉɑx] Note: shy. |
fearail | Quot.: boirionnach fearail. Note: a woman who is good at men’s work. |
boirionn | Quot.: duine boirionn. Note: a man with feminine traits. |
làsdail | Note: proud, haughty. |
eideis | [edʹɑʃ] Note: gimmick, fad. “Chaneil a’ sin ach eideis.” “Tha e làn eideis.” |
stoca | Quot.: “Ciamar a tha sibh?” “’S math a bhi mach air stoca na leap.” Note: stoca – bòrd-slios. |
balgan-feòir | Quot.: “Cha teid thu mach mas beir am balgan-feòir agus an ceithir-chasach ort!” Note: said to young children if they wanted to go out at night. |
ceithir-chasach | Quot.: “Cha teid thu mach mas beir am balgan-feòir agus an ceithir-chasach ort!” Note: said to young children if they wanted to go out at night. |
sgiomalagach | [sɡw̃məlɑɡɑx] Quot.: “duine sgiomalagach”. Note: couldn’t be believed, like “rabhtach” – dealing in exaggerated or inaccurate statements. |
beag-umhail | Note: said of a person who was at ease in any company. |
tafoinneach | [t̪ɑfɔ̃nʹɑx] Quot.: “Gabh an rathad; tha e cho tafoinneach dhuit a dhol an taobh sin.” “Àite tafoinneach.” Note: difficult to traverse because of the nature of the ground. |
guineach | Quot.: “duine guineach”. Note: grasping, malicious type of person. |
teaghmach | Quot.: “duine teaghmach”. Note: a thrifty person. |
tubaisteach | Note: accident-prone. |
tuaireabach | [t̪u̟ɤðɑbɑx] Quot.: “duine tuaireabach”. Note: always something going wrong because of his own ineptitude. |
anradh | Quot.: “O, anradh ort!” Note: usually to somebody who has said or done something which wasn’t very sensible. Also: “A’ mhic an anraidh!” |
eudail | [iɑd̪ɑl] Quot.: “Eudail ort!” Note: said when tired of something. Also: “Eudail, eudail, ’s math seachad e!” |
loma-chreach | Quot.: “O, mo loma-chreach!” Note: equivalent of “O, my goodness gracious!” |
uspag | [u̟spɑɡ] Quot.: “uspag Fhionnlaigh”. “’S e uspag Fhionnlaigh a bha sud.” Note: sudden gust of wind on a hot summer’s day. |
uspag | [u̟spɑɡ] Quot.: “Thàinig i leis na h-uspagan ud.” Note: talking angrily – in a short burst of temper. |
cnapan | [kɾɑ̃pɑ̃ṉ] Quot.: cnapan-seanchais [kɾɑ̃pɑ̃ṉʃw̃ṉəxiʃ]. “Thig a steach agus suidh air a chnapan-seanchais.” Note: a block of wood near the fire on which one could sit. |
ochdach | [oxkɑx] Note: piece of the “iris” of a creel – the woven piece between the shoulders across the chest to make it more comfortable. |
spògladh | [spɔ:ɡɫəɣ] Quot.: “a’ spogladh” [sic]. Note: groping or trying to find something with the hands without much direction. |
fidig | [fidʹiɡʹ] Quot.: “Bheir mis’ air na fidigean agad.” Note: term used for behind the thighs. |
còrlaigeadh | [kɔ:ʴlıɡʹəɣ] Quot.: Thoir còrlaigeadh as. Note: a piece cut out of material when making an article of clothing in order to shape it. [NOTES: the turned r used for the symbol which is unclear in the original.] |
ceann-goinne | [cɑ̃n̪ɡɤnʹə] Quot.: Cha deach e ’n ceann-goinne leis. Note: He was very liberal with it. |
siamaich | Quot.: “Thug e na siamaich air.” Note: He gave him a lashing (either physically or with the tongue). |
puinnseant | [p[ɔ̃ĩ]ʃɑn̪t̪] Quot.: “Tha tide phuinnseant ann.” “Tha i puinnseant an diugh.” Note: very wet and very cold. |
ìoc | [ı:k] Quot.: a’ cur ìoc ann an aodach. Note: putting an additional piece of material into, say, a skirt to make it wider. |
dìosgardaich | [dʹw:sɡɑʴḏiç] Quot.: “séidhir a’ dìosgardaich”. Note: squeaking, creaking. [NOTES: the turned r used for the symbol which is unclear in the original.] |
géisgeadh | [ɡʹe:ʃɡʹəɣ] Quot.: “an eathar a’ géisgeadh leis an teas”. Note: creaking. |
bonnan-cnàmh | [bon̪əṉkṉɑ̃:v] Quot.: “Bha e na sheasamh air a’ bhonnan-cnàmh.” Note: he was standing on his heels as opposed to “air a’ chorra-biod” – on tiptoe. |
spreòtadh | [spɾɔ:t̪əɣ] Quot.: Bha e ’na spreòtadh gu tòiseachadh a sabaisd.” Note: He was egging him on. |
tadhralaich | [t̪ɤɾɤliç] Quot.: “Dé ’n tadhralaich a th’ort!” Note: making a din. |
froighneas | [fɾ[ɤi]ṉəs] Note: a fringe, e.g. on a curtain. |
puilbheadh | [pu̟lu̟vəɣ] Quot.: “Bha ’m bùirn a’ puilbheadh suas as an fhuaran.” Note: coming bubbling up. |
fàileid | [fɑ:lɑdʹ] Quot.: “Nach ann air a bha a’ fàileid.” Note: “brass neck”. Same as “Nach ann air a bha a’ bhathais”. |
draosdachd | Note: useless talk. Dw. obscenity. |
mì-chuis | Quot.: Nam bhiodh duine ann le droch stamag ’s docha gum biodh mì-chuis aige ri biadh air chor-eigin. Note: notion, fancy for something, in particular to eat. A certain food. |
gealladh | Quot.: “Bheir mise mo ghealladh dhuit…” or “Mise mo ghealladh dhuit…” Note: said in a determined way “I’m telling you – that such and such will be done.” |
bàrr | [sic] Quot.: “barr laomaidh”. Note: if too much manure is put on potatoes the shaw grows to a great height, yielding a lot of very small potatoes. (Put also under laomadh.) |
mèath | Quot.: “talamh mèath”. Note: rich soil. |
dol | Quot.: “Eil dol aige air?” Note: the stress on “air”. “Is he getting on with it?” or “Has he the know-how to do it?” |
agladh | Quot.: “Tha mi air m’agladh.” Note: accused of something, usually from more than one direction, the accusation being unfounded from the accused’s viewpoint. |
loircean | [ɫɔɾcɑṉ] Note: pet term for a small child. |
lethbhist | [lʹɛviʃdʹ] Quot.: “a [lɛviʃd] air do chasan tha thu ann!” Note: derogatory term. |
clàbhadh | Quot.: “Bha mi air mo chlàbhadh le daoine.” Note: so many that one couldn’t move, e.g. would say this when one had too many people in the house. |
sgiuslaid | [sɡʹu̟sɫɑdʹ] Quot.: “Chruinnich i a sgiuslaidean ’s dh’fhalbh i.” Note: She collected her goods and chattels and went, as tinkerwives with what they had in packs. Or if a woman was staying in a house and took the huff – packed her things and went. |
sgliugach | Quot.: “boneid sgliugach”. Note: said of a cap that was getting old and the peak coming down over the eyes. Also: “sgliugaire de bhoneid”. |
mulad | Quot.: Tha a’ bhó leis a’ mhulad. Note: about to calf. |
fìleadh | Quot.: ’S ann ort a tha a’ fìleadh. Note: fidgeting, restlessness. |
gréidh | Quot.: (a) “Bha e air a dheagh ghréidheadh.” (b) “Bha e air a dhroch ghréidheadh.” Note: (a) well looked after. (b) badly looked after. |
leig | Quot.: “A bheil e a’ leigeil fodha?” or “A bheil a’ là a’ leigeil fodha?” Note: “Is there an improvement in the weather?” e.g. a wet day. (Put also under fo.) |
cruinne | Quot.: “Chaneil fhios agam fon a’ chruinne” or “Chaneil fhios agam fon a chruinne-ché”. |
mial-crion | [mȷw̃ɫkɾĩɤ̃ṉ] Quot.: mialan-crion. Note: chilblains. |
bàstair | [bɑ:st̪ɑð] Quot.: “bàstairean air a mhóintich”. Note: bogs on moor where sheep are lost. |
car-mu-chnoc | Quot.: “Fhalbh ’s cuir car-mu-chnoc air!” Note: device, e.g. when a person is going somewhere, to shake off another person who wants to go. |
peiteag | [petʹɑɡ] Quot.: “peiteag chloimh”. Note: tuft of wool as found on the moor. |
bac | Quot.: “a’ suidhe bac air bhac”. Note: sitting with one leg over the other. (Heard used by Dómhnall Gràisgean (Bàrd Bharabhais).) |
both | [bɔ] Quot.: “Bha i cur nam both dhith a’ danns.” Note: dancing wildly. (Put also under cuir.) |
ruadh-ghlas | Note: erysipelas. |
deil | [dʹel] Note: irritation, e.g. on the skin. “Nach ann ort a tha’n deil!” if someone was fidgety, restless. |
gothadh | [ˈɡɔhəɣ] Quot.: “Tha gothadh ann”. Note: said of a person with his head bent forward from his shoulders. |
tuilear | [ṯu̟lɑɾ] Quot.: “duine tuilear”. Note: a plump faced, ruddy-complexioned person. |
gangach | [ɡɑ̃ŋɡɑx] Quot.: duine gangach. Note: lean, gangling person. |
colaideach | [kɔlɑdʹɑx] Quot.: “duine colaideach”. Note: bustling, always in a hurry doing things. |
cogarsach | [kɔɡɑʴsɑx] Quot.: “duine cogarsach”. Note: duine do-riaraichte ’na nàduir. [NOTES: the turned r used for the symbol which is unclear in the original.] |
giulc | [ɡʹu̜ɫk] Quot.: “Bhiodh clann-nighean an iasgaich air an giulcadh ann an tuill nam bàtaichean.” Note: pressed together (e.g. when going from one fishing port to another). Would use “giulcadh” of anything pressed together haphazardly. |
cronaich | Quot.: “’S tu tha [nʹw̃ṉəxɾɔ̃ṉıç]”. Note: pronounced like this but probably “’S tu tha ’n cion a’ chronaich” – “You are in need of a rebuking.” |
badhar | [bɑəɾ] Quot.: “A dhroch bhadhar tha thu ann!” Note: rascal, etc. |
Céitean | Quot.: “Céitean Samhna”. Note: Indian Summer. |
tudail | [t̪u̟d̪əl] Quot.: “Thug an tinneas ud mo thudail [hu̟d̪əl] asam.” Note: That illness took the life out of me. (tudail or sudail?) |
eitig | [etʹiɡʹ] Quot.: “Chuir sud direach an eitig ann.” Note: It was the finish of him, e.g. an illness, injury. Also: “Theid an eitig unnad ma theid thu a mach loromachd as an fhuachd seo.” |
còrr | Quot.: “Tha [sic] dean e ’n còrr dheth.” Note: He’s finished; he’ll be useless as far as doing anything else is concerned. |
car | Quot.: “Droch car ort!” |
sgeula | Quot.: “B’e sin sgeula do chrochaidh!” |
crochadh | Quot.: “B’e sin sgeula do chrochaidh!” |
faonagraich | [fw̃:ṉɑɡɾiç] Quot.: “eich a faonagraich”. Note: for “aonagraich”. |
corrasbacan | [kɔrəsbɑkɑṉ] Quot.: “Bu tu ’n corrasbacan!” “Tha thu ann a sin na do chorrasbacan.” Note: a hindrance. |
spearrach | [spjɑrɑx] Note: device put on a sheep to prevent it from straying. A piece of rope attached to the back and front legs on the same side. |
lùthag | [ɫu̜:ɑɡ] Note: a device put on a sheep or lamb to slow it down – a tight piece of rope round the leg at the upper joint. Also applied to pieces of string of [sic] [or?] rope tied by some round the trouser legs just below the knee to keep them up. |
saoghal | Quot.: Bha saoghal bràth ann dheth [sw:əɫbɾɑ:x]. Note: there was an unlimited amount of it. |
earraig | [ȷɑriɡʹ] Quot.: “Nach tu a thug an droch earraig asd!” Note: said if one went somewhere and something disadvantageous happened to him. |
briachd | Quot.: caora ann am briachd. Note: stuck in a soft place. |
ath-bhoinn | [ɑfɔnʹ] Quot.: caora ann an ath-bhoinn. Note: in a position from which it could not extricate itself. |
ath-bhlar | [ɑfɫɑɾ] Quot.: ath-bhlar móine. Note: area of peat which is deep enough for peats to be cut again. The lower depth is the “ath-bhlar”. |
campar | [kɑ̃ũ̟mpɑɾ] Quot.: “’S e chuir an campar orm.” Note: he really irked me. |
fòrsamanachd | [fɔ:ʴsəmɑṉɑxk] Quot.: “a’ fòrsamanachd timchioll”. Note: used of a person who takes it upon himself to be in charge and goes about giving directions. Term rather derogatory. [NOTES: the turned r used for the symbol which is unclear in the original.] |
cruaidh-fhortan | Quot.: “Tha do chruaidh-fhortan thugad nuair a thig d’ athair dhachaidh.” “B’e sin là a’ chruaidh-fhortan!” Note: retribution. |
snaoisean | [sn̪[ɤ̃ĩ]ʃɑṉ] Quot.: “Ghabh i snaoisean.” Note: She took the huff. |
snótail | [sn̪õ:t̪ɑl] Quot.: “Tha i gu math snótail.” Note: snooty, haughty. |
teagnadh | [tʹɤɡṉəɣ] Quot.: “Tha a’ bhó a teagnadh.” “Tha teagnadh air chor-eigin air a bhoin. – tha rudeigin ceàrr oirr’.” Note: cow grinding its teeth when something is wrong with it. |
cnàmh-mhulad | [kɾɑ̃:vəɫɑd̪] Quot.: “Tha a’ bhó air a bhi leis a’ chnàmh-mhulad ud o chionn seachdainn.” Note: a cow showing signs a while before the birth of a calf. Might be slightly ill. Grumbling illness. |
briosgadh | [bɾwsɡəɣ] Note: start, sudden fright. |
sùghag | [su̟:ɑɡ] Quot.: “Cha chreid mi nach gach mi sùghag bheag.” Note: a little rest. |
fèath | Quot.: fèath Faoilich. Note: a calm which lasted only for a very short time – e.g. if a person who was usually noisy and contentious calmed down for a short time. “’S e fèath Faoilich a bha sud.” (Put also under Faoileach.) |
liathsgaradh | [lʹiɤsɡɑɾəɣ] Quot.: Bha e a’ liathsgaradh na móintich.” Note: going all over the place. |
cnàmhalach | [kɾɑ̃:vəɫɑx] Note: a large-boned man. |
deathach | [dʹɛhɑx] Quot.: “Cha do dh’fhàg sinn deathach gun ruith air.” Note: subst. for house. |
frucant | [fɾu̟kɑn̪t̪] Quot.: “Tha e a’ cumail gu frucant.” Note: usually used of an old man who is in reasonably good trim. |
greabhachadh | [ɡɾɛfɑxəɣ] Quot.: “Chuir e greabhachadh air.” Note: It disgusted, repulsed him. |
òpair | [ɔ:pəɾ] Note: mud as on the hems of skirts. |
slaman | Note: slime, as on fish, seaweed, etc. |
slamanach | Note: slimy. |
deoch-bhàn | Note: a drink made by first pouring a little milk on oatmeal with a little salt added. Stirred and then boiling water added. Put in a mug and put beside the fire to be kept warm. Butter sometimes added. |
stiùrag | Note: another name for the above [i.e. deoch-bhàn]. |
glamais | [ɡɫɑ̃mɑʃ] Note: a large bite. |
sgeimheadh | [sɡɛ̃fəɣ] Quot.: Thug an cù sgeimheadh thuige. Note: lunged at him, snarling. |
rag | Quot.: “each làn dha na ragan”. Note: unwilling to move. |
spoth-ròin | Note: “Ducks and Drakes”. |
huirt | [hu̜ʴsṯ] Quot.: “Chaneil huirt na ho aice.” “Gun huirt gun ho.” Note: She doesn’t say a thing, e.g. complaints. [NOTES: the turned r used for the symbol which is unclear in the original.] |
eilean | Quot.: “O, droch eilean ort!” |
sigeach | [ʃıɡɑx] Quot.: Tha ’n t-iasg sin gu math sigeach. Note: when a fish loses its firmness – limp. |
oileanachadh | [elɑṉɑxəɣ] Quot.: Fhuair am balach sin [elɑṉɑxəɣ]. Note: He was well brought up. (Prob. oilean.) |
taileasg | Quot.: Tha e beag tàileasg [sic]. Note: of little or no use. |
barrach | Quot.: Chaneil iad/e air na barraichean. Note: not in the top bracket, e.g. in quality. |
failbhean | [fɑlɑvɑn] Note: kneecap. |
gàilleach | Note: gills of a fish – also used of the flaps on a shoe or boot where the eyes are. “Tha na brògan a’ leigeil a steach air na gàillich.” |
bonnach-eanchainn | [bɔ̃n̪ɑxw̃ṉəxĩnʹ] Note: heard of this but not in memory as having been seen – brains of a sheep must have been used in it along with meal – oats or barley. |
dall | Quot.: Tha e air a dhalladh leis an deoch. |
trabhlaidh | [t̪ɾɑuɫɑi] Quot.: “Trabhlaidh a’ dol timchioll.” Note: epidemic, e.g. flu. |
ìmeach | [ĩ:mɑx] Note: heard this used for flux or diarrhoea. |
comhailteachd | Note: a wedding procession. |
gille-comhailteachd | Note: best man. |
maighdean-chomhailteachd | Note: bridesmaid. |
sgal-creig | Note: echo. |
aghannail | [ɤhən̪ɑl] Note: forward, brazen. |
ruathair | [ruɤhɑð] Quot.: “Tha a’ ruathair a’ dol an dràsd.” Note: stomach upset involving diarrhoea. |
easbhuidh-céille | [ɛsvice:lʹə] Quot.: “Nach ann ort a tha ’n easbhuidh-céille.” Note: lacking in sense. Could also be “easbhuidh” by itself, e.g. “O, chreutair, ’s ann ort a tha ’n easbhuidh!” or “Tha e cho easbhuidheach!” |
easbhuidh | [ɛsvi] [See easbhuidh-céille.] |
easbhuidheach | [See easbhuidh-céille.] |
oidich | [edʹiç] Quot.: “Bha am balach air a dheagh oideachadh [edʹɑxəɣ].” Note: “The boy was well brought up.” |
dearg | [dʹɛɾɑɡ] Quot.: “Cha dearg càil air an duine sin.” Note: Nothing will make an impression on that man. |
dunalaich | [d̪ũ̟ṉɑɫiç] Quot.: “Cù a dunalaich.” Note: howling. |
durghail | [d̪u̜ru̜ɣəl] Quot.: “cù a’ durghail.” Note: growling. |
seaghan | [ʃɤɣɑṉ] Quot.: “Bha seaghan math air.” Note: He was panting hard. (Perhaps “seadhan”.) |
giobag | [ɡʹwbɑɡ] Quot.: “giobag luachair”, “giobag muran”. Note: a tied sheaf of “luachair” or “muran”. |
ciomball | [c[ɤ̃ũ̟]bəɫ] Quot.: “ciomball fraoich”. Note: a bundle of heather. |
corra-stuigean | [kɔrəst̪iɡʹɑṉ] Note: hoop propelled with a stick. |
trog | [t̪ɾoɡ] Quot.: “’S fhada ’n t-saoghail bho chaidh sin a throgail.” Note: the “r” used to be fairly common in “tog”. Still used by some of the older people. |
sgeòtallach | [sɡʹɔ:t̪ɑɫɑx] Quot.: “duine sgeòtallach”. Note: a person who, when working, would [sic] [not?] settle in order to complete a thing properly, resulting in everything being disorganised. |
sgeòtal | [sɡʹɔ:t̪ɑɫ] Quot.: “Bu tu a sgeòtal.” Note: same as above [i.e. sgeòtallach]. |
claimhreachd | [kɫ[ɑ̃ĩ]ɾɑxk] Quot.: “Dà bhó a’ claimhreachd.” Note: as it were sparring with their horns but not actually fighting. |
leigeas | [lʹeɡʹɑs] Quot.: “Bó a’ cumail leigeas ri t’éile.” Note: “leigeas” – the side of the face. Cattle standing like this, one side of the face towards the other beast, when threatening to fight. Can also be used of the human face. “’S e do leigeas a tha odhar.” – to someone who doesn’t look too healthy. |
farchluais | [fɑɾxɫɤʃ] Quot.: “Bha e a’ farchluais air cùl an doruis.” Note: eavesdropping. |
an-furais | [ɑ̃ṉfu̟ɾɑʃ] Quot.: “Tha e leis an an-furais.” Note: impatience. |
stòlaig | [st̪ɔ:ɫiɡʹ] Quot.: Cha stòlaig e e fhéin. Note: He won’t keep still, settle down. |
stiapan | [ʃtʹiɑpɑṉ] Note: a long thin thing, sometimes hanging from something, like a thread, etc. |
glinn | [ɡl[ɤ̃ĩ]nʹ] Quot.: “Chaneil glinn sam bith as a’ bhiadh sin.” Note: There is no substance in that food. |
gurmalaich | [ɡu̟ɾu̟mɑɫiç] Quot.: “Dé an gurmalaich a th’ort?” Note: moaning, complaining. |
dreamach | Note: furrowed, e.g. the brow; crinkled (clothes). “’S ann gu math dreamach a tha e coimhead.” – someone who was in a bad mood. |
dreamadh | Quot.: Bàta air dreamadh leis an teas. Note: dried up so that its surface is not as plain as normally. |
preaslaich | [pɾɛsɫiç] Quot.: “A’ bheil preaslaich ann an cùl na h-amhach agam?” Note: furrows, wrinkles. |
smuaran | [smũɑ̃ɾɑṉ] Quot.: “Cha do chuir sin smuaran air.” Note: he didn’t give it a thought, didn’t affect him in any way. |
tom-taiseam | [t̪ɤ̃mt̪ɑ:ʃəm] Quot.: “Thainig tom-tàiseam [sic] air.” Note: a daydream, or lapse of awareness of what’s going on around one. |
tachair | Quot.: “Na thachair a’ là riut?” Note: “Have you had a tough/heavy/tiring day?” |
eadar | Quot.: “Dh’fhalbh e leis eadar mo làmh ’s mo thaobh.” Note: He went off with it under my very nose. |
seall | Quot.: “Mas do sheall mi rium fhéin cha robh sgeul air.” Note: In a flash there was no sign of him. |
can | Quot.: “Bha mi a’ cantainn beag rium fhein…” Note: “I was saying to myself…” |
eadaras | [ɑd̪əɾəs] Quot.: Chithinn e eadaras leus. Note: when seeing a thing dimly, e.g. in the failing light. |
salbhair | [sɑlɑvɑð] Note: a very big man; a very big object or animal – “salbhair de chlach, de throsg”. |
seóin | [ʃo:nʹ] Quot.: Rinn e [ʃo:nʹ] air a’ bhrot. Note: He made a feast of it. |
seacaid | Quot.: “Rinn mi mo sheacaid air an t-soup.” Note: ate a lot of it and enjoyed it – a phrase used by Arnol people. This was said after a wedding meal by one. |
ceann | Quot.: “B’e sin ceann nam beannachd.” Note: said of a well-respected, well-liked person. |
mil | Quot.: “O, mil air do bheul!” Note: expression used when a person is told good news. |
copan | [kɔpɑṉ] Note: the “cup” on a telegraph pole which carries the wire. |
clogaid | [kɫɔɡidʹ] Note: a sheaf of corn with the band pushed up towards the head and the bottom opened out; then put upside down on a corn-rick at the very top to make the water run off. |
spriotag | [spɾıt̪ɑɡ] Note: small drop of liquid flying, e.g. from a frying pan, etc. |
stagant | [st̪ɑɡɑn̪t̪] Quot.: balach stagant. Note: stocky and smart. |
geilidh | [ɡʹɛli] Quot.: “Cum geilidh air!” Note: “Keep a good fire going!” (from “galley”?) |
là | Quot.: “Thug e dhomh mo là dubh.” Note: He gave me a dressing down. |
eadraiginn | [ɛd̪ɾiɡʹĩnʹ] Quot.: “Chaidh e dha na h-eadraiginn.” Note: would say this if two people were fighting or arguing and a third person stepped in to make the peace. |
earball | [ɛɾɑbəɫ] Quot.: “a’ leigeil an earball leis a’ chraicionn”. Note: if one started going downhill in some way and then let everything go, one could say “Tha e ’n deidh an earball a leigeil leis a chraicionn.” |
buigneag | Note: a soft person, e.g. a boy who would start crying easily. |
stocan | Quot.: stocan càil. Note: a cabbage. |
meaban | [mɛ̃bɑṉ] Note: a small pest, cheeky young boy. |
cúiseach | Quot.: duine cúiseach. Note: a careful, thrifty person. |
strúpalais | [st̪ɾu̟:pəlɑʃ] Note: drinking noisily. |
sgreadail | Note: a screeching sound. Also a’ sgreadail. |
sgread | [sɡɾɛd̪] Note: a screech. |
treallaich | [t̪ɾɑɫiç] Quot.: Bha treallaich mhath ann. Note: There was a fair amount, quite a number. |
bonaid | Quot.: “Bha iad ag argumaid greis ’s an uairsin chaidh bonaidean am poll.” or “Chuir iad bonaidean am poll.” Note: They started fighting. |
cùl | Quot.: “Chaneil móran cùl as an duin’ ud.” Note: There isn’t much reserve in him, e.g. going to tackle anything. No stamina. |
goidhsige | [ɡ[ɔi]ʃiɡʹə] Quot.: “’S e goidhsige bochd a th’ann.” Note: a poor-looking person, emaciated-looking. |
corrathannan | [kɔrɑhən̪ɑṉ] Note: a swivel made of wood for putting on a lamb tether. |
ceann-sguire | Note: at the ends of a ploughed field where the plough can’t reach. |
fàd | Note: the turf turned over by the plough. |
cruadhaich | Quot.: “a’ cruadhachadh an t-sìl”. Note: seed hardened by heating in a pot (prais) over the fire before being milled. |
sgil | [sɡʹıl] Quot.: a’ sgileadh an t-sìl. Note: grain put in a bucket and beaten with a spade to get rid of the “calg”. |
obair | Quot.: “Cha do rinn sin difir sam bith air obair na sia là.” Note: had no visible effect, made no improvement. (Obair na sia là – the earth.) |
draghgant | [d̪ɾɤ:ɡɑn̪t̪] Quot.: “’S e duine beag draghgant a th’ann.” Note: determined, wiry, resilient sort of person. Will keep on no matter what. |
doicheallach | [d̪ɔçəɫɑx] Quot.: duine doicheallach. Note: a shy person. |
searrastair | Note: a very tall man. |
blastanaich | [bɫɑst̪ɑṉiç] Quot.: a’ blastanaich air biadh. Note: tasting food but not taking much of it. |
eadar-radh | Quot.: “Bha e as an eadar-radh.” |
draogh | Quot.: “Tha ’m pana air draoghadh air an teine.” Note: for “traogh” – dry up, empty of liquid. |
cuir | Quot.: “Bha e air a chuir thuige.” Note: “He was provoked.” |
conablach | [kɔ̃ṉɑbɫɑx] Quot.: “Bha e ’na chonablach as deidh sud tachairt dha.” Note: e.g. a person who was maimed badly. |
cruchaill | [kɾu̟xilʹ] Quot.: cruchaill de boirionnach. Note: a big hulking woman. |
mullach | Quot.: “Bha iad ann am mullach nan ad.” Note: They were in heated argument. |
buille | Quot.: Tha e dìreach ma na buillean. Note: It is nearly completed, e.g. a job of some kind. |
làmh | Quot.: “Chaneil sin air a deanamh ach ma laimh [sic].” Note: not properly done. |
diom-buan | [dʹw̃mɑ̃ṉ] Quot.: “Tha sin cho diom-buan.” Note: (note pronunciation) fleeting, lasting only for a short time. |
bigeir | [bıɡʹəɾ] Quot.: “Bha e gu math bigeir.” Note: (1) mean, stingy. (2) “bigeir” also sound heard on wood in walls, probably made by some insect. |
ceadan | Note: the core of a bobbin. |
doigheil | [d̪ɔ:ıɑl] Quot.: “duine doigheil”. Note: an easy-going person. |
dosgainn | [d̪ɔɡĩnʹ] Quot.: “A bheil dosgainn anns a’ bhuntàta?” Note: “Is there a disease in the potatoes?” This was usually asked when a potato pit was opened. |
bun | Quot.: “’S ann agad a tha’m bun obair a’ deanamh sin.” Note: work that will not come to any fruition. |
cat-luathaidh | Quot.: ’S e fìor chat-luathaidh. Note: a person who is never away from the fire. |
sop-suiridhe | Quot.: “Ach, ’s ann a bha e sadail sop-suiridhe ort!” Note: said by my grandfather to my mother when she’d come home from home [sic] complaining that a boy had been throwing clods of earth at her. |
plumastair | [pɫũ̜məst̪ɑð] Note: a bungler. |
cat-càrn | Quot.: “Chaidh e na chat-càrn rium.” Note: He went into a rage. |
sàil-ghoirt | Quot.: (1) “Dh’ionnsaicheadh tu sin air an t-sàil-ghoirt.” (2) “Thainig air a dheanamh mu dheireadh air an t-sàil-ghoirt.” Note: (1) One would suffer in the process, couldn’t do it easily. (2) If someone was putting something off, had to do it sometime, possibly the longer it was left undone, the more difficult it became. |
buille-trot | Quot.: “Rinn e air a bhuille-trot e.” “Thainig air a dheanamh air a’ bhuille-trot.” “Thill e air ais air a’ bhuille-trot.” “Bheir mis’ ort gun dean thu sin air do bhuille-trot.” Note: against one’s will, whether one liked it or not. |
goirt | Quot.: “Bithidh goirt an ceannach agad air.” “Fhuair e goirt an ceannach air.” “Cha b’ann gun goirt an ceannach.” Note: He suffered a lot for a comparatively little gain. |
cuir | Quot.: “Feumaidh ise a bhi a’ cur an dubhan an aghaidh a’ chrabhcan.” Note: always going against what is said or suggested. |
ochd | [oxk] Quot.: “ochd na coise”. Note: the instep. |
sgailligean | [sɡɑlʹıɡʹɑṉ] Quot.: “Chuir e na sgailligean e.” Note: He broke it in smithereens, e.g. a plate. |
sgeing | [sɡʹ[ɤ̃ĩ]ɡʹ] Quot.: “Chuir e na sgeing e.” “Rinn e sgeing dheth.” Note: broke or damaged a thing beyond repair. |
greimeadair | Note: a horse-fly. |
gigean | [ɡʹiɡʹɑ̃ṉ] Note: polite term for a stool (excrement). |
piadhtaidh | [pıɤt̪i] Quot.: Tha e cho dubh ri piadhtaidh. |
ceist | Quot.: “Chuir thu ceist orm!” or “’S tu chuir a cheist orm!” Note: “You’re asking me!” |
gabh | Quot.: “Gabh m’a cheann an dràsda.” Note: if one was doing a job (e.g. building a wall) and was finishing off for the day; rounding off whatever one was doing at the time. |
ruideag | [ru̜dʹɑɡ] Note: a short run. |
beum | [be:m] Quot.: “a’ toirt beum duine”. Note: talking ill about someone, giving him a bad name. |
beum | Quot.: “fear càradh a’ bheuma”. Note: if a person was talking ill of someone and another person stepped in to speak up for the person talked about he would be “fear càradh a’ bheuma”. He would not so much go against what the person was saying as trying to bring up his good points. |
saoil | Quot.: “Nach i a tha a’ saoilsinn.” Note: often said as a shortened version of “Nach i a tha a’ saoilsinn tòrr dhith fhéin.” – having a high opinion of herself. |
spiulg | [spu̜ɫu̜ɡ] Quot.: (1) “a’ spiulgadh buntàta”. (2) “a’ spiulgadh ubh”. (1) breaking the shoots of potatoes which have been in for the winter. (2) shelling a boiled egg. |
corra-daonn | [kɔɾəd̪w̃:n̪] Quot.: “Tha thu ann a sin na do chorra-daonn.” Note: said by my grandmother to anyone who [was] sitting or standing doing nothing. |
clach-nathrach | Note: a stone which, when rubbed on a snake-bite, was supposed to cure it. |
dorus | Quot.: “dorus an fhuaraidh”. Note: shielings used to have two doors, opposite each other. They were opened or shut depending on the direction of the wind. The one to windward was “dorus an fhuaraidh”. (Put also under fuaradh.) |
léig-chruthaich | Note: a bog with a layer of water underneath making the surface layer bouncy. |
tuit | Quot.: “’S e tha tuiteam as na truisean.” Note: said of someone who, usually due to the onset of old age, was less careful about his clothes. They became untidy. |
gabh | Quot.: “Tha e cho math gabhail ris.” Note: e.g. if one heard unpleasant or unwelcome news or if something unpleasant happened. “Might as well accept it.” |
sadruich | Quot.: “Tha sadruich uisge ann.” Note: short passing showers of fine rain blown by the wind. |
sad | Quot.: Tha sadan uisge ann. Note: same meaning as “sadruich” [q.v.]. |
meall | Quot.: “Tha mill mhór ann.” Note: very heavy showers. |
bailc | [bɛlc] Quot.: “Bailcean mora [sic] trom de bhùirn.” Note: very heavy showers. |
là-iasad | [ɫɑ·iɤsd̪] Quot.: “O, ’s e là-iasad a bh’ann an diugh!” Note: if one got a fine day in a spell of bad weather. Would say this if it looked threatening again at the end of the fine day. |
truisich | [t̪ɾu̟ʃiç] Quot.: “Truisich an àirde do bhriogais!” Note: “Pull up your trousers!” Might be said to a boy whose trousers were falling down a bit. |
aithneachadh | [ɛ̃ṉɑxəɣ] Quot.: “Cuir a nall a’ chlach aithneachadh beag.” Note: a slight degree. |
cacanach | [kɑkɑṉɑx] Quot.: “Well, nach eil sin cacanach!” Note: disappointing – same as “tàmailteach”. |
speucaich | [spiɑkiç] Quot.: “Speucaich e a shúilean.” Note: He suddenly opened his eyes wide. |
speucadh | [spiɑkəɣ] Quot.: “Thug e speucadh as.” Note: same as above [i.e. speucaich]. |
truimid | [t̪ɾw̃midʹ] Quot.: “Cha bu truimid dha sin!” Note: if one mentioned that someone had done a useful thing or a good turn, this might be said in reply, meaning that it was easy for him to do (otherwise he wouldn’t have done it). |
dualachas | [duɤɫɑxəs] Quot.: “Gu deimhinn, cha b’e dol a dualachas sin dha!” Note: “Indeed, that was to be expected of him!” |
fineachas | [fĩṉɑxəs] Quot.: “Gu deimhinn, cha b’e dol a fineachas sin dha.” Note: same as for “dualachas” [q.v.]. |
ion | [w̃ṉ] Quot.: “Dearbh, cha b’ion dha sin a dheanamh.” Note: It is proper, fitting for him to do that (i.e. he should do it). |
thig | Quot.: (1) “Thainig e a steach air an tigh.” (2) “’S e tha tighinn a steach air an tigh.” Note: (1) He inherited the house. (2) He is the one who is to inherit the house. |
inigil | [ĩṉıɡʹəl] Quot.: “Chaidh e gu math inigil ris.” Note: He did it very exactly. |
stàirsnich | [st̪ɑ:ʴsṉiç] Quot.: “Dé ’n gnothaich a th’aige bhi stàirsneachd air mo chuid-sa fonn [q.v.]?” Note: wandering about. [NOTES: the turned r used for the symbol which is unclear in the original.] |
fonn | Quot.: “Dé ’n gnothaich a th’aige bhi stàirsneachd [q.v.] air mo chuid-sa fonn?” Note: land. Also: “Chan fhaca mi air an fhonn an diugh e.” – didn’t see him in the vicinity today. |
foiream | [fɔðɑm] Note: a loud noise. |
boinne-taige | Quot.: “Tha boinne-taig’ aice.” Note: said if one felt a few drops of rain. Also used for sweat. “Tha boinne-taige dheth le fallus.” or “Tha boinne-taige fon an t-sròin aige gun abhsadh” – drip at the end of his nose. |