Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
- Informant(s)
- Name
- J. L. MacDonald
- Location
- Canada, Cape Breton, Boisdale
- Date
- 05/1971
màgan | Notes: frog. |
miùg | [mjũ̜:ɡ] Notes: whey. |
troig | [t̪ɾ[ɤi]ɡʹ] Quotation: C’àite a bheil an [t̪ɾɤiɡʹ]? Notes: fault, e.g. in machinery. |
neimh | Quotation: ceò neimh. Notes: mist on the surface of the water as the ice was about to form. |
plaomach | [pɫɤ:mɑx] Quotation: duine plaomach. Notes: bungling. |
pleòideag | [plɛɔ:dʹɑɡ] Notes: word for snowflake used in the Antigonish area. |
prasgan | Notes: brat. |
sgioblaich | Quotation: Sgioblaich i. Notes: She expelled the placenta. |
sgùd | Quotation: “Tha sgùdan dubh air an adhair.” Notes: dark, gloomy cloud. |
siolladh | Quotation: siolladh bàta. Notes: floor board in the stem of a boat. |
spathalag | [ˈspɑəɫɑɡ] Notes: big wooden spoon. |
màgan | Notes: frog. |
miùg | [mjũ̜:ɡ] Notes: whey. |
troig | [t̪ɾ[ɤi]ɡʹ] Quotation: C’àite a bheil an [t̪ɾɤiɡʹ]? Notes: fault, e.g. in machinery. |
solus | Quotation: solus-putan. Notes: button wrapped in a piece of cloth, put in a dish of tallow and lit. |
tarsann | Notes: cross-piece on a sleigh. |
aiteamh | Quotation: aiteamh mór na h-Fheill Brìghde. Notes: January thaw. |
balg | Quotation: balg-uisge. Notes: water bag expelled at the birth of a calf. |
bangaid | Quotation: Di-ardaoin bangaid. Notes: Holy Thursday in Easter Week. |
bangaid | Notes: celebration drink on the birth of a child. |
brath | Quotation: Di-ciadaoin a’ bhrath. Notes: Wednesday before Good Friday. |
Brìghde | Quotation: Aiteamh mór na h-Fheill Brìghde. Notes: January thaw. |
builgean | [bu̟liɡʹɑṉ] Quotation: builgean balsam. Notes: balsam bubble on a spruce tree – when pressed exudes balsam. |
buntàta | Quotation: Buntàta breac coilleadh. Notes: very dry potatoes – blue spots through them. |
ceò | Quotation: ceò neimh. Notes: mist on the surface of the water as the ice was about to form. |
clach-lianradh | Notes: whetstone. |
cnuasachd | Quotation: “Nach robh e gam chnuasachd a raoir.” Notes: sexual petting. |
crith | Quotation: crith an orcain. Notes: violent shivering (e.g. in extreme cold). |
dealgan | Notes: spike on which spool goes in a shuttle. |
Di-ardaoin | Quotation: Di-ardaoin bangaid. Notes: Holy Thursday in Easter Week. |
Di-ciadaoin | Quotation: Di-ciadaoin a’ bhrath. Notes: Wednesday before Good Friday. |
Di-domhnaich | Quotation: Di-domhnaich Càisg. Notes: Easter Sunday. |
Féill Brìghde | Quotation: aiteamh mór na h-Fhéill Brìghde. Notes: January thaw. |
gath | Notes: potato sprout. |
gathach | Quotation: Bha am buntàta gathach nuair a cheannaich mi iad. Notes: sprouting. |
gutramaid | Notes: junk, bits and pieces. |