Measgaichte / Miscellaneous

Hugh Duncan
c. 70
Islay, Bowmore
[kɫɛfɑɡ]Quotation: Thug e dhomh [kɫɛfɑɡ] bheag. Notes: He gave me a small piece.
ladharQuotation: an ladhar mór. Notes: toe.
laoman[lʹɤ:mɑ̃ṉ] Notes: moth.
leibhreagan[lʹevɾəɡɑ̃ṉ] Notes: sty.
leigNotes: lance (a boil etc.).
lethQuotation: leth na gealaich. Notes: half moon.
leth-cheannNotes: cheek.
leud[lʹɛ:d̪] Notes: width.
locQuotation: Bithidh a’ loc fhéin air MacGuaire, bitheadh i cruaidh na bog.
losgadh-bràghadNotes: indigestion, heartburn.
losgannNotes: frog. Also used for arrangement to break in horses or for dragging heavy stones.
lùbNotes: bend on a road.
maodalQuotation: a’ mhaodal.
meanbh-chuileagQuotation: a’ mheanbh-chuileag [əvɛ̃ṉɑxu̟lɑɡ]. Notes: midge.
meann[mjɛ̃n̪:] Notes: goat-kid.
meàrlach[mjɑ̃:ɾlʹɑx] Notes: thief.
mialNotes: louse.
mìnQuotation: a’ chuileag mhìn. Notes: midge.
muthairle[mũ̜ʔərlʹə] Notes: ankle.
radanNotes: rat.
rònNotes: seal.
dòrnQuotation: caol-an-dùirn. Notes: wrist.
druimQuotation: Chaidh a cuir as a caol-druim.
iasgQuotation: iasg goirt. Notes: salt fish.
nathairNotes: snake.
nathairQuotation: an tarbh-nathrach. Notes: dragonfly.
peireid[peɾɛdʹʒ] Notes: ferret.
piseagNotes: kitten, a young of hare (piseag gearraich).
prabagachQuotation: sùil phrabagach. Notes: eyelid encrusted with matter coming out from the eye.
prìneQuotation: prìne dubailte. Notes: safety pin.
seanganNotes: ant.
seilicheagNotes: snail.
seilean[ʃelɑ̃nʹ] Notes: bee.
sgadanQuotation: sgadan dearg. Notes: kipper.
sgadanQuotation: sgadan goirt. Notes: salt herring.
sgeth-losgainnNotes: tadpole. (?)
sgriosQuotation: a’ sgriosadh a’ bhac. Notes: cleaning the surface of the first layer of peat after turfing. (See also glanadh.)
speach[spɛx] Notes: wasp.
stiùirQuotation: [ʃtʹʃu̜:rən̪əṉənʹu̜ru̜bilʹ]. Notes: the long tail feathers of a cock.
sùilQuotation: sùil phrabagach. Notes: eyelid encrusted with matter coming from the eye.
tarbh-nathrachQuotation: an tarbh-nathrach. Notes: dragonfly.
tarraingQuotation: an tarraing air éigin. Notes: root of tough grass or weed growing in the peat. Tough in April/May. Not so bad in March.
tathaichQuotation: Bhiodh iad a’ tathaich an tigh seo. Notes: They used to visit this house frequently.
tràighQuotation: deargan-tràghadh (q.v.).
ugh[u̜ɣ] Notes: an egg.
uileann[u̜ʔlən̪] Quotation: the elbow.
aileagQuotation: an aileag. Notes: hiccups.
aisinn[ɑʃĩnʹ] Notes: rib.
aotramanNotes: bladder.
asgaill[ɑsɡilʹ] Notes: the oxter.
bàsaichQuotation: A’ fear a bhàsaich leis an acras, fhuair e ’na dh’fhoghainn dha.
beachainn[bɛxĩnʹ] Notes: bee.
béisteag[be:ʃtʹʃɑɡ] Notes: earthworm.
biast-donnNotes: otter.
bilQuotation: am bil. Notes: the lip.
blonag[bɫɔ̃ʔṉɑɡ] Notes: fat in a hen’s body. [bɫɑ̃ṉiɡʹ] – Barvas.
boc-goibhre[boxkɡəiɾə] Notes: he-goat.
bog-bhalachNotes: a boy of tender years.
cailleachQuotation: a’ chailleach cheòsach. Notes: slater (woodlouse).
caolQuotation: caol-an-dùirn. Notes: wrist.
caolQuotation: Chaidh a cuir as a caol-druim.
ceannQuotation: ceann goirt. Notes: headache.
ceàrdamanQuotation: An ceàrdaman. Notes: big fly frequenting manure heaps. (Dwelly – hornet.)
ceathramhQuotation: Tha a’ cheud ceathramh de’n ghealach againn an nochd. Tha an ceathramh mu dheireadh de’n ghealach againn an nochd. Notes: first quarter, last quarter.
ceathramh-deiridhNotes: hindquarters.
ceathramh-toisichNotes: forequarters of a beast.
ceòsachQuotation: a’ chailleach cheòsach. Notes: slater.
ciabhadair[cıəvəd̪ɑɾ] Notes: the man who lifted the peats in a tough spot; usually employed in the distillery squads when a lot of peat was being cut.
ciotachQuotation: duine ciotach. Notes: a person who couldn’t be taught anything – always went his own way. Always going wrong.
cìreanNotes: crest on a cock.
clisnidhQuotation: Na fir chlisnidh [fiɾxliʃnʹi]. Notes: Northern Lights.
cluaisQuotation: a’ chluais. Notes: ear.
cobharNotes: froth, foam. Also lather on face when shaving.
coingheall[kɔnʹɑɫ] Notes: a loan.
coinneanNotes: rabbit.
cracair[kɾɑxkɑɾ] Quotation: an cracair. Notes: cricket.
creithire[kɾeʔeɾə] Notes: horse-fly; cleg. (Same as “greimeadair” in Lewis.)
cridheNotes: heart.
croimheagNotes: maggot.
cruighQuotation: a’ cruigheadh a’ roth. Notes: putting the iron rim on the cartwheel.
cruachanNotes: hip.
cuileagNotes: house-fly.
cuileagQuotation: a mheanbh-chuileag [əvɛ̃ṉɑxu̟lɑɡ]. Notes: midge.
cuileagQuotation: a’ chuileag mhìn. Notes: midge.
cuilean[ku̟ʔlɑ̃nʹ] Notes: puppy.
dalmaNotes: bold.
daolag-lìn[dəɫɑɡlĩ:nʹ] Notes: earwig.
dealan-déNotes: butterfly.
deargQuotation: sgadan dearg. Notes: kipper.
deargan[dʹʒɛɾɑɡəṉ] Notes: flea.
deargan-tràghadhNotes: small black insect found under stones below high water mark.
dochainnQuotation: a’ dochainn. Notes: injuring (vb).
dochannNotes: injury.
domalas-àdh[d̪oməɫɑsɑ:] Notes: gall-bladder. [NOTES: slipped under ‘domblas-sàth’.]
domhainneachd[d̪ɔnʹɔxk] Notes: depth.
donnQuotation: Biast-donn. Notes: otter.
dorchQuotation: Tha ’n dorch ann. Notes: It is dark.
dorchadasNotes: darkness. (See dorch.)
ealtag[jɑɫt̪ɑɡ] Notes: bat.
fadachdQuotation: De ’n fhadachd a th’ann? Notes: length.
fadalachQuotation: Tha mi fadalach ann a seo leum fhéin. Notes: I am lonely here by myself. Loneliness because one is waiting for someone to come.
féurag[fe:ɾɑɡ] Notes: ferret. (Colonsay)
fiacalQuotation: fiaclan coimheach. Notes: fake teeth.
fir chlisnidhQuotation: na fir chlisnidh [fıɾxliʃnʹi]. Notes: Northern Lights.
fitheadairNotes: spider.
fòghnaichQuotation: A’ fear a bhàsaich leis an acras, fhuair e ’na dh’fhoghainn dha.
galaisean[ɡɑlɑʴsəṉ] Notes: braces. [NOTES: the turned r used for the symbol which is unclear in the original.]
gearraich[ɡʹɑrɑç] Notes: hare.
giall[cıʔəl] Notes: cheek.
goileQuotation: goile cearc. Notes: stomach.
goirtQuotation: ceann goirt. Notes: headache.
goirtQuotation: sgadan goirt. Notes: salt herring.
goirtQuotation: iasg goirt. Notes: salt fish. Also “sgadan goirt”.
gruagQuotation: a’ ghruag. Notes: wouldn’t use “falt”.
grùthanNotes: liver.
gualainn[ɡu̜ɤɫĩnʹ] Notes: shoulder.