Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
- Informant(s)
- Name
- Norman Campbell
- Origin
- [Lewis], Arnol
- Location
- [Lewis], Stornoway
- Date
- November 1972
- Notes
- [NOTES: in IPA transcriptions, the fieldworker uses [w] for [ɯ].]
curra-thulchainn | [ku̜rəhu̜ɫuxĩnʹ] Note: the stick jutting up from the thatch at the end of a blackhouse (màs an tighe). |
maide-fithich | Note: the stick jutting up from the thatch at the end of a blackhouse (ceann an tighe). |
taobhan | [t̪w:vɑṉ] Note: the horizontal spars lying across the ties on a blackhouse roof. |
cleith | [ˈklɛ] Note: the sticks laid on top of the “taobhain” [q.v.] on a blackhouse roof. Running from the top of the wall to the ridge-pole. |
bun-bac | Note: described as the point at which the “ceangail” and the top of the wall come together. (Usually described as being two or three feet up from the wall.) |
toll-lodain | [t̪oɫˈɔd̪ɑ̃nʹ] Note: exit at “màs an tighe” to allow passage of cattle urine and any other seepage. |
leac-sheisreach | [lʹɛkheʃəɾɑx] Note: pl. [lʹɛkəṉʃeʃəɾɑx]. Flat stones put under the cattle to prevent them from getting stuck in the manure. (At a time when earth wasn’t allowed to be taken in to put under them.) |
dil | [dʹil] Note: a covered drain under the floor of the blackhouse. |
cailbh | [kɑlɑv] Note: partition between the “àite-teine” and the “cùlaist”. |
leac-uirealach | [lʹɛkˈu̟ɾɑɫɑx] Note: an upright stone just inside the front door, between it and the door leading to the living quarters to direct cattle to go their own way. |
toll | Quot.: “toll an t-sobhail” also “darus toll an t-sobhail”. Note: an opening on the far side of the barn from the main house, about three feet high. Built up with stones. To prevent stealing. |
làmhchran | [ɫɑ̃:xɾɑṉ] Note: flail handle. |
buailtean | Note: flail striker. |
iall | Note: thong of softened sheepskin tying the “buailtean” [q.v.] to the “làmhchran” [q.v.]. |
calg | Quot.: “calg air an eòrna”. Note: barley chaff. |
sgalpan | Quot.: sgalpan air a’ choirc. Note: corn chaff (oats). |
maide-frasaidh | Note: a short-(rounded) stick for threshing a sheaf, the sheaf being held under one arm and the shock struck with the stick. |
moighlean | [mɔ̃ĩlʹɑṉ] Quot.: “moighlean fodair”. Note: a bundle of straw. |
ceallach | Quot.: a’ cheallach. Note: the fireplace in a grain kiln. |
streimhig | [ˈst̪ɾɛ̃ıɡ] Note: the covering of straw on which the seed was put for drying in the kiln. |
drobhailt | [d̪ɾɔvɑlʹtʹ] Note: mill hopper. Made of straw-rope (sioman connlaich). |
bròg | Note: wooden box under the hopper in a mill. |
glagan | Note: a stick attached at one end to the “bròg” [q.v.] in a grinding mill. The other end lay on the upper grindstone. As the stone turned it caused the “bròg” to vibrate, thus releasing the seed gradually into the “sùil” [q.v.]. |
sùil | Quot.: “sùil na muinnle”. Note: the centre hole in the top millstone. |
deil | Note: the stick attached to the lower mill-stone and coming up through the centre hole of the top mill-stone. |
sail-aotrom | Quot.: “an t-sail-aotrom”. Note: this regulated the coarseness of the meal by adjusting the clearance between the two mill-stones. |
toll-làir | Quot.: “a’ roth as an toll-làir”. Note: where the water wheel of the mill was situated. |
liath | [lʹıɤ] Note: pl. [lʹıɤhəṉ]. The mill-wheel blades. |
asbhuain | Note: grass growing again among corn stubble after the corn has been scythed. |
ceann | Note: a small cultivable patch of land, perhaps surrounded by stones. (Arnol very stony.) |
clàr | Note: a bigger area of cultivable ground, perhaps three times as big as a “ceann” [q.v.]. Tends to be square. |
feannag | Note: small cultivable patch with a ditch on each side of it. |
leób | [lʹo:b] Note: a longer piece of ground than a “clàr” [q.v.] but as broad. Tends to be oblong. |
afall | [ɑfəɫ] Quot.: “afall càil”. Note: a small walled garden in which “planntraisean” were planted. “Leas bheag”. |
sgrìob | Quot.: “sgrìob feòir”, “sgrìob coirce”. Note: a swathe. |
bad | Quot.: “bad coirc”. Note: sheaf of oats. |
beum | Quot.: beum eòrna. Note: sheaf of barley. |
adag | Quot.: “adag coirc”. Note: stook of oats (12 sheaves). |
bloigh | [bɫɑi] Quot.: bloigh eòrna. Note: row of standing sheaves with their heads bent over. |
tòrr | Quot.: tòrr coirc. Note: hut of corn. |
curruchdag | Quot.: curruchdag eòrna. Note: hut of barley (comprising 3 “bloighean” [q.v.]). |
sìg | Quot.: sìg feòir. Note: loaf-shaped haystack. |
goc | Quot.: goc feòir. Note: haycock. |
beum | Quot.: “am beum dubh”. Note: nuair a bhiodh iad a’ deanamh cruach eòrna bhiodh iad a’ cur na beumannan a bha air an sgathadh [q.v.] do’n mheadhoin agus na beumannan dubh a muigh. Barley pulled up by the roots. |
sgathadh | Quot.: a’ sgathadh an eòrna. Note: cutting the barley sheaves to remove the lower part (with the roots for thatching). |
easlainte-cham | Quot.: an easlainte-cham. Note: disease in cattle and sheep causing a twist in the neck. |
cródaich | Quot.: a’ chródaich [xɾo:d̪iç] (not nasal). Note: illness said to be in sheep. They weakened at the “knees” and went about on them. Front legs. |
tuathallan | Quot.: an tuathallan. Note: illness in sheep caused by water sac on the brain. |
doille | [d̪ɤlʹə] Quot.: an doille. Note: blindness in sheep, “sgleò a’ tighinn air na sùilean aca”. |
bualtach | [bu̜ɤɫt̪ɑx] Quot.: “Bhiodh i bualtach air an doille a thighinn oirre.” Note: We say [bu̟ɤlʹtʹɑx]. |
abidil | Quot.: an illness which affected cattle. Thinks it was fits, but not sure. Cure: “Bha sioman connlach air fhighe ceàrr air a chur timchioll air druim agus mionach a’ bheathaich”. |
tinneas-air-ais | Quot.: “an tinneas-air-ais”. Note: epilepsy. Cure: a black cock with no white feathers was killed and buried at the spot where the fits had first taken place. The patient then had to sleep there for one night. |
claimh | [kɫɑ̃ĩf] Quot.: a’ chlaimh. Note: sheep scab. |
smiùradh | Note: smearing of sheep with a mixture of tar and, usually, dogfish oil. |
peàrd | [pȷɑ:ʴḏ] Note: strip of wool coming from the cards. [NOTES: the turned r used for the symbol which is unclear in the original.] |
reithean | [rɛhɑṉ] Note: roller on spinning-wheel, round which the band from the big wheel went. |
deil | [dʹel] Note: spindle in spinning-wheel. |
bòrd-chas | Note: foot-board of the spinning-wheel. |
maighdean | Quot.: na maighdeannan. Note: uprights on spinning-wheel supporting the flyer. |
stiall | Note: the post(s) in the byre to which a cow was tied. |
smeadhag | [smɛ̃ɑɡ] Note: the portion of the cow’s tether round its neck when tied inside. |
cùl-acfhuinn | [ku̜:ɫɑkĩnʹ] Note: the part of the cow’s tether attaching the “smeadhag” [q.v.] to the “stiall” [q.v.] when tied inside. |
cotan | [kɔt̪ɑṉ] Note: small turf enclosure for a young calf at the shieling. Usually built into a bank and enclosed with turf divots. |
leac-thachais | Note: upright stone at a shieling for cows to scratch themselves. |
darus-iadht | [d̪ɑɾəsˈiɤt̪] Note: there were two openings on the older type of shieling, one completely open and the other closed up with turf divots. It depended on the direction of the wind which one was open and which one was shut. The divots would be shifted from one to the other. The “darus-iadht” was the closed one. |
imrich | [ĩməðiç] Quot.: “Na chuir sibh a mach an imrich fhathast?” “An d’thug sibh dhachaidh an imrich fhathast.” Note: the clothing, utensils, etc. which were taken to the shieling at the beginning of summer and brought back at the end of the season. |
imideal | [ˈĩmidʹəɫ] Note: piece of sheepskin stretched over the mouth of a milk-pail and secured with a string outside the rim. |
corthannan | [kɔrɔhən̪ɑṉ] Note: wooden swivel device used in the tethering of sheep. |
cosgaradh | [kɔsɡɑɾəɣ] Note: souming. |
gibeag | [ɡʹibɑɡ] gibeag fraoich. Note: small bundle of heather. |
ciomball | [cɤ̃ũ̟bəɫ] Quot.: ciomball fraoich. Note: large bundle of heather. |
siol-mholl | [ʃıɔɫvõɫ] Note: used for chaff as well as “sgalpan” [q.v.], “calg” [q.v.]. |
sgeap | [sɡʹɑp] Note: bag of woven straw, slung at one’s side, for cuddy-fishing. |
ciosan | [cwsɑṉ] Note: fairly shallow vessel like a basin, made of straw. Had perpendicular sides. |
seic | [ʃec] Note: a large bag, made of woven straw, used for taking grain to the kiln. Carried on the back with a rope round it and round the chest. Held about quantity of two ordinary bags. |
lùthag | [ɫu̜:ɑɡ] Note: a piece of rope tightened just above the joint on one of the hind legs of a sheep. Prevented it from running. |
spearrach | Note: seen most often on lambs. A rope tied between one hind leg and one front leg. |
deadhann | [ˈdʹeən̪] Note: rope tied between two front legs of a horse. Prevented it from running. |
ceann-snaidhm | Note: a cloud formation usually above the horizon. Strips of cloud coming together at one focal point. Could expect rain from this direction. ![]() |
slinnteach | [ʃlʹɤ̃ĩnʹtʹɑx] Note: very wet snowflakes, disappearing on contact with the ground. |
flion | [flw̃ṉ] Quot.: “Flion shneachd”. Note: understood by him as very fine powdery snow. |
cabhadh-làir | [kɑfəɣɫɑ:ɾ] Note: drifting snow. |
fuar-dhealt | Note: emphasis on “fuar”. Can be seen sometimes in the very early morning on grass and potato leaves. Says it was colder than the usual dew and if it wasn’t away before the sun rose, “bhiodh am feur agus duilleagan a’ bhuntàta air an losgadh”. |
sian | [ʃĩɤ̃ṉ] Note: very fine, drizzly rain. |
ciutharanaich | [ˈcu̟həɾɑṉiç] Note: very fine, drizzly rain. |
luin | [ɫũ̜nʹ] Note: according to N.C. seen on a very hot day in the one spot, perhaps only 100 yards away. A visual disturbance in the air often accompanied by a whirlwind. |
ioma-ghaoth | Note: whirlwind. |
baltag | Note: short heavy shower. |
meall | Note: heavy shower of medium length. |
muir-bàn | Note: foamy sea. |
siaban | Quot.: siaban na mara. Note: says it was blown foam, forming a sort of “ceò”. |
cabhadh-mara | [kɑfəɣmɑɾə] Note: spindrift, much heavier than “siaban” [q.v.], according to N.C. |
caillebianan | [kɑlʹəbĩɤ̃ṉɑṉ] Note: phosphorescence as seen on fish hanging in the house or salted in a tub. |
spriul | [spɾu̟l] Note: “l” lengthened as in “fool”. Name given to the lead (about 6"-7" long) in a “dorgh”. |
clàrag | Note: square frame on which fishing line is wound. |
caolan-dubh | Note: when fishing for dogfish, herring or mackerel bait was used until a dogfish was caught. Then the “caolan-dubh” was removed from it and bits of it used for bait after that. |
tùc | [t̪u̟:k] Note: bung in a boat. |
falmadair | [fɑɫɑməd̪ɑð] Note: tiller. |
sòla | [sɔ:ɫə] Note: piece of flooring in a boat. |
cnag | [kɾɑ̃ɡ] Note: thole-pin. |
tràigh | Quot.: an traigh [sic] fheamad. Note: (Put also under feamainn.) |
laingear | [ɫɑ̃ĩɡʹɑð] Quot.: laingear Bhràgair, laingear Arnol, laingear Bharabhais. Note: understood as being the area uncovered at low tide, where shellfish were collected, etc. |
sitig | Note: large hollows in the shingle into which the seaweed coming ashore was put. Manure was taken to it by creel in the spring time. The mixture used on the ground. Sandy soil needed this. |
puta | Quot.: putan buntàta. Note: small patches of potatoes planted, e.g. between boulders or cairns. |
tonnag | [t̪on̪ɑɡ] Quot.: tonnag langainn. Note: small fish found inshore – probably the young ling. Got under stones at very low tide. |
poca-chudaig | Note: a large hand-net for saithe-fishing. |
pronn-mhiosg | [pɾɔ̃n̪ɔvw̃sɡ] Note: bait, such as mashed potatoes or bits of dogfish, thrown on the water to attract saithe (cuddies, etc.) |
leug | [lʹiɑɡ] Note: scum, e.g. on water. |
toll-each | [t̪oˈɫɛx] Note: the opening at the end of a byre to allow a horse and cart to back in for manure. |
giodraman | [ɡʹwd̪ɾəmɑṉ] Note: a frolicsome, giddy person. |
circean | [cıɾcɑṉ] Note: applied to a misbehaving boy. |
priogan | [pɾiɡɑṉ] Note: “Duine a bhiodh dona gu buaireadh.” |
grìleaban | [ɡɾı:ləbɑṉ] Note: small person, child or adult. |
sprocaire | [spɾɔkəðə] Note: a person full of aggressive self-importance. Adj. sprocach. |
sian-gréinidh | Note: a very light warm shower of rain falling with the sun out at the same time. |
sguite | [sɡu̟tʹə] Quot.: (1) a’ sguite thoisich. (2) a’ sguite dheiridh. Note: (1) stempost. (2) sternpost. |
beul-mór | Note: gunwale. |
crot | Quot.: crotaichean ràimh. Note: pieces of wood put on an oar to prevent it from chafing where it lies between the thole-pins. |
iarunn-còmhthalaich | Note: a gaff. |
lìgheach | [lʹı:ɑx] Note: oily. |
leugach | [lʹıɑɡɑx] Quot.: “rud leugach”. Note: something with scum left on it. |
ùillean | [u̟:lʹəṉ] Note: globules of oil on the surface of a liquid. |
achadh-dubh | [ɑxəd̪u̟] Quot.: “Thàinig an t-achadh-dubh.” Note: the reappearance of the ground after the snow melts. |
smocan | [smõkɑṉ] Note: mixture of fine, red seaweed washed ashore. |
smeartan | [smȷɑ̃ʴsṯɑṉ] Note: curly seaweed. [NOTES: the turned r used for the symbol which is unclear in the original.] |
langadair | [ɫɑ̃ŋɡəd̪ɑð] Note: kind of tangle in the form of long, oily strips attached to the “duibhean”, a type of “stamh”. |
liaghag | Note: type of tangle, not as long as “langadair” [q.v.], but broader. |
mircean | [mĩɾcɑṉ] Note: alaria esculenta. |
diuluch | [dʹu̜ɫu̜x] Note: growths on the stem of the “mircean” [q.v.] at the base of the leaf. |
slabhcan | [sɫɑu̟kɑṉ] Note: fine type of seaweed scraped from rocks. Boiled and eaten. Eaten by invalids. Akin to “duileasg” but finer. |
carraichgean | [kɑrɑçɡʹɑṉ] Note: the lump at the base of tangle, attaching it to the rock. |
feur-loch | [fıɑɫɔx] Note: waterlogged area with grass growing in it. |
stàrr | Note: coarse grass growing in wet places. |
breun-loch | [bɾĩɑ̃ɫɑx] Note: soft, water-logged area. |
frith-rathad | Quot.: frith-rathad nan caorach. Note: sheep-track on the moor. |
clachan-sinnteag | Note: stepping-stones across a burn. |
tullach | Quot.: tullach na h-àirigh. |
spungaid | [spɤ̃ŋɡɑdʹ] Note: a sling. |
strìligean | [st̪ɾı:lıɡʹɑṉ] Note: a hoop rolled along the ground. |
strìlig | Quot.: “Strìlig e.” Note: Roll it. |
tudlan-na-h-àthaidh | [t̪u̟d̪əɫɑṉṉəhɑ:hi] Note: Blind Man’s Buff. |
brùchd | Quot.: “brùchd feamainn”. Note: heap of seaweed washed ashore. |
suilicheag | [su̟liçɑɡ] Note: large rounded stone on the shore (clach-mhuile). |
Céitean-Samhna | Note: about two weeks of good weather in November. |
coilleag | [kɤlʹɑɡ] Note: shinty ball. |
tuidhlidh | [tɤıli] Quot.: Chuir iad tuidhlidh oirnn. Note: goal in shinty. |
seas | Quot.: Seas do [huɫıçəṉ]. Note: said by one player in a shinty side to an opposing player, demanding him to take a proper stance with his stick. |
uinnleag | [ɤ̃ĩlʹɑɡ] Note: elbow jab. |
tigh-fhuarach | [t̪ɤıu̟ɤɾɑx] Note: an additional room for sleeping, opening sometimes from the living room (aite-teine), sometimes from the “culaist”. |
strannadair | Note: toy which made a whirring noise. ![]() |
fuaraich | Note: water blackened by soot falling from a blackhouse roof. |
cailleach-sùich | Note: straw from thatch coming down between the “cabair” and being covered with soot. (?) |
tighinn-fodha | Note: water coming up through the floor of a blackhouse due to very heavy rain running down the walls. |
breabadair | Note: spider. |
teilean-dé | Note: butterfly. |
potrachan | Note: necklace of flowers. |
sìthean-each | Note: dandelion. |
drullachan | [d̪ɾu̜ɫɑxɑṉ] Note: the cord passing under the two toes next to the big toe to keep the “osanan” in place. |
goigean | [ɡɔɡʹɑṉ] Note: sort of knitted pixie with long tails which were crossed at the front and tied behind. |
còta-linnsrig | [kɔt̪əlʹĩ:ʃəɾiɡʹ] Note: coat for women and girls. Material: “ond” with linseed oil put on it. |
cnèabailt | Quot.: “cnèabailtean-beaga”. Note: garters put over trousers below the knee when going to the moor. |
sgalla-creig | Note: echo. |
bacan | Note: a grassy ledge on a cliff face; sheep may get stranded on one. |
gaoithsig | [ɡɤiʃiɡʹ] Note: jack snipe. |
trìlleachan | [t̪ɾı:lʹɑxɑṉ] Note: oystercatcher. |
cearc-thiortach | [cɛɾkçwʴsṯɑx] Note: fulmar (squirts oil). [NOTES: the turned r used for the symbol which is unclear in the original.] |
bricead | [bɾıcəd̪] Quot.: Tha bricead ann. Note: noun from “breac” – speckled. Might also say “Tha nàdur bricich [bɾiciç] anns an aghaidh aige”. |
brògach | Note: usually applied to a sheep’s face – dark but not quite black, perhaps little bits of grey among it. |
crosach | Quot.: “caora chrosach”. Note: sheep with horns curving inwards towards the eyes. |
stàbhach | Quot.: caora stàbhach. Note: a sheep with long wide horns. |
sgrogach | Quot.: caora sgrogach. Note: a sheep with short curved horns, coming into the head. |
biorach | Quot.: caora bhiorach. Note: a sheep with straight, pointed horns. |
ùs | [ũ̟:s] Note: applied to the covering on a lamb’s fleece at birth. |
bonnach-thumanach | [bɔ̃n̪ɑxhũ̟mɑṉɔx] Note: his pronunciation of “bonnach-iomanach”. A “bonnach” with plenty of “ùs” (cheese made with first milk) on it given as a reward to the first person to notice a cow was about to calf (leis a’ mhulad). |
deoch-bhàn | Note: drink made by pouring hot water on oatmeal. |
stiùireag | [ʃtʹu̟:ɾɑɡ] Note: same as above [i.e. deoch-bhàn]. |
fuarag | Note: a knock-out punch (blow). |
fuar | Quot.: “Chuir e fuar e.” Note: He knocked him out. |
saplaisg | Note: soapy water. |
sàileagan | Note: water-brash. |
riofanaich | [rwfɑṉiç] Note: broken skin behind fingernails. |
gàgadh | Quot.: “Bhiodh uachdar nan troighean a’ gàgadh nuair a bhiodh daoine cas-ruisgt tràth air a bhliadhna.” |
buaileag-thimchioll | Note: ringworm. (Pl. buaileagan-timchioll.) |
sgeing | Quot.: “Sgeing e òrdag”. Note: He hit his toe and hurt it (e.g. on a stone when going barefoot). We would say also “Chuir e na sgeing e” – “He broke it beyond repair”. |
cridhe | Quot.: “mu chridhe an t-samhraidh”. Note: about the middle of summer. |
fàireag | Note: applied to a gland when it was swollen. Also: “Nuair a bha e a’ tionndadh bha e a’ fàgail fàireagan as a dheidh.” – bits of ground left unturned. |
fidig | [fidʹiɡʹ] Quot.: “Gheibh thu mu na fidigean e.” Note: used mainly for hitting a person. Meant “about the legs”. |
sonnag | Note: àite beag, socair, blàth. Nest-like place. |
ochdach | [okɑx] Quot.: ochdach cléibh. Note: band round the chest when carrying a creel. |
sleaghag | [ʃlʹɤɣɑɡ] Note: wooden spoon. |
bàsdair | [bɑ:sd̪ɑð] Note: a soft boggy place with grass growing on it. Sheep would try to get at the grass and get stuck, or sink in it. |
bot | [bɔt̪] Note: deep hole on the moor, often dangerous because of overgrowing heather. (Pl. [bɔt̪əṉ].) |
léig | Note: “seorsa de bhreunlach [?] bhog agus feur gorm a’ fàs innte an cómhnaidh”; nas motha na bàsdair [q.v.]”. |
boidhteadh | Quot.: “a’ boidhteadh an dubhain”. Note: putting a worm on a fishing hook. |
boitean | [bɔitʹɑṉ] Note: greiseag de dh’obair rudeigin cruaidh. |
boiteadh | [bɔıtʹəɣ] Quot.: “a’ boiteadh dà rud ri chèile”. Note: fixing two things together – could be anything, wood, stone, yarn, etc. |
bréid | [bɾe:dʹ] Quot.: “’S fheàrr bréid na toll.” Note: patch on clothing. |
conochdag | [kɔ̃nɔxkɑɡ] Quot.: “a’ seinn na conochdag”, “a’ séideadh na conochdag”. Note: a village horn was used in Bragar and Arnol until comparatively recently (prob. before the war) for a cessation of work outside. Could be for a death or before the weekly prayer-meeting or early on Saturday evening. |
alainn | [ɑɫĩnʹ] Note: his pronunciation. Whisky and tobacco given out at a funeral. Did not see it himself. “Alainn an duine a bhasaich.” |
bonnach-carrach | Note: a bannock, of barley originally, with an egg mix put on top. (He said scrambled eggs.) |
briach | Quot.: “Chaidh a’ bhó ann am briach.” Note: getting stuck in a bog. |
tabhoinn | [t̪ɑfɔ̃nʹ] Quot.: “beathach ann an tabhoinn”. Note: a beast stuck in such a position that it cannot extricate itself. |
atach | Quot.: “atach caora”. Note: the remains of a dead sheep (just wool and bones). |
closach | Quot.: “closach caora”. Note: the dead body of a sheep. |
lasd | Quot.: Bó a’ dol as a’ lasd. Note: dislocating the hip-joint. |
brailean | [bɾɑlɑṉ] Note: the stomach of a sheep with flaps inside it. |
it-fhitheach | [ĩtʹıɑx] Note: gullet. |
stuing | [st̪ɤ̃ĩɡʹ] Note: “pìos feòil a ghearradh tu a beathach caorach.” |
beathach | Quot.: beathach caorach, beathach mart. Note: a sheep, a cow. |
stapag | Note: mixture of oatmeal and cold water. A stiffish mix. |
smior-cailleach | Note: spinal marrow. |
slaman | Note: applied to the jelly forming on cold veal. |
binid | Note: According to him it is “leabaidh a’ laoigh” in a calf [sic], but it is usually considered to be the stomach. |
rosd | Quot.: “seann rosd”. Note: applied to an old person who is past the stage of being able to do anything. Also applied to an old animal in the same way. |
eileabanachd | Quot.: De an eileabanachd a th’ort a sin. Note: interfering or meddling with something one has no right to, e.g. a child up to mischief. |
sgléibeadair | [sɡle:bəd̪ɑð] Note: applied to a person who would go into someone else’s house, eat his fill, and then go. |
siurrag | Note: applied to a woman who is always in and out of houses. (Also a’ siurraireachd.) |
pìob | Quot.: “pìob buntàta”. Note: a pipe, the bowl of which was fashioned out of a potato, the stem being a length of the shaw. Used by boys for smoking “calcas”. |
rannan | [rɑ̃n̪ɑ̃ṉ] Note: a jellyfish. |
sgeith | Quot.: sgeith a’ ròin. Note: jellyfish. |
giobanach | [ɡʹwbəṉɔx] Note: squid. |
roids | [rɔḏʃ] Quot.: roids de stoirm. Note: a fairly heavy storm – half-gale with a very rough sea. |
faobhaich | [fɤ:viç] Quot.: “Tha an t-àite air fhaobhachadh.” Note: used in general of a place being cleaned out, e.g. a bay of fish. |
sollais | [soɫɑʃ] Quot.: “Ghabh e sollais dheth.” Note: He ate a lot of it. Also: “Rinn e sollais air.” – He made a feast of it. |
tàbhoradh | [t̪ɑ:vɔɾəɣ] Quot.: “Chunnaic mi a thàbhoradh.” Note: the ghost of a person – indicating that the person concerned was to die soon. |
nì | Quot.: “Theirig a dh’iarrraidh a’ nì.” Note: used formerly of cattle. Says that the form [nʹıç] was also used in certain instances. Not too clear about it but he thinks one would say “aig a’ nich”, “chon a’ nich”. |
siogan | [ʃiɔɡɑṉ] Note: call to cattle in general. |
stiadhag | [ʃtʹiɑɑɡ] Note: call to a cat. |
poitidh | [pɔıtʹi] Note: call to a pig. |
gliuthach | [ˈɡlu̟ɑx] Note: applied to a fish in very poor condition. |
gearranach | Quot.: “gearranach math tapaidh”. Note: sometimes for “gearran” – a castrated stallion. |
mosan | Note: miser. |
spìocaire | [spi:kəðə] Note: miser. |
loman | [ɫomɑṉ] Quot.: “Lom ri loman agus lomaidh loman riut.” Note: give a little to a thrifty, tight person and you will get the same back. |
stioc | [ʃtʹık] Note: when a person walks with one step shorter than the other due to a short leg. “Tha stioc ann” or “Tha stiocaich [ʃtʹikiç] ann”. |
stiocaire | [ʃtʹıkəðə] Note: a person who walks with one step shorter than the other. |
siocaire | [ʃıkəðə] Quot.: Chaneil ann dheth ach siocaire grannda. Note: a person who is lazy, good for nothing but impertinent at the same time. |
ruam | [ru̜ɤm] Quot.: “Tha ruam air.” “Ghabh e ruam” Note: a huff. |
splioghaire | [splwɣəðə] Note: a tall, bony man. |
iorram | [ȷu̜rɑm] Note: applied to the wailing of women formerly when a funeral cortege was leaving a house. “Ag iorram.” “An e so Uilleam, bhiodh e a’ falbh leis an iorram.” – local, said on meeting a dejected-looking person. |
cliath | Quot.: cliath éisg. Note: a shoal of fish. |
siol | Quot.: siol a’ bhradain. Note: very young salmon in rivers before entering the sea. (Also siol a’ bhànaig.) |
geòlaban | [ɡʹɔ:ləbɑṉ] Note: says it is the very young trout. |
baoghaid | [ˈbɤidʹ] Quot.: “Tha baoghaid mhath air.” Note: a big belly. |
port | Quot.: “port an daruis”. Note: when boys would start to get noisy in a céilidh house one might say “’S e port an daruis a th’agaibh a nis!” indicating they would have to leave. |
gollag | [ɡɔɫɑɡ] Note: opening in a peat fire. “N a do shuidhe ris a’ ghollaig” also used. |
péileag | Note: porpoise. |
stiora | [ʃtʹwɾə] Note: a large type of dogfish. |
carbhanach | Note: common sea bream. |
bradan-sligeach | Note: sturgeon. (Heard this but not local.) |
pollag | Quot.: “Pollagan a Chinn a Tuath” – in Bragar. Note: a boggy place which never dries due to spring water (bùirn-éirigh). |
total | [t̪ɔt̪ɑɫ] Quot.: “Bha total aca ann.” Note: can be used of a gathering of people. Used in Lochs of seagulls. |
bugha | [bu̟ə] Quot.: plural – bughachan. Note: where a stream winds – applied to the ground enclosed by the curve. |
duainidh | [d̪ũ̜ɑ̃nʹi] Quot.: “Tha e a’ coimhead gu math duainidh.” Note: off-colour, ill-looking. Can also be applied to faded or dirty cloth. |
rùit | [ru̜:tʹ] Quot.: “Ghabh e rùit.” Note: He took the huff. |
spalaic | [spɑlɑc] Quot.: “Chaidh e sios a’ rathad ’s abair spalaic!” Note: said of a person full of himself and very conscious of his appearance. (Also: duine spalaiceach.) |
sgliugach | [sɡlu̟ɡɑx] Quot.: “bonaid sgliugach”. Note: used in connection with a cap – clumsy, coming down over the eyes. |
sgruigean | [sɡɾu̟ɡʹɑṉ] Note: heard this sometimes used for a man’s cap. |
sprocach | Quot.: duine sprocach. Note: bold, forward person. (Also sprocail.) |
bragail | Quot.: “duine bragail”. Note: bold, forward person. |
spaidsearachd | Quot.: “Seall air a’ spaidsearachd ann a sud!” Note: applied to a person striding about rather full of himself. (Also spaidsear.) |
liùg | [lʹu̟:ɡ] Note: timidity, shyness. |
liugach | [lʹu̟ɡɑx] Note: timid, shy. |
liugaire | Note: timid, shy person. |
raodain | [rɤ:d̪ɑ̃nʹ] Note: says this is the singular form. Worm or slug in wood coming ashore and causing large holes through it. |
racaid | Quot.: usually “seann racaid”. Note: a raggedly dressed old fellow. |
ragadair | Note: (1) a raggedly-dressed person. (2) a person who collects woollen rags, waste yarn, etc. |
clibeadair | Note: a clumsy person. |
snasail | Note: neat, elegant. |
mear | Quot.: “Nach tu tha mear!” Note: full of sport, playful. |
gille-mirean | Note: giddy, frolicsome person. |
dreaman | [d̪ɾɛ̃mɑṉ] Note: a person who is continually crabbit. |
dreamach | Quot.: “duine dreamach”. Note: as above [i.e. dreaman]. |
brogach | Note: small stout man or child. |
ceàrnag | Note: says it is applied to a squarely built man. |
cruinneag | Note: a stout woman. |
gràisg | Quot.: “gràisg a’ bhaile”. Note: riff-raff. Also: gràisgean (pl.) – hooligans. |
teasach-dhearg | Note: scarlet fever. |
galair-gìbeach | Note: mumps. |
gìbean | Quot.: na gìbean. Note: hollows just under the ears. |
siataige-caoich | Note: form of rheumatism which affected the nerve, causing twitching. |
mathair-aobhair | Note: applied to the core of a boil. |
sgarraich | [sɡɑriç] Quot.: niosgaid a’ sgarrachadh. Note: a boil coming to a head. |
fiacail-stòrach | Note: a small tooth growing alongside or on top of another one. |
cosnach | Quot.: na cosnaichean. Note: the incisor teeth (front). |
failbhean | [fɑlɑvɑṉ] Note: kneecap. |
stiùp | [ʃtʹu̟:p] Quot.: “Nach ann oirre a tha a’ stiùp.” Note: long trailing tail of a skirt. |
raisean | [rɑʃɑṉ] Note: mud clinging to the bottom of a pair of trousers. |
òpair | [ɔ:pəɾ] Note: usually applied to mud clinging to legs and belly of a beast, e.g. if it had been stuck in soft ground. |
òcrach | Note: refuse heap. |
faoineagraich | [fw̃:nʹɑɡɾiç] Quot.: “each a’ faoineagraich”. Note: rolling from side to side on its back. |
blianagraich | [blĩɑ̃ṉɑɡɾiç] Quot.: each a’ blianagraich. Note: same as above [i.e. faoineagraich], more commonly used here. |
tathal | [ˈt̪ɑəɫ] Note: pronunciation of “tàl” – adze. |
sgeilb-chruadhach | [sɡʹɤlɤbxɾu̟ɤɤx] Note: cold chisel. |
giomlaid | [ɡĩməlɑdʹ] Note: gimlet. |
toire | [t̪ɔɾə] Note: applied sometimes to a bit in a brace. |
min-sàbh | [mĩṉsɑ:v] Note: sawdust. |
sgeilbheag | [sɡʹɤlɤvɑɡ] Note: a chip, as of wood, etc. |
cùl | Quot.: “cùl na speal”. Note: the thick iron part at the back of the scythe blade. |
cas | Quot.: cas speal. Note: scythe handle (wooden part of scythe). |
ullag | [u̜ɫɑɡ] Note: mixture of oatmeal, sugar and water, rounded. Taken, e.g. to the moor if after sheep. Good for sustaining. |
driamlach | [d̪ɾw̃məɫɑx] Note: line and hook(s) attached to a fishing rod. |
slibeach | [ʃlʹibɑx] Quot.: “Tha mi slibeach fliuch.” Note: said if one came in all wet and muddy. |
breunan | [bɾe:ṉɑṉ] Note: ugly-faced person. |
fudaidh | [fu̟d̪i] Note: a good-for-nothing sort of person. (Also: “Fudaidh ort!” – “You’re not worth anything!”) |
crion | [kɾĩɤ̃ṉ] Quot.: Tha làmh chrion aige. Note: miserly, tight. |
crumhagan | [ˈkɾũ̟əɡɑṉ] Quot.: “Feuch an dean thu crumhagan.” Note: bring the tips of the fingers and thumb together – difficult if hand is cold. Also: “crumhagan min”, “crumhagan siùcair” – the amount one would lift between the tips of the fingers and thumb. |
ràis | [rɑ:ʃ] Note: a measure. Length between tip of the thumb and the tip of the index finger. |
cromadh | Note: length from the tip of the middle finger to the knuckle. |
trotan | Quot.: “Tha e na throtan”. Note: applied to a horse trotting or easy running by a person. |
maoil | Note: bald area on a person’s head. |
sgall | [sɡɑu̜ɫ] Quot.: “Tha sgall air an aghaidh aige.” Note: a mark on one’s face, e.g. a birthmark. |
brucach | [bɾu̟kɑx] Quot.: “aghaidh bhrucach dhearg”. Note: used when skin has some sort of fine rash on it. |
bathais | [bɑhɑʃ] Note: forehead, but sometimes applied to the whole face. Also: “S ann ort a tha a bhathais!” – to a bold, impudent person. |
innis | [ĩṉıʃ] Quot.: “innis nan caorach”. Note: the normal “beat” of sheep on the moor. |
gurra-biod | [ɡu̜rəbid̪] Note: sitting attentively on one’s heels. Quot.: “air a’ ghurra-biod”. |
goradaireachd | Quot.: Dé a’ ghoradaireachd a th’ort? Note: looking with neck outstretched. |
far-chluais | Quot.: “a’ far-chluais”. Note: eavesdropping. |
crannspogan | [kɾɑ̃ũ̟spɔɡəṉ] Quot.: “air do chrannspogan”. Note: sitting on one’s heels with, perhaps, the hands on the ground as well. (cnàmh-spogan?) |
seàrrt | [ʃɑ:rtʹ] Quot.: Bha e na laighe seàrrt air an talamh. Note: stretched out and motionless. |
slaopt | [sɫw:pt] Quot.: “Tha i slaopt an diugh.” Note: said of a very warm, oppressive day. |
frith-iasg | [ˈfɾıɑsɡ] Note: parboiled whelks used as bait for cuddy-fishing. |
port-an-aillean | [pɔʴsṯəṉˈɑlʹɑṉ] Note: also used (as well as gìbean (pl.) [q.v.]) for hollow under the ear. Could hurt a person badly by pressing fingers and thumb into both. [NOTES: the turned r used for the symbol which is unclear in the original.] |
ailleanach | Note: shy. |
ódan | Note: “ódanan” understood as the backs of the fingers. Usually used when hurting was involved. “Gheibh thu mu na-ódanan i.” |
gnoigean | [ɡṉɔɡʹɑṉ] Note: a rap with the closed fist. |
bhòlaich | Quot.: “Thug mi dha na bhòlaich sin…” Note: raps with the fist. Used only in plural. |
griosach | [ɡɾiɤsɑx] Quot.: “griosach bhuntàta”. Note: potatoes being cooked on embers pulled out from the fire. |
spidean | Note: can be applied to anything which is slim and coming to a sharp point. |
speileaban | [speləbɑṉ] Note: game of “Cat and Bat”. See speilean (Dw.). |
céise-bal | [ce:ʃəbɑɫ] Note: ball as used in the game of Cat and Bat (speileaban [q.v.]); sometimes made with rags, sometimes made with the shed hair of cattle in early summer. This was scraped off the beast and made gradually with spits, rolling hair on till it was of the required size. Céise-bal-ghaoisd [ce:ʃəbɑɫɣw:ʃdʹ]. |
gaoisd | [ɡw:ʃdʹ] Quot.: gaoisd bó. Note: cow’s hair. |
tilmigeir | [ˈtʹwləmıɡʹəð] Note: male lamb with one testicle. (Barvas – filmigeir.) |
riaghladh | Quot.: “a’ riaghladh a’ bhùird leis an uisge-bheath”. Note: serving drink at a wedding. |
oidhche | Quot.: oidhche nan cearc. Note: the night before a village wedding when hens were killed, plucked and cooked. Drink, music and dancing usually involved. |
fòrladh | [fɔrɫɑɣ] Quot.: “Tha e aig an tigh air fòrladh.” Note: on leave, furlough. |
buachaille-bliadhna | Note: shepherd employed by a township to look after the sheep. Method of payment was to give him a certain amount for each beast delivered safely at the end of his term of employment. (N.C. thinks it was about 6d.) |
buachaille-samhraidh | Note: he was responsible for keeping the sheep away from the village from the time the “fochann” came out until the potatoes were lifted. |
baile | Quot.: “Tha’n crodh a stigh air feadh a bhaile.” Note: before fences were introduced the cattle, sheep, horses wandered at will on any of the crofts. |
sgot | Quot.: Chaneil sgot aige. Note: He has no sense. |
conadal | [kɔ̃ṉəd̪əɫ] Note: applied to a sheep found in a township fank or any fank that had strayed from some other township. (Also: beathach conadail.) [Cf. siabhan.] |
siabhan | [ʃiɑvɑṉ] Note: a sheep which has strayed and found perhaps on another township’s pasture or in its fank. Also: “Tha i air an t-siabhan” or “Chaidh i air an t-siabhan”. (“Siabhan” and “conadal” [q.v.] different in meaning – from two different points of view.) |
sioltachan | Note: sieve. |
sùghan | Note: sowens. The juice procured after steeping oatmeal in water for a while. Sometimes the meal with the husks among it used for this purpose. |
làghan | Note: the pudding made by boiling the “sùghan” [q.v.]. |
fianach | [fĩɤ̃ṉɑx] Note: tall moorland grass, usually growing in soft places. Liked by cattle. |
siol | Note: grain before being dried in the kiln. |
gràn | [ɡɾɑ̃:ṉ] Note: grain after being dried in the kiln. |
dùdan | Note: dust coming off kiln-dried grain (barley). (After the barley grain was dried it was flailed on the floor to take off the “calg” [q.v.].) |
sgealb | Quot.: a’ sgealbadh a’ bhuntàta. Note: cutting potatoes for seed. |
tais | Note: “meadhonach fliuch”. |
peasan | Note: pest – usually applied to a small boy. |
sgeolltair | [sɡʹɤu̜ɫt̪əð] Note: a quantity of jellyfish coming in to the shore. |
laigse | [ɫɑɡʹʃ] Quot.: “Thainig laigse air.” Note: a fit. Plural – laigseachan. “Tha laigseachan a’ tighinn air.” |
tinneas-tuiteamach | Note: epilepsy. |
runnach-soirbheas | [rũ̜n̪ɑxsɤɾɤəs] Note: sometimes applied to a mackerel sky. |
cas-ma-sheach | Quot.: a’ suidhe cas-ma-sheach. Note: sitting with one leg over the other. |
cas-gun-rath | [kɑsɡəˈrɑ] Quot.: Chaneil ann dheth ach cas-gun-rath. Note: worthless person. |
fraoch-crion | Note: withered heather. (Barvas – fraoch-liath.) |
comha-thràth | [ɡõə̃rɑ:] Quot.: “Beiridh an comha-thràth ort ma theid thu a mach an drasd.” Note: thought of by children as some sort of “bodach”. |
seileach-uisge | Quot.: said to be in water in order to prevent children from swimming. |
feòil-réisg | [fȷɔ:lɾe:ʃɡʹ] Note: meat salted and dried. |
sgeit-ghoirt | [sɡɛtʹɣɔʴsṯ] Note: skate put in a cloth and left for 4-5 days without salting. Said to be good for someone with a bad stomach. [NOTES: the turned r used for the symbol which is unclear in the original.] |
cafan | Note: sharp, pungent smell. |
sgròbalais | Note: scrawl (noun + verb). |
sgròb | Note: scratch. A’ sgròbadh – scratching. |
bochaireachd | [boxəðɑxk] Quot.: “Carson a tha thu a’ bochaireachd ormsa.” Note: teasing in a hurtful way – almost mocking. |
fealla-dhà | Quot.: “Tha e ri fealla-dhà.” Note: talking in a joking way. |
cnead-chleibh | [kɾɛ̃d̪xle:v] Note: asthma. |
dùmhladas | Quot.: Tha dùmhladas as a’ bhroilleach aige. Note: tightness in the chest, as a person suffering from bronchitis. |
dùmhail | Quot.: Tha ’m broilleach aige gu math dùmhail. Note: There’s a tightness in his chest. |
gréim-mór | Note: pneumonia. |
greim-mionaich | Note: appendicitis. Can also be applied to stomach-ache. |
strùpag | Note: the amount one would drink before taking another breath. |
strùp | Note: a spout (teapot, kettle, etc.). |
roill | [r[ɤı]lʹ] Quot.: “Tha roill a tighinn as a bheul aige.” Note: saliva coming down from the corners of the mouth. |
meig | [mɛ̃ɡʹ] Note: mouth. |
meigealan | Note: small boy who is dirty about the mouth. (His definition. I would apply it to a pest of a boy – AJS.) |
clab | Quot.: “Duin do chlab!” Note: Shut your mouth! |
clabalais | [kɫɑbəlɑʃ] Note: a lot of talk without much substance to it. |
cabadair | Note: somewhat similar to the above [i.e. clabalais]. A person who talks a lot. (Also cabadaireachd.) |
drùis | [d̪ɾu̟:ʃ] Quot.: “Tha drùis a’ tighinn as.” Note: water oozing through something. |
sgolladh | Note: sculling a boat. |
snaidhm-ruith | Note: running knot. |
snaidhm-druididh | Note: a knot, as put on a parcel, which doesn’t slip after the string has been tightened. ![]() |
snaidhm-cruaidh | Note: reef-knot. |
druid | Quot.: Tha e a’ druideadh a làmhan. Note: said of a person who is reluctant to give anything away. |
speall | [spjɑu̜ɫ] Note: splice in a rope. |
taod | Note: length of rope used to tie a bundle of hay, etc. for carrying on one’s back. |
neimh | [nʹɛ̃f] Note: used in the sense of “force” especially when referring to something fast-moving, as a stone or ball when thrown. “Abair gu robh neimh aice.” |
maide-slathaig | [mɑ̃dʹəˈsɫɑıɡʹ] Note: a stick used in thatching for arranging thatch in a place one could not easily reach with the hands. |
tèithidh | [tʹɛ:hi] Quot.: “aimsir thèthidh [sic], là tèthidh [sic]. Note: heavy warm weather, sometimes accompanied by mist. |
lòdraig | [ɫɔ:d̪əɾiɡʹ] Quot.: Tha a’ soitheach sin man a lòdraigeas e.” Note: as full as possible, almost brimming over. |
siantaich | [ʃĩɤ̃n̪t̪iç] Quot.: “C’àite an robh thu? Tha do bhiadh a’ siantachadh air an teine.” Note: drying up and deteriorating. |
deil | [dʹel] Note: itch or tingling sensation. Quot.: “Tha deil na mo chraicionn” or “Tha deil nam fheòil”. |
miola-crion | [mȷũ̜ɫəkɾ[ĩɤ̃]ṉ] Note: excema [sic]. |
ìoc | [ı:k] Quot.: Bha a’ bhriogais ro bheag dha agus chuir e ìoc as chùlaibh aice. |
fead-a-falach | [fɛd̪əfɑɫɑx] Note: sometimes used for “falach-fead”. |
cèinean | [cɛ̃:ṉɑṉ] Note: a game like “falach-fead” played at night. |
buaile | Note: where the “seeker” stood counting in hide-and-seek. |
sùil | Quot.: “Nuair a bhiodh sinn a cluich air falach-fead na cèinean [q.v.] bhiodh aon fhear a’ dol air a shùilean anns a’ bhuaile [q.v.]. Note: covered his eyes while counting. |
teasach-inchill | [tʹɛsɑxw̃nəxilʹ] Note: meningitis. |
bàdhar | [bɑ:ᵊɾ] Quot.: “Cha bu mhath am bàdhar e.” Note: (Perhaps bàir.) Referring to person one disapproved of. |
braich | Note: a’ siol leis am biodh iad a’ deanamh leann. |
buirm | [bu̟ðum] Note: his pronunciation of “beirm” – yeast or ferment. |
binntich | Note: ferment, referring to the making of beer. |
tarraing | [t̪ɑriɡʹ] Quot.: Tha e a’ tòiseachadh a’ tarraing air. Note: referring to something beginning to go bad or to rot. |
cartadh | Quot.: “a’ cartadh a bhaile”. Note: “cartadh” in general means cleaning out a place. Also meant driving the livestock from the crofts once the “fochann” appeared. |
punnd | [pɤ̃ũd̪] Note: an enclosure for impounding horses. Had to have a stream running through it. Owner responsible for feeding the animal. Also: a’ punndadh. |
athadh | [ˈɑhəɣ] Quot.: “Tha athadh air an duin’ ud.” Note: bashfulness. |
slag-a’-mhaothain | [sɫɑɡəvw̃:hɑṉ] Note: the hollow in the centre of the chest. Very painful if one was hit there. |
maothag | [mw̃:hɑɡ] Note: egg with no shell. |
ubh | Quot.: ubh-mille-fithich. Note: very small egg a hen might lay at the end of the laying season or if it had been injured in some way. |
laosgann | [ɫw:sɡən̪] Note: applied to the membrane inside the shell of an egg. |
gucag | Note: empty eggshell. |
fuaraidh | [fu̜ɤri] Quot.: “Tha a’ rum so gu math fuaraidh.” Note: damp. |
cnead | [kṉɛ̃d̪] Quot.: “Chaneil cnead a’ tighinn ris.” Note: if a person was said to be ill and someone refuted this – “There isn’t a thing wrong with him.” |
staile | [st̪ɑlə] Note: whisky-still. |
uisge-beath | Quot.: “uisge-beath an t-suathaidh.” Note: methylated spirits. |
uisge-beath | Quot.: “uisge-beath a’ rupaig” [ˈru̜piɡʹ]. Note: methylated spirits. |
clach | Quot.: “clach na sùil”. Note: the pupil of the eye. |