Caoraich / Sheep

Donald MacPhail ( Domhnull a chriomanaich [?] )
[Lewis], Arnol
  • [NOTES: the fieldworker gives informants as ‘various’ but then goes on to list only Donald MacPhail.]
1. Different stages in the growth of sheep (female)
uan bòrun
uan firin
othisgmale and female.
tiarinacha year old, male and female.
caora chiad ain (first lamb)[?] 2 year old female.
caora uaintill toothless with age.
reitha young male lamb under one year of age.
rùdaa male a year of age and over.
tiarinach multa castrated male one year old.
multa castrated male a year old and over (wedder).
uanreth ( ua’reith)[pron.?] male lamb.
an fhíor othisgothisg le uan, giving birth within a year, first year of its life.
leth uantwin.
[note](Losin [sic] all respect for the present Gaelic orthography.)
2. Different stages in the growth of sheep (male)
[note]see page 1
3. Different stages in the growth of the castrated male
[note]see page 1
4. Sheep’s appearance
caora mhaolhornless.
caora sgrogachsmall twisted horns.
caora bhrògachblack faced sheep.
caora bhànwhite faced sheep.
caora bhreacspeckled face.
caora dhubhblack sheep.
caora thulloch (ballach)black-white. [NOTES: ‘ballach’ added later.]
caora sheasclambless.
dubh cheannach
bò riabhach
bò lachduinn
5. Miscellaneous
da leth-uaintwins.
caora chonadailstray sheep.
teilmigairpartly castrated or its testicles wanting.
rigpartly castrated or its testicles wanting.
feilimgeirpartly castrated or its testicles wanting.
6. Feeding and grazing
7. Handling of sheep
cròfold for sheep.
crodhadhhemming sheep in.
treud chaorachflock.
faing a’ rùsgidhshearing [fank].
faing togal nan uanweaning [fank].
faing an Dupi (pron. an’uppi)dipping [fank].
saoilewool making [marking?], liquid dye usually red or blue.
comharra cluaisbranding horn with number of the croft and initial letter of township. [NOTES: it is not clear if this explanation refers to ‘comharra cluais’ or ‘saoile’ or neither.]
snàlc ceitin[?] mark in the ear, pierced with the needle. (?)
kirra (?)call addressed to lamb or sheep when inviting it to eat.
trusadh na caora
8. Apparatus
spearachtie fore and hind leg to prevent straying.
lùbto tie sheep for shearing.
9. Diseases
tuathalanturning anticlockwise, brain disease.
seilg nam blàrpoor condition, run down.
mial chaorachsheep tick.
gartansheep tick.
doiledisease of the eyes, blindness.
ruadh an ùdhinfection in the udder.
galar na h adhainliver disease.
an teanna ghalarskin disease, the old disease.
a cliamhscab.
a cloimh a falabh[?] the [NOTES: unfinished and the whole unclear.]
a chnuidhmaggots, when dirty with diarrhoea.
gartansheep tick.
10. Parts of the body
11. Lambing
12. Miscellaneous
caora stùthachdocked sheep.