Crodh / Cattle

Angus MacPhail
Norman Campbell
Lewis, Arnol
[note][NOTES: the following three items squeezed in on the title page.]
ceana chasachsheep’s head and trotters.
caisean (uchd)strip 4 in wide cut of breast of ‘mult’ above the ‘a mhaothain’ (solar plexus) right down to the crotch to enable the butcher to get into the belly cavity.
snàil maragMixture: oatmeal, suet, salt etc., kneaded inside the cavity made while carcase was still warm. Skin of marag was the anal canal turned inside out and thoroughly washed. Mixture was pressed into anal canal which was kept moist and warm in basin of hot water.
(Most of these terms given by Mr Angus Macphail, aged 93, 26 Arnol, Isle of Lewis)
1. Different stages in the growth of cattle
laogh firinn
laogh boirun
agh, aighean[pl.] female up to two years gun dàir gun tarbh.
tarbhdò-bhliadhach [sic], tri-bhliadhnach, according to age.
damhox. tarbh air a spòth (castrated [bull]). [NOTES: the last written next to ‘ox’ so it looks like it is part of the definition.]
gabhainn ( go’ inn), pl. gabhna[pron.?] one year old female.
taghanach[bò] a chaidh seach laogh tri tuiris ach tha bainne aige or aiche.
gamhnachbò chaidh seach laogh ach aig am bheil bainne s tha am bainne blasta.
sealbhachbò air ùr-breith.
seadhanachbò tri bliadhna le bainne gun laogh.
2. Breeds of cattle
an crodh dùbhthe hardy small black cattle of the Highlands, Kyloes. Hebrides 1700-1850.
3. Outward appearance of cattle
bò ruadh
bò dhubh
bò riabhach
bò bhreac
bò odhar
bò mhaol
bò lachdann
L adharcach[achdann?] one horn on, one missing. Not a unicorn.
bò ghlas
bò bhàn
4. Names for certain beasts, e.g. an animal on which the owner bestows particular attention
5. Parts of the body
binitstomach of a calf.
6. Calving
dàir air a bhò[cow] on heat or in season.
aig iarradh tarbh
aig iarradh an tairbh
salachairplacenta or afterbirth. Expression: ‘na rùg i an salchair’.
7. Milking
blodhan na bámilking the cow.
blodhain a chruidhmilking the cattle.
ga blodhain tirim[milking to the] last drop.
laogh cois
laogh an cois a mhàthairlaogh fodha màthair.
laogh a deothal a mhàthairdeocadh a mhàthar.
ùsmilk yield first two or three milkings.
sileadh a bhainneteats dripping with excessive milk.
seipanquart. [NOTES: originally the definition was ‘quart?’ but then ‘EXACTLY’ was written next to it.]
mis’ir[?] wooden vessel.
bainne air suidheachadh
misiridhbutter making, mistreach [?] [NOTES: it is not clear if this is part of the last definition or a separate entry.]
cuineag ( kuinag)[pron.?] churn. (West side of Lewis)
beatchurn. (Uig)
Bite Uigean[?] [churn?] [NOTES: not clear what the relation between the last two words is or what they refer to.]
cranachan[churn]. (Breinish)
imidelskin covering milk pail [when it was] carried home from sheiling. [It was] tied under the rim.
peile ceard
lanidhandle of churn.
8. Feeding
uinegean a bhainne[?]
barlus[? farlus?] ceap [?] hole for smoke, peat smoke.
druim àriridge pole.
dloth fodairloose handful.
moilean fodaira generous armful.
buachaileachdtending the cattle.
buachailherdsman or boy.
banachagmilking maid.
iomandriving the cattle.
leabaidh laighenight quarters, sheltered dell for cattle to spend the night, sheiling.
cotancot for young newly born calf for summer shieling only.
clach tachais
taighean earraich(Ness) moor, shieling, cattle under cover.
[note](Norman Campbell age 93, No 6 Arnol, Isle of Lewis.)
9. Apparatus
lùthag?teann os cionn na glun air a chas deiridh. Cord tied tightly above the joint [on the] hind leg [of a] lamb or sheep to keep animals on the move under control.
stiallheadpost in byre.
corothonana piece of wood with three holes by which two lambs could be tethered on the one tether.
achdainnneck rope.
acfhuinnneck rope.
bacantether stake.
cùl-acdhainn[sic] ceangailt mun an stiall. Tied around the headpost, to which again was tied smeathag, which was tied around the cow’s neck by cnac (toggle) and drula (loop).
cnac ( krak)[pron.] toggle.
drula ( drulla)[pron.] loop.
buarachfetter for milking.
glùineanair a chas toiseach. Fetter to tie up foreleg.
smeathac martneck tie.
spearachfetter joining fore [and] hind leg [of] lamb or sheep.
dèidheinntwo forelegs fetter [for] horses to prevent wandering. Deidheann air each a cheàird (tinker) ach cha deidheann air a cheàrd fhein.
uchdachd cléibhshoulder strap for creel.
iris cléibhmade of horse hair long ago.
dronagouter shirt gathered into a pad [as a] rest for the creel.
10. Diseases
tuathalanpoc uisge air an aonachail.
an doileblindness.
11. Miscellaneous
tha bhò ann an sàs[cow] stuck in mire or bog.
tha bhò ann an tabhainncow in distress.
buachair a chruidhcow dung.

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