Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
- Informant(s)
- Name
- Hugh MacKinnon
- Location
- Coll, Arinagour
- Date
- 10/1970
losaid | [ɫosɑdʹʒ] Notes: ashet for potatoes. |
mèilich | Notes: bleating. |
miagail | Notes: mewing. |
muc-stigean | [mũ̜xkʃtʹiɡʹɑṉ] Notes: porpoise. |
ròineag | Notes: a single strand of hair. |
rùdan | Notes: knuckle. |
sitearraich | Notes: neighing. |
oircean | Notes: piglet. |
pronnasg | Notes: sulphur. |
purraich | [pu̜riç] Quotation: Bha i a’ ruith purraich air tharraich [hɛriç]. Notes: helter-skelter. |
seall | Quotation: Tha na neòil a’ sealltainn grannda. |
sgùd | Notes: a cloud. |
slinntean | Notes: a stone lintel. |
sliop | [ʃlʹip] Notes: lip. |
smiogad | Notes: chin. |
sùil-chritheach | Notes: quagmire (?). |
tharraich | Quotation: Bha i a’ ruith purraich air tharraich. Notes: helter skelter. |
tòisneachadh | [t̪ɔ:ʃnʹɑxəɣ] Quotation: a’ tòisneachadh but thoisich mi, toisichidh mi. Notes: beginning. |
torranach | Notes: a white maggot which eats potatoes. |
urrachdag | Notes: thole-pin. |
bogha-muc | Notes: wild hyacinth. |
bolg-loisgte | Notes: a kind of toadstool. A brownish powder comes out of it when it bursts. |
bratag | Notes: caterpillar. |
buaile | Quotation: Cuiridh sinn an crodh do’n bhuaile. Notes: stall. |
cailleach-chròsdag | Notes: slater (woodhouse). |
cas | Quotation: Tha e gu math cas. Notes: quick-tempered. |
clàdan | Notes: snowflake. |
cnoimheag | Notes: maggot. |
deargan-tràghad | Notes: like a young ling. |
fiogann | Notes: nail. |
fleat | [flɛṯ] Notes: saucer. |
fluichnich | Notes: sleet. |
gartan | Notes: garter. |
gartan-fraoich | Notes: tick found on sheep. |