Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
- Informant(s)
- Name
- Informants: D. J. MacLeod / DJM and Mrs Jessie MacLeod (looks like the same handwriting)
- Location
- Harris, Ardhasaig
- Date
- 1967-
N. Harris. Date: 1967. | |
langa | |
lèabag | |
lìon mhòra | Notes: lines. |
liùgh | |
liughag | Notes: small liùgh. |
maghar | Notes: fishing fly. |
muc-creige | |
muc gheal | Notes: white-bellied whale. |
muc ghorm | |
muir-tèac | |
muirsgein | Notes: razorfish. |
ròn dubh | |
ròn glas | |
òrd | Notes: a cut of fish. |
portan | Notes: inedible crab (green). |
pròis | Notes: a translucent, soft-skinned lobster-shaped fish – possibly a young prawn (seen in pools). |
puta | Notes: buoy. |
puthag | Notes: porpoise. |
sìol | Notes: minnows. |
sgiath | Notes: fin. |
sòrnan | Notes: skate. |
sprat | |
surc | [sərk] Notes: shark. |
tàbh | Notes: gaff. |
bànag | |
biast dhubh | Notes: otter. |
bodach-ruadh | Notes: rock cod or young cod. |
breac | Notes: salmon. |
breac-lion | |
buigh | Notes: buoy. |
biorach | |
càirean | Notes: human palate. |
cat mara | |
cearban | Notes: shark – different species from cearbon [?]. |
claimheag (clèimheag) | Notes: small fish – often found under rocks at low tide. |
clèimhean | Notes: bolt of door? |
cnaimh-rionnach | |
cnòtan | |
cragan-starraig | Notes: sea-urchin. |
creachan | Notes: clam. |
crùbag | Notes: edible crab (brown). |
dallag | |
damhan-eallaich | Notes: -aich. |
donnag | Notes: small fish – often under rocks at low tide. Edible. |
dorgh | Notes: frame for fishing-line (?). |
drialach | [dri-ɑ̃Ləx] Notes: fishing line. |
dubadh | |
dubh-breac | Notes: brown trout. |
dubhan | |
duin-iarainn | Notes: capstan. |
eisir | Quotation: pl. eisrean. Notes: oyster. |
fighe chlaiseach | Notes: purl. |
gad | |
gàin | Notes: hook barb. |
gàireach | Notes: gills. |
garran-creige | Notes: ‘of cat-fish family’. |
giolla-mhàgag | Notes: frog. |
giomach-tuathal | Notes: hermit crab. |
goile | Notes: fish stomach. |
grùthan | Notes: liver. |
DJM, N. Harris. | |
latha dubh (m) | Quotation: Thug mi latha dubh air ‘excerteadh’ an dé. Notes: worked very hard at it. |
leabhar (m) | Quotation: Chan eil coibhneas anns na leabhraichean aige idir. Notes: not a feature of his behaviour. |
leag | Quotation: Cha do leag mi mo shùil air. Notes: not a glimpse. |
leth-dhubhag (f) | Quotation: Bheirinn mo leth-dhubhag air. Notes: i.e. one of two. |
liùg | Quotation: Liùg e staigh. Notes: stink [sic]. |
loin | Quotation: a’ loineadh eisg. Notes: spoiling food by handling it too much; pawing anything. |
loireach | Notes: dirty, messy. |
lùb (f) | Notes: ann a’ fighe. |
mac-mallachd (m) | Quotation: Mac-mallachd air! (drat him!) Chan d’fhuair mi am mac-mallachd (i.e. nothing). |
magaid (f) | Quotation: Tha magaid ’na cheann. Notes: whims, irrational behaviour. |
malcte | Quotation: sgadan malcte. Notes: just off. |
mealaich | Quotation: Mhealaich e. Notes: die of exposure. |
meuraiteach | Quotation: duine meuraiteach. ’S ann meuraiteach a tha e ga ithe. Notes: eating food without enthusiasm. |
mì-shealbh | Quotation: Mì-shealbh ort. Notes: drat. |
milis | Quotation: Cho daor ris an aran mhilis. |
mòine bhàn (f) | |
mór | Quotation: a bheag no mhór. |
muc creige (f) | Notes: wrasse. |
muilchinn (f) | Quotation: Chaidh e ’na mo mhuilchinn. Notes: not munighinn. |
mullach (m) | Quotation: ’na shuidhe am mullach an teine. Notes: not quite. |
muthadh | Quotation: fàileadh muthaich. Tha e muthaidh. Notes: musty. Used adjectively. |
rach | Quotation: A bheil esan a’ dol gu Beasa an drasda. |
rad-aileasas ?? (f) | Quotation: Fhuair mi rad-… bhuaithe. Notes: severe ticking off. |
raspars | Quotation: Chan eil a sud ach raspars. Làn raspars. Notes: pride, showing off. |
reub | Quotation: Tha an dorus fosgailte reub a’ chraois. Notes: wide open (‘eu’ as in ‘beul’). |
riochd (m) | Quotation: ’ga cuir fhein as na riochdan. Notes: wearing latest and wildest fashions. |
roid (f) | Quotation: Thainig e steach le roid. Notes: rush. |
roidhl (f) | Quotation: roidhl ma bheul na bà. Notes: Dwelly – ròil. |
rong (m) | Quotation: Chan eil air [duine] ach gu bheil an rong ann. Notes: spark of life? |
ròp (f) | Quotation: ròp ghuidheachan. |
ruadhan | Quotation: Téa ruadhain. An fheòil air a dhol ’na ruadhan le cus bruich. |
rùcail (f) | Notes: rumbling in tummy. |
rùda (m) | Notes: ram. |
rùdhadh | Notes: stacking peat. |
rùdhan | Notes: a medium size peat stack (smaller than cruach). |
ruig | Quotation: Tha ’n duine ud ga mo ruighinn mar a bhios e cho bragail. Tha mi air mo ruighinn aig… Notes: anger, irritate. |
rùileachd | Notes: rurachd, searching. |
rùisgte | Quotation: Air do chasan ‘rùis’. |
ath-rùdhadh | Notes: making a peat stack intermediate in size between ‘rùdhan’ and ‘cruach’. |
siud | Quotation: “Carson a rinn thu e?” “Airson sud fhein.” Notes: never mind. What’s it to you? Dismissive. |
siuga (m) | Quotation: siuga seipein. Notes: mug. Not jug. |
slabar (m) | Notes: a lot of… (slangy) |
ann | Quotation: ’na shuidhe am mullach an teine. Notes: not quite. |
ann | Quotation: as na riochdan. Notes: in latest and wildest fashions. |
wèir bhiorach | Notes: barbed wire. |
sìol | Notes: seòrsa éisg. Young of ‘saoidhean’? |
air | Quotation: air a thiur [?] fhéin. |
air | Quotation: air an todhar. Notes: “on the bleaching green” “being bleached”. |
iarunn mònadh (m) | Notes: peat iron. |
ìngne (f) | Quotation: ìngnean cait. |
isean (m) | Quotation: isean ceàird. Isein [sic] a tha thu ann! Notes: brat. |
iteachan (m) | Notes: bobbin. |
nòisean (m) | Quotation: Bha nòisean aige do Cheit. Notes: a fancy for. (slangy) |
oighreachd (f) | Quotation: oighreachd Amhuinnsuidhe (Harris). Notes: an estate. |
òr dearg (m) | Quotation: Chan eil e ri fhaighinn ged a bheireadh tu ’n t-òr dearg air. |
òrd ladhrach (m) | Notes: claw hammer. |
pais (f) | Quotation: Bi modhail no gheibh thu pais. Notes: a slap (pat [?] to a child). |
paisean | Quotation: Chaidh e ann am paisean. Notes: faint. |
peilear | Quotation: ag obair aig peileir a bheatha; ag obair aig peileir dearg a bheatha. Notes: peithir? |
picil (f) | Notes: sp. pickle. |
plùisg | Quotation: a’ plùsgadh. Notes: squeeze, press. |
plump (m?) | Quotation: plump uisge. Notes: short, heavy shower. |
prannasg (f) | Notes: crumbs. |
preasan (m) | Quotation: “Nach ann a sin tha ’m preasan!” Notes: present. E.g. on seeing a dog’s calling card. Usually sarcastic. |
preig (m) | Quotation: preig duine. |
pròis (f) | Notes: baby prawn? (shell-less) |
put | Quotation: putadh a’ bhuntàta. Notes: loosening soil. |
putach | Quotation: duine beag putach. |
putan (m) | Quotation: fear nam putan bhuidhe. Notes: police. |
sad (m) | Notes: dust (cloud of); also vb. throw. |
sad | Quotation: taigh na sad ort! |
saoghal-bràth (m) | Quotation: Tha a’ saoghal-bràgh [sic] de chofaidh am Brazil. |
seanabheulach | Notes: used of youngster who talks like an older person. |
sèib (f) | Quotation: abair sèib! Notes: a slap-up meal. |
seadhar (m) | Quotation: seadhar gàirdeanach. [NOTES: slipped under ‘seuthar’.] |
sgeathartaich (f) | Notes: loud sneezing (part. of animal). |
sgeileit (f) | |
sgialt | Quotation: Chan eil sgialt aice. |
sgimileir (m) | Notes: gay young girl. |
sgiuchadh (m) | Notes: sprain. |
sgluis (f) | Notes: Orig. melted soap/water solution used in fulling. A mess; rubbish; used of persons, strongly pejorative. |
sglungaid (f) | Notes: voluminous spit. |
sgoilleag (f) | Notes: a hard blow. |
sgoladh (m) | Quotation: Thug e dha/Fhuair e sgoladh dha theangaidh. Notes: tongue lashing. |
sgonn (f) | Quotation: sgonn mhór nighne/lof. |
sgrobag (f) | Notes: a scratch. |
sgroitseach (f) | Quotation: Phòs e s. de chailleach. |
sgud | Quotation: Sgud e troimh a’ bhaile. Notes: to take a short cut. Eng. “scud”? |
sgudal (m) | Notes: left-overs (food). |
sìlean (m) | Quotation: “bodach an t-sìlein agus sìlean ’na bhròig, dh’fhalbh e gu taigh caillich…” (start of a trad. bedtime story). Notes: a very small potato. |
siorruidheachd (f) | Quotation: a’ cuir duine dhan t-siorruidheachd. |
slais | Quotation: Gheibh thu do shlaiseadh. Notes: shank. |
slaod (f) | Quotation: slaod mhór duine. |
slibheag (f) | Quotation: a’ cur a’ bhuntàta leis an t-slibheig. Notes: with stick (hand-drill?). |
slìgeach | Quotation: a’ gluasad slìgeach (i.e. slaodach); duine slìgeach (sly or slow); glas, uaine slìgeach – pastel shades. |
smellig | Quotation: Cha do smellig e i [?]. Notes: of a good goal [?] at football. |
smodal (m) | Notes: crumbs. |
spad | Notes: to kill? Usually only in threats – spadaidh mi e ma chì mi e. |
spàinn (f) | Quotation: Chan eil làn spàinneach (de chiall) aige. |
spleogaigeadh | Quotation: nighean gu spleogaigeadh fhein airson an dannsa. Notes: applying to cosmetic arts. |
spliadh (f?) | Quotation: spliadhan móra chasan. Notes: spleadh – Dwelly. Splay feet. |
spliongag (f) | Notes: bouncing flat stones on water. Splionag [sic] is the stone or one cast (e.g. se spliongag mhath a tha sud). |
sprat (f) | Notes: pl. – sprats. |
spriot | Notes: kicking out flarting [?]. |
srac | Quotation: Chan fhaigh thu sud ged a shracadh tu (a’ rànaich). Go sracadh (le gàireachdraich). |
stàla (f) | Quotation: anns an stàlaidh. Notes: stall. |
stalc | Notes: pack tight; press; forcing into… |
stàrachd | Notes: walking [?] the floor (usually [?] with child). |
stèar (f) | Notes: slap on bottom. |
stéidh | Quotation: a’ stéidheadh cruaich (moine). |
stob (m) | Quotation: a’ stobadh. Stob an t-ugh dhan a’ bhùin [?] as a’ spot. Stob e sud na mo laimh. Stob maide. Notes: thrust (quickly) / stob, post. |
stodh | Quotation: a’ stodhadh. Notes: packing tight. [NOTES: slipped under ‘stodh’.] |
stop | Quotation: Stop e ’n toll le poll. |
strap (f) | Quotation: strap luch; strap ann an sgoil, etc. |
suathadh (m) | Quotation: “’N d’fhuair thu suathadh a-raoir.” Notes: a feel? |
sùil (f) | Quotation: coimhead fo’n t-sùil. |
supailte | Notes: supple, lithe. |
surc (f) | Quotation: only in phrase “dh’ithinn surc”. |
scéile (f) | Quotation: scéile guail. Notes: 112 lbs [?]. [NOTES: slipped under ‘scèile’.] |
tac (f) | Quotation: tac fearainn. Notes: a tack, medium size farm. |
tàidsear (m) | Notes: forward girl/woman. |
tamar (m) | Notes: a strong blow or kick (at a football). (hammer?) |
tamhasg (m) | Quotation: tamhasg duine; ’s ann a sud tha ’n tamhasg (duine). Notes: orig. – ghost. Strongly pej. |
taomadh | Quotation: a’ taomadh (not trans.?). Notes: digging, turning soil. |
tapag (f) | Notes: expletive. |
teanga (f) | Quotation: Thug mi dha sgoladh dha mo theangaidh. |
teas (m) | Quotation: a’ gabhail teas gu rud (gu obair air choireigin, gu seòrsa biadh). Notes: craze; passion for. |
thèagharna | Quotation: A thèagharna! Notes: (expression of disgust) corruption of ‘tighearna’. |
thoir | Quotation: Toirt leis a’ rathaid mhóir. Notes: staggering. |
tiachdais | Quotation: A thiachdais! Notes: My goodness. |
tilgeil (m) | Quotation: Bha e a’ tilgeil. Thainig an tilgeil air. Notes: vomiting. |
tionndadh | Quotation: a’ tionndadh (intrans.?). Notes: digging over. |
tiuc | Quotation: air a thiuc fhein. Notes: on own initiative. |
tiùmpan (m) | Notes: tòn – slang. |
tobhaig | Quotation: a’ tobhaigeadh. Notes: hoe (vb). |
todhar (m) | Quotation: aodach a-muigh air an todhar. Notes: on bleaching green. |
tog | Quotation: Thog i bataichean. Notes: moved/flitted, bag or [?] baggage. |
tog | Quotation: a’ togail na mòna. Notes: first stage in drying process – see ‘coilleag’. |
tònag (f) | Quotation: iteachan beag putach, deireadh iteachain. |
tònasach (m) | Quotation: tònasach grànda duine. Notes: as much a reference to character as to appearance. |
tràthach | Quotation: Cho tioram ris an tràthach. Notes: Hay? |
tròcair (m) | Quotation: Cha do dh’ith e tròcair. Notes: not a bite. |
troigh sgueathar (f) | Notes: foot rule. Not ‘try square’. |
tuainealaich (f) | Quotation: Thainig tuainealaich orm. Notes: dizziness, feeling faint. |
tugh | Quotation: a’ tughadh cruach. Notes: thatching (with clods). |
tungalaid (f) | Notes: very big stone, boulder. |
uisge glas (m) | Quotation: Bi fuaim duine sgrìobadh iarann le ìngnean a’ toirt uisge glas gu/fo m’fhiaclan. |
abachadh (m) | Quotation: Na bodaich: “tha ’n t-abachadh anns a’ bhun (aig a’ chorca)”. Sin nuair a dh’fhaodadh a spealadh. |
aognaich | Quotation: Tha mi ag aognachadh roimh’n an là a-màireach. Notes: dread. |
aran cridhe (m) | Notes: gingerbread. |
aran milis (m) | Quotation: Cha daor ris an aran mhilis. |
àrdraich (f) | Quotation: àrdraich a’ bhaitsealair. Notes: sp. |
bad (m) | Quotation: badan. Notes: nappies. |
bara-cuibhle (m) | Notes: wheelbarrow. |
bara-làimhe (m) | Notes: stretcher; eileatrom. |
bata (m) | Quotation: Thog i bataichean. Notes: moved, bag and baggage, flitted. |
beag | Quotation: Gheibh mi a’ bheag no mhór air choireigin. Notes: implies ‘beag’ is more likely. |
beathach (m) | Quotation: Cia mheud beathach cruidh a th’ agad? |
beul coma (m) | Notes: loose mouths [sic]. |
bharr | Quotation: Chaidh e bharr (far) na guallainn. Notes: dislocated. |
bì | Quotation: eadar dà bhì an doruis. Notes: ? peering out through half-opened door. |
biast (f) | Quotation: biast mhór de dhuine/iasg/rud. |
bior (m) | Quotation: air bhioran. Notes: on edge. |
biorag (f) | Notes: sharp-tongued woman/girl. Also gen. pejorative. |
blaigeard (m) | Notes: brat. Of adult – rude and pugnacious. |
blas | Quotation: Tha mi air blas a’ chragain a ghabhail air. |
blasagraich | Quotation: cat a’ blasagraich mu bheul. Notes: licking his chops. |
bodach (m) | Quotation: bodach eile! (tapag) bodach coin! Notes: Sometimes 1st word is 1 syll. – pres. this is the orig. form. |
bog-fliuch | Quotation: Tha mi b… |
bòidh | Quotation: am bòidh! Notes: boy! |
breac (m) | Notes: salmon. (Harris. Also occasionally – ‘bradan’.) |
brèagha | Notes: used of male, means – fat, ruddy complexion, usually fair-haired. |
breallaich | |
briaghaiche (?) (m) | Quotation: clann a’ cluich le briaghaichean. Notes: trinkets. (In the example given – usually broken pottery.) |
briogais (f) | Quotation: Briogais coin! (tapag) |
brùnndail | Notes: mumbling. |
buadhan | Quotation: Tha e frithealtach ’na bhuadhan. Notes: bowel movements. |
buille (f) | Quotation: anns na buillean. Notes: in death throes. |
buntàta (m) | Quotation: buntàta sìl. Notes: seed potatoes. |
bus (m) | Quotation: busan móra dearga. Notes: cheek (Harris). Dwelly – Uist. |
bustraichean | Quotation: Tha na bustraichean aice. Notes: buisneachd. |
bùtarais (f) | Quotation: Rinn e b. uabhcall [?] e. Notes: a mess. |
biorach | Quotation: wèir bhiorach. Notes: barbed wire. |
biorach | Quotation: Tha i (a’ mheanbh-chuileag) biorach. |
cabadh (m) | Quotation: cabadh a’ bhuntàta. |
càil (f) | Quotation: Bha càil a’ latha ann. (morning) |
cailleach-chòsag (f) | Quotation: “Cailleach, a chailleach-chòsag / inns thusa dhòmhsa / ’m bi latha math a màireach ann / ’s bheir mi dhut paidhear bhrògan.” Notes: slater (woodhouse). |
cairtidh | Quotation: té cartaidh. Notes: “stewed” tea. |
caoch | Quotation: Tha a’ chlann bheag a’ caoch. Tha na h-uain a’ caoch. Notes: frolicking, gambolling, playing. |
caogshùileach | Notes: almond-eyed. |
caoiltear (m) | Notes: thin person. |
caraid (m) | Quotation: “Chì thu sin, a charaid ort.” |
casa-góbhlagain | Quotation: a’ togail leanabh casa-còbhlagain [sic]. Notes: piggy-back. |
cearban (m) | Notes: shark. |
cic (f) | Notes: kick. |
ciorasail (f) | Notes: giggling (girls). |
ciopan (m) | Notes: peg. |
clach speal (f) | Notes: carborundum stone. |
claidhmhean (m) | Notes: bolt. |
claiseach | Quotation: fighe chlaiseach, dà lùb chlaiseach, trì phlèin. Notes: purl. |
claisneachd (f) | Quotation: a’ cumail cluas ri claisneachd. |
clig (m) | Quotation: A bheil clig agad? Notes: boy/girl friend (used only to children). |
clig | Quotation: a’ cligeadh. Notes: courting. Used only in teasing kids. |
clioban (m) | Notes: childish name for male reproductive organ. |
clòsaid (f) | Quotation: a’ chlòsaid. Notes: second bedroom, usually. |
cnagan-starraig (m) | Notes: sea-urchin elsewhere, cnagan-faoileig, etc. |
cnàimh | Quotation: Chaidh e a’ cnàmhan a ghabhaill. |
cnaimhseag (f) | Notes: lice in hair (cnuimh). |
cnap | Quotation: lomnochd ach a còta bian ’s a cnapan àrda. Notes: see also cnapan àrda. |
cnaparnach (m) | Quotation: cnaparnach mór balaich. Notes: big boy. |
cnead (m) | Quotation: Bha a’ leanabh a’ rànaich gus an dàinig cnead ann. Notes: whimper? |
cóbal (f) | Notes: a coble (of a type introduced by Norwegian whaling company in this century). |
coc (m) | Quotation: coc feòir. Notes: not goc. |
coilleag (f) | Notes: first stage in peat ‘lifting’– 4 or 5 peats. |
coma | Quotation: beul coma. Notes: loose mouth. |
comhfhailteachadh | Quotation: Có tha comhailteachadh [sic] cò’ (?) riut (?)? Notes: attendant at wedding – male or female. |
comhchag (f) | Notes: comhachag. Large white shell (conch). |
corc (f) | Quotation: corc fheòir – hay fork. Corc – butcher’s knife. |
corrachriostag (f) | Notes: a woman who is always busy, or always alert and on the move. A bird name orig.? |
craiceann circe (m) | Notes: goose pimples. |
crann-todhair (m) | Quotation: Fhuair mi mo chrann-todhair bhuaipe. Notes: to get “blazes” (same slang status and intensity). |
craos (m) | Quotation: dorus fosgailte reub a chraois. Notes: wide open. |
criobhall (m) | Quotation: criobhall duine. |
croit (f) | Quotation: duine ’s croit air. Notes: hump, hunchback. |
croman | Notes: hoe. |
cruchail (f) | Notes: large clumsy person (usually [?] woman). |
cruaidh (f) | Notes: anchor. |
cuairt | Notes: a row, in knitting. |
cuairt (f) | Quotation: Thainig cuairt orm. Notes: feeling faint. |
cuibhteas | Quotation: Tha sinn cuibhteas iad a nis. Notes: rid of (quit). |
cuibhtich | Quotation: Tha iad ’gus cuibteachadh [sic]. Notes: quit. |
cùl-nan-cóig | Quotation: Gheibh thu c. Notes: i.e. fist. |
cunntas | Quotation: Tha na Bliadhna Uir anns a’ Chunntas Ur. |
daingead | Quotation: Daingead ort. |
deamhnaidh | Notes: stubborn. |
dearg | Quotation: Aig peileir dearg a bheatha. |
deàrrsach (f) | Quotation: Tha ’n deàrrsach ann an dràsda. (uisge) Notes: very heavy rain. |
deiseag | Notes: spider crab?? |
dileag (f) | Quotation: dileag pharaffin. |
dith | Quotation: a’ ditheadh. Notes: press. |
dòdaman (m) | Quotation: “Dìodaman, dòdaman, cota beag dubh, trì chasan iarainn (?) is ceann beag fiodh.” Notes: top. |
donnag (f) | Notes: fish. |
draosda | Notes: surly. |
draosdag (f) | Notes: surly girl/woman. |
dreannadh | Quotation: a’ dreannadh fhiaclan. Notes: gnashing. |
dreannag (f) | Quotation: “Bheir mise air an dreannaig agad!” Notes: back. |
dreunasach (m) | Notes: querulous person, surly. |
drùidh | Quotation: Dhrùidh orm. Notes: I was soaked to the skin. Note usage. |
duan (m) | Quotation: Tha esan air an aon duan. Notes: on his hobby-horse. |
dubh | Quotation: Bha trod an duine dhuibh a sud a-raoir. Notes: i.e. very serious. |
dubh | Quotation: feòil dhubh. Notes: lean. |
dubh-breac (m) | Notes: brown trout. |
dul (m) | Quotation: dul no [na?] spaide. |
dunc | Quotation: Dhunc a’ sgarbh. Notes: to submerge, dunk (trans.). |
dusd (m) | Quotation: an dusd. Notes: corpse. [?] |
eacarsaich (f) | Quotation: ag eacarsaich; dé an eacarsaich a th’ort a sin. Notes: not e.g. [?] – exercise. Bounding about; antics, i.e. frivolous quality. |
eagalt | Quotation: Chan eagalt dhut. |
eireachdail | Notes: magnificent. Of man – well-built, usually ruddy features, healthy and strong. Sometimes suitor of girls. |
eiteig (f) | Quotation: Chuir e an eiteig ann leis na thug e dha de shlaicean. An eiteag ann an cearc. |
eucoireach (m) | Notes: a brat; of older person – someone always teasing people, playing practical jokes, etc.; ‘life and soul…’ |
fad-as | Notes: aloof. |
fàgail (f) | Quotation: “Nach ann ormsa tha ’n fhàgail.” Notes: failing (usually of memory). |
faids (f) | Quotation: Thug mi faids dhan a’ leabhar gu ceann thall a’ ruim [?]. Thoir dha faids. Notes: a fling, throw, push or blow. |
fail (f) | Notes: untidy housewife. |
faochag gheal (f) | |
feann | Quotation: a’ feannadh poll mònadh. |
fiacail (f) | Quotation: Tha na fiaclan air deanabh [?]. |
fiach | Quotation: a’ fiachainn gu Ceit. |
fiarshùilich | Quotation: Tha fiarshùilich ann. Notes: squint. |
flion (f) | Notes: sleet. |
flot | Quotation: Tha i air flot. Notes: of boat – buoy out [?]. |
foinne (f) | Notes: wart. |
fras (f) | Quotation: fras fheòir. Notes: seed. |
gagach | Notes: having stutter. |
gàireachdraich (f) | Quotation: bùntàta ag gàireachdraich. Notes: sp. |
gàmag (f) | Notes: bite. |
gàrradh (m) | Quotation: gàrradh (fhàd). Notes: a wall of drying peats. |
garran (creige) | |
gead | Quotation: a’ geadadh leanabh. Notes: being rough to. |
geal | Quotation: Feòil gheal (by contrast with feòil dhubh). |
geal | Quotation: Chan eil a shamhail a-measg nan daoine geala. |
giobal (m) | Notes: pejorative – implies impotence of one kind or another. |
giomach tuathal (m) | Notes: hermit crab. |
glagadaich | Notes: rattling. |
glamhadh | Quotation: a’ glamhadh do bhiadh. Notes: voracious eating. |
glan | Quotation: a’ glanadh a’ bhuntata. Notes: weeding. |
glas | Notes: See uisge glas. |
gleadhaire (m) | Notes: big clumsy boy. |
gleoc (m) | Quotation: Tha ’n t-uaireadair agam (no inneal sam bith) air a dhol ’na ghleoc. Notes: has broken down (implies permanently). |
gliogaire (m) | Notes: long clumsy person. |
gliong (m) | Notes: tinny noise. |
glóran (m) | Quotation: Chan eil an glóran air fhàghail agam de mo chuid airgeid. Notes: cluaran? |
gluasadach | Notes: erotic; of person – sexy. (slang) |
gnogadh (m) | Quotation: Cha deach gnogadh air D. o bha e sia bliadhna. |
gobach | Notes: sharp-featured; snotty. |
gobag (f) | Notes: of woman, shrew-featured, sharp-tongued and nosey, or gen. pejorative. |
goirteas (m) | |
goraisg (f) | Notes: fool. Esp. “a ghoraisg”. |
greideal (f) | |
greim (m) | Quotation: an greim mór. Notes: appendicitis. |
griosad | Quotation: a’ griosad. Notes: cursing [?]. More old-fashioned than “guidhe” – poss. intenser. |
grunnaich | Notes: to touch bottom. |
gu | Quotation: a’ fiachainn gu Ceit [?]. |
guàna (m) | Notes: phosphate fertiliser. |
‘hunt’ (m) | Quotation: Thug e dhomh ‘hunt’. Notes: hint, subtle reminder of e.g. a debt, or one’s disgrace, etc. |
hùp hàp | Quotation: Tha an taigh ’na thùp-thàp. Notes: in disarray, untidy, topsy-turvy. |
D. MacLeod, Ardhasaig, N. Harris. Date: 1967. | |
musgan | Notes: cockle. |
strùpan | Notes: shellfish of some kind. |
breallaich | Notes: clams. |
D. J. MacLeod, Ardhasaig, Harris. Date: 1978. | |
inneadh/inneamh | Notes: want, or piece short, used in weaving context. Has been used of a precentor who used C/M tune for L/M Psalm. Dol an inneamh: be obliged to (Harris). |
teatha chartaidh | Notes: very strong tea. |
coinseog | Quotation: pl. -an. Notes: sock – half-calf length – knitted for sale. ?Eng. gum-sock. |
singealadh | Notes: (? or singealachadh) Putting potatoes and manure in the drill when planting. |
slìgeach | Notes: ‘slow; impunctual’. Of colours: ‘slìgeach liath’ = pastel shade of blue. |
susadh | Notes: (central vowel in 1st syll.) Marking of the ground prior to digging or cutting peats. |
cabhach | Notes: of colours: ‘mousey’ or in combinations, e.g. cabhach liath ‘a dirty blue (or grey)’. |
loineadh | Notes: an excessive handling, esp. of fish. |
DJ MacLeod, Harris. No date. | |
sgùile | Quotation: pl. sgùileachan. Notes: ‘net’ made from hide. |
eamaid | Quotation: “Fhreumhaich no eamaid cha téid mu do chasan gus an téid thu do’n ghreusaiche leis an t-seice ud” – cailleach ri a fear. |
Mrs Jessie MacLeod, Ardhasaig, Harris. Date: 1967. | |
tràigh | Quotation: cadalain-thràghad. Notes: sand-fleas. |
cadalan | Quotation: cadalain-thràghad. Notes: sand-fleas. |
cràigeaphortan | Notes: “seòrsa de phortan … ach tha cumadh neònach air.” |
crosgag-thuathal | Notes: starfish. |
deiseag | Notes: of crùbag family – diff. in appearance; large stomach – poach (sporan) with roe; very edible. |