Mòine / Peat-Working

Robert MacKenzie
Sgìre na Pàirc an Leódhas [Lewis, the Park district]
1. Ag ullachadh na talmhainn airson mòine a bhuain
fosgladh poll ùr
deanamh poll ùr
a’ riachadhthe line running the full length of bank marking the width of turf to be cut. The depth was usually 4"-6".
a’ rusgadhturfing – removing the upper crust containing living plants and roots.
a’ sgoltadhas [‘a’ rusgadh’ (q.v.)] but less common.
ceapa segment of the ‘rusgadh’ of a size that could be conveniently handled and used afterwards in the ‘tughadh’ [q.v.] process.
2. A’ buain na mònach; na h-innealan a chleachdar; ainmean nam fàdan, etc.
a’ buaincutting.
a’ gearradhcutting.
a’ sgaoileadhthrowing.
iarann mònachcommon cutting iron.
tairisgian (tairsgian)same [as ‘iarann mònach’ (q.v.)], but not so extensively used in S. Lochs.
tairisgein[See tairisgian]
spaidcommon spade.
caibe-làiran iron used for the ‘rusgadh’ [q.v.] and probably introduced from Sutherland.
an carcairthe block of peat to be cut shorn of the surface turf.
còrrfhadthe peat nearest face and exposed to the weather.
bàrrfhadthe upper layer of peat.
an dara fad
an trìeamh (treas) fad etc.
ath-mhoinlarge clumsy pieces [of peat] usually very wet and laid aside (cuir air leth).
3. A’ tiormachadh na mònach
a’ sgaoileadhthe initial throw or the subsequent spreading in a dry bed ?
an sgaoilteachthe dry bed (uachdar a phoill).
a’ tionndadhjust turning the peat over during a dry season previous to ‘rùdhadh’ [q.v.].
a’ rudhadhleaning 4 pieces to one another with a fifth flat on top.
rùdhan (n.)[See a’ rudhadh]
ath-rudhadhcombining several ‘rùdhans’ [q.v.], the number depending on the degree of dryness.
4. A’ cruachadh na mònach
a’ cruachadhstacking.
a’ tughadhthatching with ‘ceap’ [q.v.].
a’ steidheadhhere the outside peats were placed on edge at a steep angle in a more or less level layer.
cruach tughaidhthis was rounded in shape. It kept the peat in excellent condition.
cruach steidhidhoften of large size and of a pyramidal form. The top about 18" broad was thatched with turf (‘ceap’).
5. A’ toirt na mònach dhachaigh; an cliabh, etc.
cliabhcommon creel.
bach-chliabhsmaller version [of creel] (often used for carrying fish).
aiseanrib or stake.
breugan or briaganperforations near edge to hold and slacken the ‘iris’ [q.v.] and lighten the creel.
iristhe rope strap [of the creel].
dronnagpad of clothes placed on buttock to soften the feel of the creel.
càrn-slaoida longish cart common round the outskirts of S. [?] but less so in Lochs.
pocajute or hessian bag.
6. Seòrsachan mònach
mòine dhubhblack good quality peat usually from sloping ground where the peat formation is slower and the vegetation stronger.
mòine bhàn[peat] from the softer bogs.
mòine riabhach(brindled) [peat] halfway between ‘mòine dhubh’ [q.v.] and ‘mòine bhàn’ [q.v.] in colour and quality.
mòine chalcais[kind of peat] probably where the plant roots were still in a good state of preservation.
mòine chràiceach[peat] composed mostly of dead trees. ‘Cràic’ is used for rotting stumps and branches. ‘Giuthas’, still in a good state of preservation, is used on the mainland to describe the tree roots preserved by the peat.
mòine chriadha[peat] usually from the bottom stratum. Clay in some measure is still attached to the peat.
mòine chinn[peat] often cut roughly with a spade. Live vegetation still forms part of it.
grabhaga small bank in the drier parts of the moor or alternately poll a tha tighinn gu deireadh.
mòine tholltach[peat] spongy and suffering from runlets and channels caused by running water.
mòine fàs[peat] spongy and suffering from runlets and channels caused by running water.
mòine chailcchalky [peat].
caoranfragment of dried peat.
smùrpowdered peat.
7. Faclan eile

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