Measgaichte / Miscellaneous

Angus MacDonald
Ross-shire, Torridon, Alligin
  • [NOTES: in IPA transcriptions, the fieldworker uses [w] for [ɯ].]
maide-raingis[mɑ̃dʹər[ɑ̃ĩ]ɡɑʃ] Notes: wooden slat running along sides of a boat. Seats rest on it.
màsachQuotation: “De a’ seorsa eathar a th’ann?” “Tha te deireadh màsach.” Notes: square-sterned boat.
màsachQuotation: eathar màsach. Notes: a square-sterned boat.
moganQuotation: Tha fhios gun do dh’fhàg e sud mogan. Notes: said of a person who would be likely to have left quite a bit of money. (mogan – a purse)
móineQuotation: móine chopach. Notes: spongy peat.
rapadaichQuotation: rapadaich aimsir. Notes: wet and squally weather.
riaghailteachQuotation: Tha sin riaghailteach math. Notes: That is reasonably good.
ròpQuotation: ròp barraich. Notes: a rope made from plaited strips of birch (prob. “thatching rope”).
slat-chabrachNotes: stag with no points on its antlers.
tobhtagNotes: a stackyard.
treasgNotes: the draff in whisky distilling.
baide[bɑdʹə] Quotation: Bha baide againn còmhladh. Notes: There was a group of us together.
barrachQuotation: ròp barraich. Notes: a rope made from plaited strips of birch. (prob. “thatching rope”)
barradhQuotation: a’ cur barradh air a’ chliabh. Notes: stacking of peats above the mouth of the creel.
ceann-uireadQuotation: ceann-uiread na leap. Notes: the “head” of the bed.
copachQuotation: móine chopach. Notes: spongy peat.
cualQuotation: cual fhraoich. Notes: a bundle.
deireadhQuotation: “De seòrsa eathar a th’ann?” “Tha, te [?] deireadh màsach.” Notes: a square-sterned boat.
dothach[d̪ɔɔx] Notes: wooden vat which contained the mash in whisky distilling.
dothachNotes: large barrel-like vessel.
eatharQuotation: eathar màsach. Notes: square-sterned boat.
fothallan[fɔhwɫɑṉ] Notes: a polecat.
gaoirdean[ɡw:ʴḏɑ̃ṉ] Notes: the arm extending from the head of the “poit-dhubh”. [NOTES: the turned r used for the symbol which is unclear in the original.]