Measgaichte / Miscellaneous

W. Fraser
  • [NOTES: in IPA transcriptions, the fieldworker uses [w] for [ɯ].]
làmhaidh[ɫɑ̃:fi] Notes: hatchet.
leum-dìreachNotes: jumping with two feet together.
lodarnaQuotation: Tha e [ɫɔd̪w̃ṉ]. Notes: cheeky, forward.
losgadh-bràghaid[ɫɔsɡu̜bɾɑ:ɣidʹ] Notes: indigestion.
marbhQuotation: amaisir marbh. Notes: heavy, sultry weather.
miabhail[m[ĩɑ̃]vilʹ] Quotation: Tha ’n cat a’ miabhail. Notes: mewing.
rèipeachNotes: untidy.
reothadh[rɑu̜] Notes: frost.
rùmQuotation: (1) a’ rùm shuas. (2) a’ rùm shios. Notes: (1) sitting room. (2) living room.
ilimeachd[wlõmɑxk] [sic] Quotation: ag ilimeachd. Notes: licking.
iorsmaid[wʴsmɑ̃dʹ] [sic] Notes: spring balance. [NOTES: the turned r used for the symbol which is unclear in the original.]
paitNotes: pot.
seachadQuotation: Theid mi [ʃɔt̪] ort. Notes: pron. [ʃɔt̪]. [NOTES: slipped under ‘seot’.]
sgeil[sɡʹɤl] Notes: tin vessel with a long handle for taking water out of a well.
sgeilp[sɡʹɤlp] Notes: shelf.
sgriosQuotation: Sgrios bhi ort! Notes: Could be said meaningfully or in fun. “O, sgrios!”: equiv. of “O, dash it!”
slaodNotes: trail behind.
sluigNotes: swallow.
sluigeil[sɫu̜ɡʹɑl] Quotation: a’ sluigeil. Notes: swallowing.
smioghad[smw̃ɣəd̪] Notes: chin.
smugaidNotes: spit.
smùsachadh[smũ̜:sɑxu̜] Notes: sucking.
snàitheanNotes: piece of thread.
staidhir[st̪[ɤı]ɾ] Notes: stair.
sùidh[su̜:i] Notes: soot.
tarraing[t̪ɔriɡʹ] Notes: pull.
tigh-bàrraidhNotes: a thatched house.
tiughNotes: fat; wouldn’t use it of a person.
ainsig[ɑ̃ĩʃiɡʹ] Quotation: Bheireadh sibh [ɑ̃ĩʃiɡʹ] air apostle Paul. Notes: Heard her mother say this when exasperated. Possibly “you would make the apostle Paul swear”.
àradh[ɑ:ɾu̜] Notes: ladder.
bradachNotes: forward, bold.
bragailNotes: boastful, bragging.
breabQuotation: Bha e a’ breabadh [bɾɛbu̜] a’ shùil. Notes: He was blinking.
bré-lochan[bɾe:ɫɔxɑṉ] Notes: an area of boggy ground.
brùchd[bɾu:k] Notes: belch. (a’ brùchdail)
bùirnQuotation: Tha e a’ bùirn. Notes: Heard this used for “Tha e ’g uisg”.
cagaireanQuotation: a’ cagairean. Notes: whispering. Also a [kɑɡəɾiçu̜] or [kɑɡəɾɑxk].
cagaireanQuotation: Bheir mi [kɑɡəɾɑṉ] as do chluais. Notes: I’ll whisper in your ear.
cìreanNotes: crest of a cockerel.
clòisdinn[kɫɔ:ʃdʹɯ̃ṉ] Quotation: a’ clòisdinn. Tha mi a’ clòisdinn thu. Na chlòisdinn thu mi? Notes: hear.
clósaid[kɫo:sɑdʹ] Notes: small bedroom in a house.
cnàmh[kɾɑ̃:v] Quotation: a’ cnàmh. Notes: chewing.
cnocan[kɾɔ̃kɑ̃ṉ] Notes: a small hillock.
comhardaichNotes: barking.
cuiseag[kɤʃɑɡ] Notes: single strand of hair.
eadhQuotation: Dé an eadh a th’ort? Notes: How tall are you?
éibhleag[e:lɑɡ] Notes: ember.
eubhachd[e:vɑxk] Quotation: ag eubhachd.
faireachdainnQuotation: Tha mi a’ call m’ fhaireachdainn. Notes: I am forgetting myself or I’ve lost track of time.
gàirQuotation: Tha an duin’ [ɡɑ:ɾɑxk]. Notes: The man is laughing.
gaothQuotation: Tha mi a’ faighinn gaoth dheth. Notes: smell. Droch ghaoth: a bad smell.
gloc[ɡɫɔk] Quotation: Thug e gloc as. Notes: a short, loud laugh.
glocadaichQuotation: Bha e [ɡɫɔkəd̪iç]. Notes: chortling loudly.
glugach[ɡɫu̜ɡɑx] Notes: not being able to form words distinctly (e.g. a drunk person).
gob[ɡɤb] Notes: beak.
gogadaichNotes: cackling of hens.
goilQuotation: Tha ’m pait [ɡɤlhɤɾiʃ]. Notes: The pot is boiling over.
goirtNotes: sour, sore.
greann[ɡɾɑ̃ũ̜n̪] Notes: grimace.
grùbhan[ɡɾu̜:ɑṉ] Quotation: Tha a’ leanabh a’ grùbhan. Notes: moan, whimper.

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