Measgaichte / Miscellaneous

John MacLeod (“Shonnie Ali Bhig”)
Ross-shire, Achiltibuie
  • [NOTES: in IPA transcriptions, the fieldworker uses [w] for [ɯ].]
Quotation: La [sic] roimh’ ’n dé [ɫɑ:ɾɔnʹdʹe:]. Notes: the day before yesterday.
làmhagNotes: handle of pail.
leth-soitheanNotes: cudaig-ruadh, leth-shoithean, soithean, ucas.
leumbhrochan [lʹe:mʊɾɔxɑṉ]Notes: frog.
liadhNotes: ladle.
meall a’ mhàgag [mjɑ̃ɫəvɑ̃:ɡɑɡ]Notes: toad.
meanbh-chuileag [mɛ̃ṉɑvxu̟lɑɡ]Notes: midge.
miodarQuotation: miodar-bleoghain. Notes: small wooden tub with handle used for milking.
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muc-fàileag [mũkfɑ:lɑɡ]Quotation: pl. mucan-fàileag. Notes: plant like a small rose-bush; prickly, with pink blossom and big red berries. Rosehip syrup made from it, acc. to JML.
muist [mũ̟ʃtʹ]Notes: white muslin cap with frills.
raimh [rɑ̃ĩ]Notes: boasting (verb. noun).
omhan-fuar [ɔ̃əṉfu̟əɾ]Notes: warm milk with a little rennet added, allowed to set in cold water, then switched.
plocanNotes: potato masher.
pollQuotation: poll buntàta. Notes: potato pit. “Toll buntàta” also used.
prìne-dùintNotes: safety pin.
sealbhag [ʃɑɫɑvɑɡ]Notes: A weed growing among potatoes. Red seed. Long root.
sglèatag [sɡliɑt̪ɑɡ]Notes: slater.
sgrùthan [sɡɾu̟:ɑṉ]Notes: stook of twelve sheaves.
sgùilean [sɡu̜:lɑṉ]Notes: a type of basket that could be used for carrying peats, potatoes, fishing lines, etc.
siollachanNotes: haimes.
slamanNotes: junket.
snioghan [ʃnw̃ɣɑṉ]Notes: ant.
snioghan-iteachNotes: ant that flies and makes a whistling noise.
sporais [spɔɾwʃ]Notes: sparrow. [ɡʹɑlɑvɑṉ] also used.
steàrnag [ʃtʹɑ:ʴṉɑɡ]Notes: tern. [NOTES: the turned r used for the symbol which is unclear in the original.]
stoc-sgiathNotes: same as “lianraith”.
stúrdaidhNotes: disease in sheep.
strianQuotation: strian a’ chruinn [st̪ɾıɤṉəxɾɤ̃ĩnʹ]. Notes: muzzle of plough.
talamhQuotation: talamh connlaich [t̪ɑɫu̜ k[ɤ̃ũ]ɫiç]. Notes: ground where corn grew the previous year.
talamhQuotation: talamh glas [t̪ɑɫu̜ɡɫɑs]. Notes: lea land.
taosg [t̪w:sɡ]Quotation: taosg a’ pheile. Notes: not full to capacity.
taosganNotes: a small load, e.g. on a cart or creel.
tigh-dubhNotes: house where whisky was made illegally.
tollQuotation: Toll buntàta. Notes: Potato pit. “Poll buntàta” also used.
tormachan-dé [t̪ɔɾɔmɑxɑṉdʹe:]Notes: butterfly.
trosgNotes: cod.
tudanNotes: “hut” of corn.
ullagNotes: switched cream, oatmeal and sugar. The cream came out of the churn when making butter.
achQuotation: Cha b’fhiach iad ach am bitheadh iad dubh. Notes: “until”.
anaite [ɑ̃ṉɑtʹə]Notes: Two-year-old heifer.
atharnachQuotation: atharnach bhuntàta, atharnach shnèip.
babht [b[ɤu̟]t̪]Notes: swathe.
bara-ceapag [bɑɾəcɛpɑɡ]Notes: wheelbarrow.
bara-da-làimhNotes: hand-barrow.
bior-fuiltNotes: hairpin.
bonaidNotes: bonnet worn by women – tied under the chin.
braonan [bɾw̃:ṉɑṉ]Notes: Edible root. White flower. Has a nutty taste.
brutagQuotation: Brutag a’ fhraoich; Brutag a’ chàil. Notes: caterpillar.
buidheagNotes: flower growing among potatoes.
cas-chaibeNotes: earmark.
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ceangaladair [c[ɑ̃ũ̜]n̪əd̪ɑɾ]Notes: “crois-iarna”.
clachd [klɑxk]Quotation: pl. clachdan. Notes: roll of wool ready for spinning.
connlachQuotation: talamh connlaich [t̪ɑɫu̜k[ɤu]ɫiç]. Notes: ground where corn grew the year before.
cudaig-ruadhNotes: cudaig ruadh, leth-shoithean, soithean, ucas.
dàirQuotation: Tha a’ bhó fo dhàir.
doirb [d̪ɤɾɤb]Notes: black beetle found in walls, a little bigger than a blue-bottle.
eararQuotation: an earar. Notes: the day after tomorrow.
fiadhag [fiɤɣɑɡ]Notes: blaeberry.
fosagan [fɔsɑɡəṉ]Notes: an old pair of thick socks used by people with sore feet (without shoes).
gamhnachNotes: cow with milk and not in calf.
garra-gartan [ɡɑrəɡɑʴsṯɑṉ]Notes: corncrake. [NOTES: the turned r used for the symbol which is unclear in the original.]
geal-bhonn [ɡʹɑɫɑvɑṉ]Notes: sparrow. [spɔɾwʃ] also used.
glasaichNotes: lea land.
góbhlachanNotes: earwig.

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