Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
- Informant(s)
- Name
- Donald Morrison
- Origin
- Carloway, Doune
- Location
- [Lewis], Carloway, Park
- Date
- March 1973
- Notes
- [NOTES: in IPA transcriptions, the fieldworker uses [w] for [ɯ].]
- [NOTES: some notes added by Richard Cox. See below for details.]
ascart | [ɑskɑʴṯ] Note: left-overs, remnants of anything. [NOTES: the turned r used for the symbol which is unclear in the original.] |
fiughall | [ˈfȷu̟əɫ] Quot.: a’ fiughall a bh’air fhàgail. Note: remnants, left-overs. |
sgaidse-shàbhaig | Note: in Tolsta Chaolais, sawpit for sawing logs which have come ashore. |
cioch-na-bean-shìth | Note: sea anemone. |
bugaid | Note: puffin. |
burubhuilleach | [bu̟ɾu̟vu̟lʹɑx] Note: great northern diver. |
leumrachan-uaine | [lʹe:mɾɑxɑnũ̜ɑ̃nʹə] Note: grasshopper. |
fiullan-feòir | Note: earwig. |
daolag-góbhlach | Note: earwig. |
daolag-chòsach | Note: slater. |
breabadair-ladhrach | Note: a type of spider. |
pròic | [pɾɔ:c] Quot.: “Tha cailleach Mhealaiseal a’ cur nam pròic mun teine.” Note: turf-like peat which hasn’t been properly dried. (This was said when mist was seen on Mealaiseal, a hill in Uig.) |
earchall | [ɛɾɑxəɫ] Quot.: “Dh’fhalbh e leis an earchall.” Note: used of loss of livestock. |
sgaltaich | [sɡɑɫt̪iç] Quot.: “cù a’ sgaltaich”. Note: a dog barking loudly. (Shawbost) |
stalla | Note: ledge on a cliff face. Pl. [st̪ɑɫıçəṉ]. |
palla | Note: grassy ledge among cliffs where a sheep might get trapped. Fairly inaccessible. |
bearradh | Quot.: “bearradh a’ leothaid”. Note: the top of the brae. Same as “mullach a’ leothaid”. |
stiogha | [ʃtʹıɣə] Note: a fairly even stretch on the side of a hill or hillock. Pl. “na stioghannan”. |
lèana | [lʹĩɑ̃ṉə] Note: a grassy patch. |
leóba | [lʹo:bə] Note: pìos leathann de thalamh-àitich. Nas leathann na feannag [q.v.]. |
feannag | Note: pìos caol fada de thalamh-àitich. |
iomall | [ĩməɫ] Note: end-rig. (Pl. na h-imill.) |
fàireag | [fɑ:ðɑɡ] Note: short piece of furrow left unturned by the plough, usually because of a stone. |
suircean | [su̟ðcɑṉ] Note: spiked muzzle put on a calf to prevent it suckling its mother. Sometimes put on older beast which had a habit of eating the hair of other beasts. |
corrathann | [kɔðɔhən̪] Note: wooden swivel put on a sheep’s tether. |
taod | [t̪w:d̪] Note: rope used to tie load of hay, etc. on one’s back. |
smidheag | [ˈsmĩɑɡ] Note: rope round the neck of a cow when tied inside the byre. |
geugair | [ɡʹe:ɡəð] Note: sometimes, when a wooden post wasn’t available, the rope tying the cow in the byre was passed between two stones in the wall which had a space between them. |
ceap | Quot.: “ceap na h-àirigh”. Note: square of turf with strong grass growing on it used as table and seat in shieling. |
glut-lionadh | [ɡɫu̜t̪ lw̃ṉəɣ] Note: earth packing between double walls of black-house. |
bun-bac | Note: when rafters came to rest on the “tobht”. |
sgalltair | [sɡɑu̜ɫt̪əð] Note: pl. sgalltairean. Pieces of wood laid on top of the “taobhain” on a black-house roof, running from the wall to the ridge pole. “Cleithean” in Barvas. |
cabar-slathaig | Note: piece of stick used for arranging thatch. |
fidealadh | Note: used of the tying together of two beams with rope. Also for the arrangement of the “sioman” at the end of a house. |
bad-mullaich | Note: the top sheaf in a cornstack. |
curruchdag | Quot.: curruchdag eòrna. Note: barley stack. |
ruamhair | [rũ̜ɑɾ] Quot.: a’ ruamhair leis a’ chas-chruim. Note: turning the soil with the “cas-chrom”. |
maois | [mw̃:ʃ] Quot.: “maois feamainn”. Note: heap of seaweed towed behind a boat. |
ràis | [rɑ:ʃ] Quot.: “ràis feamainn”. Note: heap of seaweed towed behind a boat. |
bo-tiachd | [bɔˈṯıɑxk] Note: jelly-fish. |
sgeolltair | [sɡʹɤu̜ɫt̪əð] Note: jelly-fish. |
crosgag | Note: starfish. |
corracha-cagailt | Note: colours seen among embers when disturbed with a poker. |
miosaireadh | [mw̃səɾəɣ] Note: making butter. (Or “miosradh”.) |
biota | [bıt̪ə] Note: butter churn. |
arabhalg | [ɑɾɑvɑɫɑɡ] Note: the sort of shutter that goes across a cow’s eye when it closes. |
tòc | [t̪ɔ:k] Quot.: a’ toirt an tòc bhon a’ chrodh. Note: the removal of a lump from behind the “arabhalg” [q.v.] in a cow’s eye when ill. The “arabhalg” was lifted by putting a needle and thread through it from behind, and pulling out. The lump was then cut off. |
abidil | Quot.: “Tha thu leis an abidil.” Note: said to people who wouldn’t stand still. (“Abidil” said by D.M. to be cholic. With this illness a cow would be restless and try to climb up the wall with its front legs.) |
easlainte-cham | Note: malady in cattle involving a twist in the neck. Blood let for this. |
tinneas-cam | Note: in sheep. Akin to the “tuathallan” but did not lose sense of direction. Animal a little twisted. |
stòl-smiùraidh | Note: a bench on which sheep were put for smearing. Some had wooden slats so that the sheep’s legs could be lowered through them, thus rendering it powerless to struggle. The sides were wider apart at one end, rather like the shape of a wheel-barrow. |
sead | [ʃɛḏ] Quot.: a’ seadadh a’ chloimh. Note: shedding the wool of a sheep for smearing with tar. |
ar-chloimh | Note: new growth of wool on sheep. |
geugan | [ɡʹe:ɡɑṉ] Note: earmark. Same as “meurlan”. |
oillteil | [ɤılʹtʹɑl] Quot.: Tha e oillteil mór, etc. Note: used frequently by Bernera people instead of “cianail”, “uamhasach” before another adjective. |
sainnseag | Note: a very sore blow. (Shawbost) |
stèidhear | [ʃtʹɛ:əɾ] Note: a stroke of the hand, a belt, etc. on a person. Also giving the cow a “stèidhear” with a stick or wand. |
slàdhair | [slɑ:əɾ] Note: a slap. |
clìostair | Quot.: Chuir mi clìostair math air. Thug mi clìostair dha dheth. Note: a covering, e.g. of whiting put on fireplaces; a film. |
gathan | [ɡɑhɑṉ] Note: when the spinning-wheel was used to fill “iteachanan” for weaving this was the spindle on which the “iteachan” was put. |
càthan | [kɑ:hɑṉ] Quot.: càthan snàth. Note: the hank of warp taken off the warping frame. |
bacan | Note: peg in a warping frame. |
lòineag | Note: fluff collecting under the loom. |
sgiomalair | [sɡʹw̃məlɑð] Quot.: Bhiodh ceithir sgiomalairean anns a’ bheart. Note: the four arms activated by the tappets at one end and attached to the bottom of the heddles, pulling them down. |
sgillig | [sɡʹılʹiɡʹ] Quot.: na sgilligean. Note: (in a loom) small steel [?] wheels with a built-in axle, placed between the tappet and set on top of the “sgiomalair” [q.v.] to reduce friction. |
crotag | Note: saddle-quern. |
seabhcair | [ʃ[ɑu̟]kəð] Note: duine caol fada. |
siogaire | [ʃıɡəðə] Note: a person who looks in poor shape physically. |
siapadh | [ʃiɑpəɣ] Quot.: a’ siapadh. Note: a’ toirt ùine mhór a’ deanamh rud sam bith. |
somalt | [somaɫṯ] [?] Quot.: duine somalt. Note: duine slaodach leisg nach dean móran gluasad. |
sìthean-a’ phuinnsean | Note: dandelion. |
breunan-brothach | Note: also for dandelion. |
seileastair | Note: wild iris. |
lus-Cu-Chulain | Note: queen-of-the-meadow. |
ranach | [rɑṉɑx] Note: bracken. |
cart-làir | Note: common tormentil. Used in dyeing. |
sealbhag-chluasag | Note: type of sorrel. |
buntàta-góbhlach | Note: type of potato full of “eyes”. |
seana-bhuntàta | [ʃw̃ṉəvw̃ṉɑt̪] Note: applied to the “Champions”. |
gìogan | [ɡʹı:ɡɑṉ] Note: thistle. (“Dìogan” in Barvas.) |
annsporag | [ɑ̃ũ̟spɔɾɑɡ] Note: tongue and attachments of a cow, usually given to the person killing the beast. |
brailean | [bɾɑlɑṉ] Note: stomach of a sheep with flaps on it. |
dòrn-fhuar | Quot.: a’ toirt a mach an dòrn-fhuar. Note: trial of strength involving the twisting off with the bare hands of the lower part of the cow’s leg at the knee. |
piorstaich | [pȷw:ʴsṯiç] Quot.: piorstaich an teine. Note: stocking the fire to make it burn again. Reviving. [NOTES: the turned r used for the symbol which is unclear in the original.] |
sgeadaich | [sɡʹɛd̪iç] Quot.: a’ sgeadachadh na siofaig. Note: trimming a lamp. |
di-thallaidh | [dʹiˈhɑɫi] Note: iron rod used for making holes in wood, etc. when heated red-hot. |
bìdearran | [bi:dʹərɑṉ] Note: gamhainn a bhiodh ag ith an fhionnaidh aig beathach eile. |
uir-cheann | [ˈu̟ðçɑ̃n̪] Note: the wooden hinge on a chest, the hinges being part of the chest itself. |
crann-tarag | Note: wooden peg or pin used in fixing together two pieces of wood. (Emphasis on “crann”.) |
meanagadanach | [mɛ̃ṉɑɡɑd̪ɑ̃nɔx] Quot.: caora mheanagadanach [vɛ̃ṉɑɡɑd̪ɑṉɔx]. Note: a sheep with wool of a mixture of shades. |
sgiabach | [sɡʹiɑbɔx] Quot.: caora sgiabach. Note: a sheep with wide horns. |
stùbhach | Quot.: caora stùbhach. Note: caora goirid as an earball. |
blàr | Quot.: caora bhlàr. Note: a sheep with a white patch on its forehead. |
geal | Quot.: caora gheal. Note: a white-faced sheep. |
topach | [t̪ɔpɔx] [?] Quot.: caora thopach. Note: a sheep with a tuft of wool growing on its forehead. |
biorach | Quot.: caora bhiorach. Note: a sheep with pointed horns sticking up straight. |
brògach | Quot.: caora bhrògach. Note: a dark-faced sheep. |
comhaltach | [ˈkõɑɫt̪ɑx] Note: a child reared on the milk of a woman other than his mother. (Foster brother or sister.) |
guit | [ɡuitʹ] Note: used to hold the “peàrdan” of wool. Like a “criathar”. Holes? |
mùdag | [mũ̟:d̪ɑɡ] Note: basket for holding wool ready for carding. Says it was tub-shaped. |
maide-eàrraidh | [mɑ̃dʹəȷɑ:ri] Note: a stick with prongs sticking out at either end for keeping tweed stretched from side to side while in the loom. |
lìpidh | [lʹı:pi] Note: a measure used in measuring quantity of grain. (Dw.: lìpinn – quarter peck, “lippy”.) |
riaba-steallag | [riɑbəʃtʹɑɫɑɡ] Note: a swing. |
tùtlachan | [t̪u̟:t̪ɫɑxɑṉ] Note: blind man’s buff. |
dùdal-dallag | [d̪u̟:d̪əɫd̪ɑɫɑɡ] Note: blind man’s buff. |
cèinean | [cɛ̃:ṉɑṉ] Note: a game of blind man’s buff played in the open over a wide area. One person stayed in a “buaileag” while the rest went to hide. The first of those hiding to get to the “buaileag” would shout “cèinean!” |
lungag | Note: a sling. |
gunna-stillidh | Note: a home-made water-pistol made from the stem of the “stealladair”, a plant like “cuilc”. |
miolan-crion | [mȷɤ̃ɫəṉkɾĩɤ̃ṉ] Note: eczema. |
ruadh-ghlas | Note: erysipelas. |
bratag | Note: applied to greenish brown hairy caterpillar found on the moor. |
ealla | Note: leech. |
riofanaich | [rwfɑṉiç] Note: ragnails (skin breaking behind the nails). |
riofag | Note: barb on a hook. |
frioghan | [fðwɣɑṉ] Note: pig’s bristle fixed on the end of “sreangan” when sewing shoes. |
feòrlagan | [fȷɔ:ləɡɑṉ] Note: shrew. |
gritheach | [ˈɡðıɔx] Note: a hind. (Sometimes griochaire [ɡðıɔxəðə].) |
griochaire | [ɡðıɔxəðə] Quot.: griochaire de dhuine. Note: duine beag feum. |
pàileid | [pɑ:lɑdʹ] Quot.: “pàileid nighinn”, “pàileid balaich”. “’S ann ort a tha a’ phàileid.” Note: said of a bold, forward person. |
nasg | Quot.: “Chaneil càil ann ach a’ nasg.” Note: bare bones, skeleton of anything, e.g. a piece of machinery. |
turaisg | [t̪u̜riʃɡʹ] Note: (1) turaisg duine. (2) turaisg boirionnaich. Quot.: (1) duine mór reamhar. (2) òinseach de chreutair. (“Creutair” used often for a woman in Lewis: “Eisd, a’ chreutair”.) |
searrag | Note: a glass, e.g. used for whisky. |
sùrdag | [su̜:ʴḏɑɡ] Note: ceum mór sgiobalt. [NOTES: the turned r used for the symbol which is unclear in the original.] |
poighleag | [p[ɤı]lɑɡ] Note: a dolphin. |
pill-chriathraidh | [pɤılʹˈxðiɤði] Note: sheet put on the ground when using the “criathar”. |
ràfordach | [rɑ:fɔʴḏɑx] Note: full of exaggerated talk. [NOTES: the turned r used for the symbol which is unclear in the original.] |
rannan | [rɑ̃n̪ɑ̃ṉ] Quot.: “’S e rannan duine a th’ann.” Note: rannan – slime on a fish. Slimy kind of person. |
mobhsgaideach | [mɤu̜sɡɑdʹ] Quot.: “duine mobhsgaideach”. Note: duine coma-co-dhiùbh. Also: “’S e do mhobhsgaid a bu choireach ris!” “Tha mobhsgaid ann.” |
monaiseach | [mɔ̃ṉɑʃɑx] Quot.: duine monaiseach. Note: duine slaodach, coma-co-dhiùbh. |
rung | [rũ̜ŋɡ] Quot.: “Tha rung ann.” Note: as if “the last vestige of life” – “He’s still alive”. Also: “Thug mi a rung as” – the last ounce of good, of life. |
speirbhiseach | [spɤðɤviʃɔx] Quot.: duine speirbhiseach. Note: a dapper man (neat and tidy). |
abardach | [ɑbɑʴḏɑx] Quot.: duine abardach. Note: duine cabach, a tell-tale. [NOTES: the turned r used for the symbol which is unclear in the original.] |
arrachd | [ɑrɑxk] Quot.: arrachd de dhuine na de bheathach. Note: a small specimen. |
cunbhall | [kũ̜ṉəvɑɫ] Quot.: “duine gun chunbhall”. Note: duine nach eil a deanamh móran adhartas air rud sam bith a tha e a’ deanamh. |
luga | [ɫu̜ɡə] Note: lugworm. |
bangaid | Note: the celebration drink after the birth of a child. “An d’fhuair thu a’ bhangaid?” |
buamastair | Note: a big bungling man. |
farbhailteach | [fɑɾɑvɑlʹtʹɑx] Quot.: duine farbhailteach. Note: pleasant, hospitable person. |
suilbhear | [su̟lu̟vɑɾ] Quot.: “duine suilbhear”. Note: same meaning as “farbhailteach” [q.v.] – pleasant, hospitable person. |
miolair | [mĩɔ̃ɫəð] Quot.: “Chaidh thu feir a mhiolair.” Note: went off balance or went “off the handle”. (Perhaps mialair.) Miolair – a stick in the quern on which the upper stone rests. |
ulpag | [u̜ɫpɑɡ] Note: a big stone but a size which can be lifted with two hands. |
oileag | [ɔlɑɡ] Note: a medium size of stone which could be thrown with one hand. |
suilicheag | [su̟lıçɑɡ] Quot.: “suilicheag de chlach”. Note: a round stone, fairly large (Carloway) but could be thrown with one hand. |
tuilicheag | Quot.: “tuilicheag de chlach” (Shawbost). Note: a round stone, fairly large. Also: “tuilicheag de nighean” for one of round proportions. |
ceum-a-nog | [ceməˈnɔ̃ɡ] Note: making a small flat stone bounce along the surface of water. (Note: emphasis on last syllable.) |
spoth-an-tairbh | Note: picking a very flat stone and throwing it into the water so as not to cause a splash. |
òr-feall | Note: fool’s gold (found in the soil). |
greòd | [ɡðɔ:d̪] Quot.: talamh greòd. Note: reddish type of soil. |
gàilleach | [ɡɑ:lʹɑx] Quot.: gàilleach bròig. |
seimheadh | [ˈʃɛ̃əɣ] Quot.: “seimheadh na bròig”. Note: instep of a shoe. |
galla | Note: bitch in Carloway. “Saidh” not used. |
siug | [ʃu̟ɡ] Note: call to a calf. |
ciora | [ciɾə] Note: a pet sheep, even when old. |
giodar | [ɡʹwd̪ər] Note: soft churned-up mud. “Tha e air a dhol ’na ghiodar.” |
stàdhar | [st̪ɑ:əɾ] Note: beaten track made by sheep. |
fìogair | [fı:ɡɔɾ] Quot.: “Cuir a’ chlach a steach fìogair.” Note: a shade. |
aithneachadh | Quot.: “Cuir a steach dìreach aithneachadh i.” Note: a shade (same as fìogair [q.v.]). |
eubhais | [e:vɑʃ] Quot.: “Fhuair mi eubhais.” Note: a thing of value. |
cafan | Quot.: Tha cafan gaoith a steach air an dorus. Note: a strong current of air. |
arrasbacan | Quot.: Tha e na arrasbacan dhomh. Note: an obstacle. |
leitir | [lʹetʹəð] Quot.: leitir thana. Note: an area of flat rocks going out into the sea. |
cleit | Quot.: na cleiteachan. Note: applied to hillocks locally. |
geàrraidh | Quot.: “geàrraidh na h-àirigh”. Note: same as “tullach na h-àirigh” according to DM. |
eitig | Quot: “Chaidh an eitig ann.” Note: a malady or something from which one wouldn’t recover. |
gaoth-thalamh | Note: same as “talamh-toll”. Broken ground, usually on a hillside. |
drabhcair | [d̪ɾɑu̟kəɾ] Quot.: “Eil thu faighinn cail?” “Tha, drabhcair.” Note: usually when rock-fishing. “A little, a few.” |
fianntachd | [fĩɤ̃n̪t̪ɑxk] Quot.: “a’ fianntachd air bó, etc.” Note: used when a person has his eye on something he likes very much. Not as strong as coveting. “Sùil a bhi aig duine ann a’ rud.” |
blastraich | Note: smacking one’s lips as when tasting something to sample it. |
sneagadaich | [ʃnʹɑ̃ɡəd̪iç] Quot.: fiaclan a’ sneagadaich. Note: teeth chattering. |
righeadh | [ˈrıəɣ] Quot.: “Ged a bhiodh tu air do righeadh.” “Gus do righeadh leis a’ chadal.” Note: “righeadh” – term used in some places for the stretching of a corpse on boards. |
tom-tàisean | [t̪ɔmt̪ɑ:ʃɑṉ] Quot.: Dé’n tom-tàisean a th’ort?” Note: day-dream, vacancy of expression. (Tom-taiseam in Barvas.) |
agladh | [ɑɡɫəɣ] Quot.: Bha mi air m’agladh bho’n a chula taobh. Note: harassed, hemmed in, as a person who is kept going so much from all sides that he can’t make a move. |
maslaich | Quot.: “Seall air a’ chù agad a’ maslachadh nan òthaisgean.” Note: worrying sheep. (Heard an Uig man say this.) |
aonagraich | Quot.: each ga aonagraich fhéin. Note: a horse wallowing on its back. |
idriseach | [idʹəɾıʃɑx] Note: fidgety. Also “idris”. “Seall an [ˈıdʹəɾiʃ] a th’ann!” |
suap | [su̜ɑp] Quot.: “suap de dhuine mór”. Note: a big ungainly man. |
siogair | [ʃıɡəð] Note: duine caol fada. |
gaoithseach | [ɡ[ɤı]ʃɑx] Quot.: “Fhalbh, a’ ghaoithsich!” Note: used more or less the same as “you bitch”. Can be used of a woman or a beast. |
gasan | [ɡɑsɑṉ] Note: cabar mór a thigeadh air tìr air a’ chladach. |
diùraidean | [dʹu̟:ɾıdʹəṉ] Quot.: “Maide a thàinig air tìr air a chladach agus e làn dhiùraidean.” Note: small, barnacle-like shells encrusted on wood floating on the sea for a time. |
inigil | Quot.: “Thug thu leat gu math inigil e.” Note: said if one were removing something from a place (e.g. rubbish) and removed it completely. (“Inigil” also means exact.) |
liut | [lʹu̟t̪] Quot.: “Gheibh do liutan e!” Note: taken to be synonymous with “làmhan” (hands). |
ball | Quot.: ball dha do chorp. Note: a limb. |
seamalach | [ʃɛ̃mɑɫɑx] Note: bó air breith o chionn ghoirid. |
dobailearachd | [ḏɔbəlɑðɑxk] Quot.: Dé an dobailearachd a th’ort a sin? Note: same as “eileabanachd” – mischief-making. (Callanish word.) |
smèileabanachd | [smɛ̃:ləbɑnɑxk] Quot.: “Tha iad a’ smèileabanachd air a chèile.” Note: interfering with each other, at cross purposes. |
rannaghal | [rɑ̃n̪ɑɣɑɫ] Note: prolonged wailing. |
creubhach | [kðe:vɑx] Quot.: duine creubhach. Note: a complaining, girning person. |
buille-thuig | [bu̟ləhiɡʹ] Note: slight injury to one’s toes when going barefoot. |
breacadh-an-teine | Note: skin becoming speckled on exposure to intense heat. |
butarrais | Quot.: butarrais (de rud). Note: rubbish. |
pronnasgair | [pɾɔ̃n̪ɑsɡəɾ] Quot.: Chaidh e ’na phronnasgair. Note: it broke into fragments. Used of glass, etc. breaking. Could also be used of crumbs. |
leóba | [lʹo:bə] Note: a squarish field, wider than “feannag” [q.v.]. |
broighlich | Note: applied to the struggles of a fish just caught or a beast trying to escape from a person. |
pràiseach | Note: cast iron. |
ball-sampail | [bɑu̜ɫsɑ̃ũ̟mpəl] Quot.: Bithidh tu na do bhall-sampail. Note: outstanding or marked out because of something one does which doesn’t meet with general approval. |
seimhig | [ˈʃɛ̃iɡʹ] Quot.: Bithidh seimhig ort! Note: said to a person who says he is going to do something or act in some unusual way which doesn’t meet with general approval. Also: “Rinn e seimhig dheth fhéin.” |
friasg | [fðiɑsɡ] Quot.: “Eil friasg agad?” Note: shellfish used for baiting hooks for rock-fishing or small lines. |
pronn-bhiathadh | [pɾɔ̃n̪ɔviɤhəɣ] Note: mashed bait thrown out to attract saithe when rock-fishing. |
fannadh | [fɑ̃n̪əɣ] Quot.: “Bha iad a’ fannadh.” Note: rowing very slowly when fly-fishing (ag iulla [q.v.]) from a boat. |
iulla | [ȷu̜ɫə] Quot.: “Bha sinn ag iulla an raoir.” Note: fly-fishing from a boat, the rod itself pointing downwards into the water, the tip being at the required depth. |
drulumach | [d̪ɾu̜ɫu̜mɑx] Note: for driamlach. (Shawbost) |
dragh | [d̪ɾɤɣ] Note: also used in Shawbost for line on a fishing rod. |
crannspogan | [kɾ[ɑ̃ũ̟]spɔɡəṉ] Quot.: “air do chrannspogan”. Note: on all fours. |
màgaire | [mɑ̃:ɡəðə] Note: person of slow, ambling, bear-like movement. |
ruadhan | [ru̜ɤɣɑṉ] Quot.: “Tha do bhiadh air a dhol na ruadhan air an teine.” |
drabhsaidh | [d̪ɾɑu̟si] Quot.: “Drabhsaidh an deireadh agad!” Note: i.e. Gheibh am màs agad teas a chuir ann. |
meigearlan | [mɛ̃ɡʹəɫɑṉ] Note: fear a bhiodh an cab aige as a h-uile rud. |
buicean | Note: a small bundle. |
moighlig | [m[ɔ̃ĩ]lʹiɡ] Note: moghligean (pl). Sleeves (possibly of old oilskin coats, etc.) put on by fishermen when pulling in the lines. |
ceàrnag | [cɑ:ʴṉɑɡ] Quot.: “ceàrnag de dhuine”. Note: a square-built, stocky man. [NOTES: the turned r used for the symbol which is unclear in the original.] |
teirmigil | [tʹɤðɤmĩɡʹəl] Note: male lamb with only one testicle. |
innis | [ĩṉiʃ] Quot.: “Dé’n innis a th’aig a’ chaora sin.” Note: referring to its regular grazing area on the moor. |
astar | [ɑst̪əɾ] Note: same as “innis” (above). |
sealghan | [ʃɑɫɑɣɑṉ] Quot.: Cha deach càil air mo shealghan an diugh. |
eadar-a-shian | Quot.: là eadar-a-shian. Note: a day of favourable weather in a spell of bad weather. |
eadar-a-bhì | [ɑd̪əɾɑvı:] Note: thinks it refers to standing in the doorway of a house, neither properly in nor out. |
deiceallach | [d̪ɛcəɫɑx] [sic d̪] Quot.: duine deiceallach. Note: a shy person, not forward in any way. Would be applied to a person visiting in a house and who [sic]. |
liathsgarach | Quot.: duine liathsgarach. Note: a far-sighted person (mentally). |
total | [t̪ɔt̪ɑɫ] Quot.: total eóin dhubha. Note: a flock of birds. |
dotal | [ḏɔṯɑl] [?] Quot.: dotal na pìob. Note: the burnt remains of tobacco in a pipe. |
plòitean | [pɫɔ:tʹɑṉ] Note: stringy peat, same as “calcas”, sometimes smoked by boys. |
liùghag | [lʹu̟:ɑɡ] Note: rag-doll. |
staing | [st̪[ɑ̃ĩ]ɡʹ] Quot.: “staingean a’ chléibh”. Note: the main ribs of the creel. (Also in Ness.) [NOTES: note added by Richard Cox – also of stones (as steps) protruding from wall of house.] |
broiceach | [bɾɔıcɑx] Quot.: duine broiceach. Note: a fat man with a large waistline. |
alam | Quot.: “Thug e leis e eadar alam is màdar.” Note: He made a clean sweep of it. Alam – alum in dyeing wool. Màdar – says it is “madder”, a red dye. |
màdar | Quot.: “O, cuir do mhàdar asd!” Note: said in the same way as “Fhalbh ’s tarraig!” when one is asked to do something by someone. “Go and blow!” |
curaisteach | [ku̟ɾɑʃtʹɑx] Quot.: Nach bu tu an curaisteach! Note: applied to a daring person. |
cìr | Quot.: “cìr a’ chruinn”. Note: the muzzle of the plough (for adjusting width and depth of a furrow). |
damh | Quot.: na daimh [d̪ɛ̃f]. Note: the main beams of the harrow. |
tarsunnan | Quot.: na tarsunnanan. Note: the cross-pieces of the harrow. |
spìc | Quot.: na “spìcean” [spı:cəṉ]. Note: the spikes in a harrow. |
lunn | Quot.: “Rinn thu lunn is latha.” Note: ri duine a bha a’ soirbheachadh gu math. Also used in Barvas thus: “Rinn e a lunn ’s a latha air” of eating more than enough of anything. |
loma-làn | Note: lipping full. |
seòin | [ʃõ:nʹ] Quot.: “a’ deanamh seòin air rud”. Note: eating more than enough of anything. |
fuireag | Quot.: Chuir e fuireag thuige. Note: fios chabhagach. |
dunalaich | Quot.: “cù a’ dunalaich”. Note: usually used of the howling of a dog (e.g. at the moon). |
bùireil | [bu̟:ðəl] Quot.: an tarbh a’ bùireil. Note: a bull bellowing. Barvas: “Tha bùirean aige.” – said of someone crying, usually a child. |
cóineal | [ko:nʹɑɫ] Note: moaning. |
stiap | [ʃtʹiɑp] Quot.: “De a’ stiap a tha crochaid fo do chòta?” Note: tassel hanging down or any such appendage. |
froighnich | [fɾ[ɤı]ṉiç] Note: sileadh a bhiodh a’ tighinn a nuas air balla. |
smod | [smɔ̃d̪] Quot.: “Chaidh e na smod.” Note: It broke into small fragments. |
smonochar | [smɔ̃ṉɔxəɾ] Note: a mass of small fragments. (Shawbost) |
slamair | [sɫɑməð] Note: used of an old boot. “Seann slamair de bhròg.” |
lithir | [ˈlʹıəð] Quot.: “Tha e air a dhol na lithir.” Note: e.g. said of ground that was harrowed till it had too plain a surface. (Also place in Carloway called Lithir – O.N. derivation.) [NOTES: note added by Richard Cox – p-n is [ˈLʹi-ið̥].] |
fideach | [fidʹɑx] Note: tidal flats. [NOTES: note added by Richard Cox – p-n in Knock [ˈfid̥ʹɔx], [əˈNʹid̥ʹɔx].] |
bréidean-lìmidh | [bɾe:dʹənlʹĩ:mi] Quot.: “Nach e balaich Chiribhig a th’air a dhol chon na bréidean-lìmidh.” Note: air a dhol air deireadh glé mhór. Retrogression. |
lìmeadh | Note: faileas a bhi a rud, mar sean aodach. (See bréidean-lìmidh.) |
blian | [blĩɑ̃ṉ] Quot.: air do bhlian. Note: face down. |
blianag | Quot.: blianag éisg. Note: the fish on the underside. |
tàbhoradh | Quot.: Thig a nuas as a sin ’s mi a’ faicinn do thabhoradh [sic]. Note: as if seeing what was going to happen to a person. (Tàbhanadh in Barvas.) |
cias | Quot.: ’S ann oirre tha ’n cias. Note: said of a fat woman. |
ciasach | [ciɑsɑx] Quot.: boirionnach ciasach. Note: boirionnach reamhar. |
briosgadh | [bðwsɡəɣ] Note: a sudden start, as when frightened. |
clisgeadh | Note: as above [i.e. briosgadh]. |
giomalaid | [ɡʹw̃məlɑdʹ] Note: gimlet. |
sèid (?) | [sɛ:ḏ] Note: knot in wood. |
seamadh | [ʃɛməɣ] Quot.: “Cha sheamadh e sin a thoirt dhuit.” Note: withhold, keep back from, e.g. giving one a punch. Wouldn’t think twice about it. Going straight ahead with something without a second thought. |
dramadh | [d̪ɾɑməɣ] Quot.: fiodh a’ dramadh leis an teas. Note: shrinking and cracking with heat. Also: aghaidh air dramadh leis an aois. (Properly dreamadh.) |
preasadh | Quot.: “Preasadh an cùl na h-amhach aige.” Note: skin having become furrowed. |
tòthadh | [t̪o:əɣ] Quot.: “Na bi a tòthadh sin riumsa idir!” Note: pointing something at a person, e.g. a stick. (Also: “a’ tomhadh [ˈt̪õəɣ] dhòrn” in Barvas – putting up one’s fists.) |
toll-dilidh | [t̪oɫdʹili] Note: opening at the end of the byre to allow water from the drain under the floor to pass out. |
eàrra | [eɑ:rə] Quot.: Tha eàrra mhór air an aodann aige. Note: a scar. Also applied to the grooves in a barrel where the top and bottom are inserted. (Eàrradh.) |
fùidsidh | [fu̜:ḏʃi] Quot.: “Cuiridh e a’ fùidsidh ort!” Note: He will beat you outright, e.g. in any kind of contest. |
hoighlidh | [h[ɤı]li] Quot.: “Chuir e hoighlidh.” Note: goal in shinty but used more recently by the local “bodaich” for a goal in football. |
sgothallaich | [ˈsɡɔhəɫiç] Note: a torrent of nonsensical talk. |
raibseach | [rɑbʃɑx] Quot.: Chaneil a’ sin ach raibseach de rud. Note: rubbish, useless thing. |
rùillich | [ru̜:lʹiç] Quot.: a’ rùilleach a measg rudan. Note: rummaging, looking for something. |
sgùilleach | [sɡu̟:lʹɑx] Quot.: sgùilleach a’ tighinn air tìr air an tràigh. Note: seaweed which drifts in and deposits on the beach. |
eàrrlais | [ȷɑ:ʴliʃ] Quot.: “Bhiodh clann-nighean a’ sgadain a’ faighinn eàrrlais mas tòisicheadh iad ag obair.” Note: an advance payment, say 10/-, before starting work on the herring. [NOTES: the turned r used for the symbol which is unclear in the original.] |
sgorraich | [sɡɔɾiç] Quot.: “Sgorraich e e fhéin.” Note: bracing oneself to be ready to tackle anything. Also: “Sgorraich e a bhonaid.” |
sguit | [sɡu̜itʹ] Note: applied to a person (male or female) always on the rounds visiting in houses. |
sgiuslach | [sɡʹu̟sɫɔx] Note: rubbish or bits and pieces. |
sgléib | Note: applied to a person who would go into a house, eat and leave immediately afterwards. (Also sgléibire.) |
stùcan | [st̪u̟:kɑṉ] Note: a rounded log of wood which comes ashore, but is not potentially of much use. |
gìreach | Quot.: falt gireach [sic]. Note: tousled hair or hair that sticks up and looks uncombed. Porcupine look. |
labaid | [ɫɑbɑdʹ] Quot.: labaid de rud. Note: rud luideach bog mar seann phoca fliuch. |
abaid | Quot.: seann abaid de rud. Note: said of any old broken down object. |
griosadh | [ɡðıɤsəɣ] Quot.: “Thàinig e a mach leis na griosaidhean sin.” Note: swears. |
bàirig | [bɑ:ðiɡʹ] Quot.: Cha do bhàirig e ort e! Note: He didn’t wish it to be yours (i.e. because he didn’t consider you deserving of it). |
bòdadh | [bɔ:d̪əɣ] Note: bidding. |
drabasd | Note: awkward. |
leth-a’lididh | [sic] [lʹɛəˈlʹıdʹi] Quot.: Na faigheadh tu leth-a’ lididh. Note: an inkling. |
treòla | [t̪ɾɔ:ɫə] Quot.: “Fhuair mi treòla.” Note: said usually of a painful fall. |
cinnicneadh | [cĩnʹıçṉəɣ] Quot.: “Bha mi ga chinnicneadh.” “Thug mi cinnicneadh math dha.” Note: giving a person a good shaking. |
tunaiceach | [t̪ũ̟ṉıcəx] Note: having a rolling gait when walking, going from side to side. Also: “Tha e a tunaicneadh [t̪ũ̟ṉıcṉəɣ] bho thaobh gu taobh.” |
crionalach | [kɾw̃ṉəɫəx] Note: applied to an old broken-down object, esp. a boat. “Crionalach de dh’eathar”. |
stadhrach | [st̪ɤ:ɾəx] Quot.: casan stadhrach. Note: malformed or mis-shapen legs. |
stiocach | [ʃtʹikəx] Quot.: duine stiocach. Note: having one leg shorter than the other, showing itself in walking. Also: “Tha stiocaich ann.” |
giorcach | [ɡʹwðkəx] Quot.: Tha e giorcach as na súilean [sic]. Note: having a squint eye or eyes. |
buillig | [ˈbu̜lıɡʹ] Note: a plant growing among oats, very like the oats. Has an ear rather like oats. Wild oats? (Also in Barvas.) |
triallabhaid | [t̪ɾıɑɫəvɑdʹ] Note: a mixture, conglomeration. |
drungan | [d̪ɾɤ̃ŋɡɑṉ] Quot.: “Eil thu busy? Chaneil, tha mi dìreach a’ drungan.” Note: working slowly, doing a little now and again. |
drèicis | [d̪ɾɛ:ciʃ] Note: dregs. |
leòcaid | Note: a fat, inactive woman. |
sìlich | [ʃi:liç] Note: a person who dodges work as much as possible. |
troidhtear | [t̪ɾɤıtʹəð] Note: an untrustworthy character. |
siobal | [ʃibəɫ] Quot.: “siobal fada de dhuine”. Note: a tall thin person. |
cliobhaistear | [klwvıʃtʹɑð] Note: as above [i.e. siobal], a tall thin person. |
cruimseach | [kɾw̃miʃɔx] Note: fear na boirionnach mór air tòiseachadh a fàs crom. |
sleamacair | [ˈʃlʹɛmɑkəð] Note: a slimy type of person. |
truthaire | [t̪ɾu̟həðə] Note: stronger than “trusdair”. A most undesirable type of person. |
giùdaire | [ɡʹu̟:d̪əðə] Note: a mean, miserly, undesirable type. |
glogaire | [ɡɫɔɡəðə] Note: a big, clumsy type. |
gràsda | [ɡɾɑ:sd̪ə] Quot.: “duine gràsda”. Note: very ugly, stronger than “grannda”. |
ocastair | [ˈɔkəst̪ɑð] Note: duine blobhdach air a bheil beagan a dhìth. |
oslaig | [ˈɔsɫiɡ] Note: duine mór trom. |
placaid | [ˈpɫɑkɑdʹ] Note: could be “placaid de chailleach” – a large fat woman. “As deidh phlacaidean” – after butterflies, probably referring to their large wings. Also applied to large snowflakes: “placaidean móra sneachd”. |
lanaig | [ɫɑṉiɡʹ] Quot.: “lanaig a’ chruidh”. Note: a path used by cattle in the township. |
fonagradh | [fɔ̃ṉɑɡɾəɣ] Quot.: “cù a’ fonagradh a measg nan caorach”. Note: a dog worrying sheep. |
tairbheard | [t̪ɤðɤfɔʴḏ] Quot.: “Bha mi air mo [hɤðɤfɔʴḏ].” Note: wearied, harassed. [NOTES: the turned r used for the symbol which is unclear in the original.] |
gurrach | Quot.: “Cearc ’na gurrach leis a’ ghuir.” Note: a huddled position. Could also be used of a person. |
turrucadh | [t̪u̜ru̜kəɣ] Quot.: “a’ turrucadh creathail”. Note: rocking a cradle. |
miarsam | [m[ĩɑ̃]ʴsəm] Quot.: “pìob mhiarsam”. Note: a pipe made of meerschaum (a creamy clay used especially for pipe bowls (Dict.)). Commonly used at one time. [NOTES: the turned r used for the symbol which is unclear in the original.] |
rògach | Quot.: “sùil ghrannda rògach”. Note: a malicious look. |
failleigear | [ˈfɑlɛɡʹəɾ] Quot.: feebly. |
sgarrach | Note: says it is the diaphragm. |
othar | [ˈɔhəɾ] Quot.: “Tha droch othar air.” Note: used of a boil or similar lump on man or beast. |
smiotadh | [smĩt̪əɣ] Quot.: an cat a’ smiotadh. Note: blowing through its nose. Can also be used of humans doing the same. |
loircean | [ˈɫɔðcɑṉ] Quot.: ’S e loircean beag odhar a th’ann. Note: I think the word “loircean” itself embodies “beag” and “odhar”. |
lethbheist | [ˈlʹɛviʃt] Quot.: “Bu tu a lethbheist!” Note: applied to a clumsy person, or a person who does something wrong because of carelessness. Like “leibid”. (Also lethbheisteach – adj.) |
fìleadh | Quot.: “’S ann air a tha a’ fìleadh.” Note: said of somebody full of go, working on something at a rapid rate. Same as “duine le collas air”. |
bràigh | Quot.: “am bràigh”. Note: the rope from the “cruaidh” to the “put” at the end of a small- or great-line. |
laghadh | [ˈɫɤəɣ] Quot.: “Bha laghadh ann.” Note: applied to a person whose posture was such that he seemed to be leaning over backwards slightly. |
gothadh | [ɡɔhəɣ] Quot.: “Bha gothadh ann.” Note: applied to a person whose posture was such that his head was forward of his body. |
mìr | Quot.: “’S e mìr a beul na béist a bh’ann.” Note: said when something was done just in time before the onset of bad weather. (Put also under beul and biast.) |
frucant | [fɾu̟kɑn̪t̪] Quot.: Tha e gu math frucant air rud a dheanamh. Note: applied to a person who does a job quickly and efficiently. |
iomach | [ĩɤ̃mɑx] Quot.: beathach iomach. Note: glas, odhar gun móran feum. Also used of a person who isn’t worth much. |
conachair | [kɔ̃ṉɑxəð] Quot.: “’Se conachair de dhuine a th’ann.” Note: term of disparagement. |
ceap-chinn | Quot.: “a’ buain cip-chinn”. Note: turf divots with earth in the top half, peat in the bottom half. Used for burning. |
tràill | Quot.: “A’ thràill!” Note: often applied to a misbehaving child. |
cluaisean (sing) | [kɫu̜ɤʃɑṉ] Quot.: “Cluaisean na spaid”. Note: the step of the spade. |
dul | Quot.: dul na spaid. ![]() |
dòrn | Quot.: dòrn na spaid. Note: the grip. ![]() |