Measgaichte / Miscellaneous

Hugh MacKenzie
Cape Breton
ramalaigQuotation: Nach ann a siud a bha an ramalaig. Notes: of a person who sings a song badly, not even knowing the words.
reiteachNotes: match-making.
pibhaideachNotes: a person who does everything wrong the hard way.
sgriogalNotes: decrepit, useless person.
sealladh-céinNotes: television.
starcanNotes: causeway.
tasmaltanQuotation: An d’fhuair gin agaibh tasmaltan air a’ mhathan? Notes: trail left in forest by a wild animal such as a bear.
treòlairQuotation: An d’fhuair thu an treòlair ud a tha air falbh? Notes: an epidemic, contagious sickness.
biadh ’s-aodachQuotation: A’ bhiadh ’s aodach ort! Notes: to a boy or girl particularly well dressed.
cagairQuotation: cagair-céin. Notes: telephone.
caibhearQuotation: Bha ’n caibhear air an duine an raoir. Notes: broken condition of a person.
comharra-céinNotes: telegraph.
dibhearsainQuotation: Tha a’ chlann ri spòrs agus dibhearsain. Notes: teasing or imitating a person.
geòbadhQuotation: Nach toir thu geòbadh air an dorus? Notes: an opening (door, window, etc.).
geocQuotation: Ma tha an t-easbuig cho dona sin ri leum nam feansan, carson a Dia, nach cuir thu geoc air? Notes: yoke – put round the necks of horses guilty of jumping fences, etc. (Above example from story told on tape.)
goileilNotes: a long sliver of wood near fireplace used for lighting fire or lamp.