Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
- Informant(s)
- Name
- H. Meek
- Location
- Tiree, Caolis
- Date
- 10/1970
- Notes
- [NOTES: in IPA transcriptions, the fieldworker uses [w] for [ɯ].]
ladhar | Quotation: ladhar an ùird. Notes: the claw of a hammer. |
latha | Quotation: latha nan car. Notes: April Fool’s Day. |
leaba | Quotation: brat leapadh. Notes: bedcover. |
leamhnagan | Notes: sty. |
leum-roid | [lʹe:mrɔdʹ] Notes: a running jump. |
liath | Quotation: Tha an t-aran a’ liathadh. Notes: The bread is turning mouldy. |
lubraich | [ɫu̜bɾiç] Quotation: a’ lubraich. Notes: splashing about in water. |
mala | Notes: forehead. |
mealtrag | [mjɑɫt̪ɾɑɡ] Notes: roots of grass growing in sand – used for scraping pots. |
meilicheartan | [meliçɑʴsṯəṉ] Notes: chilblains. [NOTES: the turned r used for the symbol which is unclear in the original.] |
rabaid | [rɑbɑdʹ] Notes: rubbish. |
rasg | Notes: eyelash. |
rideais | [ridʹɑʃ] Quotation: Tha na h-uain a’ [ridʹɑʃ]. Notes: gambolling. |
rìnne | [rĩ:nʹə] Notes: a line of reefs. |
roid | Quotation: Theid mi ann airson roid bheag. Notes: I’ll go there for a brief visit. |
rolag | Notes: strip of carded wool. |
rùdan | Notes: knuckle. |
air | Quotation: Tha a’ ghealach a dol air a h-ais. |
ais | Quotation: Tha a’ ghealach a dol air a h-ais. |
iall | Notes: waxed thread used to sew the shoe. |
nigh | Quotation: [ṉiç] mi m’ aodann. Notes: I washed my face. |
òban | Notes: raised patch of ground in a wet or marshy place. |
panaisgeag | [pɑ̃ṉiʃɡʹɑɡ] Notes: pancake. (Colonsay) |
piorsa | [pjwrsə] [sic] Notes: the iron band with the loop on it at the end of the swingle-tree. |
plubail | [pɫu̜bəl] Notes: plopping sound of water. |
pràiseach | Notes: cast iron. |
pronnasd | [pɾɔ̃n̪əsd̪] Notes: sulphur. |
purp | [pu̟ɾp] Quotation: Cha robh am purp sin innt. Notes: heard a Balemartin man use this for “gumption”. |
purraich | Quotation: Chaidh a h-uile rud a bh’ann purraich air tharraich. Notes: hurly burly. |
seall | Quotation: Chaidh mi ga shealltainn. Bha mi ga shealltainn an raoir. Notes: I went to see him. I visited him last night. |
seisreach | Notes: a pair of horses. |
sgudalaich | Notes: messing about in water. |
siolag | Notes: sand-eel. |
sleadhan | [ʃlʹɛɑṉ] Notes: wooden spurtle. |
slinntear | [ʃlʹĩ:nʹtʹɑɾ] Notes: stone lintel above door or window. |
smigead | [smĩɡʹəd̪] Notes: chin. |
sotal (sic) | [sɔt̪ɑɫ] Quotation: Rinn an cù sotal rium. Notes: adj. sotalach [sɔt̪ɑɫɑx]. Sodal. |
steall | Quotation: steall throm. Notes: a heavy shower. |
strap | Quotation: strap na cìche. Notes: bell of the cartwheel hub. |
struaic | [st̪ɾu̟ɤçc] Quotation: Thuit struaic dheth. Notes: a large portion. |
sùil-chrith | Notes: quagmire. |
teanga | Quotation: Tha e a’ falbh ’s a theanga air a ghualainn. Notes: indiscriminate repetition of what one has heard. |
tharraich | Quotation: Chaidh a h-uile rud a bh’ann purraich air tharraich. Notes: hurly burly. |
toman-madaidh | [t̪omɑ̃ṉmɑd̪iç] Notes: hump of grass growing in a place where a dog excretes. Other beasts won’t go near it. |
tosgaid | Notes: hogshead. |
tòthan | [t̪ɔ:hɑṉ] Notes: green circle of grass on the machair. |
bainne | Quotation: bainne gun ghaoth. Notes: made by plunging a red-hot poker into fresh milk and stirring it. Singed taste. Given to persons with stomach trouble. |
bàn | Quotation: Each air a’ bhàn ’s each as a chlais. Notes: when ploughing, one horse in furrow, the other on part still unturned. |
baraglair | Quotation: Tha e làn baraglair. Cha robh aige ach baraglair. Notes: empty talk. |
beustag-ghóbhlach | [be:st̪ɑɡɣo:ɫɑx] Notes: earwig. |
biadhaichean | [biɤiçəṉ] Notes: lugworm. |
bloigh-eodha | Notes: a fool of a man. Rev. N. MacDonald explained it as bloigh-sheadha, half-wit. |
braise | [bɾɑʃə] Quotation: Tha i braise. Notes: used of a young kitten playing. |
brat | Quotation: brat leapadh. Notes: bedcover. |
briosgaid | Notes: biscuit. |
brod | Quotation: brod poiteadh. Notes: Colonsay, Islay for pot-lid. |
burrach | [bu̜rɔx] Notes: caterpillar. |
biorach | [bɛɾɑx] Notes: dogfish. |
cailleach-cheòsach | Notes: slater (woodlouse). |
car | Quotation: Latha nan car. Notes: April Fool’s Day. |
carbhanach | Notes: scaly, reddish, rounded body. Bream? |
carrag | Notes: the lump at the end of a piece of tangle where it sticks to the rock. |
caslachan | [kɑsɫɑxɑṉ] Notes: foot-board of the spinning-wheel. |
ceann-crìcheadh | Quotation: Sin an ceann-crìcheadh aige. Notes: end, limit. |
cearc-thomain | Notes: partridge. |
ceist | Quotation: a’ cheist! Notes: a form of address. |
ceòban | Quotation: ceòban uisge. Notes: a fine drizzle. |
ciasgrach | Quotation: Tha na neòil ciasgrach. Notes: threatening. (L. MacLean, Glasgow (Tiree) – ciasgranach) |
cioch | [sic] Quotation: strap na cìche. Notes: bell of the cartwheel hub. |
cìr | Notes: flyer of spinning wheel. |
clach lìonain | Quotation: clach [lĩ:ṉɑnʹ]. Notes: grindstone. |
clàd | Notes: a scraper for scraping the floor etc. Long-handled with a broad, flat head. |
clàdan | Notes: snowflake. |
clais | Quotation: each air a’ bhàn ’s each as a’ chlais. Notes: when ploughing, one horse in the furrow, the other on uncultivated part. |
clòimhnteach | [kɫɔ̃:nʹtʹɔx] Quotation: Tha clòimhnteach a tighinn roimhe. Notes: fungus. |
cnap-glùine | Notes: kneecap. |
co-aois | [k[ɔ̃ĩ]ɑʃ] Notes: person of the same age. |
coileach-gòthan | [kɤlɑxɡɔ:ɑṉ] Notes: potato with feathers stuck in it – blown by the wind along the ground. |
coimhead | Quotation: Bha mi ga choimhead [xɛ̃əd̪] an raoir. |
colamadh | Notes: blending of different colours of wool. |
comaladh | Quotation: Mur e a bh’ann ’se [xɔ̃mɑɫəɣ] a bh’ann. Notes: his likeness. |
conachag | Notes: a “roaring buckie”. |
conan-mara | Notes: sea-urchin. |
cota-biorach | Notes: coat with a pointed tail on it. |
criathar-tomhais | Notes: a “criathar” without holes used as a measure for grain or meal. A bushel. |
crosgag | Notes: starfish. |
crùban | Notes: crab. |
cruinn-leum | Quotation: Bha an t-each na chruinn-leum. Notes: at the gallop. |
cuibheall-chrò | Notes: home-made toy. When the string is pulled the stick revolves and takes the string back in again.![]() |
cuibheall-chrò | [ku̜ıəɫxɾɔ:] Notes: daddy-long-legs (acc. to him). |
cupa | [ku̟pə] Notes: cup. |
deargan-tràghad | Notes: a small soft reddish fish found under stones inshore. In pools when the tide is out. Possibly a young ling (same characteristics). |
deigheannach | [dʹehən̪ɑx] Notes: ice. |
deiseag | [dʹeʃɑɡ] Notes: type of “portan”. |
dòrlinn | [d̪ɔ:ɾlʹĩnʹ] Notes: ridge formed by gravel, sand, e.g. between islands. Can walk over it at low tide. |
duilleag | Notes: petal of a flower. |
eachan | Notes: winder for making hanks of wool. |
earrann | Notes: portion. |
easan | [esɑṉ] Notes: oatmeal soaked in water. Water poured off, heated and milk added. For children. |
faoileann-mhór | Notes: black-backed gull. |
farmail | Notes: wooden vessel for holding water indoors. Two handles on it. |
fasgnag | Notes: roughly similar to “criathar” but very shallow and without holes in the skin. |
fearsd | [fɛʴsd̪] Notes: for “fearsaid”. [NOTES: the turned r used for the symbol which is unclear in the original.] |
fleat | [flɛt̪] Notes: saucer. |
fliasgan | [flıɑsɡɑ̃ṉ] Notes: mussel. |
friodhan | Notes: sow’s bristle. |
friofagan | Notes: ragnails. |
froighneadh | [fɾ[ɤi]nʹəɣ] Quotation: Bha froighneadh air. Notes: He was cross, crabbit. |
fuileaman | Notes: a spot of blood under the skin brought on by a nip. |
gaoth | Quotation: bainne gun ghaoth. Notes: made by plunging a red-hot poker into fresh milk and stirring it. Singed taste. Given to a person who had stomach trouble. |
gealach | Quotation: Tha a’ ghealach a’ dol air a h-ais. |
giodal | [ɡıd̪ɑɫ] Quotation: Tha e làn giodail. Notes: used of a dog showing pleasure. |
gìogan | Quotation: Far am bi gìogan bi guagan. Notes: parallel of “Thachair sruth ri steall”. |
gocan | Quotation: gocan cuthaig. |
gràitinn | Notes: a’ graitinn [sic] and a’ gradhainn fairly common in Tiree. |
greallathaich | [ɡɾɛɫɑhiç] Notes: rubbish. |
guagan | [ɡu̟ɤɡɑṉ] Quotation: Far am bi gìogan bi guagan. Notes: parallel of “Thachair sruth ri steall”. |
gualainn | Quotation: Tha e a’ falbh ’s a theanga air a’ ghualainn. Notes: indiscriminate repetition of what one has heard. |