1. Different stages in the growth of sheep (female) |
uan boirionn | female lamb until first shearing. |
uan firionn | male lamb until first shearing. |
othaisg | female after first shearing. |
bliadhanach | yearling. |
molt | castrated male. |
mult | castrated male (rare). |
ruta | ram. (Inverness) |
rèidh | ram. (Victoria) |
ruigeann | half-castrated. |
caora | sheep. |
caora sheasg | old, dry sheep. |
caora-uain | pregnant sheep. |
seot | rejected sheep ([pron.?] shoat). |
2. Different stages in the growth of sheep (male) |
[note] | (See (1)) |
3. Different stages in the growth of the castrated male |
[note] | (See (1)) |
4. Sheep’s appearance |
caora dhubh | black sheep. |
5. Miscellaneous |
[note] | (See (1)) |
6. Feeding and grazing |
biathadh | feeding. |
7. Handling of sheep |
fang | fank. |
comharradh | ear-marking. |
spoth | castration. |
stubadh | docking. |
8. Apparatus |
[note] | (same as cattle) [NOTES: see point 9 in the Crodh / Cattle questionnaire by the same informants.] |
9. Diseases |
meòil-chaorachan | sheep-lice. |
10. Parts of the body |
[note] | (same as cattle) [NOTES: see point 5 in the Crodh / Cattle questionnaire by the same informants.] |
craiceann | hide or pelt. |
11. Lambing |
glanadh | placenta. |
12. Miscellaneous |
ceideag | tuft of wool. |