Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
- Informant(s)
- Name
- D. J. MacKay
- Origin
- Caversta
- Location
- [Lewis], S. Lochs, Caversta
- Date
- October 1972
- Notes
- [NOTES: in IPA transcriptions, the fieldworker uses [w] for [ɯ].]
agair | [ɑɡəɾ] Quot.: “Dé ’n taobh a tha a’ ghaoth?” “Tha i deas agus agair aice ris an earra-dheas.” “Tha i tuath agus agair aice ris an iar-thuath.” Note: inclination. |
driamlach | [d̪ɾĩɑ̃məɫɑx] Note: line and hooks on a fishing rod. |
tuaiream | Quot.: “De na bhiodh sin?” “Bhiodh e ma thuaiream [hu̟ɤɾəm] sia notaichean.” |
inntrig | [ĩ:nʹtʹɾiɡʹ] Quot.: “Na thòisich sibh air a mhóine?” “Tha sinn dìreach air inntrigeadh innt.” Note: just started. Heard this used by just one man locally. |
cumlaig | [kũ̜məɫiɡʹ] Note: the prepared solution of water and detergent for washing tweed. ([ku̜ɫu̜miɡʹəɣ] in Barvas.) Also: “Cia mheud cumlaig a chuir sibh air?” “Chuir sinn aon/dà chumlaig air.” |
corca | Quot.: “corca dubh”. Note: a variety of oats, dark coloured. |
fiamhlach | [fĩɑ̃ɫɑx] Quot.: “a’ falbh na [fĩɑ̃ɫıçəṉ].” Note: broken moorland or other disagreeable places outwith the village. |
fargnaich | [fɑrɑɡʹṉiç] Quot.: “Tha am bàgh sin air fharaigneachadh aig na tràlairean.” Note: used of fishing grounds being cleaned out. |
collas | Quot.: “Bha mi far an robh an collas.” Note: hustle and bustle, e.g. at a wedding. Also: “Abair gu robh collas air a’ dol suas a’ rathad.” – in a hurry. |
callaisteach | [kɑɫɑʃtʹɑx] Quot.: “àite callaisteach”. Note: a place which is exposed to the elements. |
riadail | Quot.: “air aghaidh a’ riadail” [rıɤd̪əl] Note: exposed to the elements, open. |
cadha | [ˈkɑə] Note: pass through rocks. |
còmhthail | [kɔ̃:hɑl] Quot.: “A bheil comhthail [sic] agad?” Note: used of transport. |
leth | Quot.: “Leth ma leth eadar an dà àite.” Note: about halfway. |
palla | [pɑɫə] Quot.: “ann am palla creige”. Note: a grassy ledge on a cliff where sheep can be trapped. |
smeadhag | [ˈsmɛ̃ɑɡ] Note: rope round a cow’s neck. |
laghadh | [ˈɫɤəɣ] Quot.: “leth-bhotul agus e cruinn air an dàrna taobh agus laghadh ann air an taobh eile”. Note: also used of slight bend at the end of a boat plank where it fits on to the stem. |
ciorda | [cɤʴḏə] Note: a wooden bucket with iron hoops on it. Usually painted green when bought in shops. [NOTES: the turned r used for the symbol which is unclear in the original.] |
gòth | [ɡɔ:] Quot.: “gòth ghuts”. Note: vessel for holding herring guts while the “cutadh” went on. |
cridhe | Quot.: “a’ togail a chridhe”. Note: believed to be a cure for a certain illness. A piece of lead was melted in a pot and poured on the floor. If a heart-shaped piece appeared it was put in water and the water drunk as a cure. The water was bottled. The heart-shaped piece of lead was then thrown into the sea in a place which was always covered by water. If a heart-shaped piece of lead did not appear the first time, it was remelted until it was obtained. |
laoidh | Quot.: “Laoidh nan cóig rann.” Note: doesn’t know much about it except that it was recited when the cloth was put on the roll. The person reciting it would slap down his hand at the end of the recitation and say “agus mar sin, agus mar sin”. Supposed to ward off evil spirits from the cloth. |
maraich | [mɑ̃ɾıç] Note: a plant growing near the shore with a bright red flower on it. Small broad, very smooth leaves. Covered by spring tides. Used for making a poultice for itch on the soles of the feet. Used for several things. |
staon | [st̪w̃:ṉ] Note: a small tree-like plant growing close to the ground and spreading out over it. If one was looking for a lost beast and found one of these with five branches on it, it was believed one would come across the beast. |
cuir | Quot.: “siol a’ cur thuige”. Note: seed beginning to sprout. |
gléidhteach | Quot.: “duine gléidhteach”. Note: a cautious, thrifty person. |
coingheall | [kɔ̃ṉɔɡəɫ] Note: understood as being a good turn done to one in need. Duine coingheallach [kɔṉɔɡəɫɑx]: duine a bhiodh a’ freasgairt air feum (relieving need). |
freasgair | Quot.: “Fhreasgair e orm nam fheum.” Note: relieving one in need. (Doesn’t appear in Dw. like this.) |
botag | [bɔṯɑɡ] Note: Gael. version of boat-hook. |
bràigh | Quot.: “a’ dol bràigh air caoraich, air féidh”. Note: going round them in order to avoid them. Also: “a’ gabhail bràigh”, “gabh bràigh”. |
cruidhlig | [kɾɤiliɡʹ] Quot.: “cruidhligean fraoich”. “Bha e na chruidhligean.” Note: tangled bunch, as heather not growing up straight. |
fannadh | [fɑ̃n̪ɑɣ] Note: rowing a boat so that it just moves and no more, e.g. when fishing for cod inshore. Also when going against a strong wind. “Cha robh iad càil ach ’ga fannadh.” |
sniomh | Quot.: “sniomh na mara”. Note: movement of the sea, currents etc. |
ulpag | [u̜ɫpɑɡ] Note: large lump of stone. |
ceard | [sic] Quot.: “na ceàrdaidhean”. Note: his plural for tinkers. (Barvas – ceardan.) |
amaladh | Note: planed groove in wood. “Locair amalaidh” – grooving plane. |
stéineadh | [ʃtʹe:nʹəɣ] Quot.: “Chaidh a stéineadh na do chlaigionn.” “A’ stéineadh rud ann an claigionn duine.” Note: explain painstakingly. (Perhaps “stéinneadh” better spelling.) |
diosbann | [dʹwsbə̃n̪] Quot.: deasbann. His pronunciation. |
siolpadh | [ʃu̜ɫp] Quot.: “Shiolp e a steach gun fhiosd dhomh.” Note: a quick darting movement. |
trùilleach | [t̪ɾu̟:lʹɑx] Quot.: “Nach bu sibh na trùillich.” Note: applied to a person engaged in dirty work, e.g. working on a messy job as in a drain, etc. |
giùdair | [ɡʹu̟:d̪əð] Note: a person who, due to inexperience, makes a mess of what he is doing, e.g. when killing a sheep, gutting fish, skinning a rabbit, etc. |
giùdaireachd | [ɡʹu̟:d̪əðɑxk] Quot.: “De a’ ghiùdaireachd a th’ort an sin?” “A’ giùdaireachd air robaid.” Note: as above [i.e. giùdair]. |
gàdruisg | [ɡɑ:d̪ɾwʃɡʹ] Quot.: “Tha mi a’ cluinntinn gàdruisg na cloinne timchioll air a bhonfire.” Note: noisy clamour. |
cliarachd | Quot.: “a’ cliarachd na móintich”. Note: wandering about, esp. when looking for something. Also: “a’ cliarachd thall ’s a bhos”. |
raspars | [rɑspɑʴs] Quot.: “Tha e làn raspars.” Note: conceit, haughtiness. [NOTES: the turned r used for the symbol which is unclear in the original.] |
aogaisg | [w:ɡıʃɡʹ] Quot.: “Mach a seo le d’ aogaisg shalach.” Note: countenance, “dial”. |
conail | [kɔ̃ṉɑl] Quot.: “’S e duine conail a th’ann.” Note: applied to a very greedy, grasping person. |
sgeamhnair | [sɡʹɛ̃ũ̟ṉɑð] Quot.: “sgeamhnair de nighean”. Note: exceptionally “aotram” [?], flighty girl. |