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There were 4 hits for gruidheam

an gruidheam
croudy [sic].
Origin: Bràigh-Lochabar [Brae Lochaber]
Category: Àiteach / Agriculture
an gruidheam
the croudy.
Origin: Lochaber
Category: Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
a meal something like black pudding. When cattle had come down from shieling there was a custom of extracting blood since the cattle were healthy enough after their summer pasturage on the shieling land. This blood was boiled and then salted in a container and set aside as an ‘aindeal geamhraidh’. When it was needed it was put in a pot with fat and onions. Eaten with bread like a black pudding.
Location: South Uist, Garrynamonie
Category: Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
Origin: Lochaber
Category: Measgaichte / Miscellaneous

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